2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

Pickle, I am so sorry! :hugs::hugs::hugs: I almost cried when I read this!!! :cry: I was really hoping this was your month, and everything sounded different and promising, but it obviously wasn't meant to be this month :hugs::hugs::hugs: Keep your chin up babe, I know it's going to be hard to do right now, but stressing will make it worse, and our bodies do crazier things when they are stressed, and you don't need that! Have a drink to wash away the last cycle, then another to celebrate the new one...do something for yourself...I am a dork, so I curl up with a good book and get lost in it...I'm sending you a ton of virtual :hugs: and well wishes :

Thanks Lou :hugs: think I will have the whole bottle. Feeling a bit better now, cramping like a bitch though. But what can I do? I can't change it. So I'm looking ahead and hoping this AF will piss out earlier than usual. (Haha I meant piss off but out works too!) thanks for your support (and everyone else's) it really does help. Can't wait to go through your TWW with you, and start my ovulation wait.. :beer:

I am so glad we are all here for support! I feel like I would've lost my effing mind by now if I didn't have you ladies! I know I haven't been ttc long, but it definitely feels like an eternity sometimes...then I get the reality bitch slap that this is only cycle #3 lol. I hope af is short for you, I always feel better when I can get back to bd'ing, especially when I don't have a ulterior motive for doing it :winkwink: I know our bd timing was good this o time, so we'll see what happens:) I'm going to try not to symptom spot (ya right :wacko:), and I'd be lying if I said I won't start testing early lol... maybe 1dpo, soooo long to wait! :dohh:
Good Morning Ladies and Happy HumpDay :p So i am about 5 DPO (thats if i didn't O early .. I think i might have) But AF is due around the 15th or 16th .. So far not a whole lot of symptoms (trying not to SS this month .. but that doesn't always work out as planned.. Lol) The only thing i had was last night i had pretty bad cramps .. kind of like AF cramps but much more pinchy like .. not sure if this means anything or if any of you other ladies got that .. i don't really recall feeling ones like that before .. it made me feel miserable honestly .. but today they are gone and I'm feeling much better :) I hope all you ladies are doing good and i see some of you are currently in your tww as well .. please share anything you might be experiencing thus far! Hoping and praying lots of BFP's this month .. Lots and Lots of :hugs: and :dust: to all! <3

I think it's close to impossible for us not to ss :haha: I'm going to try not to tho! I've never had the pinching feeling, more like twinges I would say, but they were quick and not super uncomfortable, just strange...I'm glad you're felling better on this fine hump day:) but I hope the pinching was a good sign, especially since it seems unusual for you! :) We need to roll in some bfp's this month!!! GL to you and feel free to share symptoms :winkwink: I love hearing them, I just drive myself nuts with them :wacko: Lots of baby dust to everyone! :dust: :dust: :dust:
I'm confused as ever today - only on cd10 and I started spotting today. AF just ended on Sunday. Wonder if it's possible this is just from bd'ing on Sunday night? I'm not sure what's going on :wacko:

Pretty sure the spotting was just from bd'ing so close to AF being done. Or could be O pains as I'm starting to have a bit of cramping so O might be happening in the next few days.
Good Morning Ladies and Happy HumpDay :p So i am about 5 DPO (thats if i didn't O early .. I think i might have) But AF is due around the 15th or 16th .. So far not a whole lot of symptoms (trying not to SS this month .. but that doesn't always work out as planned.. Lol) The only thing i had was last night i had pretty bad cramps .. kind of like AF cramps but much more pinchy like .. not sure if this means anything or if any of you other ladies got that .. i don't really recall feeling ones like that before .. it made me feel miserable honestly .. but today they are gone and I'm feeling much better :) I hope all you ladies are doing good and i see some of you are currently in your tww as well .. please share anything you might be experiencing thus far! Hoping and praying lots of BFP's this month .. Lots and Lots of :hugs: and :dust: to all! <3

Yeah I tried to not SS, but I would feel something outta norm and be like Ooooh! Then have to scold myself :)

And Pickle I am doing well, just sitting here with my pom poms cheering you ladies on! :hugs:
My spotting has stopped so I'm thinking it was just from bd'ing so early? No more cramps, but a little bit of cm now. Maybe O will happen early this month.

I got my smiley face and DH is not around and i don't know when he is coming back. I think that i will O tomorrow afternoon. Guess this cycle is a BL**DY WASH :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:. Good luck to the rest of u.

