2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

Hi everyone, just joining in I am 5 dpo today. Have two low temperatures hoping it was from implant. Two of my pregnancies had dips at 5 dpo and got bfp at 7 dpo. But it was a straight down and up not this huge of dip either.

I wish it was testing time already.
Happy Monday everyone! :) Not a whole lot going on here .. I estimated ovulation to be around past friday (because i have a 28 day cycle) .. although i was having ov symptoms around CD 11 as well o_O This cycle is throwing me for all kinds of loops .. but either way i'm hoping for a BFP .. then all this craziness will definitely be worth it <3 Throw some :dust: this way Chickies! and I'll shoot some your ways! :dust::dust::dust::dust: Hoping we all get our :bfp: this month! <3

Lots and lots of baby dust Mizzy!!! :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: GL!!!

Happy Monday everyone! :) Not a whole lot going on here .. I estimated ovulation to be around past friday (because i have a 28 day cycle) .. although i was having ov symptoms around CD 11 as well o_O This cycle is throwing me for all kinds of loops .. but either way i'm hoping for a BFP .. then all this craziness will definitely be worth it <3 Throw some :dust: this way Chickies! and I'll shoot some your ways! :dust::dust::dust::dust: Hoping we all get our :bfp: this month! <3

Good luck hun, lots of :dust:

AF finally made her exit yesterday, and we started :sex: right away lol. Trying to give it a go every 2 days. Not sure how this cycle is going to go considering last month's was so wonky, but we're going to do everything we can to maximize our chances :)

That's all we can do hun! Lots of baby dust to you!!! :dust: :dust: :dust: I'll keep my FX'd for a not-so-wonky BFP cycle for you!

Dream - I hope you are lucky and caught the egg! You know it can happen!

Loulou - You too! Those swimmers can live in our body awhile, so even if hubby doesn't cooperate, I think you have a good chance. :)

I'm on cd 16 here and I think I'm going to ovulate today or tomorrow - quite late, I think. Temp still down, but got a positive opk this morning (yes, I know I said I wasn't going to use them, but I was confused about this low temp so late in the game for me). We shall see. :)

Good luck to all! :flower:

You, Dream, and I are very close in our O time! As of 7am I still had a +opk, so I'm guessing today or tomorrow is o :) My OH can be very difficult, but I made him promise yesterday that he wouldn't fall asleep before :sex: and it worked! I was pleasantly shocked :haha: That definitely makes our chances better :thumbup: Maybe I can sneak some in tonight too :winkwink:

I would definitely not be able to resist doing any kind of pee test if they were in my possession lol. I think it's better you know now, it makes it way less confusing! Get bd'ing!!! Lol...GL and lots of sticky baby dust for you!!! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Pickle- are you back from vacation? I hope it was fantastic! I want some results pretty please!? :) :test::test::test: :haha: sorry...getting excited lol

:haha: love it.
I'm back, I have been lurking as I simply don't know what to say! My body has been super weird and I'm really trying not to symptom spot as I don't want to get my hopes up. HOWEVER. I bled a bit more than just spotting, but it was all brown and gungy the whole time. It stopped yesterday but I got a brown clot today.. I don't know what that all means. I'm quite confused. There are a lot of positive stories out there after light brown bleeding for a few days but again, not getting hopes up. Also I've been getting a really warm feeling in my lower ab. Like when you sit next to a fire for too long and get that burning feeling? Feels like a furnace in there sometimes. Had the odd cramp, twitch, whatever. Today had that "pinching" feeling. All I could eat this morning was cookies, the thought of anything else made me feel ill. Had lump in throat most of today (that sick feeling). Skin broke out while I was away which I don't usually get anymore. My temp has dropped and still balancing on cover line I think that's cause I was bleeding idk, waiting for it to rise again (hoping)! So yeh.. I really don't know. Done a couple of tests and I'm sure there was a faint line but it doesn't come out in pictures so just going to wait it out and test twice a day, I'm 10dpo so still early. How's everything going your end lovely?

I'm going to pretend I'm only saying this to myself in my head, but I just FEEL pregnant!

