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African or African-Americans TTC

Thank you so much for sharing that Mrskc. It is really beautiful. Its so lovely because you can relate it to any situation. I will share it with my sister also who is going through a hard time relationship-wise. Thank you!

Hey girl! No problem. Just wanted to bless someone with what I received. I think I did well in the interview. Im always so nervous in panel interviews though:shrug:. Either way, I already have a job, I was just interested in moving to another school. So if the answer is no, Ill still be ok. Thank God.
I see you are 4 dpo. Good luck. Today is CD1 for me. Ive already got everything planned out, LOL. I was just online ordering my 20 pk of OPKs, ordering my clomid and going to pick up preseed when I get to chicago later in the week. I truly hope this month is our month, if not on to IUI next month!:hugs:
Hey, hey, hey. How's everyone doing? Imma have to start stalking profiles to keep up with everyone and make sure they haven't taken off. Hope all is well with everybody.
Hello ladies! Long time, no chat. OH and I decided to start TTC/NTNP again beginning with my next cycle. I'm really praying that this will be our month. In the last two weeks, I've gone to see a new gyno and I think she's willing to "go the mile" with me to get me the BFP I really want. I really appreciate that she's not of the "don't ask me about it until you've been trying for at least a year" school of thought.

Anyhoo, congrats on the BFPs that you lovely ladies have gotten, and tons of :dust: to those of us who are eagerly awaiting our BFPs. This month I intend to go all out with the BBT, the OPKs, and a teensy bit of soy. (wanted to try that before officially getting a scrip from the doc--she wants me back there in June to give me a little "something to help things along") All we need now is CD1. Never thought I'd be so anxious to see The Tasmanian Devil--also known as A.F. :winkwink:
Hey Mommy and tickledpink! Glad to see you all doing well. Be back tomorrow, i drove to chicago today and im tired!!!!!:wacko:

Hello ladies,

I'm back on the TTC boat again! Since now i'm seeing a RE, i will have a answer to why it's taking me almost 3 years of TTC. I'm now going to do another vaginal-utrasound this coming Tuesday, I'm assuming she(RE) got my blood results. After she gets the results from this secound scann then she will let me know what she wants to do next. So i'm going to keep you guys posted on what she gets. And see how much damage that depo-shot did to me!

But i'm glad you ladies are doing good :flower:

How is everybody by the way? I just came in, so i didn't get a chance to read all the past replies in here...And how are the Nigerian Queens are doing here? :hugs::hugs::hugs:
yaaaay welcome back on board Dipar. Missed ya :hugs: Yes please keep us posted on what she gets. I am enjoying this nice weather that we have been having and hope it stays. How things going where you are?

@mrskcbrown-you get you some rest after that drive. I know it's a long one for you.
yaaaay welcome back on board Dipar. Missed ya :hugs: Yes please keep us posted on what she gets. I am enjoying this nice weather that we have been having and hope it stays. How things going where you are?

@mrskcbrown-you get you some rest after that drive. I know it's a long one for you.

:hugs::hugs: Hi Tickledpink3..I missed you too :kiss: Yes i'm back on board. AF came this night(well i'm guessing it's AF) it's to brown to be AF. Sorry for TMI I get out of hand with that sorry. Yes i'll keep you posted on what the doctor is going to tell me. I'm taking prenatals now, she wanted me to so let's see. How are you doing? I'm doing fine..I'm enjoying this weather, it's going to go back down in the 60's again, but anthing is better then the 40's and lower.

Ohh sorry, my siggy is messed up!
@tickeledpink: Hey I am doing well. I see you are 20 weeks now. Congrats to you.
@dipar: Glad to see you here. Glad the DR seems to be helping you out.

Chicago is great and I love spending the time with my entire family. Happy Easter everyone!
happy easter ladies, hope you're all doing well and the weekend has been eventful. so I have 4 more days left of my luteal phase, fingers crossed the witch stays away next week.
Side note : Beanni I love your avtar where can I get it I would love it as a desktop image.

Hi sorry I took a break from the site for a month to try and get my mind off TTC, it had become an unhealthy obsession.

Anyways I pretty much googled it, i think i put something like black pregnant woman, and it was on like page 5 or 6 in google images. Hope you are able to find it.
Hi ladies, i'm back and with good news. I went away with DH for easter, and on our return last night took a hpt. First time in my life i got a :bfp:

Strangely this was the one month i did not even think about TTC, i can't remember when we BD, i didn't note down ov nothing, but God is good and has answered our prayers.

