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African or African-Americans TTC

@ Sue and Isi_buttercup:hugs:.

Thanks yall. We are better. When DH got home from school yesterday night, he was apologetic. He told me he is on board 100% but just doesnt like the idea of me taking all of these meds to make a baby. He also told me that it seems like others in our situation are getting their BFP's. I said well when you watch those shows like baby story, birth day, deliver me and etc on discovery health channel, they dont show you the full agony of getting the BFP. They only show you the rosy side.

So this month we will try charting, and I will use OPK's again. I always got a positive on the digital ones, but now since my cycles will be different I will need to do it to pinpoint when I will actually O.

Question off topic: Are any of you ladies in Greek letter sororities? Just curious:winkwink:

Mrskc, glad to see you are feeling better. :hugs:

I can understand why he did not want to be taking all the meds etc. I felt the same way and that is why i did not go to the doctor in all those months. I ony got my bloods done and they said that it looked like i might not be ovulating. But i did not believe them as every month i was getting positive's on my ov test stripes! It might drive you crazy doing this but helps you to know your body!

Plus i knew, just because i did not ovulate the month i did the bloods did not mean that i was not ovulating most of the time!! I did not not do any more tests as i could not bring myself to continue down that road.. But maybe you need pinpoint your ov day. That is what we did, and i got my BFP a few days ago. Hoping you will get yours too :flower:
Mrskc, glad to see you are feeling better. :hugs:

I can understand why he did not want to be taking all the meds etc. I felt the same way and that is why i did not go to the doctor in all those months. I ony got my bloods done and they said that it looked like i might not be ovulating. But i did not believe them as every month i was getting positive's on my ov test stripes! It might drive you crazy doing this but helps you to know your body!

Plus i knew, just because i did not ovulate the month i did the bloods did not mean that i was not ovulating most of the time!! I did not not do any more tests as i could not bring myself to continue down that road.. But maybe you need pinpoint your ov day. That is what we did, and i got my BFP a few days ago. Hoping you will get yours too :flower:

Oh congrats! I didnt know you got your BFP?:happydance::happydance:
Im happy for you! Jealous a bit, but oh so happy:hugs:
Hi I've just found this thread can i join please? :flower:

I recognise a few of you ladies from the FAITH group which is nice.

It is also nice to see a few other Nigerian ladies here. We got married in September and since then all we here from parents and anyone else who cares to chip in is.....so when are we going to see babies?
Makes it so much harder to act no fussed when inside you want nothing more than a little baby in your arms :baby:

Anyways congratulations to the ladies who have got their :bfp: and MrsKC I have you in my prayers.
Hi I've just found this thread can i join please? :flower:

I recognise a few of you ladies from the FAITH group which is nice.

It is also nice to see a few other Nigerian ladies here. We got married in September and since then all we here from parents and anyone else who cares to chip in is.....so when are we going to see babies?
Makes it so much harder to act no fussed when inside you want nothing more than a little baby in your arms :baby:

Anyways congratulations to the ladies who have got their :bfp: and MrsKC I have you in my prayers.

Hey beanni!:flower:

We are so happy that you are here and yes I remember you from FAITH. Thanks for your prayers and feel free to chime in at anytime:hugs:
Hi ladies,

I'm new to the forum. I'm living in Austin, TX, but originally from the great city of Brooklyn, NY. My family is from the West Indies (mom is Trini and Dad is from grenada, so I consider myself West Indian. I see we have a Lucian on here). Anyways, I was living in Chi-town (mrskcbrown I think you said you are from there) for the last 5 years prior to moving to the ATX. I am 29, married since 2005, met my husband when we were 16 and been together ever since. This is our first month of ttc for baby #1 (GOD-willing). I'm on CD 8 right now of a 26 day cycle, so I'm hoping to catch the eggy and for it to stick in a couple of days.

Sorry for the long post!
Hi Rai, hope your time TTC is short. My dad is Trini and mum is Jamaican. Hi Beanni :flower:

How are you doing today Mrskc? Hope you are feeling better since you and DH have discussed things and you have decided to just go for it with the OPK's. Thanks. Hunni, i know all to well what it like to hear someone is newly expecting when you are feeling a bit low as i have been there many many MANY times, so i could not say right away. Now, hoping you will get your BFP soon so that we can be bump buddies. X
Glad things are better with the hubby mrskcbrown and welcome to all our new ladies.
Hi All! I haven't been in here in months but wanted to say Hi.

@MrsKC...I am sorry to hear of everything you are going through, but know that everything is in God's timing and in his perfect will. You never know why, but always trust that it is working for your good.

I've been gone, so I'll check in to say that I am ok, well, as good as can be expected. For most of you who are new and don't know...I had been WTT/NTNP for about a year and before my mom passed away in December. Then, my grandmother-in-law passed away this past month so things have been hard. TTC has not even crossed my mind really. So in the meantime, I am trying to lose 30lb and get my mind right. See you girls around. Babydust to all...

