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African or African-Americans TTC

Hi Girls AF arrived for me so am out. I have started EPO and getting my CBFM tomorrow. Good luck to the rest of you still in your 2ww. It will happen dont give up just yet.
awhh the_key! I really thought this was your month.

I love your positivity though. (((HUGS)))
Hey again Ladys, do we have any success storys of girlys here who have had BFP's after 2 months of trying i'm 20 and on my 2nd month of TTC hoping April will be our month for a nice christmas baby also this will be my first month of using ovulation sticks any tips on best days to use them so I dont waste them hoping they will arive from ebay this week just came off AF today finally!

Im not sure if we have any success stories after 2 months on this board. Most of us have been trying a long time. Myself 12 months. Maybe check in the first tri board or the BFP board, I know Ive saw some there who got BFP after 1st month. Ive used ovulation sticks but still no baby here. GL to you!:hugs:

Hope you get that BFP soon!! lots of dust to you god will give when he feels its the right time :):dust::dust::dust::dust:
Ladies, I posted something on the pregnancy test gallery.. Can you go over there and tell me what you think.. Be honest.. I think I saw a line, but now I'm not sure...

I was so excited...but now the more I look at it, I'm not sure if it's in my head... I plan to take another test tomorrow, but would love your opinions on the one I took today. Thanks.
Ladies, I posted something on the pregnancy test gallery.. Can you go over there and tell me what you think.. Be honest.. I think I saw a line, but now I'm not sure...

I was so excited...but now the more I look at it, I'm not sure if it's in my head... I plan to take another test tomorrow, but would love your opinions on the one I took today. Thanks.

Yep and I envy you!!! No but really I do see one! I think congrats are in order.:happydance:
Ladies, I posted something on the pregnancy test gallery.. Can you go over there and tell me what you think.. Be honest.. I think I saw a line, but now I'm not sure...

I was so excited...but now the more I look at it, I'm not sure if it's in my head... I plan to take another test tomorrow, but would love your opinions on the one I took today. Thanks.

Yep and I envy you!!! No but really I do see one! I think congrats are in order.:happydance:

Thanks mrskcbrown... I am still feeling a little nervous about claiming it.. I think once I see two strong solid pink lines or the words "pregnant" on my ClearBlue HPT, then I will know it is true. So much can happen between now and 3-4 days (when my AF is due).. I noticed you said that you are using preseed this cycle.. I used preseed too this cycle. Not too much though. I used about half the recommended amt and afterwards I stayed with my legs elevated on the headboard for about 30-40 min (during that time I browsed BnB on my phone :) ). I thought about softcups, but couldn't get my mind around that concept...although I admit, I probably would have used it in another 2 cycles if no BFP.

xLuciax:: If this eggy sticks, then we would have gotten our BFP on the 1 month of TTC. This will be our first baby..

random thoughts: After reading up on ovulation, fertilization, etc to the point that it made me realize just how rare getting a BFP is. Getting pregnant is not easy, even though I may have gotten it quickly I realize just how lucky and blessed I am. But alas, as with anything there are other worries. The first hurdle I guess is to get the eggy fertilized and implanted, then we have to get through the initial months when miscarriage percentages are so high, and then you just have to pray that the pregnancy and labor will go safe and that the baby will be healthy.

Anyways, please keep your FX crossed for me and send me sticky baby dust :dust:

I am sending BFP :dust: :dust: :dust: to all those who are still on the journey.
So I did get the BFP!!! These were taken this morning at 11dpo. I didn't feel like it was real until seeing the clearblue digi!!! Wow, I'm still in shock!!


clearblue and FRER_11dpo.jpg

Congratulations Rai. Hope to join you soon. Please make sure this isnt the last time we'll see you on here.
So I did get the BFP!!! These were taken this morning at 11dpo. I didn't feel like it was real until seeing the clearblue digi!!! Wow, I'm still in shock!!

View attachment 70239

View attachment 70240


Congrats! So Im really "jello", LOL, now that you have gotten it in your first month!!!:happydance: Wow, how amazing. Im happy for you! Yeah getting pregnant is not easy, and I know all well how hard it is. Sticky dust to you and blessings!:flower:
Hi all! Hope everyone is doing ok! I havent heard from many of you on here.

As for me, still waiting on AF. I realized today after reading Rai's BFP and seeing those tests, which I am ecstatic about:happydance:, that I havent held a positive test in 9 years and 9 months.:nope::cry: My daughter will be 10 this year and I can honestly say that I have been trying to give her a brother or sister on and off for that entire time. Maybe not as much TTC driven but it has always been on my mind. Will it ever happen? I just got remarried last year and wouldnt you know it, he has fertility issues as well. ( I think men and women needed to be tested before marriage to see if they can conceive, that way you wont be as heartbroken, and can make other decisions.) Test after test, nothing. Im starting to think that maybe I should just give it up and be happy for everyone else. I was thinking on the way to work today, how we wait our whole lives for this and now I feel like Im being denied it. PCOS, male factor fertility issues, Im 35 and DH is 36, no AF, 12 months trying to conceive just this one and we want 4 together, just feeling like this isnt going to happen for us:shrug::shrug:. Month after month, fake symptoms, and then bam cycle or in the case for this month 30 days and still no AF. Yeah Im taking provera and I have 4 more days of this crap, but Im thinking what if I take it and my cycle still doesnt come, because Ive read that happening before to other women?? Its a sunny, warm friday here in the South but it might as well be raining because thats how I feel today. Like crap!