You know first hand how crazy our bodies can be! I was just stalking charts and found tons from women who had some kind of bleeding/spotting and were preggo! Your NOT symptom spotting sounds great :):haha: We still want to squint with you, so post some freaking pics please!!!??? I'm trying not to get too excited/anxious over here :haha:

I am doing fan-freaking-tastic! I woke up in a fabulous mood today and it makes me even happier to fire up the laptop and find new posts in this thread:) :happydance::happydance: I'm waiting to o, which has gotta be soon, this is my 3rd day of blazing + opk's. As much as I hate the tww and it drives me nuts :wacko: I can't wait to be in it again! I think the opk's have helped me be more excited, I get confirmation of a surge and I get to pee on something! :haha:

Yeeaaaaaa pickle sneeky congrats from me. Put some pics when you can so that we can squint with you lol

Well said Dream :) Yes please!!!!! We wanna see tests!!!!!

Hi everyone, just joining in I am 5 dpo today. Have two low temperatures hoping it was from implant. Two of my pregnancies had dips at 5 dpo and got bfp at 7 dpo. But it was a straight down and up not this huge of dip either.

I wish it was testing time already.

Hello Hannah!!! :hugs: A very warm welcome to you! I know the wait is terrible hun, just keep your chin up :) We are all here for support if you need it :) My positive side is going to tell you that 5 dpo is better than 1 dpo and a lot closer to testing :winkwink: My negative side is going to tell you that 5 dpo is a hard place to be because you're analyzing everything at that point :wacko: Try not to stress yourself and GL to you!!! I'll keep my FX'd and I'm sending you lots of sticky baby dust!!! :dust: :dust: :dust: and :hugs: of course!!! :)
How's everyone doing today? Luckily it stopped snowing here yesterday, now it's just cold lol. I had an interview yesterday for a much better job. I would still only have to work 4 days a week and might even get close to 3 weeks paid vacation (I'm currently on contract working for 2 offices so I don't get any). Please keep your fingers crossed for me!

I bought a pineapple, now have to pick up some OPK's to try and determine when I ovulate. Because of last month's crazy cycle who knows, I feel like my days are all screwed up. Hopefully we get a positive OPK this month.

Hope everyone has a great day and lots of :dust:
Lou, love that you're in such a good mood! It helps in these crazy conditions :thumbup: I really didn't like my last TWW, but I guess you only look back on it like that because a positive didn't come from it. I was also really looking forward to this TWW, and I haven't gone too mad yet. Are you bding like you've never bd before?!

AF is due this weekend, the guessing begins on Friday. I'm not cramping.. The bleeding has stopped. Though this morning I had very watery brown cm, it's gone now. My tests are negative there's no squinters :cry: I don't know what to expect. I just feel down, I think if I was going to get a positive I would have at least a faint line by now.


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Hannah - Weclome :flower:

Pickle - you were having some spotting today? Is that usual? no :( faces yet! :hugs:

Loulou - LOL I'm glad you are getting some good BDing in. 3 days of dark readings? I would go crazy! When are you supposed to ovulate according to your normal charts?

My opk was pink yesterday morning and I think I ovulated by the afternoon. I got really, really tired and was SUPER cranky. I'm still quite cranky. That drop in estrogen really affects me sometimes. :growlmad: Did not BD yesterday; I was a grumpy, sleepy, snarly mess. I laid in bed like a bump on a lump on a stump all evening.
Hannah - Weclome :flower:

Pickle - you were having some spotting today? Is that usual? no :( faces yet! :hugs:

Loulou - LOL I'm glad you are getting some good BDing in. 3 days of dark readings? I would go crazy! When are you supposed to ovulate according to your normal charts?

My opk was pink yesterday morning and I think I ovulated by the afternoon. I got really, really tired and was SUPER cranky. I'm still quite cranky. That drop in estrogen really affects me sometimes. :growlmad: Did not BD yesterday; I was a grumpy, sleepy, snarly mess. I laid in bed like a bump on a lump on a stump all evening.

Hi Hannah, welcome to the crazy family :thumbup:

DD, last month I spotted red for like a week before my AF and then just continued onto my flow. This month I spotted brown on 6dpo, dark red almost black on 7dpo, then light brown gungy bleeding until 9dpo, 10dpo had a small brown clot, and today 11dpo I just had a load of watery brown cm this morning and nothing since.

