2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

Awww pickle :-( I almost cried when I read that. I was sooooo hopin for you!! :hugs:

Loulou- yes I am 2dpo I think and much less snarly.;-) I'm still waking for FF to tell me I've ovulated but must wait until tomorrow since I need 3 days of increased temps. We are cycle buddies this time! I think I'm due the 16th or 18th - when will you test!

My hubby always asks me when I initiate, "oh are you ovulating?" - so kills the mood. Like that's the only reason I want to do anything. Ugh. Men.

If my OH asked me something like that when I was initiating I would probably knock the s@*t out of him! Next time he says it I would tell him he sounds like a woman accusing a man of using her for sex...lol...I'm pretty sure that would shut most men up and make him think twice about saying unwarranted things like that again! That's me though, and I definitely have a devious side :muaha: < I think that was made for me :haha:

I'm having a hard time believing my temps can get higher, it was almost 99 today! I find ff and ovufriend rather confusing and frustrating lol. I believe af is due the 18th for me if I stick to a 13 day LP. Heck, I'd like to not test early, but I'd be kidding myself :haha: I'll probably start around the 12th, just cuz I like poas sooo much :winkwink: We'll see...maybe my good cheer this month will extend to me some patience and I'll be able to wait a little longer :shrug: Hopefully we both get lucky this month :happydance:

I'm the same way Loulou - :muaha: He better watch or he won't get any the rest of the month. ;) Ok, I'm not that mean, but I'll threaten and look like I mean it! :)

Wow your temps are really high - what were they before? Mine are pretty much constantly 97, 97.2 before O, then 97.4 day after O, 97.7, then 98.1 today - that's almost an exact repeat of last month (but I didn't chart, just remember). I think I have a 12 day LP, if going by last month. :shrug: I have no idea either, but I'm trying to be patient. I hope we get luck too! :flower:

Miranda - I'm sorry. I've had a chemical and it hurts, a lot. :hugs:
Awww pickle :-( I almost cried when I read that. I was sooooo hopin for you!! :hugs:

Loulou- yes I am 2dpo I think and much less snarly.;-) I'm still waking for FF to tell me I've ovulated but must wait until tomorrow since I need 3 days of increased temps. We are cycle buddies this time! I think I'm due the 16th or 18th - when will you test!

My hubby always asks me when I initiate, "oh are you ovulating?" - so kills the mood. Like that's the only reason I want to do anything. Ugh. Men.

If my OH asked me something like that when I was initiating I would probably knock the s@*t out of him! Next time he says it I would tell him he sounds like a woman accusing a man of using her for sex...lol...I'm pretty sure that would shut most men up and make him think twice about saying unwarranted things like that again! That's me though, and I definitely have a devious side :muaha: < I think that was made for me :haha:

I'm having a hard time believing my temps can get higher, it was almost 99 today! I find ff and ovufriend rather confusing and frustrating lol. I believe af is due the 18th for me if I stick to a 13 day LP. Heck, I'd like to not test early, but I'd be kidding myself :haha: I'll probably start around the 12th, just cuz I like poas sooo much :winkwink: We'll see...maybe my good cheer this month will extend to me some patience and I'll be able to wait a little longer :shrug: Hopefully we both get lucky this month :happydance:

I'm the same way Loulou - :muaha: He better watch or he won't get any the rest of the month. ;) Ok, I'm not that mean, but I'll threaten and look like I mean it! :)

Wow your temps are really high - what were they before? Mine are pretty much constantly 97, 97.2 before O, then 97.4 day after O, 97.7, then 98.1 today - that's almost an exact repeat of last month (but I didn't chart, just remember). I think I have a 12 day LP, if going by last month. :shrug: I have no idea either, but I'm trying to be patient. I hope we get luck too! :flower:

Miranda - I'm sorry. I've had a chemical and it hurts, a lot. :hugs:

I think my temps are always pretty high, I just started this cycle, so I'm not really sure :shrug: They've ranged from 97.4-98.8, with the majority being in the 98.2-98.4 range. FF has my coverline at 98.5 and ovufriend at 98.25, not sure why a difference?? Ovu has also moved my o day to agree with me that is was the 5th :haha: that makes me happy! :) It's fun to have gadgets to play with, but I'm trying not to get too involved if that makes sense :shrug: Just wait and see...and hope for some luck :flower: Baby dust to all of us :dust: We need some :bfp:'s !!!!!!
Ok, so holy bananas....I just looked at my temp from this morning, 99.3! That's up from 98.8 the last 2 days, I'm hoping this is a really, really good thing :happydance:

Other than that 3/4 dpo and not too much to note, just some normal things:
-really sore boobies and screaming nipples
-mild/dull throbbing/cramping that comes and goes down low
-I started breaking out on 1dpo, but it has gone away
-killer headache that comes and goes
-insatiable hunger, but I go through spurts of this normally, tho I did eat a ton of chocolate and a brownie sundae yesterday, which is not normal lol
-I've gotten up in the middle of the last 2 nights to pee

I think that's all I have for now, and please note, this is NOT me symptom spotting :haha: Just filling you ladies in on how I'm feeling :winkwink:
Ok, so holy bananas....I just looked at my temp from this morning, 99.3! That's up from 98.8 the last 2 days, I'm hoping this is a really, really good thing :happydance:

Other than that 3/4 dpo and not too much to note, just some normal things:
-really sore boobies and screaming nipples
-mild/dull throbbing/cramping that comes and goes down low
-I started breaking out on 1dpo, but it has gone away
-killer headache that comes and goes
-insatiable hunger, but I go through spurts of this normally, tho I did eat a ton of chocolate and a brownie sundae yesterday, which is not normal lol
-I've gotten up in the middle of the last 2 nights to pee

I think that's all I have for now, and please note, this is NOT me symptom spotting :haha: Just filling you ladies in on how I'm feeling :winkwink:

Wow that's high!!! I think it's a great sign! :happydance: i haven't gotten up to pee per se, but I've had the "I just went, but it feels like I need to go again RIGHT now" on and off. I know it's not a uti, but not sure if it means anything as that happens in spurts normally. I do have some icky feeling from my coffee this morning and looking at the cat box grossed me out, so those might be positive signs. I mean, the cat box always grosses me out, but this feels like if it look at it anymore, I will puke. I rarely feel that way - I hate puking!!!

So, I'm optimistic at this point! :)

Eta - definitely not optimistic if about nausea/puking feelings. I could do without them entirely, but unfortunately, pregnancy for me seems to mean MS. :-(
Ok, so holy bananas....I just looked at my temp from this morning, 99.3! That's up from 98.8 the last 2 days, I'm hoping this is a really, really good thing :happydance:

Other than that 3/4 dpo and not too much to note, just some normal things:
-really sore boobies and screaming nipples
-mild/dull throbbing/cramping that comes and goes down low
-I started breaking out on 1dpo, but it has gone away
-killer headache that comes and goes
-insatiable hunger, but I go through spurts of this normally, tho I did eat a ton of chocolate and a brownie sundae yesterday, which is not normal lol
-I've gotten up in the middle of the last 2 nights to pee

I think that's all I have for now, and please note, this is NOT me symptom spotting :haha: Just filling you ladies in on how I'm feeling :winkwink:

Wow that's high!!! I think it's a great sign! :happydance: i haven't gotten up to pee per se, but I've had the "I just went, but it feels like I need to go again RIGHT now" on and off. I know it's not a uti, but not sure if it means anything as that happens in spurts normally. I do have some icky feeling from my coffee this morning and looking at the cat box grossed me out, so those might be positive signs. I mean, the cat box always grosses me out, but this feels like if it look at it anymore, I will puke. I rarely feel that way - I hate puking!!!