Love, Peace, and Blessing...:hugs:
sorry to hear the past couple of months have been rough for you GirlBlue but good to see you. Keep checkin in and let us know how you are doin. :hugs:
Do Latinas count in this thread I know we have more in common than people think haha
:flower:Hey Rai, Girlblue and Lucia!

I am so happy that you all are here!:happydance: Lucia being hispanic is ok with us here. Where are you in your TTC journey?? Rai, yes, I am from Chicago, born and raised. I am now in the state of Mississippi.

DH and I are doing things different this month. We will chart, use OPKs, use preseed, and check cervix daily. If it doesnt work, which I hope it does:shrug:) then in May we will proceed with IUI. I have not got my script for provera yet, but will pick it up next friday to restart this journey to get my baby!:happydance::happydance:

Hope everyone is well!
Please join us Lucia, good to see you here!

@mrskcbrown-Preseed is the business and I used it before getting my bfp. But I used it a bit differently. I used it after DTD rather than before before my bf didn't like the way it felt. Used opks too. So I say give it all a go. Still keeping fingers crossed for you
Hi I've just found this thread can i join please? :flower:

I recognise a few of you ladies from the FAITH group which is nice.

It is also nice to see a few other Nigerian ladies here. We got married in September and since then all we here from parents and anyone else who cares to chip in is.....so when are we going to see babies?
Makes it so much harder to act no fussed when inside you want nothing more than a little baby in your arms :baby:

Anyways congratulations to the ladies who have got their :bfp: and MrsKC I have you in my prayers.

Hey Beanni! Glad to find another Nigerian here! :hugs:

Girl!!! You've only been married since September! We've been married 15 months, so you can imagine the pressure!! I thank God my hubby isn't stressing and has been my support 100%. But, external pressure is really crazy!!

Good luck with the ttc journey! Hopefully, we'll all get those BFPs soon!!!!
Mrsk....glad you & your hubby sorted everything out.

Wishing you all the best this cycle! :hugs:
Hi I've just found this thread can i join please? :flower:

I recognise a few of you ladies from the FAITH group which is nice.

It is also nice to see a few other Nigerian ladies here. We got married in September and since then all we here from parents and anyone else who cares to chip in is.....so when are we going to see babies?
Makes it so much harder to act no fussed when inside you want nothing more than a little baby in your arms :baby:

Anyways congratulations to the ladies who have got their :bfp: and MrsKC I have you in my prayers.

Hey Beanni! Glad to find another Nigerian here! :hugs:

Girl!!! You've only been married since September! We've been married 15 months, so you can imagine the pressure!! I thank God my hubby isn't stressing and has been my support 100%. But, external pressure is really crazy!!

Good luck with the ttc journey! Hopefully, we'll all get those BFPs soon!!!!

Yes Isi it helps so much when DH is 100% supportive. I have to keep reminding myself that its not been that long compared to some and I am learning to count my blessings. I being part of a group like also helps, knowing you have people to talk to who also share your feelings.

Please join us Lucia, good to see you here!

@mrskcbrown-Preseed is the business and I used it before getting my bfp. But I used it a bit differently. I used it after DTD rather than before before my bf didn't like the way it felt. Used opks too. So I say give it all a go. Still keeping fingers crossed for you

tickledpink 3 can I be cheeky and asked how you used Pre-seed after dtd? I have tried pre-seed this month, and used it internally prior to BD. I found there was lots of leakage (sorry TMI) so I really hope it worked for us. So far I have been getting :bfn: on hpt but until :witch: arrives there is still a chance :)
I hope everyone is doing well today

I am on CD56 now so I called my doctor this morning (I am also overdue for a pap). I go in tomorrow at 830am so hopefully I will get some answers. I cant handle this cycle anymore.
I hope everyone is doing well today

I am on CD56 now so I called my doctor this morning (I am also overdue for a pap). I go in tomorrow at 830am so hopefully I will get some answers. I cant handle this cycle anymore.

I hope you get the answers you need!

@tickeledpink: Hmm after??? I was also thinking maybe I should try conceive plus?? I wonder which one is better?:shrug:
Hi Ladies, am Australian of african decent living in the UK. DH and I are finally back ttcing our first child after an MC in dec. Currently in our 2ww and hoping that March is our lucky month. I hope you ladies will help me feel welcome.
Hi Ladies, am Australian of african decent living in the UK. DH and I are finally back ttcing our first child after an MC in dec. Currently in our 2ww and hoping that March is our lucky month. I hope you ladies will help me feel welcome.

Hey thekey_2005:flower:

We are so glad that you are here. Feel free to jump right in! Im sorry about your miscarriage this past december but know that God can heal all pain. Prayers are coming your way! GL to you in this 2WW!:happydance::happydance:

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