2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

Kk- How are you feeling? Have you had a follow up beta? How's your DS?

Dream, DD, and Mizzy- any good symptoms to share? :winkwink:

i am k Hun. I have been waiting for cross hairs on ff and today WOWZA it gave me cross hairs and put me at 8dpo. And it showed that i missed O completely and my temps r all over the place and no clear thermal shift. I will post it later. No symptoms. The only difference is that i have tons of creamy cm which usually dries up by now. So i am just waiting for af to start a new cycle. So enough about me, how are you? How many dpo r u? Any symptoms? When r u testing?

That totally has me baffled! No crosshairs til 8dpo??? :wacko: I hope it's wrong and happened at a time when you got to bd...sorry hun! If that's the case, bring on the next cycle! :flower:
I will be 7 dpo tomorrow and will probably start testing :haha: I have a ton of ic's, so why not? :shrug: I've had weird pinching and twinges and throbbing today, along with a sharp, stabbing pain in my left boobie :shrug: Those are my most abnormal symptoms, but there are others, there's always others lol. I've been feeling super hot, my temp was down to 98.8 this morning, and out of curiosity I took it at like 7:45pm and it was 99.4, no wonder why I was sweating! :haha: I've been trying not to get my hopes up too much, but I know even if af comes there's next cycle :)

yea for symptoms. Good luck x

Thanks hun! I actually meant 99.8, but had a oopsie! :haha: I get some symptoms every month, so I'm trying to make positive and light of it. I don't want to convince myself I'm pregnant if I'm not, ya know?
Happy Tuesday Ladies!!! :) :bfn: on the ic this morning ladies, I knew it would be though, I'm only 7dpo! I'll test again in the morning, and if there's anything I will post it for you to squint with me :)
I can not believe it... Had the faintest of lines this am with FMU but too faint to believe it... then this evening I took another, the one you see here, and it looked darker, but DF didn't believe it, so I took the
Equate || and the Test line came up before the control line, so then I KNEW IT... however DF was still saying to faint.... so I risked the EPT Digital..... @ 11 DPO 10pm and .....
:bfp: OMG!!!

Congrats hun!! :happydance:

I'm hoping to ovulate in the next few days. Here's my OPK from this morning. Darkest test line I've ever seen.

How is everyone else doing? Looks like I have lots of posts to catch on. Welcome to all the new ladies! So glad to see this group growing :)

Thank you denyse!!! Fingers crossed for you! That line looks great to me!!!!

Sending lots and lots of Baby Dust your way!
Morning ladies :)

Still no positive OPK for me, but having ovulation type cramping and low back pain so I think either I've ovulated and missed my surge, or it's coming very soon. Either way we :sex: last night as my hubby is on night shift all this week. We really gave it our all this month, and hopefully we get lucky!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Congrats to the new :bfp: !!
I'm now in the wait for o.. I'm wondering if I should get some preseed.. It's just so expensive :( but I don't want to miss out on a possible swimmer needing some help :( idk idk idk.

Lou your symptoms sound goooooood, though dpo symptoms always sound good don't they lol. I'm crossing everything for you :hugs:
Morning ladies :)

Still no positive OPK for me, but having ovulation type cramping and low back pain so I think either I've ovulated and missed my surge, or it's coming very soon. Either way we :sex: last night as my hubby is on night shift all this week. We really gave it our all this month, and hopefully we get lucky!

Hope everyone has a great day!

You're doing the best you can hun! That's all we can do and hope for the best! It sounds like you got lots of :sex: in, so you should be pretty well covered :thumbup: I would say if o hasn't happened yet, it should be really soon! I've got FX'd for you!
Kk- How are you feeling? Have you had a follow up beta? How's your DS?

Dream, DD, and Mizzy- any good symptoms to share? :winkwink:

Hey LouLou .. Not a whole lot going on .. just consistent cramping the last couple days .. Due for AF this Friday .. So could be because of that .. But cramps are not normal for me before AF .. only during .. so thats a little weird for me .. and i'm always hungry .. like not for big meals .. but i always feel snacky .. a little bite of something here .. and nibble of that there .. Lol .. its terrible .. thats not normal for me either.. cm is not very creamy like it usually is at this stage .. its more like a watery/creamy? Like last week .. this could all be pms .. but I'm definitely staying hopeful! I guess i'll know for sure this weekend! Send some prayers and :dust: this way, and I'll definitely be sending some out to you Ladies .. Wanting to see lots and lots of BFP's this month! <3

