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African or African-Americans TTC

Thanks for that lovely Bible passage, The_Key. It's one of my favorites :hugs:

Welcome, Night Nurse. You're in my prayers. By God's grace, everything will work out!
the_key, I'm sorry if I'm asking a question that has already been answered, but did you have many symptoms?

Hi girls, sorry about the double post, no idea what happened there. Von to quickly answer your question. My major symptom was gas, the rest were like my usual af like symptoms, you know cramps, back pain, sharp twangs in the boobies and feeling bloated. The gas has settled down a little, but now I got major headaches. Thats about all, no morning sickness yet I guess its still early days for that. Am reading that every pregancy is different, so what I have might not necesarily happen to someone else. Beanni what were your symptoms?
the_key, I'm sorry if I'm asking a question that has already been answered, but did you have many symptoms?

Hi girls, sorry about the double post, no idea what happened there. Von to quickly answer your question. My major symptom was gas, the rest were like my usual af like symptoms, you know cramps, back pain, sharp twangs in the boobies and feeling bloated. The gas has settled down a little, but now I got major headaches. Thats about all, no morning sickness yet I guess its still early days for that. Am reading that every pregancy is different, so what I have might not necesarily happen to someone else. Beanni what were your symptoms?

None what-so-ever :thumbup:
Even now I don't have much which is a tad scary when you read some of the posts out there, but i have always prayed for a problem free pregnancy with no sickness etc so I'm guessing God's just given me what I asked for :D

My boobs have gotten a tad bigger :happydance:, nipples were sensitive around when i found out (but I think OH was twiddling a bit too much :blush:), and now hubby says I have lots of bumps around my nipples (i think they are milk ducts or something of the like).

I usually don't get many AF symptoms except extreme cramping just as its about to begin.

Sorry I couldn't offer much more, but it does go to prove just how different everyone is and not to loose hope even if you don't have the million and one possible pregnancy symptoms there seem to be.
The_Key, sorry to hear about your headaches. I usually suffer from migraines and really just pray i don't get them when pregnant cos I can tell you its no fun esp if I can't take my medication. I hope the pass soon xx
Thank you! I've been feeling really good lately, which is out of the ordinary for me. :shrug: Usually, about a week before AF, I'm a monster! Also, I still haven't received my pre-AF breakout like I usually do. My skin has NEVER been this clear, I love it! Maybe the :witch: is going to be nice to me this month? Whatever it is, I'll take it!
Good luck sincerevon! I hope this is your month.

You have given me reason to keep hoping, Beanni. Besides cramping and (I suspect Pregnacare related) nausea, I have no symptoms whatsoever. Still hoping for the best though.

Thank God it's FRIDAY :dance:
Sigh, well, it looks like I might be out. I just went to the restroom and noticed some slight pink spotting. I had a few light cramps as well... I was really hoping this was my month!! :cry:
Sigh, well, it looks like I might be out. I just went to the restroom and noticed some slight pink spotting. I had a few light cramps as well... I was really hoping this was my month!! :cry:

Awhhh! I know how you feel. I am praying for you. I know how it feels to want this and feel like its been taken away!:hugs::hugs:
Good luck sincerevon! I hope this is your month.

You have given me reason to keep hoping, Beanni. Besides cramping and (I suspect Pregnacare related) nausea, I have no symptoms whatsoever. Still hoping for the best though.

Thank God it's FRIDAY :dance:

Isi are you taking pregnacare on an empty tummy? I found that if I took it before I ate anything it really made me ill but if i take with my main meal I had no problems. Just s suggestion.
Von so sorry to hear af got you, hang in there hun.
I take it right after my lunch, which is my main meal. Someone suggested taking it right after dinner, but I pretty much just nibble for dinner. Definitely can't be classified my main meal. I just started it this cycle, and for the first 2 weeks, I was fine....no nausea....no nothing. The nausea just started this week. I am so happy it's the weekend, as I'll have less time to obsess (taking care of my DH is a full time job :wink:).

How are you hun? How's the pregnancy progressing? Have you seen your Doctor yet? I think you should still be in line for a 2010 due date?
oohh could be a sign Isi, fxd, 6 days to testing right oohh fxd hun. I know what you mean about it being a fulltime job. My DH was off today so i know am coming home to dishes in the sink and dirty cups everywhere. he just rang me to ask if I minded fish and chips for tea tonight tsk tsk honestly!. I saw my GP yesterday did I forget to update you girls? Ok must dash or else I'll miss my train. will be on later.
I miss them fish and chips days :haha:

I'm trying not to allow myself dream, so I'll discount the nausea as a symptom....for now. Hopefully the days will go quickly and I'll know whether or not :af: is coming or not.

Looking forward to your update when you can chat hun :hug:
Cant wait to hear your update the_key!:thumbup:

My temp dipped some today but from what the ladies in FAITH thread told me, I shouldnt worry as long as it goes up tomorrow. Im new to this temping so Im paranoid:wacko:.

GL Isi, but Im just like you, my hopes are not up. If I get BFP, it will surely be a surprise.:thumbup:
It looks like I spoke too soon! I had VERY light pink spotting this morning (not on the tissue, I did a quick internal check), and I haven't had any sense (and trust me, I've been checking almost every hour). I've had a few cramps/twinges, but they're nothing like what I usually experience pre-AF. I'm PRAYING that it was an IB. With my last pregnancy, I had reddish-brown spotting that came and went during the TWW. I haven't given up hope yet!

Mrs_kc, I hope your temp shoots up tomorrow! I'm SO excited.
Isi - your symptoms sound good girl! I hope you end up with a BFP!!!
Back now, chips and gravy went down well :thumbup:. So my GP appointment went really well. My GP is an ok guy, he was so excited when I told him bless him and was very comforting in the way he tried to reassure me that this time around wont necessary end up like last time and to try and remain positive. I have my booking in appointment with the Midwife on the 26th. GP said he will put a note on my file to see if the mw can try book me in for an early scan at 8wks, fxd. So all in all I came out feeling quite good and pma replenished. Now just to try and get on with normal everyday life arghh!.
Von really hope it was IB, and mrsK could the dip be an implantation dip? fxd crossed for you both.
Back now, chips and gravy went down well :thumbup:. So my GP appointment went really well. My GP is an ok guy, he was so excited when I told him bless him and was very comforting in the way he tried to reassure me that this time around wont necessary end up like last time and to try and remain positive. I have my booking in appointment with the Midwife on the 26th. GP said he will put a note on my file to see if the mw can try book me in for an early scan at 8wks, fxd. So all in all I came out feeling quite good and pma replenished. Now just to try and get on with normal everyday life arghh!.
Von really hope it was IB, and mrsK could the dip be an implantation dip? fxd crossed for you both.

Oh how I hope so but I dont think so at 4dpo. I see some get it 5dpo +. Ill be sure to update you guys tomorrow.:hugs:
Well..... I tested this morning and :bfp: !!!!!! And it's two days before AF was due!!!!!! I'm SO excited and praying for a sticky bean!!!
Well..... I tested this morning and :bfp: !!!!!! And it's two days before AF was due!!!!!! I'm SO excited and praying for a sticky bean!!!

Wow thats awesome sincerevon! Im very happy for you! Congrats!:happydance:

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