2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

Foreign chick!!! Congratulations!!! :) that is so exciting! :hugs:

Loulou - it was hubby's bday on Friday so I'm playing catch up here since we went to visit his parents for the weekend. I still feel slightly nauseous sometimes - even woke up Friday night a few times and felt it. I also have felt pretty bloated on and off and a bit crampy. Cm is watery/ I'm not dry/ I can't ever tell about cm lol. Trying to think what else. Tired, but I never sleep well at others' houses or hotels. Allergies are bad - keep waking myself up not being able to breathe, but that is pretty normal for me. I have a cold sore/painful pimple right below my nose - but that could be allergies too. So I'm eh..not sure. Sorry for the long list - geez!

How about you? How are you feeling?
Hey ladies, can I join?? I am 1 dpo today and should be testing on the 24th...if I can wait that long!! This is my first month using OPKs so at the very least I feel confident that I know when I o'd and feel good about when we were bding. Good luck to everyone and sending baby dust!!

Welcome hun! This was also my first month using opk's and charting and it has been umm....interesting...frustrating...confusing lol. I feel like I know when I o'ed tho, which makes me feel better :) Can't wait for your tests, FX'd for you, lots of luck and baby dust! :dust:
Foreign chick!!! Congratulations!!! :) that is so exciting! :hugs:

Loulou - it was hubby's bday on Friday so I'm playing catch up here since we went to visit his parents for the weekend. I still feel slightly nauseous sometimes - even woke up Friday night a few times and felt it. I also have felt pretty bloated on and off and a bit crampy. Cm is watery/ I'm not dry/ I can't ever tell about cm lol. Trying to think what else. Tired, but I never sleep well at others' houses or hotels. Allergies are bad - keep waking myself up not being able to breathe, but that is pretty normal for me. I have a cold sore/painful pimple right below my nose - but that could be allergies too. So I'm eh..not sure. Sorry for the long list - geez!

How about you? How are you feeling?

Sounds like you have some sleep to catch up on love! I hope you enjoyed yourselves, sometimes a break, away from the norm, is the best medicine! :) Nauseous is good (well not good, but you know what I mean lol), how's your coffee tasting? :haha: I've also woke up stuffy, but that could be allergies too! I've been battling fatigue/insomnia at the same time...it's so strange! I'm always tired, but then wake up at 3 am and can't go back to sleep? I've found myself waking at 3 am almost every night, most of the time I can go back to sleep, but sometimes I can't. I also had a very vivid dream last night/this morning that completely threw me for a loop lol. So all in all, nice possible symptoms :) For both of us :) I am still fantastically happy and optimistic no matter the outcome of this cycle :)
Kk- How are you feeling? Have you had a follow up beta? How's your DS?

Dream, DD, and Mizzy- any good symptoms to share? :winkwink:

Hey LouLou .. Not a whole lot going on .. just consistent cramping the last couple days .. Due for AF this Friday .. So could be because of that .. But cramps are not normal for me before AF .. only during .. so thats a little weird for me .. and i'm always hungry .. like not for big meals .. but i always feel snacky .. a little bite of something here .. and nibble of that there .. Lol .. its terrible .. thats not normal for me either.. cm is not very creamy like it usually is at this stage .. its more like a watery/creamy? Like last week .. this could all be pms .. but I'm definitely staying hopeful! I guess i'll know for sure this weekend! Send some prayers and :dust: this way, and I'll definitely be sending some out to you Ladies .. Wanting to see lots and lots of BFP's this month! <3

I'm sending lots of prayers and :dust: to you! We sound like we have very similar things going on, hopefully that's a good sign :) the difference being- I'm usually crampy my whole tww, but I've had very few this time lol...But I feel super snacky, but I don't ever know what I want...like I'm craving something but idk what lol. Last night I had a brownie, then taco dip, then some peanut butter cup ice cream :haha: I feel like I'm always hungry :wacko: And my cm is the same as yours, which usually at this point is more sticky. My cervix also is still high! I am not putting too much hope in these things, because I also know they could all be pms...but I'm hopeful that it will lead to a bfp! We need to start rolling some of those beautiful lines in here! I'm crossing fingers and toes for everyone! Lots of baby dust too! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Yaaaaayyy cycle buddy!!!