I'm sending lots of prayers and :dust: to you! We sound like we have very similar things going on, hopefully that's a good sign :) the difference being- I'm usually crampy my whole tww, but I've had very few this time lol...But I feel super snacky, but I don't ever know what I want...like I'm craving something but idk what lol. Last night I had a brownie, then taco dip, then some peanut butter cup ice cream :haha: I feel like I'm always hungry :wacko: And my cm is the same as yours, which usually at this point is more sticky. My cervix also is still high! I am not putting too much hope in these things, because I also know they could all be pms...but I'm hopeful that it will lead to a bfp! We need to start rolling some of those beautiful lines in here! I'm crossing fingers and toes for everyone! Lots of baby dust too! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Yaaaaayyy cycle buddy!!!

I have the same feeling of hungry, but nothing sounds good. :thumbup: my cervix was med/low and soft when ovulating and it seems in the same spot, but harder. Last cycle it was much different - very high during o. I don't know if my cervix tells a good story, or is just a big fat liar! Lol

CP and CM can be big fat liars! It's so hard because everyone is so different and those things can be different from month to month...wait, wait, wait...that is the only option lol :wacko:

Hey LouLou .. checked my cervix .. its low and hard .. not sure what that means .. lol .. but i think thats about right considering im about 10DPO .. Meh either way AF is due this Friday .. Hoping she doesn't show her face :)

That sounds about right! It really isn't a good indicator of anything but o, and possibly gives a better idea of what kind of cm is present. I'm trying to keep the :witch: away for everyone! Are you going to wait til she's due or overdue to test? Baby dust :dust:

Well AF is due Friday .. so if i dont see her by Saturday morning then i'll test .. i have been trying to be good about not testing til after AF is due .. i have spent so much money on tests over the past 20 months .. Lol .. so Ill definitely be testing Saturday morning if AF isn't present :)
Morning ladies :)

Still no positive OPK for me, but having ovulation type cramping and low back pain so I think either I've ovulated and missed my surge, or it's coming very soon. Either way we :sex: last night as my hubby is on night shift all this week. We really gave it our all this month, and hopefully we get lucky!

Hope everyone has a great day!

You're doing the best you can hun! That's all we can do and hope for the best! It sounds like you got lots of :sex: in, so you should be pretty well covered :thumbup: I would say if o hasn't happened yet, it should be really soon! I've got FX'd for you!

Thank you hun, same goes for you :hugs:
Congrats to the new :bfp: !!
I'm now in the wait for o.. I'm wondering if I should get some preseed.. It's just so expensive :( but I don't want to miss out on a possible swimmer needing some help :( idk idk idk.

Lou your symptoms sound goooooood, though dpo symptoms always sound good don't they lol. I'm crossing everything for you :hugs:

We use PreSeed and I find it really helps. We conceived our son using it too. We're in Canada so we have to order it online. It's worth giving a try :)
Happy Tuesday Ladies!!! :) :bfn: on the ic this morning ladies, I knew it would be though, I'm only 7dpo! I'll test again in the morning, and if there's anything I will post it for you to squint with me :)

Sending lots of :dust: your way and can't wait to hear your updates! :)
Congrats to the new :BFP:!!
I'm now in the wait for o.. I'm wondering if I should get some preseed.. It's just so expensive :( but I don't want to miss out on a possible swimmer needing some help :( idk idk idk.

Lou your symptoms sound goooooood, though dpo symptoms always sound good don't they lol. I'm crossing everything for you :hugs:

When is suspected o date? I saw they had preseed at walmart, and I do remember thinking it was quite pricey. I think if I was to use something like that it would end in a huge mess :haha: I definitely produce enough of my own :blush:

Thanks hun! I'm hoping! Yes, I always read others symptoms and think how good they sound lol, and I always think mine sound good too, but no luck yet, so I'm just keeping my FX'd :) Af is due the 19th so we shall see :) I'm still getting these weird twinges/pokey/stabby feelings and no cramps, so this is a first for me! I've also started with these hiccup burps :haha: which could obviously mean nothing, I get them once in a great while usually (and it usually involves alcohol :haha:), but last night and this morning I keep having them and have had nothing but coffee and water...very interesting! The crazy things we notice :wacko::shrug: I laugh at myself for picking out these stupid things lol :dohh:
Kk- How are you feeling? Have you had a follow up beta? How's your DS?

