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African or African-Americans TTC

Hi Girls, so sorry I couldnt get on sooner, work has been manic. Thank you so much for the well wishes you girls are just fab. So I tested this morning and..............:bfp::yipee: I know you had all said my chances were real high this month but was trying so hard not to get my hopes up too much. I took 4 internet cheapies and a clear blue digi, I couldnt believe my eyes. Off to tell my doctor tomorrow afternoon, will ask for him to refer me for a reassurance scan, fxd i dont have to wait until am 12wks. Will pray real hard that this bean is a sticky. Keep you posted.
Awwwww!!! The_Key, I actually have tears in my eyes!!! :hugs:

CONGRATS HUN!!!!! I am ever sooooo happy for you!!! Gosh, you must be thrilled!!!! I am so happy another one of us has gotten such a blessing!!!! I wish you a beautiful, healthy and F.U.N 9 months ahead!!! :hugs:

Time to :dance::drunk: (well, I know you can't do the drinking for a while, so I'll do it for you :haha:)

Hi Girls, so sorry I couldnt get on sooner, work has been manic. Thank you so much for the well wishes you girls are just fab. So I tested this morning and..............:bfp::yipee: I know you had all said my chances were real high this month but was trying so hard not to get my hopes up too much. I took 4 internet cheapies and a clear blue digi, I couldnt believe my eyes. Off to tell my doctor tomorrow afternoon, will ask for him to refer me for a reassurance scan, fxd i dont have to wait until am 12wks. Will pray real hard that this bean is a sticky. Keep you posted.

See didnt I tell you! I am so happy for you:happydance:! Im praying for a sticky bean. Congrats again! Gosh, I cant wait for my big announcement!:thumbup:
Girls thank you so much. I am praying that you also get your bfp soon. MrsK I had a peek at your chart and looks like you definitely ovd on the 15th be sure to keep us posted on your symptom watch, you too Isi only a week till you test :yippee:. Von honey are you charting along with the opks?
Girls thank you so much. I am praying that you also get your bfp soon. MrsK I had a peek at your chart and looks like you definitely ovd on the 15th be sure to keep us posted on your symptom watch, you too Isi only a week till you test :yippee:. Von honey are you charting along with the opks?

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: :whoohoo: Congratz~ :happydance::happydance::happydance: I love to see :bfp: all over this group! So where do you stand(how far along are you)? Or you haven't heard from your doctor or not.
@the_key, thanks so much because I was confused on whether it was that day or not. I am going to become a paying fertility friend member tomorrow, so that I can obtain more info about my cycle. Good thing we were Bding all last week.:thumbup: Basically CD's 9-16. I am so happy for you. So your cycles were about 33 days? Mine are that long.

@Dipar: How are you? Where are you at with TTC?:hugs:
Hello girls,I am from the caribbean and am 31 and my SO and I have been TTC 8 yrs + and not preventing and not even 1 BFP in that time,he was told that he may have a low sperm count but as they did not give him the results in hand i dont have details but will be going to see them soon and getting full details and goin to see my doc to find out what I should do next I would really appreciate it if you all would visit my LTTTC journal at this stage I could use all the support I can get,this TTC thing is slowly driving me insane
Hello girls,I am from the caribbean ans am 31 and my SO and I have been TTC 8 yrs + and not preventing and not even 1 BFP in that time,he was told that he may have a low sperm count but as they did not give him the results in hand i dont have details but will be going to see them soon and getting full details and goin to see my doc to find out what I should do next I would really appreciate it if you all would visit my LTTTC journal at this stage I could use all the support I can get,this TTC thing is slowly driving me insane

:hugs:Hey!:hugs: Im so happy you are here. These are a wonderful group of ladies! Im so sorry to hear about your LTTTC! My Dh has a low count well its on the lower end, but he has low morphology. Have you thought about IUI or even IVF? Im going to read your journal.:hugs:
@the_key, thanks so much because I was confused on whether it was that day or not. I am going to become a paying fertility friend member tomorrow, so that I can obtain more info about my cycle. Good thing we were Bding all last week.:thumbup: Basically CD's 9-16. I am so happy for you. So your cycles were about 33 days? Mine are that long.