So, I'm optimistic at this point! :)

Eta - definitely not optimistic if about nausea/puking feelings. I could do without them entirely, but unfortunately, pregnancy for me seems to mean MS. :-(

Thank you! Being sick/puking sucks! That is probably my most hated thing, but I would endure for a really good reward at the end! The upside is that it usually doesn't last too long from what I've heard. You experienced an aversion to coffee before, so that is definitely a good sign! I hope you aren't touching the cat box, just incase! Your signs sound promising dear, I'm keeping my FX'ed very tightly!:) I have noticed that I have peed every 20 mins to an hr since 7am and I don't think I've had any more coffee than usual. I'm finishing my last cup now(only 3 today, I'm trying to wean myself from the pot I usually drink :haha:), so we'll see how the rest of the day pees out :haha: oh, I mean pans out :blush:
Mizzy- How's the wait going hun? How are you feeling? Anything to report? :)
Mizzy- How's the wait going hun? How are you feeling? Anything to report? :)

Hey LouLou! Even though i don't post a ton on here, i am here every day reading and checking on you Ladies <3 The wait is going ok .. Honestly not a whole lot going on .. I had the cramping/pinching bit a few days ago but haven't had any since. Other than that .. nada .. which has me bummed slightly honestly .. No sore boobs or anything .. hmm .. thinking about it .. still have an increase in cm .. kind of watery/creamy .. but more on the watery side and been more tired than usual .. and i hear a lot of women say they get some kind of implantation spotting or something .. but i haven't had any of that .. just the cramping/increased cm/sleepiness .. I'm really hoping i'm not out of the game this month .. so i'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for that bfp :) How are you LouLou? Any updates? :) Please share! :hugs::flower:
Mizzy- How's the wait going hun? How are you feeling? Anything to report? :)

Just realized i read your post a few minutes before on your updates .. Lol .. Sounds promising! <3 I truly hope this is your month Hun! So excited for you :)
Mizzy- How's the wait going hun? How are you feeling? Anything to report? :)

Hey LouLou! Even though i don't post a ton on here, i am here every day reading and checking on you Ladies <3 The wait is going ok .. Honestly not a whole lot going on .. I had the cramping/pinching bit a few days ago but haven't had any since. Other than that .. nada .. which has me bummed slightly honestly .. No sore boobs or anything .. hmm .. thinking about it .. still have an increase in cm .. kind of watery/creamy .. but more on the watery side and been more tired than usual .. and i hear a lot of women say they get some kind of implantation spotting or something .. but i haven't had any of that .. just the cramping/increased cm/sleepiness .. I'm really hoping i'm not out of the game this month .. so i'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for that bfp :) How are you LouLou? Any updates? :) Please share! :hugs::flower:

Just to ease your mind on the IB spotting...I had nothing.

In fact I think no spotting is more comman than spotting :)
Mizzy- How's the wait going hun? How are you feeling? Anything to report? :)

Hey LouLou! Even though i don't post a ton on here, i am here every day reading and checking on you Ladies <3 The wait is going ok .. Honestly not a whole lot going on .. I had the cramping/pinching bit a few days ago but haven't had any since. Other than that .. nada .. which has me bummed slightly honestly .. No sore boobs or anything .. hmm .. thinking about it .. still have an increase in cm .. kind of watery/creamy .. but more on the watery side and been more tired than usual .. and i hear a lot of women say they get some kind of implantation spotting or something .. but i haven't had any of that .. just the cramping/increased cm/sleepiness .. I'm really hoping i'm not out of the game this month .. so i'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for that bfp :) How are you LouLou? Any updates? :) Please share! :hugs::flower:

Just to ease your mind on the IB spotting...I had nothing.