Dream, DD, and Mizzy- any good symptoms to share? :winkwink:

Hey LouLou .. Not a whole lot going on .. just consistent cramping the last couple days .. Due for AF this Friday .. So could be because of that .. But cramps are not normal for me before AF .. only during .. so thats a little weird for me .. and i'm always hungry .. like not for big meals .. but i always feel snacky .. a little bite of something here .. and nibble of that there .. Lol .. its terrible .. thats not normal for me either.. cm is not very creamy like it usually is at this stage .. its more like a watery/creamy? Like last week .. this could all be pms .. but I'm definitely staying hopeful! I guess i'll know for sure this weekend! Send some prayers and :dust: this way, and I'll definitely be sending some out to you Ladies .. Wanting to see lots and lots of BFP's this month! <3

I'm sending lots of prayers and :dust: to you! We sound like we have very similar things going on, hopefully that's a good sign :) the difference being- I'm usually crampy my whole tww, but I've had very few this time lol...But I feel super snacky, but I don't ever know what I want...like I'm craving something but idk what lol. Last night I had a brownie, then taco dip, then some peanut butter cup ice cream :haha: I feel like I'm always hungry :wacko: And my cm is the same as yours, which usually at this point is more sticky. My cervix also is still high! I am not putting too much hope in these things, because I also know they could all be pms...but I'm hopeful that it will lead to a bfp! We need to start rolling some of those beautiful lines in here! I'm crossing fingers and toes for everyone! Lots of baby dust too! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Yaaaaayyy cycle buddy!!!

I have the same feeling of hungry, but nothing sounds good. :thumbup: my cervix was med/low and soft when ovulating and it seems in the same spot, but harder. Last cycle it was much different - very high during o. I don't know if my cervix tells a good story, or is just a big fat liar! Lol

CP and CM can be big fat liars! It's so hard because everyone is so different and those things can be different from month to month...wait, wait, wait...that is the only option lol :wacko:

Hey LouLou .. checked my cervix .. its low and hard .. not sure what that means .. lol .. but i think thats about right considering im about 10DPO .. Meh either way AF is due this Friday .. Hoping she doesn't show her face :)

That sounds about right! It really isn't a good indicator of anything but o, and possibly gives a better idea of what kind of cm is present. I'm trying to keep the :witch: away for everyone! Are you going to wait til she's due or overdue to test? Baby dust :dust:

Well AF is due Friday .. so if i dont see her by Saturday morning then i'll test .. i have been trying to be good about not testing til after AF is due .. i have spent so much money on tests over the past 20 months .. Lol .. so Ill definitely be testing Saturday morning if AF isn't present :)

That's why I bought ic's! I can test all I want and not feel bad about it lol. I still have to see the bfn's tho, but I'm getting better about that, especially since I start testing so early :blush: You have iron will power Mizzy :flower: I'm hoping to see a bfp from you on Saturday! Baby dust :dust:
Congrats to the new :bfp: !!
I'm now in the wait for o.. I'm wondering if I should get some preseed.. It's just so expensive :( but I don't want to miss out on a possible swimmer needing some help :( idk idk idk.

Lou your symptoms sound goooooood, though dpo symptoms always sound good don't they lol. I'm crossing everything for you :hugs:

We use PreSeed and I find it really helps. We conceived our son using it too. We're in Canada so we have to order it online. It's worth giving a try :)

Can I ask which of these you ordered?



Thanks hun! I'm hoping! Yes, I always read others symptoms and think how good they sound lol, and I always think mine sound good too, but no luck yet, so I'm just keeping my FX'd :) Af is due the 19th so we shall see :) I'm still getting these weird twinges/pokey/stabby feelings and no cramps, so this is a first for me! I've also started with these hiccup burps :haha: which could obviously mean nothing, I get them once in a great while usually (and it usually involves alcohol :haha:), but last night and this morning I keep having them and have had nothing but coffee and water...very interesting! The crazy things we notice :wacko::shrug: I laugh at myself for picking out these stupid things lol :dohh:

Hmm ff says a heap of days for my fertile week as it thinks I'm irregular :( ovufriend said around 23rd but I don't have premium anymore so I don't know now. And my phone app which I have to say was spot on last month, says 17th! So who knows!! Just going to start opk today and go from there. It's bonk night. :haha: I've said to oh we should just do it every other day and everyday when I get pos opk. Could this be too much?? He seems a bit sheepish about it lol. When we did that first cycle, he was knackered by o day and we missed it!! I was like all I need is your swimmers! You could be tucked up in bed after 5mins!! I thought that would be a guys dream quickie :shrug:

Maybe it's too much pressure. But I reaaaaally want to get fat for reasons other than too many mince pies this Xmas.