I have the same feeling of hungry, but nothing sounds good. :thumbup: my cervix was med/low and soft when ovulating and it seems in the same spot, but harder. Last cycle it was much different - very high during o. I don't know if my cervix tells a good story, or is just a big fat liar! Lol
Kk- How are you feeling? Have you had a follow up beta? How's your DS?

Dream, DD, and Mizzy- any good symptoms to share? :winkwink:

Hey LouLou .. Not a whole lot going on .. just consistent cramping the last couple days .. Due for AF this Friday .. So could be because of that .. But cramps are not normal for me before AF .. only during .. so thats a little weird for me .. and i'm always hungry .. like not for big meals .. but i always feel snacky .. a little bite of something here .. and nibble of that there .. Lol .. its terrible .. thats not normal for me either.. cm is not very creamy like it usually is at this stage .. its more like a watery/creamy? Like last week .. this could all be pms .. but I'm definitely staying hopeful! I guess i'll know for sure this weekend! Send some prayers and :dust: this way, and I'll definitely be sending some out to you Ladies .. Wanting to see lots and lots of BFP's this month! <3

I'm sending lots of prayers and :dust: to you! We sound like we have very similar things going on, hopefully that's a good sign :) the difference being- I'm usually crampy my whole tww, but I've had very few this time lol...But I feel super snacky, but I don't ever know what I want...like I'm craving something but idk what lol. Last night I had a brownie, then taco dip, then some peanut butter cup ice cream :haha: I feel like I'm always hungry :wacko: And my cm is the same as yours, which usually at this point is more sticky. My cervix also is still high! I am not putting too much hope in these things, because I also know they could all be pms...but I'm hopeful that it will lead to a bfp! We need to start rolling some of those beautiful lines in here! I'm crossing fingers and toes for everyone! Lots of baby dust too! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Yaaaaayyy cycle buddy!!!

I have the same feeling of hungry, but nothing sounds good. :thumbup: my cervix was med/low and soft when ovulating and it seems in the same spot, but harder. Last cycle it was much different - very high during o. I don't know if my cervix tells a good story, or is just a big fat liar! Lol

CP and CM can be big fat liars! It's so hard because everyone is so different and those things can be different from month to month...wait, wait, wait...that is the only option lol :wacko:
Kk- How are you feeling? Have you had a follow up beta? How's your DS?

Dream, DD, and Mizzy- any good symptoms to share? :winkwink:

Hey LouLou .. Not a whole lot going on .. just consistent cramping the last couple days .. Due for AF this Friday .. So could be because of that .. But cramps are not normal for me before AF .. only during .. so thats a little weird for me .. and i'm always hungry .. like not for big meals .. but i always feel snacky .. a little bite of something here .. and nibble of that there .. Lol .. its terrible .. thats not normal for me either.. cm is not very creamy like it usually is at this stage .. its more like a watery/creamy? Like last week .. this could all be pms .. but I'm definitely staying hopeful! I guess i'll know for sure this weekend! Send some prayers and :dust: this way, and I'll definitely be sending some out to you Ladies .. Wanting to see lots and lots of BFP's this month! <3

I'm sending lots of prayers and :dust: to you! We sound like we have very similar things going on, hopefully that's a good sign :) the difference being- I'm usually crampy my whole tww, but I've had very few this time lol...But I feel super snacky, but I don't ever know what I want...like I'm craving something but idk what lol. Last night I had a brownie, then taco dip, then some peanut butter cup ice cream :haha: I feel like I'm always hungry :wacko: And my cm is the same as yours, which usually at this point is more sticky. My cervix also is still high! I am not putting too much hope in these things, because I also know they could all be pms...but I'm hopeful that it will lead to a bfp! We need to start rolling some of those beautiful lines in here! I'm crossing fingers and toes for everyone! Lots of baby dust too! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Thats Awesome! Definitely hoping to see some lines as well! Yep a lot of similar symptoms as you :) I'm slightly embarrassed to ask this but how do i check my cervix? .. i mean how is it supposed to feel at this point if not pregnant vs. being pregnant?
Kk- How are you feeling? Have you had a follow up beta? How's your DS?

