African or African-Americans TTC

@DBZ34 yeah today the dryness went away. Just these pains are a killer. Ive had then before bit not to this extent. Today I charted my cp its kinda low, medium soft, cm is sticky slightly creamy, and my nips hurt like a sonofa.

Oh well still a waiting game. Someone on another site said I should see a dip again around 7-10 dpo. If it spikes up that could mean baby 3.
Hey ladies - I've been MIA for a while. Work has been keeping me busy and I have been sick for the past week as well. It's been hard to post but I do try to check in. So - the latest with me is that I am now on CD11. FF has me as O'ing on CD8 and hubby and I DTD that day so I'm really hoping we get lucky. Not sure how accurate my temps have been lately though since I have been battling a cold for the last week or so. I tried preseed and softcups as well this month - first cycle using them...although I don't know if I will continue with the softcups. Think they may have given me a UTI :( Anyways, hope everyone else is doing well and gearing up for the holidays. I went shopping for some things for my niece today - she's 8 months old. Really made me miss my baby girl...I just can't wait to have a rainbow of my own.
Hi Ladies,
I've been MIA for a while. I'm trying to get back posting. TTC has been quite the journey. I've given up several times but I know God is able. I've always wanted to be a mother and I know I'm meant to be. I was 36 in August and my hubby was 40 in Oct. We've been married for 5 years and trying to conceive for 2 years. This journey has been exhausting. The month after month disappointment was wearing me down. So I've stopped testing and going to doctors. I'm just taking it day by day and praying that God will do his thing.

I'm really frustrated and angry a lot. Mostly because I work with some STUPID people. You wouldn't believe some of the things people have the audacity to say. Atleast 3 times a day I hear people ask What's wrong with you? When are you going to have some kids? What are you waiting on? Yesterday, I was talking to a co worker and said I'm not putting up a Christmas tree until there is a child in my house. Another lady ran over and said I know you're kidding. Aren't you almost 40. You should just give up. If you havent had kids now you shouldn't even worry about it. Get this, she also said now you know you don't want to have kids when you're 40. Stop pretending. I just kind of looked and gave a half smile. Inside I wanted to cry. I just can't believe people are so rude and insensitive.

Well ladies, I'm going to stop rambling and ranting. I just wanted to get some things off my chest.
@prayingtogod Wow whenever and how ever god chooses to bless you woth a child is up too him. This woman has no right to comment and or judge his will.

Now, speaking from the flesh....she ahould be glad you didnt bust her down to thw white meat for that comment. Because that is a sensitive area....enough so to fight from slapping someone.

That happened with me and our DD. We tried natural after finding out about my pcos. Then 3 months later I was put on Met, and then I was put on clomid. We did 3 rds without success..brighter side is it helped me ovulate and regulate my periods.

But I ended up getting pg maybe 4 months not taking clomid and the baby stopped growing. This was my 3rd and final mc.. I couldn't take it anymore. Tired of paying for tests, meds, seeing myself as a failure, doctors, and certain outsiders comments. I told my husband I was done.. sorry to fail him. He said I didnt and he was blessed that we had our DS at the time. He sais he was tired of seeing me hurting. So we prayed and then i would do my own special prayer. Asking god to heal me inside and in, asking god to forgive me forgetting who he was to me, asking god to forgive for thinking it was all in man's hands and not his, and I submitted my name body and soul. I also submitted my womb, overies, eggies to mature, fallopian tubes, and husbamd swimmers. I was still taking Met 1000 mg twice a day and at that time we had tried alittle over 4 yrs with 3 mc.

One day in Jan. My son said mommy, my aunts are pg(two sisters we pg 6.5 months apart). When are we gonna have a baby and god calls them away. I'm lonely and I need a sister to call my own. He was 7 at the time and It broke my heart I cried. My husband explqined to him if Its god will its his will...that mommy has something wrong that its hard for mommy to conceive and hold the babies long enough to born. He said okay il pray... Maybe a week latwr he came back rubbed my belly and said...spirit of god said my sister is here. Now his father wasnt home when he did this. That night my husband did the same ane said hey baby daddy loves his princess. I told him what his son said he said I was pg he dreamt it and plus the nifht we DTD he felt it in his soul.