Last cycle I had pinching and pulling and lots of things I never had before. It drives us mad. But one thing that everyone seems to get is sore side boobs and I didn't have that. Are you noting your symptoms down on charts? Can I see yours? :flower:
Congrats to the new :bfp: !!
I'm now in the wait for o.. I'm wondering if I should get some preseed.. It's just so expensive :( but I don't want to miss out on a possible swimmer needing some help :( idk idk idk.

Lou your symptoms sound goooooood, though dpo symptoms always sound good don't they lol. I'm crossing everything for you :hugs:

We use PreSeed and I find it really helps. We conceived our son using it too. We're in Canada so we have to order it online. It's worth giving a try :)

Can I ask which of these you ordered?



Thanks hun! I'm hoping! Yes, I always read others symptoms and think how good they sound lol, and I always think mine sound good too, but no luck yet, so I'm just keeping my FX'd :) Af is due the 19th so we shall see :) I'm still getting these weird twinges/pokey/stabby feelings and no cramps, so this is a first for me! I've also started with these hiccup burps :haha: which could obviously mean nothing, I get them once in a great while usually (and it usually involves alcohol :haha:), but last night and this morning I keep having them and have had nothing but coffee and water...very interesting! The crazy things we notice :wacko::shrug: I laugh at myself for picking out these stupid things lol :dohh:

Hmm ff says a heap of days for my fertile week as it thinks I'm irregular :( ovufriend said around 23rd but I don't have premium anymore so I don't know now. And my phone app which I have to say was spot on last month, says 17th! So who knows!! Just going to start opk today and go from there. It's bonk night. :haha: I've said to oh we should just do it every other day and everyday when I get pos opk. Could this be too much?? He seems a bit sheepish about it lol. When we did that first cycle, he was knackered by o day and we missed it!! I was like all I need is your swimmers! You could be tucked up in bed after 5mins!! I thought that would be a guys dream quickie :shrug:

Maybe it's too much pressure. But I reaaaaally want to get fat for reasons other than too many mince pies this Xmas.

Last cycle I had pinching and pulling and lots of things I never had before. It drives us mad. But one thing that everyone seems to get is sore side boobs and I didn't have that. Are you noting your symptoms down on charts? Can I see yours? :flower:

The second link you posted. Same stuff, we just order it from early-pregnancy-tests.com, but it's the same stuff.
Ok, so I was taping all my tests on a piece of paper because I like to keep records for evaps, etc. So I put the 4 wondfo's together that I have used for research :haha: and thought I saw something on the bottom test, which happens to be the one I took at 5:30 this morning, so naturally I took a pic :haha: I went into my photo editor and was playing around with it (now I have no idea how to tweak, I just downloaded this app on my phone), changing colors, black and white, blah, blah, blah...Well I definitely see something on the bottom test I took today, but since this is well past the 10 mins, it could very well be an evap. The other tests are from previous days when I was bored (knew I couldn't get a bfp) and thought I'd test my wondfo batch for evaps...so I'll post for you because I promised I would :)

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Ok, so I was taping all my tests on a piece of paper because I like to keep records for evaps, etc. So I put the 4 wondfo's together that I have used for research :haha: and thought I saw something on the bottom test, which happens to be the one I took at 5:30 this morning, so naturally I took a pic :haha: I went into my photo editor and was playing around with it (now I have no idea how to tweak, I just downloaded this app on my phone), changing colors, black and white, blah, blah, blah...Well I definitely see something on the bottom test I took today, but since this is well past the 10 mins, it could very well be an evap. The other tests are from previous days when I was bored (knew I couldn't get a bfp) and thought I'd test my wondfo batch for evaps...so I'll post for you because I promised I would :)

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Ahhh LouLou!! I swear i see a faint line on the bottom test! Maybe its my eyes messing with me .. but it sure looks like a faint line! Definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you love <3 :hugs: !
Congrats to the new :bfp: !!
I'm now in the wait for o.. I'm wondering if I should get some preseed.. It's just so expensive :( but I don't want to miss out on a possible swimmer needing some help :( idk idk idk.

