Hey ladies its been a long time lol! I saw my post was jan 31st 2012 wow!! Okay update for you wonderful ladies.
I was taking vitex and I became pregnant about 2 months after taking it! Now before I found out I didn't have the normal sxs this time around. But like my last pregnancy with my dd I couldn't stomach my hubs period lol! Looking at him, smelling him, seeing him naked, or just being around him I was super nauseous. I wanted sugary food, mac in cheese, and fried chicken...Not my normal and or favorite food.
For weeks I felt like something was wrong. Not thinking I was pregnant but wrong like my body wanted to give out. I passed out March 24 went to the hospital and thry said it was stress blaah blaah blaah. Why because my husband who normally doesnt open his mouth over talked me. So they didnt test for a pregnancy or test my bs level. They just checked my bp and said it was elevated follow up dr and blaah blaah.. I was at work and couldn't understand why I was peeing so much and again craving sugar. Long story short I went to the dollar store picked up hpt.
April 25th we found out that evening we were gonna be parents again. I wish I coukdve recorded my hubs while he was trying to figure out how to read the test.
April 26 went in for bloodwork..I was seriously high risk with dd. I couldn't risk anything with this especially now I was having these feeling I was gonna die. I told my dr my body felt like it was giving out again. So she ran a bs panel and all the normal test and put stat on the script. April 27th I felt sick startedhaving hotflashes and felt like period was coming. Hubs thought I was being overly ccautious and calm d me down. I cooked dinner that night but kept going to the bathroom be because I thouhjt I was bleeding. That last time I sat down to finish eating my sandwich I felt sick and watery cm ran to this bathroom...the bleeding started. I knew right then it was a mc I have had 3 prior. Called him to come up stairs he saw all the blood. Called my dr she said looking at my labs it didnt look good. Any way April 28 1:30am I pushed my angel baby out. We got to see his/her little heart flicker and she picked up 3bpm and sac was measuring 8w1d baby was only 5w5d.
That Monday I was told my sugar was threw the roof about 500 or more. I had another test and my a1c cameback 9.1. She explained my progesterone was 3.6 and that the diabetes was what caused the growth restrictions and everything else we were told was wrong. She said my pcos also could've interfered with it too. But more than likly it was the diabetes.
We were finally given the green light to ttc. We were ntnp since August and I lost 25lbs so far. My sugar is great also more hypoglycemic diabetic and my a1c is 5.9. I have had blood work and us down about two weeks ago. Only thing that is low is my dhea whTever that is...I mean it was explained but my brian has been fried this past year. So my comprehension is really terrible im sad too say lol!
Today I am dpo 7 and secertly temping lmbo! Only because we said this would be relax ttc so we used opk this month. Which I used to have bad experience yrs yrs ago but enjoyed them now. Experiencing a lot of peeing, tired, sweet cm, scant creamy cm, hunger, boobs, sore and nips hurt, full bloated feeling in uterus, very very emotional, and few other things .
Here's my temps lol
Dpo 3. (98.64)
Dpo 4 (98.65)
Dpo 5 (98.74)
Dpo 6 (98.33)
Dpo 7 (98.76)
Sorry so long