I hope everyone is doing well. I hope all you ladies in your 2ww will be getting the best christmas present also this year
oh wow congratulations beanni. Now take it easy and enjoy the pregnancy please dont become a stranger. Pop in when you can to update us.

Also just found the pic, you are the best. Thanks again.
Hey all! Im so glad to see everyone doing well and getting BFPs.:happydance::happydance:

I think I may have to leave this site all together because I havent gotten my BFP and Im kinda sad when I read about them. When I see someone get a BFP it just further lets me know how far I am from getting mine:nope:. Month after month nothing:cry:. I get teary eyed just coming to this site. I get so envious and jealous and I know that it is not from God but honestly thats how I feel.
Why do I feel this way day after day?I hate feeling like this because its mean to feel this way towards others. Yall gotta pray for me:nope:
Im so angry with God right now for me having PCOS and my DH for having sperm problems! SO angry! I need to repent!
Hey all! Im so glad to see everyone doing well and getting BFPs.:happydance::happydance:

I think I may have to leave this site all together because I havent gotten my BFP and Im kinda sad when I read about them. When I see someone get a BFP it just further lets me know how far I am from getting mine:nope:. Month after month nothing:cry:. I get teary eyed just coming to this site. I get so envious and jealous and I know that it is not from God but honestly thats how I feel.
Why do I feel this way day after day?I hate feeling like this because its mean to feel this way towards others. Yall gotta pray for me:nope:
Im so angry with God right now for me having PCOS and my DH for h sperm problems! SO angry! I need to repent!

:hugs: to you mrskc. two ladies at my job just announced their pregnancies, and one of my cousins has as well. though i'm truly truly happy for them, i can't help but to be envious of their BFPs. my cousin has taken to posting weekly photos of her bump on Facebook, for all the world to see. *sigh*

anyway, :dust: to you. stay strong and stay in prayer. you'll get your :bfp:.
hi ladies I am 27 black female in canada. I have a 7 yr old . I am TTC and just started the process-my period just ended today is there something I should be doing? to increase my chances? here is the link to my fertility calendar: https://www.fertilityfriend.com/ttc/index.php

I am very new to everything and trying to make sense of it all..I have a regular cycle like clock work.
Hi DarkNlovely, welcome. Well you're really lucky to have a regular cycle, you will find it easier to pin point ovulation etc. To answer your question about what you can do, well it all depends on whom you ask and how much you want this TTCing journey to take over your life..lol..The last 6months it seems like thats all we've been doing, hopefully we'll be blessed soon. To start you off I would just say go about as normal, within reason of course i.e cut out coffee, cigerettes etc, take your prenatal vitamins and temp or use OPKs or both, will help you pin point when to BD to give you greater chances of conceiving. Good luck hun and welcome one again. All the girls here have been really great and am sure they wil make you feel welcome as they did me.
oh I was unable to view the link to your FF as the one you posted didnt work.

MrsG hang in there ma, our turn will come. Its amaxing how much I seem to notify bumps now then compared to before *sigh*. Yes our turn will come, although I doubt very much that I will be posting pictures of my bump on facebook...eeekk!!
Welcome darknlovely! You couldn't have joined a better group. The ladies here are a.m.a.z.i.n.g!!!

Mrsk!!!!!!! Sending you a BEAR SIZED HUG!!!! :hugs: AND A KISS TOO :). Sweetie, don't fall into the devil's trap by blaming God. I am also gulity of doing that, but am trying hard to HOLD ON TO HE WHO WILL INDEED BLESS ME WITH WHAT MY HEART DESIRES!! Sweetie, you feel most despondent when your blessing is close at hand. So chin up girl....you are going to be blessed SOONER THAN YOU KNOW IT!!!!! So let's raise our glasses to the ladies who have their BFPs (congrats again Beanni), and keep waiting patiently on God to bless us because HE WILL!!!!!!!

Keeping fingers crossed for you The Key! That nasty red lady will not show her face near you in JESUS' name!!!!

Have a blessed day folks! :flower:
thank you ladies for the welcome, just to let you know that i had :sex: on the day my period ended, best believe he nut inside me and i let it say in there..lol:winkwink:

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