My stomach is super itchy today. I had the runs this morning (sorry tmi) ended up not going to work :dohh: I know having er, bad toilet times, is a sign, like increased hormones or something, but I'm gonna put it down to eating a pizza yesterday that May or may not have defrosted and refrozen a week ago when we had a power cut, and consuming 1 and a half frijj milkshakes in one day :wacko: maybe.

I feel like a bump on a lump on a stump too.

Edit: I feel like I'm getting a bout of AF cramps. Ugh. As I thought!!
Hi everyone, just joining in I am 5 dpo today. Have two low temperatures hoping it was from implant. Two of my pregnancies had dips at 5 dpo and got bfp at 7 dpo. But it was a straight down and up not this huge of dip either.

I wish it was testing time already.

welcome to the madhouse :wave::wave:

I got my smiley face and DH is not around and i don't know when he is coming back. I think that i will O tomorrow afternoon. Guess this cycle is a BL**DY WASH :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:. Good luck to the rest of u.

I'm sorry Dream! That totally sucks! Your DH goes away for work? Does that happen often? I hope he comes home for you soon! :hugs:

I also got a positive opk this afternoon, I was so excited to see that blazing test line! We'll see what this evening brings with my OH, maybe I can sweet talk him into some :sex: Wish me luck!

:happydance::happydance: for positive opk, we might O the same day wooooohooooooo. Good luck hun. I am still up waiting for him and I have an early start tomorrow. No it doesn't happen often just this month. Oh well i m kinda sleepy now.

I hope you slept well :) I hope the hubby makes it home for you! It'd be awesome if we were on the same schedule! My guess is sometime tonight that I'll o, but idk for sure! I kinda hope it's not til tomorrow cuz I couldn't talk my oh into and bd'ing last night (he was too tired...blah, blah, blah!!!) and I told him to wake me when he got up for some morning bd'ing before work, and he didn't! He's like a damn old man anymore, sleeping by 9 pm every night and too tired for :sex: :growlmad: We're going to have a talk about this tonight, or I may just have a "headache" the next time he wants some lol (as long as that's not today or tomorrow, I'd have to say yes :) ). Ttc isn't easy with his full cooperation, this just makes it impossible! Grrrr...ok, I feel better, just needed to vent! Lol...onto :coffee: and having a good day :) Thanks for listening, have a great day! :flower::hugs:

I can relate to that, my husband works from 630a til 9p, and he needs to be sleeping by 10p to even get 7h of sleep.

My advice?

Men are very simple, easy creatures sexually compared to women, and as women we have a tendancy to 'talk' our way into sex. With men, you have to physically seduce them lol. Just get naked and into bed with him and without words just use your body to turn him on. If I whisper anything, its 'don't worry about me, its okay to come quickly'

LOL who'd have ever thought any female would be actually encouraging her man to come quickly? but hey, real people sometimes dont have time for frills and BD is more business than pleasure if you dont have the luxury of time

Anywhoo, good luck with getting your man on board, I mean seriously is 10-15 minutes too much to spare? :blush:

I got my smiley face and DH is not around and i don't know when he is coming back. I think that i will O tomorrow afternoon. Guess this cycle is a BL**DY WASH :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:. Good luck to the rest of u.

I'm sorry Dream! That totally sucks! Your DH goes away for work? Does that happen often? I hope he comes home for you soon! :hugs:

I also got a positive opk this afternoon, I was so excited to see that blazing test line! We'll see what this evening brings with my OH, maybe I can sweet talk him into some :sex: Wish me luck!

:happydance::happydance: for positive opk, we might O the same day wooooohooooooo. Good luck hun. I am still up waiting for him and I have an early start tomorrow. No it doesn't happen often just this month. Oh well i m kinda sleepy now.