Dream, DD, and Mizzy- any good symptoms to share? :winkwink:

Hey LouLou .. Not a whole lot going on .. just consistent cramping the last couple days .. Due for AF this Friday .. So could be because of that .. But cramps are not normal for me before AF .. only during .. so thats a little weird for me .. and i'm always hungry .. like not for big meals .. but i always feel snacky .. a little bite of something here .. and nibble of that there .. Lol .. its terrible .. thats not normal for me either.. cm is not very creamy like it usually is at this stage .. its more like a watery/creamy? Like last week .. this could all be pms .. but I'm definitely staying hopeful! I guess i'll know for sure this weekend! Send some prayers and :dust: this way, and I'll definitely be sending some out to you Ladies .. Wanting to see lots and lots of BFP's this month! <3

I'm sending lots of prayers and :dust: to you! We sound like we have very similar things going on, hopefully that's a good sign :) the difference being- I'm usually crampy my whole tww, but I've had very few this time lol...But I feel super snacky, but I don't ever know what I want...like I'm craving something but idk what lol. Last night I had a brownie, then taco dip, then some peanut butter cup ice cream :haha: I feel like I'm always hungry :wacko: And my cm is the same as yours, which usually at this point is more sticky. My cervix also is still high! I am not putting too much hope in these things, because I also know they could all be pms...but I'm hopeful that it will lead to a bfp! We need to start rolling some of those beautiful lines in here! I'm crossing fingers and toes for everyone! Lots of baby dust too! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Thats Awesome! Definitely hoping to see some lines as well! Yep a lot of similar symptoms as you :) I'm slightly embarrassed to ask this but how do i check my cervix? .. i mean how is it supposed to feel at this point if not pregnant vs. being pregnant?

Honestly hun, (and don't be embarrassed please!), the position is different for everyone and won't tell you anything. For most women after o it goes back low, firm, and closed- feels similar to the tip of your nose. At some point in pregnancy (and unfortunately there's no specific dpo) it goes back up high. I usually stand with one foot on the ground and the other on the toilet seat lid and you use either your middle finger or index finger to check it, because they can reach farther. If it's easy to find and you aren't having to push all the way in then that would be low. If it's almost out of reach, like you can only feel it with the tip of your finger and can't reach the opening (which kinda feels like a slit in your cervix), then that would be high. If mine is higher than low, but I can easily reach it and find the opening, then I consider that medium. Sorry for the lengthy description, this can be very confusing when you first start checking. And not every woman feels comfortable checking, so don't feel like you have to because really, ultimately it's position is of no consequence at this point, it really is only helpful in determining o. Hope this helps hun! :)
Kk- How are you feeling? Have you had a follow up beta? How's your DS?

Dream, DD, and Mizzy- any good symptoms to share? :winkwink:

Hey LouLou .. Not a whole lot going on .. just consistent cramping the last couple days .. Due for AF this Friday .. So could be because of that .. But cramps are not normal for me before AF .. only during .. so thats a little weird for me .. and i'm always hungry .. like not for big meals .. but i always feel snacky .. a little bite of something here .. and nibble of that there .. Lol .. its terrible .. thats not normal for me either.. cm is not very creamy like it usually is at this stage .. its more like a watery/creamy? Like last week .. this could all be pms .. but I'm definitely staying hopeful! I guess i'll know for sure this weekend! Send some prayers and :dust: this way, and I'll definitely be sending some out to you Ladies .. Wanting to see lots and lots of BFP's this month! <3

I'm sending lots of prayers and :dust: to you! We sound like we have very similar things going on, hopefully that's a good sign :) the difference being- I'm usually crampy my whole tww, but I've had very few this time lol...But I feel super snacky, but I don't ever know what I want...like I'm craving something but idk what lol. Last night I had a brownie, then taco dip, then some peanut butter cup ice cream :haha: I feel like I'm always hungry :wacko: And my cm is the same as yours, which usually at this point is more sticky. My cervix also is still high! I am not putting too much hope in these things, because I also know they could all be pms...but I'm hopeful that it will lead to a bfp! We need to start rolling some of those beautiful lines in here! I'm crossing fingers and toes for everyone! Lots of baby dust too! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Thats Awesome! Definitely hoping to see some lines as well! Yep a lot of similar symptoms as you :) I'm slightly embarrassed to ask this but how do i check my cervix? .. i mean how is it supposed to feel at this point if not pregnant vs. being pregnant?

