2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

I'm gonna be out of the house for awhile, but for anyone else on FB who wants to join the secret group (secret meaning, if you aren't telling friends and family then you have nothing to worry about, people can't see the group at all so no notifications will not show up in a friends feed.) then send me a friend request https://www.facebook.com/Krissykat1006?hc_location=stream I will accept them when I get home.
Good morning ladies! Well surprise! Temp jumped back up (af should be due today, I have short lut phases) and I finally got a symptom. Barley there tender breast! I'm now scared though cause.... I don't want to be disappointed :/

oooohhhh!!!! Hopefully this is a good thing for you! I know what you mean, we build ourselves with excitement and then come crashing down when we see bfn or af shows. I hope she stays away for you hun! Test?! Fx'd!!!!!

Oh gosh no! No way I can bring myself to do that lol. I have a gut feeling this is all hype and AF will show anyways. I don't want to feel silly :dohh:

I feel the same way. :nope:

I keep telling myself the same thing, but I still want to test! It just happens to be a cycle with terrible pms, that's making me think something else is brewing...it's driving me nuts! It's weird cuz I have ten fold of some of the normal stuff, but I'm also missing some of my normal pms symptoms. These bodies are tricky things, I'm attributing most of the feelings to ibs this month!
I'm gonna be out of the house for awhile, but for anyone else on FB who wants to join the secret group (secret meaning, if you aren't telling friends and family then you have nothing to worry about, people can't see the group at all so no notifications will not show up in a friends feed.) then send me a friend request https://www.facebook.com/Krissykat1006?hc_location=stream I will accept them when I get home.

Sent a message to you! :) Be sure to check your "other" folder lol
Thank you LouLou <3 I have been to multiple Ob's since i had my son almost 5 years ago .. I mean i have only been to them for normal stuff (yearlys and whatnot) and i had a bartholin glad removed last fall because i was continuously getting cysts. But he said it wouldn't make a difference with trying to conceive. Other than that they said everything looked good. I'm 25 and my other half just turned 30 .. We have an extremely active sex life so thats not a problem .. Not sure what is could be wrong .. I did talk to my OB recently about not getting pregnant in so long and they said when AF shows to call and they can check my levels but my insurance just dropped a couple days ago and I haven't gotten new insurance yet so i can't so anything like that right now til i get insurance again. So until then i'm just gonna do a whole lot of baby dancing and hope that my wish comes true for another lil one <3 I am really interested in the progesterone supplements so im gonna try that when i find out what its actually called :)

Totally understandable hun! Hopefully you won't need to get answers and you'll just get surprised with a bfp!
I'm gonna be out of the house for awhile, but for anyone else on FB who wants to join the secret group (secret meaning, if you aren't telling friends and family then you have nothing to worry about, people can't see the group at all so no notifications will not show up in a friends feed.) then send me a friend request https://www.facebook.com/Krissykat1006?hc_location=stream I will accept them when I get home.

I added you on there :) First name is Rosemarie <3
I'm gonna be out of the house for awhile, but for anyone else on FB who wants to join the secret group (secret meaning, if you aren't telling friends and family then you have nothing to worry about, people can't see the group at all so no notifications will not show up in a friends feed.) then send me a friend request https://www.facebook.com/Krissykat1006?hc_location=stream I will accept them when I get home.

I'll send you a request :)
Hi ladies,

I had cramps this morning, no idea if they could be implantation cramps, but I am hopeful. Since I am not expecting my period until to 29th it's too early for that....

I guess I will just have to wait and see. I plan to hold out until Halloween day to test, so I am definitely late (I get irregular periods, it messes with my head sometimes)

Hi Miaw! Welcome to the terrible tww! That would be a nice treat for Halloween! GL and Fx'd crossed for your first ttc cycle!
My cramps are really bad today, I have a feeling AF may show her face early :( still not due for another 7 days

I too started to feel bad from today. Nothing as of yesterday. My :witch: is on her way to make an appearance soon :gun:. I am due on Sunday/Monday.