I hope you slept well :) I hope the hubby makes it home for you! It'd be awesome if we were on the same schedule! My guess is sometime tonight that I'll o, but idk for sure! I kinda hope it's not til tomorrow cuz I couldn't talk my oh into and bd'ing last night (he was too tired...blah, blah, blah!!!) and I told him to wake me when he got up for some morning bd'ing before work, and he didn't! He's like a damn old man anymore, sleeping by 9 pm every night and too tired for :sex: :growlmad: We're going to have a talk about this tonight, or I may just have a "headache" the next time he wants some lol (as long as that's not today or tomorrow, I'd have to say yes :) ). Ttc isn't easy with his full cooperation, this just makes it impossible! Grrrr...ok, I feel better, just needed to vent! Lol...onto :coffee: and having a good day :) Thanks for listening, have a great day! :flower::hugs:

I can relate to that, my husband works from 630a til 9p, and he needs to be sleeping by 10p to even get 7h of sleep.

My advice?

Men are very simple, easy creatures sexually compared to women, and as women we have a tendancy to 'talk' our way into sex. With men, you have to physically seduce them lol. Just get naked and into bed with him and without words just use your body to turn him on. If I whisper anything, its 'don't worry about me, its okay to come quickly'

LOL who'd have ever thought any female would be actually encouraging her man to come quickly? but hey, real people sometimes dont have time for frills and BD is more business than pleasure if you dont have the luxury of time

Anywhoo, good luck with getting your man on board, I mean seriously is 10-15 minutes too much to spare? :blush:

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: "Don't worry about me, its okay to come quickly" lol
I will probably try that next cycle if this cycle is not successful
Lou, love that you're in such a good mood! It helps in these crazy conditions :thumbup: I really didn't like my last TWW, but I guess you only look back on it like that because a positive didn't come from it. I was also really looking forward to this TWW, and I haven't gone too mad yet. Are you bding like you've never bd before?!

AF is due this weekend, the guessing begins on Friday. I'm not cramping.. The bleeding has stopped. Though this morning I had very watery brown cm, it's gone now. My tests are negative there's no squinters :cry: I don't know what to expect. I just feel down, I think if I was going to get a positive I would have at least a faint line by now.

Chin up hun. Just keep testing. 24hrs can make a huge difference. Good luck x
Hannah - Weclome :flower:

Pickle - you were having some spotting today? Is that usual? no :( faces yet! :hugs:

Loulou - LOL I'm glad you are getting some good BDing in. 3 days of dark readings? I would go crazy! When are you supposed to ovulate according to your normal charts?

My opk was pink yesterday morning and I think I ovulated by the afternoon. I got really, really tired and was SUPER cranky. I'm still quite cranky. That drop in estrogen really affects me sometimes. :growlmad: Did not BD yesterday; I was a grumpy, sleepy, snarly mess. I laid in bed like a bump on a lump on a stump all evening.

Hi Hannah, welcome to the crazy family :thumbup:

DD, last month I spotted red for like a week before my AF and then just continued onto my flow. This month I spotted brown on 6dpo, dark red almost black on 7dpo, then light brown gungy bleeding until 9dpo, 10dpo had a small brown clot, and today 11dpo I just had a load of watery brown cm this morning and nothing since.

My stomach is super itchy today. I had the runs this morning (sorry tmi) ended up not going to work :dohh: I know having er, bad toilet times, is a sign, like increased hormones or something, but I'm gonna put it down to eating a pizza yesterday that May or may not have defrosted and refrozen a week ago when we had a power cut, and consuming 1 and a half frijj milkshakes in one day :wacko: maybe.

I feel like a bump on a lump on a stump too.

Edit: I feel like I'm getting a bout of AF cramps. Ugh. As I thought!!

Aww Pickle. I didn't realize you were having so much spotting this time. I think that it's positive that it's not red like last time. DIdn't last time you O late or something too? Have you had your progesterone checked? Perhaps some natural cream would be in order?
I'm confused as ever today - only on cd10 and I started spotting today. AF just ended on Sunday. Wonder if it's possible this is just from bd'ing on Sunday night? I'm not sure what's going on :wacko:

Early. Crushed.