Honestly hun, (and don't be embarrassed please!), the position is different for everyone and won't tell you anything. For most women after o it goes back low, firm, and closed- feels similar to the tip of your nose. At some point in pregnancy (and unfortunately there's no specific dpo) it goes back up high. I usually stand with one foot on the ground and the other on the toilet seat lid and you use either your middle finger or index finger to check it, because they can reach farther. If it's easy to find and you aren't having to push all the way in then that would be low. If it's almost out of reach, like you can only feel it with the tip of your finger and can't reach the opening (which kinda feels like a slit in your cervix), then that would be high. If mine is higher than low, but I can easily reach it and find the opening, then I consider that medium. Sorry for the lengthy description, this can be very confusing when you first start checking. And not every woman feels comfortable checking, so don't feel like you have to because really, ultimately it's position is of no consequence at this point, it really is only helpful in determining o. Hope this helps hun! :)

It definitely helps! Thanks Hun! <3 I'll have to check it out .. I mean i'm sure its not very comfortable .. but its my own body so im not worried about it .. I'll check mine after work :p Then ill have to let you know what it is to see how it compares with yours just out of curiousity :p
I can not believe it... Had the faintest of lines this am with FMU but too faint to believe it... then this evening I took another, the one you see here, and it looked darker, but DF didn't believe it, so I took the
Equate || and the Test line came up before the control line, so then I KNEW IT... however DF was still saying to faint.... so I risked the EPT Digital..... @ 11 DPO 10pm and .....
:bfp: OMG!!!

Awww congrats!!! FX's for a sweet sticky bean!!

Thank You so much Krissykat xoxoxoxox

Hey Foreign! Congrats Chicky! So happy for you <3 How long have you been ttc? what type of symptoms did you have in your 2ww? Details missy! Lol

Hey Mizzy, thanx hun xoxoxo this was our 3rd cycle TTC... No symptoms what's so ever... Usually sore bbs @ around 7 DPO, this month zip! BBT chart was a mess too, crazy dips, I knew that I'd see another :bfn: hmmm what we did differently this month, we used Pre-Seed, and looks like it worked for us :). Baby dust to all!!!!!!!!!
So, as I said earlier, I haven't been having a ton of cramps like I usually do, but I've had some weird sensations going on. I'm not sure how to describe it tho, kinda pinchy right above my pubic bone, but then turned kind of throbby. These feelings lasted about an hr and are now completely gone. I'm trying to not drive myself insane lol :wacko: but I'm definitely liking having something new to obsess over lol :haha:
I'm going to start testing tomorrow at what I say is 7dpo with ic's...(I have a ton, so why not? lol), ff says I'll be 8dpo, and ovufriend says I'll be 6dpo, either way, let the testing commence! :haha: crazy poas addict! :wacko::blush: If I get anything notable or sqintable, I will definitely post for you ladies! :)
I can not believe it... Had the faintest of lines this am with FMU but too faint to believe it... then this evening I took another, the one you see here, and it looked darker, but DF didn't believe it, so I took the
Equate || and the Test line came up before the control line, so then I KNEW IT... however DF was still saying to faint.... so I risked the EPT Digital..... @ 11 DPO 10pm and .....
:bfp: OMG!!!

Congrats hun!! :happydance:

I'm hoping to ovulate in the next few days. Here's my OPK from this morning. Darkest test line I've ever seen.

How is everyone else doing? Looks like I have lots of posts to catch on. Welcome to all the new ladies! So glad to see this group growing :)


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Kk- How are you feeling? Have you had a follow up beta? How's your DS?