Long story short... Two weeks later im admitted it the hospital for severe dehydration, I'm throwing up badly, losing weight, and all. I had the flu but the doxotr asked was i pg. I laughed but he said you'll be surprised at some women he has seen ended up pg after 10 yrs of ttc. He told me a few months back he had a woman 45 yrs old 3 grand kids, and was pg with twins 4 months. He gave me the test back and the said you're pg. I said okay so used to hearing I wasnt pg. I rolled over because i didn't wanna hear what the doctor had to say. He said im mean Mrs.**** don't seem like your happy. I said you said I wasnt. The doctor said like Maury u r the father well u are pregnant. He showed me the results and that was that. We were 4 weeks along he first thought we were about 10 weeks.

I was still on Met so she was a met baby but also a blessing. Keep faith and keep believing momma.
Ladies question: I usually take my temp at 630am.. but went to a bday party and stayed the night. Didn't get to temp until 355pm after resting 4 hrs it was 98.4 but I tempted again at 400 it was 98.8. Which temp should I keep and is it accurate. I'm on dpo 8 and at630 am my temps have been between 98.1-98.5. Does that mean I might've had a drop at dpo 8 if I temp that morning nd it was high only case I did do it late. My coverline is 97.7 i tempted one day in the afternoon it was 98.4 before ovulation.

Please help
Prayingtogod that was just flat out of pocket your coworker. I'm sorry that your going thru this hunni hugs.Your season is coming. God hasn't forgotten you. Keep holding on my sistah your day is coming. Keep standing with our heavenly father that loves you so much.

Netta, what a beautiful touching story :) hugs thanks for sharing
Thanks floppyears!! I'm sorry for the typos I'm. on my cell

Congrats on your pregnancy!!!
@prayingtogod Wow whenever and how ever god chooses to bless you woth a child is up too him. This woman has no right to comment and or judge his will.

Now, speaking from the flesh....she ahould be glad you didnt bust her down to thw white meat for that comment. Because that is a sensitive area....enough so to fight from slapping someone.

That happened with me and our DD. We tried natural after finding out about my pcos. Then 3 months later I was put on Met, and then I was put on clomid. We did 3 rds without success..brighter side is it helped me ovulate and regulate my periods.

But I ended up getting pg maybe 4 months not taking clomid and the baby stopped growing. This was my 3rd and final mc.. I couldn't take it anymore. Tired of paying for tests, meds, seeing myself as a failure, doctors, and certain outsiders comments. I told my husband I was done.. sorry to fail him. He said I didnt and he was blessed that we had our DS at the time. He sais he was tired of seeing me hurting. So we prayed and then i would do my own special prayer. Asking god to heal me inside and in, asking god to forgive me forgetting who he was to me, asking god to forgive for thinking it was all in man's hands and not his, and I submitted my name body and soul. I also submitted my womb, overies, eggies to mature, fallopian tubes, and husbamd swimmers. I was still taking Met 1000 mg twice a day and at that time we had tried alittle over 4 yrs with 3 mc.

One day in Jan. My son said mommy, my aunts are pg(two sisters we pg 6.5 months apart). When are we gonna have a baby and god calls them away. I'm lonely and I need a sister to call my own. He was 7 at the time and It broke my heart I cried. My husband explqined to him if Its god will its his will...that mommy has something wrong that its hard for mommy to conceive and hold the babies long enough to born. He said okay il pray... Maybe a week latwr he came back rubbed my belly and said...spirit of god said my sister is here. Now his father wasnt home when he did this. That night my husband did the same ane said hey baby daddy loves his princess. I told him what his son said he said I was pg he dreamt it and plus the nifht we DTD he felt it in his soul.

Long story short... Two weeks later im admitted it the hospital for severe dehydration, I'm throwing up badly, losing weight, and all. I had the flu but the doxotr asked was i pg. I laughed but he said you'll be surprised at some women he has seen ended up pg after 10 yrs of ttc. He told me a few months back he had a woman 45 yrs old 3 grand kids, and was pg with twins 4 months. He gave me the test back and the said you're pg. I said okay so used to hearing I wasnt pg. I rolled over because i didn't wanna hear what the doctor had to say. He said im mean Mrs.**** don't seem like your happy. I said you said I wasnt. The doctor said like Maury u r the father well u are pregnant. He showed me the results and that was that. We were 4 weeks along he first thought we were about 10 weeks.

I was still on Met so she was a met baby but also a blessing. Keep faith and keep believing momma.

This ^^^ was a story all by itself. With GOD everything is possible. Congrats to the ladies who had their babies, are now pregnant and the ones who will becoming pregnant! Right now AF for the month of December should be here any minute or tomorrow. So after this cycle. That is when I really start the TTC and the 2WW. Do they have a pregnant group for the sistas? Or is this the only one?
My DD is now 4 yrs old and a handful. But I wouldn't trade her for the world. I even told god look I know I complained about pregnancy symptoms with my other pregnancies...I don't care if you gave me very singlr symptom in the book as long as I was carrying a baby. Wouldn't you know i did have every single symptom, plus high risk. It didn't matter because my girl was a fighter.