@Dipar: How are you? Where are you at with TTC?:hugs:

@mrskc: I'm doing good. I'm at CD 13 on my cycle. No :sex: yet. And I think this is the weekend I ov(base on the chart on MyMonthlyCycle.com). I haven't been bbt. And my siggy is messed up(as you can see lool) :hugs::hugs: Where are you on TTC?
Hi Girls, so sorry I couldnt get on sooner, work has been manic. Thank you so much for the well wishes you girls are just fab. So I tested this morning and..............:bfp::yipee: I know you had all said my chances were real high this month but was trying so hard not to get my hopes up too much. I took 4 internet cheapies and a clear blue digi, I couldnt believe my eyes. Off to tell my doctor tomorrow afternoon, will ask for him to refer me for a reassurance scan, fxd i dont have to wait until am 12wks. Will pray real hard that this bean is a sticky. Keep you posted.

OMG the_key congratulations :happydance: so very happy for you. You must be :cloud9:
I pray for a healty and happy 9 months.
The blessings are just pouring out this month, I hope its a chain reaction and we continue to see :bfp: one after the other
Amen to that Beanni!!! :hugs:

Please don't disappear on us The_Key!! Keep updating us on the growth of your little bean...scans and all. Really happy for you hun :hugs:

Good luck Dipar! I hope you can catch the eggy this time. You too, Mrsk.

As for me....6 (or 7dpo) today. Mild cramping, mild lower back pain, even milder nausea (but could be as a result of my pre-natal meds :shrug:)....but that's about it. Besides a very faint (possibly imagined) stabbing pain in left boob yesterday, my girls are completely normal. Making sure I don't get my hopes up this cycle.....I really can't stand another disappointment.

As I have developed a morbid fear of home pregnancy tests (scarred by all them:bfn:) I don't know when I will :test:. I think I might just wait for :af: not to show........
All these BFP's have my hopes up now! I hope they are contagious! LOL!

I'm not sure how many dpo I am, if I ov'd when I had my positive OPK then I'm about 9 dpo. DH and I just got off a "ttc break" so I wasn't temping this month. We were just kind of going with the flow. Yesterday I noticed that my "girls" are a little sore, and I've been having shooting type pains in them, along with achey nips. Also, I haven't had my pre-AF breakout yet (fingers crossed that it stays away), and I don't have my usual PMS signs. But who knows if it's something. Pregnancy symptoms and AF symptoms are SO similar!

I'm so excited for you ladies, I want to see more BFPs soon! Keep em' comin'!!!!
@Dipar: I am about 3dpo and not going to stress this cycle, I hope!:wacko:

Glad to see everyone doing well. Isi my FxD for you. Im scared of them as well and I plan not to test until I make the 18th day of high temps. Im claiming high temps in the name of Jesus:thumbup:.
Yes I have thought about other alternatives but there are way to expensive even just for the consultation,my GP told me last year that If I am not PG in 4 mths he would send me for testing ,and since that is free,I will talk to him about it,we also talked about clomid and he wants to see if it is ok,since I will have to have follow ups with that but I never made it back to him cause my dad was suffering with a stroke and then later died so that was the last thing I wanted to do,plus work was giving me stress about too much sick time,and now they have laid me off and OH is having difficulty with work so financially I am not able to at this time

Thanks for checking in on my journal
Yes I have thought about other alternatives but there are way to expensive eben just for the consultation,my GP told me last year that If I am not PG in 4 mths he would send me for testing ,and since that is free,I will talk to him about it,we also talked about clomid and he wants to see if it is ok,since I will have to have follow ups with that but I never made it back to him cause my dad was suffering with a stroke and then later died so that was the last thing I wanted to do,plus work was giving me stress about too much sick time,and now they have laid me off and OH is having difficulty with work so financially I am not able to at this time

Thanks for checking in on my journal
Wow, sorry to hear about all of this. Rest assured that God knows your pain and this is not a cruel trick He is playing. If you can get the free testing do that. I am most certainly praying for you! Gods blessing:hugs:
Hi Girls, dont think you have gotten rid of me that easily. I plan on sticking around, i dont want to miss out on all your bfp announcements. Welcome nightnurse, so sorry to hear about your hardship, just remember Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plans I have for you says the LORD…to give you a future and a Hope. Am praying for you.
Hi Girls, dont think you have gotten rid of me that easily. I plan on sticking around, i dont want to miss out on all your bfp announcements. Welcome nightnurse, so sorry to hear about your hardship, just remember Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plans I have for you says the LORD…to give you a future and a Hope. Am praying for you.
the_key, I'm sorry if I'm asking a question that has already been answered, but did you have many symptoms?

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