Dream, DD, and Mizzy- any good symptoms to share? :winkwink:

i am k Hun. I have been waiting for cross hairs on ff and today WOWZA it gave me cross hairs and put me at 8dpo. And it showed that i missed O completely and my temps r all over the place and no clear thermal shift. I will post it later. No symptoms. The only difference is that i have tons of creamy cm which usually dries up by now. So i am just waiting for af to start a new cycle. So enough about me, how are you? How many dpo r u? Any symptoms? When r u testing?
Kk- How are you feeling? Have you had a follow up beta? How's your DS?

Dream, DD, and Mizzy- any good symptoms to share? :winkwink:

Hey LouLou .. Not a whole lot going on .. just consistent cramping the last couple days .. Due for AF this Friday .. So could be because of that .. But cramps are not normal for me before AF .. only during .. so thats a little weird for me .. and i'm always hungry .. like not for big meals .. but i always feel snacky .. a little bite of something here .. and nibble of that there .. Lol .. its terrible .. thats not normal for me either.. cm is not very creamy like it usually is at this stage .. its more like a watery/creamy? Like last week .. this could all be pms .. but I'm definitely staying hopeful! I guess i'll know for sure this weekend! Send some prayers and :dust: this way, and I'll definitely be sending some out to you Ladies .. Wanting to see lots and lots of BFP's this month! <3

I'm sending lots of prayers and :dust: to you! We sound like we have very similar things going on, hopefully that's a good sign :) the difference being- I'm usually crampy my whole tww, but I've had very few this time lol...But I feel super snacky, but I don't ever know what I want...like I'm craving something but idk what lol. Last night I had a brownie, then taco dip, then some peanut butter cup ice cream :haha: I feel like I'm always hungry :wacko: And my cm is the same as yours, which usually at this point is more sticky. My cervix also is still high! I am not putting too much hope in these things, because I also know they could all be pms...but I'm hopeful that it will lead to a bfp! We need to start rolling some of those beautiful lines in here! I'm crossing fingers and toes for everyone! Lots of baby dust too! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Yaaaaayyy cycle buddy!!!

I have the same feeling of hungry, but nothing sounds good. :thumbup: my cervix was med/low and soft when ovulating and it seems in the same spot, but harder. Last cycle it was much different - very high during o. I don't know if my cervix tells a good story, or is just a big fat liar! Lol

CP and CM can be big fat liars! It's so hard because everyone is so different and those things can be different from month to month...wait, wait, wait...that is the only option lol :wacko:

Hey LouLou .. checked my cervix .. its low and hard .. not sure what that means .. lol .. but i think thats about right considering im about 10DPO .. Meh either way AF is due this Friday .. Hoping she doesn't show her face :)
loulou- thanks for the well wishes! I'm starting to feel a lot better about things lol just trying to stay positive!

Foreign chick- Congrats on a BFP!!

I did another poas this morning (ept), and yep doubly confirmed now for me but all my symptoms still just feel like AF is due any minute lol

good luck gals and thanks for the support!!! :flower::flower::flower:
loulou- thanks for the well wishes! I'm starting to feel a lot better about things lol just trying to stay positive!

Foreign chick- Congrats on a BFP!!

I did another poas this morning (ept), and yep doubly confirmed now for me but all my symptoms still just feel like AF is due any minute lol

good luck gals and thanks for the support!!! :flower::flower::flower:

:happydance::happydance: congrats Hun x
Kk- How are you feeling? Have you had a follow up beta? How's your DS?

Dream, DD, and Mizzy- any good symptoms to share? :winkwink:

i am k Hun. I have been waiting for cross hairs on ff and today WOWZA it gave me cross hairs and put me at 8dpo. And it showed that i missed O completely and my temps r all over the place and no clear thermal shift. I will post it later. No symptoms. The only difference is that i have tons of creamy cm which usually dries up by now. So i am just waiting for af to start a new cycle. So enough about me, how are you? How many dpo r u? Any symptoms? When r u testing?