Awww:hugs::hugs:so sorry Hun. I honestly tot u had it in the bag. That damn witch sneeked up on u. So sorry :hugs:

:hugs::hugs: Sorry sweetie, damn that mean witch! :growlmad:

Thanks ladies. :cry: went to bed at 8pm last night just wanted to curl up and sob. OH didn't quite understand but I'm sure he would if he was feeling intense cramps and rushes of blood as a constant reminder that it's not our month. To make it worse I dreamt I had a daughter. Mother Nature really is cruel.

:dust: for you all.
:hugs: how's it going KK?
Hannah - Weclome :flower:

Pickle - you were having some spotting today? Is that usual? no :( faces yet! :hugs:

Loulou - LOL I'm glad you are getting some good BDing in. 3 days of dark readings? I would go crazy! When are you supposed to ovulate according to your normal charts?

My opk was pink yesterday morning and I think I ovulated by the afternoon. I got really, really tired and was SUPER cranky. I'm still quite cranky. That drop in estrogen really affects me sometimes. :growlmad: Did not BD yesterday; I was a grumpy, sleepy, snarly mess. I laid in bed like a bump on a lump on a stump all evening.

I am just happy that I got true +'s and that I could read them! :haha: They ended up going - by yesterday afternoon, but I still snuck in some :sex: last night :winkwink: and I didn't even have to ask! :blush: Yay!!!!

Ok, so you're 2dpo? I'm officially 1dpo (I think), (fertility friend and ovufriend have yet to confirm that), but I'm going to trust the - opk's over a website lol. Are you feeling less grumpy, sleepy, and snarly today? :flower: :) O time can be rough! The increased sex drive is great if you don't feel like a big pile of shit lol. That's how I felt last cycle, this cycle has been way better :) Well the wait for O is over, and now we're officially in the tww...think rainbows and butterflies (positive thoughts :cloud9:)...When do you think you'll break down and test? Or will you wait?


I got my smiley face and DH is not around and i don't know when he is coming back. I think that i will O tomorrow afternoon. Guess this cycle is a BL**DY WASH :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:. Good luck to the rest of u.

I'm sorry Dream! That totally sucks! Your DH goes away for work? Does that happen often? I hope he comes home for you soon! :hugs:

I also got a positive opk this afternoon, I was so excited to see that blazing test line! We'll see what this evening brings with my OH, maybe I can sweet talk him into some :sex: Wish me luck!

:happydance::happydance: for positive opk, we might O the same day wooooohooooooo. Good luck hun. I am still up waiting for him and I have an early start tomorrow. No it doesn't happen often just this month. Oh well i m kinda sleepy now.

I hope you slept well :) I hope the hubby makes it home for you! It'd be awesome if we were on the same schedule! My guess is sometime tonight that I'll o, but idk for sure! I kinda hope it's not til tomorrow cuz I couldn't talk my oh into and bd'ing last night (he was too tired...blah, blah, blah!!!) and I told him to wake me when he got up for some morning bd'ing before work, and he didn't! He's like a damn old man anymore, sleeping by 9 pm every night and too tired for :sex: :growlmad: We're going to have a talk about this tonight, or I may just have a "headache" the next time he wants some lol (as long as that's not today or tomorrow, I'd have to say yes :) ). Ttc isn't easy with his full cooperation, this just makes it impossible! Grrrr...ok, I feel better, just needed to vent! Lol...onto :coffee: and having a good day :) Thanks for listening, have a great day! :flower::hugs:

I can relate to that, my husband works from 630a til 9p, and he needs to be sleeping by 10p to even get 7h of sleep.

My advice?

Men are very simple, easy creatures sexually compared to women, and as women we have a tendancy to 'talk' our way into sex. With men, you have to physically seduce them lol. Just get naked and into bed with him and without words just use your body to turn him on. If I whisper anything, its 'don't worry about me, its okay to come quickly'

LOL who'd have ever thought any female would be actually encouraging her man to come quickly? but hey, real people sometimes dont have time for frills and BD is more business than pleasure if you dont have the luxury of time

Anywhoo, good luck with getting your man on board, I mean seriously is 10-15 minutes too much to spare? :blush:

Thanks for being so open about this! I got a kick out of reading this :haha: If my OH knew we talked like this he'd be 50 shades of red :haha: pissed and embarrassed! Time can definitely be an issue, and sometimes a very tough one to deal with!

