African or African-Americans TTC

Hey Ladies just checking in on everyone. I am good. Today was a beautiful today. Went to church and the beach. Period is due. I am cool with it. Before TR my cycles was a mess now afterwards period is amazing. I pray all is well with everyone
Hello ladies,
Hope each and every one of you lovelies are doing well. It's a new week and boy o boy i'm having "new feelings" beyond my mind just playing tricks on me.

I've been super emotional, cranky, hungry and i keep having a annoying pulling sensation (pain) near the left side of my lower abdomen. Additionally, I'm bloated for no reason...:shrug:

With all that said, I'M HOPEFUL, yet not really into testing ahead of time, and Lord knows I haven't had to worry about this for 12 years....
Anyway enough of my moody vent, I will see what next week brings my cycle is due by end of same week.

1 Corinthians 15:57

"But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ":flower:
Hey ladies,

I am doing much better today. But I am enjoying my family taking care of me.
Hello Ladies,

I hope all of you are enjoy your days.

Mrskc, Purplekisses and Iamres.- Thanks so much for your responses. I was raised to think it was only money, which I had no problem with at all.. However, a few years ago someone bought the idea. I tried to bring it back to my family, but they weren't haven't it. lol However, now I give a mix of money and time. I think the church benefits from both anyhow.

Futuremommie- Thanks for rooting me on. I am in 2ww as well. Not feeling confident this month, but overall I feel positive.

Vrain-:cry: I am sorry to hear all that is going on with you and your family. However, I am praying for peace of mind and comfort through everything. I know it's tough for your FIL to be in that type of accident. :hugs:

Ready- Glad you are feeling better. :)

I've been feeling pain recently. Not the regular O pain and too early to signal AF(usually). I hope this is not an early sign for this month. I'm believe in miracles. :)

p.s Mrskc thanks for sharing how you felt while trying to conceive. It really helps to hear success stories for those who may have struggled but overcame.:flower:
Hey everyone! Feel like I havent been here in forever:hugs:.

DH and I had an argument yesterday so we are on the "silent treatment" in our home:wacko: It wasnt even over anything serious. He kept asking me when I picked him up from the airport, was I ok. I said yes but my head hurts a little. So I wasnt talking much nor in my jovial mood. Then I asked him to come here when he got home because I just wanted to hug him. But he went to the front room and turned on the game and got on his computer. By this time I was super pissed off, and I let my emotions take over:shrug:. So we argued and he said like he always does that he is leaving. So I told him to go ahead because I am not going to keep going thru that every time we have an argument. So he didnt sleep with me last nite, nor has he said anything to me today. If he so decides to leave, I will not stop him. Maybe that is wrong of me, but I know how to take care of myself. Ive done it quite well prior to meeting him 3 yrs ago, and taking care of my daughter as well.

Honestly I feel like a fool sharing this with you all, but I have no close friends that I can vent to, that are married and or would understand:cry:.

Otherwise, thanks for letting me vent:hugs:.
Mrskc I know the feeling! my husband has been a troll lately. I have given him his space, because I think it's the pressure.
Also, I have thought the same. I can take care of myself is needs be. I was doing so before and I can do so after. However, we know we love them and want to make things right. So on one hand we will force no one to stay but on the other hand we search for what we could have done better and will do better. Don't feel like a fool we all go through it at times. I admire your honesty.

Also, Sundays go from heaven days to hell days imo. LOL From church to the pit. My husband demands the main tv and he gets pissy when our team is doing bad. So I try to stay away from him during that time. I've learned to do this and I've had better result. Since it was something small I believe you two will be fine. Sometimes tension makes molehills into mountains. I think you are doing the right thing. He will come around. However if you want to initiate the makeup convo that is fine too. It's your marriage. You have a right to do what you feel is best!

Pray on it.
Thanks. He did text me to tell me that he is leaving in 2 weeks to go back home to VA, so I told him, he has to do what he feel is best for him. I did let him know that no matter what we go through I always have his back. I told him I never say I am going to leave you in any situation that I have dealt with from him. From finances to school to anything, Im always there rooting him on. I give it to God every time. I say God if this is where you want me to be, then I need you to work this out because I cant do it on my own. Ive had my say back and forth via text and after the last text he hasnt responded back yet. My first emotion was to :cry: but I have my daughter here at work with me, then my next emotion is to just let it be. Whatever he decides I will be fine with.