That totally has me baffled! No crosshairs til 8dpo??? :wacko: I hope it's wrong and happened at a time when you got to bd...sorry hun! If that's the case, bring on the next cycle! :flower:
I will be 7 dpo tomorrow and will probably start testing :haha: I have a ton of ic's, so why not? :shrug: I've had weird pinching and twinges and throbbing today, along with a sharp, stabbing pain in my left boobie :shrug: Those are my most abnormal symptoms, but there are others, there's always others lol. I've been feeling super hot, my temp was down to 98.8 this morning, and out of curiosity I took it at like 7:45pm and it was 99.4, no wonder why I was sweating! :haha: I've been trying not to get my hopes up too much, but I know even if af comes there's next cycle :)
Kk- How are you feeling? Have you had a follow up beta? How's your DS?

Dream, DD, and Mizzy- any good symptoms to share? :winkwink:

Hey LouLou .. Not a whole lot going on .. just consistent cramping the last couple days .. Due for AF this Friday .. So could be because of that .. But cramps are not normal for me before AF .. only during .. so thats a little weird for me .. and i'm always hungry .. like not for big meals .. but i always feel snacky .. a little bite of something here .. and nibble of that there .. Lol .. its terrible .. thats not normal for me either.. cm is not very creamy like it usually is at this stage .. its more like a watery/creamy? Like last week .. this could all be pms .. but I'm definitely staying hopeful! I guess i'll know for sure this weekend! Send some prayers and :dust: this way, and I'll definitely be sending some out to you Ladies .. Wanting to see lots and lots of BFP's this month! <3

I'm sending lots of prayers and :dust: to you! We sound like we have very similar things going on, hopefully that's a good sign :) the difference being- I'm usually crampy my whole tww, but I've had very few this time lol...But I feel super snacky, but I don't ever know what I want...like I'm craving something but idk what lol. Last night I had a brownie, then taco dip, then some peanut butter cup ice cream :haha: I feel like I'm always hungry :wacko: And my cm is the same as yours, which usually at this point is more sticky. My cervix also is still high! I am not putting too much hope in these things, because I also know they could all be pms...but I'm hopeful that it will lead to a bfp! We need to start rolling some of those beautiful lines in here! I'm crossing fingers and toes for everyone! Lots of baby dust too! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Yaaaaayyy cycle buddy!!!

I have the same feeling of hungry, but nothing sounds good. :thumbup: my cervix was med/low and soft when ovulating and it seems in the same spot, but harder. Last cycle it was much different - very high during o. I don't know if my cervix tells a good story, or is just a big fat liar! Lol

CP and CM can be big fat liars! It's so hard because everyone is so different and those things can be different from month to month...wait, wait, wait...that is the only option lol :wacko:

Hey LouLou .. checked my cervix .. its low and hard .. not sure what that means .. lol .. but i think thats about right considering im about 10DPO .. Meh either way AF is due this Friday .. Hoping she doesn't show her face :)

That sounds about right! It really isn't a good indicator of anything but o, and possibly gives a better idea of what kind of cm is present. I'm trying to keep the :witch: away for everyone! Are you going to wait til she's due or overdue to test? Baby dust :dust:
Kk- How are you feeling? Have you had a follow up beta? How's your DS?

Dream, DD, and Mizzy- any good symptoms to share? :winkwink:

i am k Hun. I have been waiting for cross hairs on ff and today WOWZA it gave me cross hairs and put me at 8dpo. And it showed that i missed O completely and my temps r all over the place and no clear thermal shift. I will post it later. No symptoms. The only difference is that i have tons of creamy cm which usually dries up by now. So i am just waiting for af to start a new cycle. So enough about me, how are you? How many dpo r u? Any symptoms? When r u testing?

That totally has me baffled! No crosshairs til 8dpo??? :wacko: I hope it's wrong and happened at a time when you got to bd...sorry hun! If that's the case, bring on the next cycle! :flower:
I will be 7 dpo tomorrow and will probably start testing :haha: I have a ton of ic's, so why not? :shrug: I've had weird pinching and twinges and throbbing today, along with a sharp, stabbing pain in my left boobie :shrug: Those are my most abnormal symptoms, but there are others, there's always others lol. I've been feeling super hot, my temp was down to 98.8 this morning, and out of curiosity I took it at like 7:45pm and it was 99.4, no wonder why I was sweating! :haha: I've been trying not to get my hopes up too much, but I know even if af comes there's next cycle :)

yea for symptoms. Good luck x

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