Welcome fairyy :) I am due for af sometime between Saturday/Sunday. she really is a :witch: !!!! I'm hoping she's a no show, but pretty sure she's on her way :growlmad:
My cramps are really bad today, I have a feeling AF may show her face early :( still not due for another 7 days

I too started to feel bad from today. Nothing as of yesterday. My :witch: is on her way to make an appearance soon :gun:. I am due on Sunday/Monday.

Welcome fairyy :) I am due for af sometime between Saturday/Sunday. she really is a :witch: !!!! I'm hoping she's a no show, but pretty sure she's on her way :growlmad:

I hope AF doesn't show for you either :)
Pickle- I know little about charts, but I think the opk's will help you decide which one is more accurate :) Our bodies are a big pain in the arse! Lol

Bee- That is super cute and sweet of your dh! None of us is judging you for testing early, we have quite a few self-admitted poas addicts here :haha: Fx'd!!!

Kk- When is your apt for bloods? Can't wait for more good news from you!

allison- I really want to see your pee stick! lol...that sounds so strange! I'm sooo excited for you!

Dream- No symptoms can be a good thing! Time will tell, or you could start poas ;) I don't know much about charts but, it looks like it could be an implantation dip on 5dpo, and you've had a nice, steady rise since :) Fx'd!!

Aidens- When is your dr's apt? Can't wait for your answers!!!!

Thanks Hun. I hope so too. I am a poas addict lol. Started since 6 dpo lol. How r u? Have u tested today? How many dpo r u?

I'm officially at least 10dpo. I did a frer last night after work and it was deffo neg. I am going to wait until later tonight or tomorrow to test again, but basically just going to plan on af showing up this weekend...next month:)
You better post some pics if you start getting lines, I'm going through withdrawal over here! :haha:

I will post a pic Hun but only if there is something to squint at lol. I have not cracked open my frer until my cheapies give me a reason to lol. 9 dpo today. No symptoms as far as am concerned cos i think my mind is playing tricks on me lol
Man, atleast you ladies know when to expect the :witch:!

I have no clue, she could come tomorrow or 3 weeks from now. D: It kind of stinks not knowing when to expect her. :( A couple apps are trying to say I'm due for her anytime between the 21st to the 24th. (because, of course, they make you put in a cycle time, but they don't take into account peeps like me who have no clue how long their cycles are.) WE'LL SEE O:
Welcome to our latest recruits Miaw and Fairy. Feel free to share ur symptoms and if u r a poas addict share pics and chart. Lol:happydance::happydance:
Pickle- I know little about charts, but I think the opk's will help you decide which one is more accurate :) Our bodies are a big pain in the arse! Lol

Bee- That is super cute and sweet of your dh! None of us is judging you for testing early, we have quite a few self-admitted poas addicts here :haha: Fx'd!!!

Kk- When is your apt for bloods? Can't wait for more good news from you!

allison- I really want to see your pee stick! lol...that sounds so strange! I'm sooo excited for you!

Dream- No symptoms can be a good thing! Time will tell, or you could start poas ;) I don't know much about charts but, it looks like it could be an implantation dip on 5dpo, and you've had a nice, steady rise since :) Fx'd!!

Aidens- When is your dr's apt? Can't wait for your answers!!!!

Thanks Hun. I hope so too. I am a poas addict lol. Started since 6 dpo lol. How r u? Have u tested today? How many dpo r u?

I'm officially at least 10dpo. I did a frer last night after work and it was deffo neg. I am going to wait until later tonight or tomorrow to test again, but basically just going to plan on af showing up this weekend...next month:)
You better post some pics if you start getting lines, I'm going through withdrawal over here! :haha:

I will post a pic Hun but only if there is something to squint at lol. I have not cracked open my frer until my cheapies give me a reason to lol. 9 dpo today. No symptoms as far as am concerned cos i think my mind is playing tricks on me lol