I'm sorry Dream! That totally sucks! Your DH goes away for work? Does that happen often? I hope he comes home for you soon! :hugs:

I also got a positive opk this afternoon, I was so excited to see that blazing test line! We'll see what this evening brings with my OH, maybe I can sweet talk him into some :sex: Wish me luck!

:happydance::happydance: for positive opk, we might O the same day wooooohooooooo. Good luck hun. I am still up waiting for him and I have an early start tomorrow. No it doesn't happen often just this month. Oh well i m kinda sleepy now.

I hope you slept well :) I hope the hubby makes it home for you! It'd be awesome if we were on the same schedule! My guess is sometime tonight that I'll o, but idk for sure! I kinda hope it's not til tomorrow cuz I couldn't talk my oh into and bd'ing last night (he was too tired...blah, blah, blah!!!) and I told him to wake me when he got up for some morning bd'ing before work, and he didn't! He's like a damn old man anymore, sleeping by 9 pm every night and too tired for :sex: :growlmad: We're going to have a talk about this tonight, or I may just have a "headache" the next time he wants some lol (as long as that's not today or tomorrow, I'd have to say yes :) ). Ttc isn't easy with his full cooperation, this just makes it impossible! Grrrr...ok, I feel better, just needed to vent! Lol...onto :coffee: and having a good day :) Thanks for listening, have a great day! :flower::hugs:

well dh came back in the morning so i missed 2 key days. We did dtd that morning and as soon as we were done i started having wicked O pain. We only dtd that morning and in the evening and I didn't even bother testing again to check if i O. I have just given up on this cycle. Even my ff is wacky lol. It will take a miracle for me to get a BFP this cycle. How are you today?

I got my smiley face and DH is not around and i don't know when he is coming back. I think that i will O tomorrow afternoon. Guess this cycle is a BL**DY WASH :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:. Good luck to the rest of u.

I'm sorry Dream! That totally sucks! Your DH goes away for work? Does that happen often? I hope he comes home for you soon! :hugs:

I also got a positive opk this afternoon, I was so excited to see that blazing test line! We'll see what this evening brings with my OH, maybe I can sweet talk him into some :sex: Wish me luck!

:happydance::happydance: for positive opk, we might O the same day wooooohooooooo. Good luck hun. I am still up waiting for him and I have an early start tomorrow. No it doesn't happen often just this month. Oh well i m kinda sleepy now.

I hope you slept well :) I hope the hubby makes it home for you! It'd be awesome if we were on the same schedule! My guess is sometime tonight that I'll o, but idk for sure! I kinda hope it's not til tomorrow cuz I couldn't talk my oh into and bd'ing last night (he was too tired...blah, blah, blah!!!) and I told him to wake me when he got up for some morning bd'ing before work, and he didn't! He's like a damn old man anymore, sleeping by 9 pm every night and too tired for :sex: :growlmad: We're going to have a talk about this tonight, or I may just have a "headache" the next time he wants some lol (as long as that's not today or tomorrow, I'd have to say yes :) ). Ttc isn't easy with his full cooperation, this just makes it impossible! Grrrr...ok, I feel better, just needed to vent! Lol...onto :coffee: and having a good day :) Thanks for listening, have a great day! :flower::hugs:

well dh came back in the morning so i missed 2 key days. We did dtd that morning and as soon as we were done i started having wicked O pain. We only dtd that morning and in the evening and I didn't even bother testing again to check if i O. I have just given up on this cycle. Even my ff is wacky lol. It will take a miracle for me to get a BFP this cycle. How are you today?

Sperm can live up to like 5 days I think...so that one day before O could have been a winner winner chicken dinner ;)
Awww pickle :-( I almost cried when I read that. I was sooooo hopin for you!! :hugs:

Loulou- yes I am 2dpo I think and much less snarly.;-) I'm still waking for FF to tell me I've ovulated but must wait until tomorrow since I need 3 days of increased temps. We are cycle buddies this time! I think I'm due the 16th or 18th - when will you test!

My hubby always asks me when I initiate, "oh are you ovulating?" - so kills the mood. Like that's the only reason I want to do anything. Ugh. Men.
Just wanted to pop in with an update. Turns out my bfp was a chemical pregnancy, Af started full forth yesterday after spotting all day monday. I was pretty crushed, but being positive I hear plenty of people have luck with a sticky bean the month following. So I'm crossing my fingers for this time to stick

I got my smiley face and DH is not around and i don't know when he is coming back. I think that i will O tomorrow afternoon. Guess this cycle is a BL**DY WASH :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:. Good luck to the rest of u.