In fact I think no spotting is more comman than spotting :)

I didn't know that .. I just read about all these women who have had IB .. i mean with my first 2 i can't remember if i did or not so i wasn't sure .. Lol .. but thank you KK .. that definitely makes me feel better about it! <3
Mizzy- How's the wait going hun? How are you feeling? Anything to report? :)

Hey LouLou! Even though i don't post a ton on here, i am here every day reading and checking on you Ladies <3 The wait is going ok .. Honestly not a whole lot going on .. I had the cramping/pinching bit a few days ago but haven't had any since. Other than that .. nada .. which has me bummed slightly honestly .. No sore boobs or anything .. hmm .. thinking about it .. still have an increase in cm .. kind of watery/creamy .. but more on the watery side and been more tired than usual .. and i hear a lot of women say they get some kind of implantation spotting or something .. but i haven't had any of that .. just the cramping/increased cm/sleepiness .. I'm really hoping i'm not out of the game this month .. so i'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for that bfp :) How are you LouLou? Any updates? :) Please share! :hugs::flower:

Just to ease your mind on the IB spotting...I had nothing.

In fact I think no spotting is more comman than spotting :)

I'm totally with Kk on this! I never had IB with any of mine and I don't think many woman do get it, so definitely don't worry about that :) Your lack of symptoms can be a very good thing! Do you usually have a lot of pms symptoms? remember, you're not out til the :witch: shows! I'll keep my Fx'ed for you, lots of baby dust too! :dust: :dust: :dust:
Mizzy- How's the wait going hun? How are you feeling? Anything to report? :)

Hey LouLou! Even though i don't post a ton on here, i am here every day reading and checking on you Ladies <3 The wait is going ok .. Honestly not a whole lot going on .. I had the cramping/pinching bit a few days ago but haven't had any since. Other than that .. nada .. which has me bummed slightly honestly .. No sore boobs or anything .. hmm .. thinking about it .. still have an increase in cm .. kind of watery/creamy .. but more on the watery side and been more tired than usual .. and i hear a lot of women say they get some kind of implantation spotting or something .. but i haven't had any of that .. just the cramping/increased cm/sleepiness .. I'm really hoping i'm not out of the game this month .. so i'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for that bfp :) How are you LouLou? Any updates? :) Please share! :hugs::flower:

Just to ease your mind on the IB spotting...I had nothing.

In fact I think no spotting is more comman than spotting :)

I'm totally with Kk on this! I never had IB with any of mine and I don't think many woman do get it, so definitely don't worry about that :) Your lack of symptoms can be a very good thing! Do you usually have a lot of pms symptoms? remember, you're not out til the :witch: shows! I'll keep my Fx'ed for you, lots of baby dust too! :dust: :dust: :dust:

I usually don't get tons of PMS symptoms honestly .. i do have cramps but only during my period .. not usually before or after .. i use to get really sore boobs right before AF but that stopped months ago .. its so weird how our bodies change.. Lol .. as for the cm .. usually around this time its more creamy .. but its more watery than creamy .. could mean nothing though .. and sleepiness .. meh thats not really normal for me but not gonna think too much into it :p oh gosh i hate when i symptom spot .. i swear every month i tell myself that i'm not going to do it .. and then wham! I end up doing it without even realizing it . its terrible .. lol But like you said LouLou .. Not out til the :witch: shows! Ill definitely keep my fx'ed for you too .. :dust::dust: to all you Ladies!
Mizzy- How's the wait going hun? How are you feeling? Anything to report? :)

Hey LouLou! Even though i don't post a ton on here, i am here every day reading and checking on you Ladies <3 The wait is going ok .. Honestly not a whole lot going on .. I had the cramping/pinching bit a few days ago but haven't had any since. Other than that .. nada .. which has me bummed slightly honestly .. No sore boobs or anything .. hmm .. thinking about it .. still have an increase in cm .. kind of watery/creamy .. but more on the watery side and been more tired than usual .. and i hear a lot of women say they get some kind of implantation spotting or something .. but i haven't had any of that .. just the cramping/increased cm/sleepiness .. I'm really hoping i'm not out of the game this month .. so i'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for that bfp :) How are you LouLou? Any updates? :) Please share! :hugs::flower:

Just to ease your mind on the IB spotting...I had nothing.