10-15 mins? I'm not even asking that! LOL :blush:...5 maybe 8 :haha: I don't have to tell him to be quick, I have to tell him he can stop after he comes. He usually goes pretty quick, but has the ability to "keep it up" and keep at it. Lately, I'll let him go for 1-2 mins after he comes and then I tell him he doesn't have to keep going, thankfully, I'm usually satisfied and he's relieved/tired and ready to stop :blush::blush: (This is so tmi haha)

And yes men are simple sexually!! Usually, I just have to cuddle with him and he's hard!! I guess sometimes exhaustion wins over tho, so I have to accept that a couple nights a month :shrug: I did tell him to start waking me in the morning before he gets out of bed, since mornings are his element, we'll see how that works! :thumbup:


Early. Crushed.

Pickle, I am so sorry! :hugs::hugs::hugs: I almost cried when I read this!!! :cry: I was really hoping this was your month, and everything sounded different and promising, but it obviously wasn't meant to be this month :hugs::hugs::hugs: Keep your chin up babe, I know it's going to be hard to do right now, but stressing will make it worse, and our bodies do crazier things when they are stressed, and you don't need that! Have a drink to wash away the last cycle, then another to celebrate the new one...do something for yourself...I am a dork, so I curl up with a good book and get lost in it...I'm sending you a ton of virtual :hugs: and well wishes :flower:

I'm confused as ever today - only on cd10 and I started spotting today. AF just ended on Sunday. Wonder if it's possible this is just from bd'ing on Sunday night? I'm not sure what's going on :wacko:

It could be a hormone imbalance that's causing this. I consulted Dr. Google :haha: I'll try to copy and paste for you:
Hormonal Disorders

Hormonal disorders, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and menopause transition, can cause estrogen levels to fluctuate. This fluctuation can make periods less frequent, stop them altogether, change their length and volume, become sporadic or cause spotting. During the transition to menopause (also known as perimenopause), estrogen production gradually decreases over a period of up to two years. During this time, your period may become lighter or more frequent. PCOS causes a rise in hormones called androgens and a decrease in estrogen, which stops ovaries from releasing eggs. This in turn stops the uterine lining from building up. When this happens, menstruation ceases to take place, but a woman might still experience light spotting.

Read more: https://www.ehow.com/about_5436938_causes-menstrual-spotting.html#ixzz2js9nemqL

I know this isn't really an answer for you specifically, but maybe have them test your hormone levels, just so you know. GL :hugs:
Pickle, I am so sorry! :hugs::hugs::hugs: I almost cried when I read this!!! :cry: I was really hoping this was your month, and everything sounded different and promising, but it obviously wasn't meant to be this month :hugs::hugs::hugs: Keep your chin up babe, I know it's going to be hard to do right now, but stressing will make it worse, and our bodies do crazier things when they are stressed, and you don't need that! Have a drink to wash away the last cycle, then another to celebrate the new one...do something for yourself...I am a dork, so I curl up with a good book and get lost in it...I'm sending you a ton of virtual :hugs: and well wishes :

Thanks Lou :hugs: think I will have the whole bottle. Feeling a bit better now, cramping like a bitch though. But what can I do? I can't change it. So I'm looking ahead and hoping this AF will piss out earlier than usual. (Haha I meant piss off but out works too!) thanks for your support (and everyone else's) it really does help. Can't wait to go through your TWW with you, and start my ovulation wait.. :beer:
Good Morning Ladies and Happy HumpDay :p So i am about 5 DPO (thats if i didn't O early .. I think i might have) But AF is due around the 15th or 16th .. So far not a whole lot of symptoms (trying not to SS this month .. but that doesn't always work out as planned.. Lol) The only thing i had was last night i had pretty bad cramps .. kind of like AF cramps but much more pinchy like .. not sure if this means anything or if any of you other ladies got that .. i don't really recall feeling ones like that before .. it made me feel miserable honestly .. but today they are gone and I'm feeling much better :) I hope all you ladies are doing good and i see some of you are currently in your tww as well .. please share anything you might be experiencing thus far! Hoping and praying lots of BFP's this month .. Lots and Lots of :hugs: and :dust: to all! <3

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