Lou your symptoms sound goooooood, though dpo symptoms always sound good don't they lol. I'm crossing everything for you :hugs:

We use PreSeed and I find it really helps. We conceived our son using it too. We're in Canada so we have to order it online. It's worth giving a try :)

Can I ask which of these you ordered?



Thanks hun! I'm hoping! Yes, I always read others symptoms and think how good they sound lol, and I always think mine sound good too, but no luck yet, so I'm just keeping my FX'd :) Af is due the 19th so we shall see :) I'm still getting these weird twinges/pokey/stabby feelings and no cramps, so this is a first for me! I've also started with these hiccup burps :haha: which could obviously mean nothing, I get them once in a great while usually (and it usually involves alcohol :haha:), but last night and this morning I keep having them and have had nothing but coffee and water...very interesting! The crazy things we notice :wacko::shrug: I laugh at myself for picking out these stupid things lol :dohh:

Hmm ff says a heap of days for my fertile week as it thinks I'm irregular :( ovufriend said around 23rd but I don't have premium anymore so I don't know now. And my phone app which I have to say was spot on last month, says 17th! So who knows!! Just going to start opk today and go from there. It's bonk night. :haha: I've said to oh we should just do it every other day and everyday when I get pos opk. Could this be too much?? He seems a bit sheepish about it lol. When we did that first cycle, he was knackered by o day and we missed it!! I was like all I need is your swimmers! You could be tucked up in bed after 5mins!! I thought that would be a guys dream quickie :shrug:

Maybe it's too much pressure. But I reaaaaally want to get fat for reasons other than too many mince pies this Xmas.

Last cycle I had pinching and pulling and lots of things I never had before. It drives us mad. But one thing that everyone seems to get is sore side boobs and I didn't have that. Are you noting your symptoms down on charts? Can I see yours? :flower:

Hahaha...:xmas6::xmas13: You are hilarious!

Sometimes I think it's too much pressure on the men. I don't tell mine a lot, and he's content to stay in the dark lol. He occasionally asks if I've tested, but is usually way off base with the days :haha: The only time he knew I was testing was when I made him go buy them, he wasn't volunteering, so I guilted him into it :blush: If he's up to every other day and every day of + opk's, then go for it! Mine definitely wasn't! If not, try adding another day in between??

I have sore everywhere boobs that feel like they're growing, which is a small miracle for me :blush: I'm a very small 34B, sometimes A, so I'll take any bit of growth :thumbup: I am putting the stuff in my chart, but I'm not sure how to post it. I can tell you the majority:
-fatigue mixed with insomnia (strange, I know!)
-hungry all the time, but nothing satisfies the unknown craving
-stuffy nose every am and throughout the day and now sneezing at 7dpo
-sore boobies that feel heavy (had 1 stabbing pain in left at 6dpo)
-big glob of stretchy, creamy cm on 5dpo (I think)
-high temps and feeling hot!!!
-no regular cramps after 4/5dpo, just the pinchy/twingy/pokey stuff 6&7dpo
-switching from constipated to loose bm
-vivid dreams last 2 nights
-extremely gassy, and hiccup burps
-constant backache
-back and forth between emotional and irritated
-on and off headache
-couple bouts of lightheadedness
-semi nauseous a couple of times
-frequent urination, got up at least once every night

I think that about covers it for now lol, I'll add if there's anything to add :)
Ok, so I was taping all my tests on a piece of paper because I like to keep records for evaps, etc. So I put the 4 wondfo's together that I have used for research :haha: and thought I saw something on the bottom test, which happens to be the one I took at 5:30 this morning, so naturally I took a pic :haha: I went into my photo editor and was playing around with it (now I have no idea how to tweak, I just downloaded this app on my phone), changing colors, black and white, blah, blah, blah...Well I definitely see something on the bottom test I took today, but since this is well past the 10 mins, it could very well be an evap. The other tests are from previous days when I was bored (knew I couldn't get a bfp) and thought I'd test my wondfo batch for evaps...so I'll post for you because I promised I would :)

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Ahhh LouLou!! I swear i see a faint line on the bottom test! Maybe its my eyes messing with me .. but it sure looks like a faint line! Definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you love <3 :hugs: !

Thank you! I'm not going to get too excited until I start seeing lines in the time frame lol. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who sees it though :hugs:
Lou - I'm so tired I can't see properly my eyes are 90% shut but I read people can see lines and I'm so excited for you!!! I mean, excited for your possible lines turning darker, I'm hoping and hoping and hoping for you! :friends:

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