In fact I think no spotting is more comman than spotting :)

I'm totally with Kk on this! I never had IB with any of mine and I don't think many woman do get it, so definitely don't worry about that :) Your lack of symptoms can be a very good thing! Do you usually have a lot of pms symptoms? remember, you're not out til the :witch: shows! I'll keep my Fx'ed for you, lots of baby dust too! :dust: :dust: :dust:

I usually don't get tons of PMS symptoms honestly .. i do have cramps but only during my period .. not usually before or after .. i use to get really sore boobs right before AF but that stopped months ago .. its so weird how our bodies change.. Lol .. as for the cm .. usually around this time its more creamy .. but its more watery than creamy .. could mean nothing though .. and sleepiness .. meh thats not really normal for me but not gonna think too much into it :p oh gosh i hate when i symptom spot .. i swear every month i tell myself that i'm not going to do it .. and then wham! I end up doing it without even realizing it . its terrible .. lol But like you said LouLou .. Not out til the :witch: shows! Ill definitely keep my fx'ed for you too .. :dust::dust: to all you Ladies!

I've decided it's impossible not to ss, but I'm just not going to invest too much hope and emotion into the ss. Then maybe I won't go so crazy :wacko: lol. You are right, it is weird how our bodies can change so much from month to month, just to mess with us! I'm going to try and think of it as a learning tool for all of us :winkwink:
So this morning I used my last cheapie to test, as today is CD 33, DPO 15 and 1 day before AF is expected. And after a few minutes of stark white, a faint line appeared!!

My symptoms:

*breast not so sore but nipples really really sore and tender
*big headache yesterday, but i blamed it on my scooter helmet lol
*very thirsty all the time, been craving water
*everything smells bad except my rose body wash which I can't get enough of, but everything else stinks really bad, including my house lol like old food smells from the crock pot
*I had some twinges between DPO 4-8 but they have subsided for most part.

I tested at DPO 10, and DPO 12 both negative

Now onto the worse wait of all, even worse than the TWW: the first 12 weeks! Really praying this one is healthy and sticks because a few years ago I had two losses in a row, so I'm a bit hesitant to be ecstatic yet :wacko:


  • pospregtest.jpg
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This is my OPK from today. It looks pretty close to positive to me, maybe tomorrow?


  • IMG_20131109_105737_999.jpg
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So this morning I used my last cheapie to test, as today is CD 33, DPO 15 and 1 day before AF is expected. And after a few minutes of stark white, a faint line appeared!!

My symptoms:

*breast not so sore but nipples really really sore and tender
*big headache yesterday, but i blamed it on my scooter helmet lol
*very thirsty all the time, been craving water
*everything smells bad except my rose body wash which I can't get enough of, but everything else stinks really bad, including my house lol like old food smells from the crock pot
*I had some twinges between DPO 4-8 but they have subsided for most part.

I tested at DPO 10, and DPO 12 both negative

Now onto the worse wait of all, even worse than the TWW: the first 12 weeks! Really praying this one is healthy and sticks because a few years ago I had two losses in a row, so I'm a bit hesitant to be ecstatic yet :wacko:

A cautious congrats to you!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Ok, so I'm excited lol :happydance: I am hoping you have a very sticky bean, happy and healthy 9 months to you!!!! :happydance:
This is my OPK from today. It looks pretty close to positive to me, maybe tomorrow?