Mrskc, really hope you get your BFP soon. For some people it just seems to take longer than others. Took me 18 months, in which time not even a hint of a second line. Then i fell Pregnant, had a MMC. And then fell again straight away. So after all that time when i was thinking something must be wrong, i have fallen pregnant twice. It will happen for you when you least expect it, i know i had given up and thought my body did not know what to do!

Sending lots of :dust:
I really hope I get it soon too but doubt it with a missing period for about 30 days now.:-(
Wow it's about time i came to this page. I had a lot of catching up to day in here. Congratz for the person who got a BFP.

MrsKc, I'm still praying for your bfp. How is everybody over on you end?

How is everybody in here, Ici and everybody. Did I hear or saw 2 nigerian women in this group?

Well I'm doing good. I have this cold that i'm trying to kill, and my apointment with the RE is tomorrow morning, so i'm going to see what she say and her advice. I had a AF back on the 6th of this month(March) I thought i may of OV this past weekend(I guess) that is also why i'm going tomorrow to see if I am OV.

So i'll keep you ladies posted on the out come of this apointment tomorrow. Ok let get over here in the grou F.A.I.T.H and see what's going on in there! :thumbup:
Hi all. I am here. I finished my last provera pill last night so hopefully my period will be here within the next 5 days and we can get this party on the road!:thumbup: Hope everyone is well.

Dipar: Good luck at your appt! I hope you get all the answers you need girl!!:thumbup:

I also have an interview today at another high school to teach English, pray that I get it.

Good luck and blessings to all!
Mrskc-I'll pray that you get that job at the other school. :hugs::hugs:

Well I went to my apointment this morning. The RE was so nice and easy to talk to. She show interest in what i was concern about and i mention the depo so she order some test to check all my levels(LH and HG) and all of those to see if i'm ovulation and also order another utra-sound to see what's going on..And since she understand that we don't have the money or insurance to do fertidity stuff, she is willing to work with us on things for free.

And what's get me is this...All of this time I thought the RE had my record from my OB where I was going, well come to find out, the OB never sent down or fax my records :wacko: so she had to do another release form and send it to the OB so they can send down my records :growlmad::growlmad:

So i'll keep you guys posted. :hugs::hugs:
All the best with the job MrsKC am sure you already got it in the bag. Awww how frustrating Dipar, do keep us posted. Update on me, been BDing and temping like mad trying to catch that egg teehee! a few more days of that then the dreaded wait *sigh*. Fingers crossed ey girls!
All the best with the job MrsKC am sure you already got it in the bag. Awww how frustrating Dipar, do keep us posted. Update on me, been BDing and temping like mad trying to catch that egg teehee! a few more days of that then the dreaded wait *sigh*. Fingers crossed ey girls!

I'll most certainly would keep my fingers cross for you! Today i went to my OB to give her another release form from the RE and come to find out they had the wrong number and the number I gave them was the number they(RE) gave me to give them to fax it down(so it wasn't my fault) but they made it sound like it was mine fault.

And now i'm waiting for the date on my next utrasound. Again i'll keep you ladies posted :) :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hey all! I know I have been a whiny baby on here lately. Guess I have been feeling down, and crazy.. I believe my cycle is on her way!! Yay! I had some reddish-pinkish spotting this morning. When DH and I get a good in, it usually brings it on. I wonder why that is?? Anywho, so I was debating on Femara or Clomid this month and I think I will probably stick with clomid. I am also geared to start everything I can do humanly to get this baby this month.

Next church was awesome today. We had Priscilla Shirer at our church todayhttp://www.goingbeyond.com/! She is an awesome woman of God. I learned a lot through her today and I wanted to share it with you all.

Her sermon was entitled: Sleepwalking. Basically she was talking about being content in this season, and to stop rushing life. Dont be so consumed with your own life that you miss Jesus. We are at a "certain place" in our lives right now with this TTCing. A "certain place" as it is referred in the bible is a sacred place. A place where God will have an experience with us. Now in life we will have "stones" or hard times and frustration when it comes to TTC, but we must remember that "good stuff is hidden in the hard stuff". Ask God to give you spiritual vision to see the treasure within the hard stuff. Now when I heard this, I immediately thought of the great testimony that I will have of how God has blessed me with this baby.

Just a little inspiration for your day and for you and me to know that God is in our corner and when those "stones" of TTC come our way, we should know that God has something special for us on the other side. So smile and know that God has NOT forgotten about us!:hugs::hugs:
Thank you so much for sharing that Mrskc. It is really beautiful. Its so lovely because you can relate it to any situation. I will share it with my sister also who is going through a hard time relationship-wise. Thank you!

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