I'm sorry Dream! That totally sucks! Your DH goes away for work? Does that happen often? I hope he comes home for you soon! :hugs:

I also got a positive opk this afternoon, I was so excited to see that blazing test line! We'll see what this evening brings with my OH, maybe I can sweet talk him into some :sex: Wish me luck!

:happydance::happydance: for positive opk, we might O the same day wooooohooooooo. Good luck hun. I am still up waiting for him and I have an early start tomorrow. No it doesn't happen often just this month. Oh well i m kinda sleepy now.

I hope you slept well :) I hope the hubby makes it home for you! It'd be awesome if we were on the same schedule! My guess is sometime tonight that I'll o, but idk for sure! I kinda hope it's not til tomorrow cuz I couldn't talk my oh into and bd'ing last night (he was too tired...blah, blah, blah!!!) and I told him to wake me when he got up for some morning bd'ing before work, and he didn't! He's like a damn old man anymore, sleeping by 9 pm every night and too tired for :sex: :growlmad: We're going to have a talk about this tonight, or I may just have a "headache" the next time he wants some lol (as long as that's not today or tomorrow, I'd have to say yes :) ). Ttc isn't easy with his full cooperation, this just makes it impossible! Grrrr...ok, I feel better, just needed to vent! Lol...onto :coffee: and having a good day :) Thanks for listening, have a great day! :flower::hugs:

well dh came back in the morning so i missed 2 key days. We did dtd that morning and as soon as we were done i started having wicked O pain. We only dtd that morning and in the evening and I didn't even bother testing again to check if i O. I have just given up on this cycle. Even my ff is wacky lol. It will take a miracle for me to get a BFP this cycle. How are you today?

Sperm can live up to like 5 days I think...so that one day before O could have been a winner winner chicken dinner ;)

Kk- :rofl: I love this!

Dream- I'm with Kk on this...there's definitely a chance! Don't give up! FF is confusing anyways lol and ovufriend isn't playing any nicer than ff :haha: :) I am great, thank you! :) I'm super excited about this tww, I'm not sure why, but I'm not dreading it this time...Either it's on to another cycle or a :bfp: , and strangely I'm ok with either :wacko: Of course I'd prefer the latter, but I'm enjoying the "trying" :winkwink:
Just wanted to pop in with an update. Turns out my bfp was a chemical pregnancy, Af started full forth yesterday after spotting all day monday. I was pretty crushed, but being positive I hear plenty of people have luck with a sticky bean the month following. So I'm crossing my fingers for this time to stick

Oh hun, I'm so very sorry! I admire your positivity and I have also heard that any kind of loss can make you more fertile the next cycle. Have a drink (or 2 :)) and keep on those positive thoughts :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Awww pickle :-( I almost cried when I read that. I was sooooo hopin for you!! :hugs:

Loulou- yes I am 2dpo I think and much less snarly.;-) I'm still waking for FF to tell me I've ovulated but must wait until tomorrow since I need 3 days of increased temps. We are cycle buddies this time! I think I'm due the 16th or 18th - when will you test!

My hubby always asks me when I initiate, "oh are you ovulating?" - so kills the mood. Like that's the only reason I want to do anything. Ugh. Men.

If my OH asked me something like that when I was initiating I would probably knock the s@*t out of him! Next time he says it I would tell him he sounds like a woman accusing a man of using her for sex...lol...I'm pretty sure that would shut most men up and make him think twice about saying unwarranted things like that again! That's me though, and I definitely have a devious side :muaha: < I think that was made for me :haha:

I'm having a hard time believing my temps can get higher, it was almost 99 today! I find ff and ovufriend rather confusing and frustrating lol. I believe af is due the 18th for me if I stick to a 13 day LP. Heck, I'd like to not test early, but I'd be kidding myself :haha: I'll probably start around the 12th, just cuz I like poas sooo much :winkwink: We'll see...maybe my good cheer this month will extend to me some patience and I'll be able to wait a little longer :shrug: Hopefully we both get lucky this month :happydance:
Just wanted to pop in with an update. Turns out my bfp was a chemical pregnancy, Af started full forth yesterday after spotting all day monday. I was pretty crushed, but being positive I hear plenty of people have luck with a sticky bean the month following. So I'm crossing my fingers for this time to stick

