African or African-Americans TTC

Mrskc-I seriously hope you get your BFP, especially when you are 5 days late. All dr office tells you to wait another week to test again. What you are going though now, it’s been my normal thing with this ttc thing. And I’m tire of it. I would think I am and then my period (AF) shows up.

Karen-I know what you mean, that is why under my avatar on bnb it states “TTC on Break” 2 ½ years is to much. Still going to see my RE. Bad cramps tonight (and I got to right to spot, since I’m not ttc).

Ici Buttercup-Yes I’m Nigerian/American! Wow you are in Lagos! I’ve been trying to get to Nigeria for the longest time. So how is Nigeria now? Are you base in Lagos or just living there?
Hi Dipar.....I'm based in Lagos. Besides a few years out of the country for school and work, I've pretty much lived here all my life!

Ladies, I SOOOO know what you mean! Towards the end of last year, I did give myself a break...and only hopped back on the train after my laporoscopy and impending ovarian stimulation. Typically, I am having those usual symptoms this cycle....i.e. cramping, indigestion.... But I have decided not to even think about it. So if God decides to surprise me this month....even before our treatment is to commence....that will be a welcome gift....but if not, life just has to go on!

Mrsk, I have heard about ladies who tested negative till well into their pregnancies. Is your AF usually late? Did you take any progesterone shots/supplements this cycle, or anything that could have destabilized it? If the answers to all these questions are no, then I don't think you should give up hop this cycle.

Oh....and I decided to make my avatar a bit more personal :winkwink:
Ici Buttercup,

Well you are the first Nigerian i ever met on bnb. And i pray that all of you get your bfp's. GOD is opening doors for me here. So take care..:hugs::hugs:
Hi all!:flower:

@Isi_buttercup: I so want to go to Nigeria. My goal is to go in a year. I want to surprise my Dh with a trip to Africa. No I did not take anything that would obstruct my cycle from starting. So Im not sure why it is so late?:shrug: the DR says wait another week and test and then call them, so I guess I have to wait!:nope: I love your profile pic!

@Dipar_butt: Yes I have to wait another week..It sucks but it is what it is. I thought I had some twinges in my BB's today but Im chalking it all up to being "crazy". I want to retest and see but I think I am just going to ride it out. Too nervous to see a BFN. Glad to see you doing and handling TTC so well.:thumbup::hugs:

@Kareen: My prayers are with you!!

@Everyone else: How are you all doing? Come on back and share with us!:hugs::happydance:
Mrsk, it would be so awesome if you can make it to Nigeria. Don't worry, it's not as scary as you hear!!! LOL!! I'm also holding out for you, and by God's grace, the week will speed by in a flash, and then you can get re-tested! And thanks about the profile picture :blush:
Mrskc,-Hey it is what it is. You will have to ride it out next week and see what's the outcome. Keep praying and have faith. Yes i'm doing my break well. When the time comes i'll get back on the boat and keep sailing. And i'm glad i'm on the break, because my body is doing so much better with signs and all.

And I also have 3 more weeks to go to see my RE and see what she will tell me. I'll keep you posted.

Ici Buttercup. Do you have a picture that shows you and your husband faces? But i like this picture with the bubbles. I'm not ready to put my picture on bnb yet. I'll wait. My goal is to get to Nigeria this summer to see my dad and the family. Sit down and eat my favorite soup.. Egusi soup:happydance::happydance: with fufu:kiss:..Ummmm i miss it! and top it off with puff-puff(buff-buff) balls.:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks ladies! Im getting so impatient. I might swing by dollar store to get a test and see what it brings me. Im not sure. Ill let you know!
:hi:Hi ladies , was pleasantly surprised to come across this thread. Can i join you all?? I am black and living in London. I have been TTC my second child for about 18 months now. I conceived my son easily, but not happening so easily this time! Worry that it is my age as i am 36 now! I had a MMC in December and this is the first month since then TTC since then. I used the Clearblue fertility monitor to try something new and that was when i fell pregnant (first time using it) so i am hoping and praying it will do it again for me. Anyone else using it? Good luck if you are testing tomorrow Mrsscbrown. Looking into preseed next month.