I say the same prayer now..and I would love to have a summer baby. But I will take another fall and wintwr baby. Beggars can't be choosers lol!!
Ladies question: I usually take my temp at 630am.. but went to a bday party and stayed the night. Didn't get to temp until 355pm after resting 4 hrs it was 98.4 but I tempted again at 400 it was 98.8. Which temp should I keep and is it accurate. I'm on dpo 8 and at630 am my temps have been between 98.1-98.5. Does that mean I might've had a drop at dpo 8 if I temp that morning nd it was high only case I did do it late. My coverline is 97.7 i tempted one day in the afternoon it was 98.4 before ovulation.

Please help

I would use the first temp. The 98.4 one. It's going to be a bit higher because you took it in the afternoon. But it's a lot later than your normal time, so you can't adjust it and it's hard to know if it would have been much lower in the morning or if it would have been about the same. I guess I would see what tomorrow's temp is. If you've ov'd it will rise up higher regardless of today's temp and if you didn't it will still be in your normal range...
Ladies question: I usually take my temp at 630am.. but went to a bday party and stayed the night. Didn't get to temp until 355pm after resting 4 hrs it was 98.4 but I tempted again at 400 it was 98.8. Which temp should I keep and is it accurate. I'm on dpo 8 and at630 am my temps have been between 98.1-98.5. Does that mean I might've had a drop at dpo 8 if I temp that morning nd it was high only case I did do it late. My coverline is 97.7 i tempted one day in the afternoon it was 98.4 before ovulation.

Please help

Thanks for the words of encouragement. You have made my night. You have such a touching story. I feel down but not out. I know God can do it. He has taken me from death's door to fairly good health. so I know he can manage this.

Now to the flesh part. Honey it took everything I had not to choke this woman out. She had better be glad that God has made a change in me. A few years ago we would have both been in the unenmployment line.
@DBZ34 yeah I'm on dpo 9(cd 39). FF said AF is supposed to be here 16th. I was supposed to have on the 5th but we will see. I.haven't tested yet.*shrugs* funny thing is symptoms have subsided and have been far less then usual.

@praying welcome hun :).
Netta - I would go with what FF says and expect AF around the 16th. It sounds like you just ov'd late this month. When are you planning on testing? The disappearing symptoms is weird...I hope it's a good sign and they'll come back once you get your BFP. ;)
DBZ34- decided to wait for AF instead. I'll wait until I am Atleast a day late and then test. Symptoms are back as soon as I wrote that last night they came back. Yesterday was the most exhausting for me. Today its some pinching stabbing pains on the top of my uterus and left ovary, was dog hungry early this morning, temp still up 98.3, breast still hurt and nip very sensitive and tender, and heartburn. Ive been having vivid dreams as of lately.
Hello Ladies,

Well I'm on the cycle for December CD-1 today! So I should Ov either on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. I'll keep you guys posted. Wait I'll be in Africa by them..When I get back, I'll keep you guys posted :thumbup:
Netta those sound like good symptoms...KMFX for you!

Anewbeginning let's hope you catch that egg for Christmas!!
Netta those sound like good symptoms...KMFX for you!

Anewbeginning let's hope you catch that egg for Christmas!!

I'm believing GOD, because I will be ovulating around that weekend of Christmas Eve/Day. The first week of Jan, I should be testing, but i'm giving myself until the 11th of Jan to test.

I'll keep you ladies posted!
Back on the TTC bandwagon that is...

Hubbs convinced me that our life was truly blessed and why not give Ms. Phoenix a playmate. PLUS...he promised to get snipped once we conceived no. 2 :happydance:

AFM, I have been very busy, still a happy stay-at-home mom. I'm literally finishing school this week and moving on to degree no. 2 (Exhausted for sure).

Ms. Phoenix is 6 weeks old and doing well. We are officially TTC no. 2 all while breastfeeding my little one. NO temping or charting for me, no tickers, opk's etc.. Especially since my period is MIA and I am in the postpartum stage. I am currently taking MACA, Iron and Prenatal supplements only. So this to will be God's timing once again. We are hoping for sooner rather than later, why not:thumbup:

Hope everyone of you lovelies are doing well. Congrats on all of the BFP's that I have missed. Welcome, Welcome to all the other "new" lovelies.

I wish you all well,

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