I only did the frer to prove to myself that I could stop testing lol. It didn't work, I still want to test tho I know they'll be :bfn:. I'm sick, I know :wacko: !!!! I just keep holding on to the hope that the next time there will be 2 lines, but I think the only 2nd line I'm going to get this month is an evap :growlmad::nope: I hate the disappointment of a bfn, but just can't help myself I guess! I keep thinking back to my other pregnancies and it's like I'd wake up one day and know I was preggo, realize af was late, run to the store and get a test, and BAM 2 very solid pink lines. Now I'm so consumed with trying, and before I was like when it happens, it happens. Which it happening didn't take long at all lol. Now a month feels like an eternity. Apparently I've become very impatient in the past 6 yrs lol

I really hope you get better results than I have! I have everything crossed! :haha:
Pickle- I know little about charts, but I think the opk's will help you decide which one is more accurate :) Our bodies are a big pain in the arse! Lol

Bee- That is super cute and sweet of your dh! None of us is judging you for testing early, we have quite a few self-admitted poas addicts here :haha: Fx'd!!!

Kk- When is your apt for bloods? Can't wait for more good news from you!

allison- I really want to see your pee stick! lol...that sounds so strange! I'm sooo excited for you!

Dream- No symptoms can be a good thing! Time will tell, or you could start poas ;) I don't know much about charts but, it looks like it could be an implantation dip on 5dpo, and you've had a nice, steady rise since :) Fx'd!!

Aidens- When is your dr's apt? Can't wait for your answers!!!!

Thanks Hun. I hope so too. I am a poas addict lol. Started since 6 dpo lol. How r u? Have u tested today? How many dpo r u?

I'm officially at least 10dpo. I did a frer last night after work and it was deffo neg. I am going to wait until later tonight or tomorrow to test again, but basically just going to plan on af showing up this weekend...next month:)
You better post some pics if you start getting lines, I'm going through withdrawal over here! :haha:

I will post a pic Hun but only if there is something to squint at lol. I have not cracked open my frer until my cheapies give me a reason to lol. 9 dpo today. No symptoms as far as am concerned cos i think my mind is playing tricks on me lol

I only did the frer to prove to myself that I could stop testing lol. It didn't work, I still want to test tho I know they'll be :bfn:. I'm sick, I know :wacko: !!!! I just keep holding on to the hope that the next time there will be 2 lines, but I think the only 2nd line I'm going to get this month is an evap :growlmad::nope: I hate the disappointment of a bfn, but just can't help myself I guess! I keep thinking back to my other pregnancies and it's like I'd wake up one day and know I was preggo, realize af was late, run to the store and get a test, and BAM 2 very solid pink lines. Now I'm so consumed with trying, and before I was like when it happens, it happens. Which it happening didn't take long at all lol. Now a month feels like an eternity. Apparently I've become very impatient in the past 6 yrs lol

I really hope you get better results than I have! I have everything crossed! :haha:

awwwww thanks Hun :hugs:. We are both still in cos the witch hasn't showed yet. So chin up and keep peeing on the damn stick lol
Pickle- I know little about charts, but I think the opk's will help you decide which one is more accurate :) Our bodies are a big pain in the arse! Lol

Bee- That is super cute and sweet of your dh! None of us is judging you for testing early, we have quite a few self-admitted poas addicts here :haha: Fx'd!!!

Kk- When is your apt for bloods? Can't wait for more good news from you!

allison- I really want to see your pee stick! lol...that sounds so strange! I'm sooo excited for you!

Dream- No symptoms can be a good thing! Time will tell, or you could start poas ;) I don't know much about charts but, it looks like it could be an implantation dip on 5dpo, and you've had a nice, steady rise since :) Fx'd!!

Aidens- When is your dr's apt? Can't wait for your answers!!!!

Thanks Hun. I hope so too. I am a poas addict lol. Started since 6 dpo lol. How r u? Have u tested today? How many dpo r u?