I am on 2 DPO now. Where is everyone else in their cycles?
Hi Sue:flower::

So glad that you can join us. I have been TTC almost a yr and currently 6 days late on AF. I think AF is just MIA this month, and so cant wait to see RE in a week so that we can get this party started.:shrug: Yes its funny how we can conceive the first one without thinking about it but this second one is so hard. I am 35 so Im very close to your age. Have you been to the DRs to see what could possibly be going wrong??:shrug: I hope that you get BFP very soon, cuz these ladies know some tricks for getting pregnant:winkwink:. I have never used the CB monitor but if I am not BFP this time, which I do not think I am, I am going to probably follow my cycles a bit closer. Thanks for joining!!!:hugs:
Dipar....I make a MEAN egusi soup!!! LOL!! And puff-puff as well. If you are able to come over to Nigeria this year, it would be nice to hook up.

Welcome on board Sue! I only recently joined and am absolutely loving this team of fine, inspirational women. I'm 32 (33 in May) and TTC for about 15 months now. About 10dpo waiting to see how it goes. Not holding my breath though.....and definitely not testing till AF doesn't show. I definitely can not hack another.

Mrsk....I'm just going to send you a big HUG as you wait to get tested. Even if it doesn't happen this cycle, it will SURELY happen soon, by God's grace! Praying for you dearie!
Thanks MrsK and Isi Buttercup.

Mrsk, How long are your cycles usually? Could it be that you have ov late this cycle? I have very unusual cycles in that i have a 24 - 25 day LP phase! I intend to see a gynae to discuss this, not sure that it is a problem but i know a short LP is a problem. My Dr has not been very good really. But i am very aware of my age and the clock is ticking! I had the intial blood tests done and then fell pregnant just as i was about to be referred. My son is 3 and half now and i was hoping to have another so there was a 2 year gap but that was not meant to be.

Isi Butercup, are you going to wait until your AF is due to test? I dont think i have ever waited that long lol! WIth my son i knew on 10 DPO and have always tested early, i am too impatient!! It is better to wait though as it just adds to me worrying whether my period will start and it was a chemical!! Good luck for you BFP this month!! You are not out until your AF shows!! I know i have never had any symtoms before it comes so would never know before taking the HPT.
I have had my heart crushed too many times by all those early tests, Sue!! Gosh! I can't even imagine going through that heart break again. It's so much easier to see AF....than to get that horrible BFN!! I shudder as I remember all those heart wrenching moments! Nah! I prefer to! My "symptoms" this month have not even been strong enough to get me gong-ho about testing! My cramping now feels more like AF cramping....the nausea has pretty much disappeared.....breasts are as normal as can! I think I better start counting down to AF.
I know exactly what you mean Isi Buttercup. It is so hard getting the BFN each month. God only knows how i have remained sane after all these months of going through this month after month! Funny when i read about women who have been TTC for 1 or 2 months and getting frustratated! There have been many moments when i have really struggled though like when friends and colleagues have fallen pregnant just like that! But i dont really go by symtoms, i just dont seem to get them when i am pregnant until around 6 weeks plus. Not everyone gets them so you cant count yourself out just yet!

Are you temping or using ovulation strips? I have always used the OPK but have moved to the ovulation monitor which seems to work for me. As for temping, seems a good idea but i want to try and not think about ttc and think i am obsessing about it way too much already lol!! Looking at your ticker you only hae 5 days until testing, hope you get the BFP!!!!!!!!
Hey Sue! My cycles are normally 32-34 day cycles. Im not sure why I am on cycle day 40/41 and no BFP. I dont temp, OPK, or any of that. When I started TTCing, I did all of that and it was driving me crazy. So I decided to just let God handle it and we BD at least 3-4 xs a week anyway so if we dont catch the eggy that way then I dont know what other way to do it:dohh:. We will do IUI if we are not BFP in June. The DR has already offered it to us, due to DH's low morphology. I just dont want to pay for what should be a free gift from God?:cry:

I dont really symptom spot either. The only thing Ive noticed is that Im more sleepy:sleep:, and all the time, otherwise everything else is so-so??:shrug:

So Im just riding out the wave! :hugs:
I have heard of people not getting their positives for some time after the missed period. The sleepiness could be a sign? Maybe if you dont get it soon go and see your doctor? I know it is horrible to get your hopes up, but it is not over yet!