I'm pretty sure mine took about 2 days to go from that to positive. But, as they say, everyone is different! Keep testing and keep bd'ing!!! :thumbup: GL hun! :flower:
Hi ladies, hows everyone doing:hugs:

I'm very frustrated with my AF, I thought I would be done by now. In fact I was surprised at first, two days of medium bleeding, one heavy and then oooooo spotting amounts the next day! I was like, considering how heavy it was the day before, that's good! But usually I have brown dregs shall we say, for one day at the end then done. And it's been three days of it now but this is the thing, Im getting a tiny bit of brown on a liner, but when I wipe, it's bright red/pink. I've never had that. Been waiting to bd!! Haven't since I went away on 28th oct!! Today I thought it had ended, turned a bit browner than red on tp, so I thought yay I will have my bath and be done with it! :sex:!! But got ready for bath and lots of brown cm in undies. Soooooo annoying!! Gonna go for it anyway at this stage I don't think he cares anymore lol. But still, bright red at the end?? Anyone else get this? Also had stomach pains (not cramps) and nausea. I'm so done with all of this pffffffft. Suck it Mother Nature! :growlmad:
Hi ladies, hows everyone doing:hugs:

I'm very frustrated with my AF, I thought I would be done by now. In fact I was surprised at first, two days of medium bleeding, one heavy and then oooooo spotting amounts the next day! I was like, considering how heavy it was the day before, that's good! But usually I have brown dregs shall we say, for one day at the end then done. And it's been three days of it now but this is the thing, Im getting a tiny bit of brown on a liner, but when I wipe, it's bright red/pink. I've never had that. Been waiting to bd!! Haven't since I went away on 28th oct!! Today I thought it had ended, turned a bit browner than red on tp, so I thought yay I will have my bath and be done with it! :sex:!! But got ready for bath and lots of brown cm in undies. Soooooo annoying!! Gonna go for it anyway at this stage I don't think he cares anymore lol. But still, bright red at the end?? Anyone else get this? Also had stomach pains (not cramps) and nausea. I'm so done with all of this pffffffft. Suck it Mother Nature! :growlmad:

Pickle mine is different every month! There's always similarities, but as far as length, volume, and color go, it's always different. I'm usually around 5 days, but she's been known to annoyingly stick around for 7-8 days with the spotting (brown/pink/red), or sometimes she really throws me for a loop and stops around day 3/4 and then starts back with a vengeance the next day :growlmad: She's a pain in the arse! I say screw it (literally) and get yourself some! :happydance:
Hi ladies, hows everyone doing:hugs:

I'm very frustrated with my AF, I thought I would be done by now. In fact I was surprised at first, two days of medium bleeding, one heavy and then oooooo spotting amounts the next day! I was like, considering how heavy it was the day before, that's good! But usually I have brown dregs shall we say, for one day at the end then done. And it's been three days of it now but this is the thing, Im getting a tiny bit of brown on a liner, but when I wipe, it's bright red/pink. I've never had that. Been waiting to bd!! Haven't since I went away on 28th oct!! Today I thought it had ended, turned a bit browner than red on tp, so I thought yay I will have my bath and be done with it! :sex:!! But got ready for bath and lots of brown cm in undies. Soooooo annoying!! Gonna go for it anyway at this stage I don't think he cares anymore lol. But still, bright red at the end?? Anyone else get this? Also had stomach pains (not cramps) and nausea. I'm so done with all of this pffffffft. Suck it Mother Nature! :growlmad:

Pickle mine is different every month! There's always similarities, but as far as length, volume, and color go, it's always different. I'm usually around 5 days, but she's been known to annoyingly stick around for 7-8 days with the spotting (brown/pink/red), or sometimes she really throws me for a loop and stops around day 3/4 and then starts back with a vengeance the next day :growlmad: She's a pain in the arse! I say screw it (literally) and get yourself some! :happydance:

Thanks Lou I'm just so used to being on the pill and having the same spot on cycle every month. I guess I'm just naturally whacky :winkwink: I'm having an extremely long bath to make him wait hehehehe. :haha: Um yes on my ipad in the bath. And what. Bopping in bubbles to some tuuunes. It's like a mini foam party.

Clearly not a relax with candles girl :blush:

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