I'm so sorry hun. FX'd for next month :hugs:
Just wanted to pop in with an update. Turns out my bfp was a chemical pregnancy, Af started full forth yesterday after spotting all day monday. I was pretty crushed, but being positive I hear plenty of people have luck with a sticky bean the month following. So I'm crossing my fingers for this time to stick

awwww so sorry :hugs:. That witch has got to go. Good luck this cycle x
So I'm totally confused by my charts! Both of them gave me crosshairs on the 4th, but I still had a + opk on the 5th, wouldn't it make more sense that I ovulated on the 5th since my fmu opk was + and afternoon was -? I know they base most of it on temps and mine are up and down constantly, so maybe I'm confusing my charts lol??? My house varies in temperature (A LOT), it's old and we mostly heat with pellets (sometimes it runs out overnight) and wood (sometimes the fire goes out overnight), so the temp in my house varies from like 60-73 degrees, so I'm guessing this might be a big factor(?), not to mention there's a heat vent right next to my bed that blows almost in my face lol. Does any of this make sense to anyone? I'm new and I don't know what to do!!! :haha: My temp chart looks like a mountain range :haha:

Edit: So I made a tiny adjustment to both charts (I kinda boo booed the other day lol :blush:) and ovufriend took away my crosshairs, but ff still has them...we'll see what happens :)
Got a very close positive on my OPK this afternoon. Only held my pee for 2 hours so maybe it will be positive later today :happydance:
So I'm totally confused by my charts! Both of them gave me crosshairs on the 4th, but I still had a + opk on the 5th, wouldn't it make more sense that I ovulated on the 5th since my fmu opk was + and afternoon was -? I know they base most of it on temps and mine are up and down constantly, so maybe I'm confusing my charts lol??? My house varies in temperature (A LOT), it's old and we mostly heat with pellets (sometimes it runs out overnight) and wood (sometimes the fire goes out overnight), so the temp in my house varies from like 60-73 degrees, so I'm guessing this might be a big factor(?), not to mention there's a heat vent right next to my bed that blows almost in my face lol. Does any of this make sense to anyone? I'm new and I don't know what to do!!! :haha: My temp chart looks like a mountain range :haha:

Edit: So I made a tiny adjustment to both charts (I kinda boo booed the other day lol :blush:) and ovufriend took away my crosshairs, but ff still has them...we'll see what happens :)

Quite a few times my ff and ovufriend charts got confused, ff more so. My temps were all over the place last cycle, and I was naughty and missed quite a few. Also going away I slept differently and in a different temp, and when I got home OH had an awful cold and snored like a walrus so I slept on the sofa. All of which affected my temps. Both charts pin pointed ovulation a few days before I got my positive opk, then it moved it to the next dip. I just had to roll with it! Charting only tells you after you ovulate. At the end of it all you're either preggers or not :shrug: bding was the most important part and you have done it! :hugs:
So I'm totally confused by my charts! Both of them gave me crosshairs on the 4th, but I still had a + opk on the 5th, wouldn't it make more sense that I ovulated on the 5th since my fmu opk was + and afternoon was -? I know they base most of it on temps and mine are up and down constantly, so maybe I'm confusing my charts lol??? My house varies in temperature (A LOT), it's old and we mostly heat with pellets (sometimes it runs out overnight) and wood (sometimes the fire goes out overnight), so the temp in my house varies from like 60-73 degrees, so I'm guessing this might be a big factor(?), not to mention there's a heat vent right next to my bed that blows almost in my face lol. Does any of this make sense to anyone? I'm new and I don't know what to do!!! :haha: My temp chart looks like a mountain range :haha:

Edit: So I made a tiny adjustment to both charts (I kinda boo booed the other day lol :blush:) and ovufriend took away my crosshairs, but ff still has them...we'll see what happens :)

Quite a few times my ff and ovufriend charts got confused, ff more so. My temps were all over the place last cycle, and I was naughty and missed quite a few. Also going away I slept differently and in a different temp, and when I got home OH had an awful cold and snored like a walrus so I slept on the sofa. All of which affected my temps. Both charts pin pointed ovulation a few days before I got my positive opk, then it moved it to the next dip. I just had to roll with it! Charting only tells you after you ovulate. At the end of it all you're either preggers or not :shrug: bding was the most important part and you have done it! :hugs:

Thanks Pickle! :hugs: I just want to master this s*@t...:haha: No, I really don't care lol, I just wanted written proof my bd timing was as good as I thought it was :thumbup: I'm letting ff do it's own thing and I pit my o on the 5th for ovufriend. FF says timing was good, ovufriend says very good, I wanna believe the very good :happydance: It's just all so confusing, but it keep me busy, and gives me something to think about other than poas :blush: :haha:

How are you dear? Hopefully feeling better and getting pumped about this cycle? Big :hugs: <3

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