I know what you mean about not wanting to have to pay for something that should come naturally. That is one of the reasons i have just been waiting to see if it will naturally.
Oh my goodness, Sue! It's still a struggle for me when people around me get pregnant just like that! But I try my best to shove my own feelings aside and be happy for them....but IS HARD!!!!!

I don't temp, and have never used any ovulation kits....I just try to rely on my body.... Haven't gotten a :bfp: yet, but I don't think that will prompt me to temp anyways. If this month isn't the month, we are already scheduled for ovarian stimulation treatment next month anyways, so I'll just ride that wave. I think if I go down that road of thermometers and monitors and cups and strips, I might just lose my mind!!!!:hissy:

And thanks for the wish! The earliest I intend to test is about a week from now, when AF would have been due at least a few days. But I'll keep you posted! :hugs::hugs:

Mrsk, like I said in the other forum, I'm praying for you in a big way! :hugs:
It is soo hard. My colleague started TTC 8 months after me. Fell pregnant the first month and just had her baby in January. I feel happy for her but it was so depressing for me. Just watching her getting bigger and bigger each week and still no BFP for me was hard!

I dont temp as i dont want to get too caught up in TTC. But the OPK helps me feel like i am doing something to help myself! Before seeing if i need treatment i splashed out and bought the ovulation fertility monitor with which i fell pregnant. Would you not try something like that? Do you know when you ovulate? Without it would be hard for me to know as i dont ov 14 days before my AF. Knowing when i ov gives me a little hope!
I have heard of people not getting their positives for some time after the missed period. The sleepiness could be a sign? Maybe if you dont get it soon go and see your doctor? I know it is horrible to get your hopes up, but it is not over yet!

I know what you mean about not wanting to have to pay for something that should come naturally. That is one of the reasons i have just been waiting to see if it will naturally.

Well I have my yearly appt next thursday with the ob/gyn so if no af i will surely have her test. If they refuse to do bloods, then I will go to my RE who has already told me that they will move further if no af.
I am going to test in the morning, and hopefully i get a BFP, if not oh well!

Sue I know what its like when friends get preggers. I have 3 that are close to me and one is pregnant with twins, no hubby, and the guy is married!!!! Im like geez, surely Lord I am worthy to have a baby, when Im trying to do it the right way??!!! Seems so unfair but again it is what it is. The bible says rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.:nope:

Hope all is having a good day!:hugs:
MrsKS did you test? I hope that it will eventually e good news for you. Know that it is frustrating not knowing either way but if AF not here there is hope! I hopefully will be going to see a gynae who specialises in fertility issues in the next couple of months, i am praying that i get a BFP before then though!! I am on 5 DPO - no symtoms or anything. Your AF is nearly due Isi Buttercup, hope it is your month too!!
MrsKS did you test? I hope that it will eventually e good news for you. Know that it is frustrating not knowing either way but if AF not here there is hope! I hopefully will be going to see a gynae who specialises in fertility issues in the next couple of months, i am praying that i get a BFP before then though!! I am on 5 DPO - no symtoms or anything. Your AF is nearly due Isi Buttercup, hope it is your month too!!

:flower:Hi! No I didnt test but I will test in the morning!!!!! There is another girl in my other group who just got a BFP after being 6-7 days late so now my hope meter is up again. Also Im starting to get sore bb's:shrug:. I try to ignore it but it wont let me:shrug:. We shall see.:hugs:

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