I'm officially at least 10dpo. I did a frer last night after work and it was deffo neg. I am going to wait until later tonight or tomorrow to test again, but basically just going to plan on af showing up this weekend...next month:)
You better post some pics if you start getting lines, I'm going through withdrawal over here! :haha:

I will post a pic Hun but only if there is something to squint at lol. I have not cracked open my frer until my cheapies give me a reason to lol. 9 dpo today. No symptoms as far as am concerned cos i think my mind is playing tricks on me lol

I only did the frer to prove to myself that I could stop testing lol. It didn't work, I still want to test tho I know they'll be :bfn:. I'm sick, I know :wacko: !!!! I just keep holding on to the hope that the next time there will be 2 lines, but I think the only 2nd line I'm going to get this month is an evap :growlmad::nope: I hate the disappointment of a bfn, but just can't help myself I guess! I keep thinking back to my other pregnancies and it's like I'd wake up one day and know I was preggo, realize af was late, run to the store and get a test, and BAM 2 very solid pink lines. Now I'm so consumed with trying, and before I was like when it happens, it happens. Which it happening didn't take long at all lol. Now a month feels like an eternity. Apparently I've become very impatient in the past 6 yrs lol

I really hope you get better results than I have! I have everything crossed! :haha:

I think its awesome that you hold on to hope...you do what you gotta do to keep that going :D today was the first day I haven't poas....you had asked about my blood test I am gonna set one up for next week cause Friday will be 4 weeks PG (I love how they start the count from the first day of last menstrual cycle...cause lets be real...the egg didn't pop out fertilized lol!!)
Pickle- I know little about charts, but I think the opk's will help you decide which one is more accurate :) Our bodies are a big pain in the arse! Lol

Bee- That is super cute and sweet of your dh! None of us is judging you for testing early, we have quite a few self-admitted poas addicts here :haha: Fx'd!!!

Kk- When is your apt for bloods? Can't wait for more good news from you!

allison- I really want to see your pee stick! lol...that sounds so strange! I'm sooo excited for you!

Dream- No symptoms can be a good thing! Time will tell, or you could start poas ;) I don't know much about charts but, it looks like it could be an implantation dip on 5dpo, and you've had a nice, steady rise since :) Fx'd!!

Aidens- When is your dr's apt? Can't wait for your answers!!!!

Thanks Hun. I hope so too. I am a poas addict lol. Started since 6 dpo lol. How r u? Have u tested today? How many dpo r u?

I'm officially at least 10dpo. I did a frer last night after work and it was deffo neg. I am going to wait until later tonight or tomorrow to test again, but basically just going to plan on af showing up this weekend...next month:)
You better post some pics if you start getting lines, I'm going through withdrawal over here! :haha:

I will post a pic Hun but only if there is something to squint at lol. I have not cracked open my frer until my cheapies give me a reason to lol. 9 dpo today. No symptoms as far as am concerned cos i think my mind is playing tricks on me lol

I only did the frer to prove to myself that I could stop testing lol. It didn't work, I still want to test tho I know they'll be :bfn:. I'm sick, I know :wacko: !!!! I just keep holding on to the hope that the next time there will be 2 lines, but I think the only 2nd line I'm going to get this month is an evap :growlmad::nope: I hate the disappointment of a bfn, but just can't help myself I guess! I keep thinking back to my other pregnancies and it's like I'd wake up one day and know I was preggo, realize af was late, run to the store and get a test, and BAM 2 very solid pink lines. Now I'm so consumed with trying, and before I was like when it happens, it happens. Which it happening didn't take long at all lol. Now a month feels like an eternity. Apparently I've become very impatient in the past 6 yrs lol

I really hope you get better results than I have! I have everything crossed! :haha:

awwwww thanks Hun :hugs:. We are both still in cos the witch hasn't showed yet. So chin up and keep peeing on the damn stick lol

That's right ladies, you ain't out yet!! :hugs:
Thank you so much for the advice Allison <3 I'll keep that in mind :) And DD thank you so much for the link .. I'm definitely going to buy some. I'm due for AF on friday .. I'm pretty certain I'm going to get it so starting next cycle i'll try the progesterone. I also take EPO and tried the Mucinex .. Haven't been doing either on very long .. Just this past cycle .. Maybe that will help! :) Thanks again so much ladies <3

Make sure to google how to use it. I'm pretty sure you start taking it after you ovulate, but google to make sure. :hugs:
Babychaser- did I read that you are out? I couldn't find the page again. :hugs: I'm sorry Hun. Keep the PMA! And like others said, do something for you today! And wine...have a glass or three. :winkwink:

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