I think what really made me go off was when we were dealing with our issue yesterday, he yelled at my daughter (she is not his biological child) because she asked him if he could go get me. She wanted to see if her friend could stay over. He yelled at her, "im not you or your mothers slave, you go get her yourself". I was livid after that because no one talks to my daughter like that. On one hand you want to be nice and sweet to her and tell her and me how much you love her but then when you are mad you take your anger out on her as well. I told him thats not fair and I wont deal with it. Honestly, if I have to choose between the two it will definitely be my daughter. His insecurities get on my nerves as well, Im so tired of showing and proving to him as well, and I told him I wont any longer. Either he takes me at my word or he doesnt. Im thinking about counseling this weekend but I dont know, if his mind is made up, it seems pointless:shrug:.

Im very emotional now:cry:, but I know either way it goes, I will be fine.
Regal- don't give up yet, positive thoughts only!!!!

MrsKC- I am so sorry that you are going thru this. I am praying for you. Continue to pray for Gods will. I'm hoping that your DH is just a little angry right now and when he has time to think that you guys can go to conseling and try and work through it all. Regardless you are a strong woman and you can get through this.
Hello ladies,

Regalpeas, I agree with furturemommie. Positive thoughts only. :thumbup:

Futuremommie, how are you doing?

Msk, I am praying for you and your DH. Trust me I understand. My DH and I have been together 12 years married for 10 years. We have been through it all. But try to never go to bed angry. When you pray tonight let satan know that he has no place in your life, home and certainly not your marriage. Marriage is a good thing and if satan can come between you two then he has done his job. Because a man who finds a wife finds a good thing and has favor from the Lord. Without a wife he is still a good man and can still get favor. But we are the protectors. We were made from the rib the part that protects the heart. Continue to pray for him and your marriage. My dh and I use to teach a marriage class and when we use to give our testimony people could not believe what we went through. But it was worth the battle. Be blessed sweet. :hugs:
Hello ladies,

Regalpeas, I agree with furturemommie. Positive thoughts only. :thumbup:

Futuremommie, how are you doing?

Msk, I am praying for you and your DH. Trust me I understand. My DH and I have been together 12 years married for 10 years. We have been through it all. But try to never go to bed angry. When you pray tonight let satan know that he has no place in your life, home and certainly not your marriage. Marriage is a good thing and if satan can come between you two then he has done his job. Because a man who finds a wife finds a good thing and has favor from the Lord. Without a wife he is still a good man and can still get favor. But we are the protectors. We were made from the rib the part that protects the heart. Continue to pray for him and your marriage. My dh and I use to teach a marriage class and when we use to give our testimony people could not believe what we went through. But it was worth the battle. Be blessed sweet. :hugs:

Thank you very much. My Dh is in ministry and I am very much into the word so I will continue to pray without ceasing and like I said before I truly give it God. I let him know that this is a battle that is His and I need his help. I say if this is what you truly want for me, then work it out for me. He always has but this time, Im kinda not so sure:shrug:. I didnt want to go to bed angry and I wasnt upset but he didnt come in and sleep with me like he usually does when he is mad:shrug:. So I dont know but thanks a lot!:hugs:
No problem Msk, just know that I am praying for you. I know that you love your dh and right now you are emotional and he more than likely doesn't understand that. I know it will work out. Love marriage and what it stands for so forgive me if I came off a bit strong I really did not :nope: mean to sound ugly in any way. So if I came across that way please forgive me.:hugs:
Hello ladies,

Regalpeas, I agree with furturemommie. Positive thoughts only. :thumbup:

Futuremommie, how are you doing?

Msk, I am praying for you and your DH. Trust me I understand. My DH and I have been together 12 years married for 10 years. We have been through it all. But try to never go to bed angry. When you pray tonight let satan know that he has no place in your life, home and certainly not your marriage. Marriage is a good thing and if satan can come between you two then he has done his job. Because a man who finds a wife finds a good thing and has favor from the Lord. Without a wife he is still a good man and can still get favor. But we are the protectors. We were made from the rib the part that protects the heart. Continue to pray for him and your marriage. My dh and I use to teach a marriage class and when we use to give our testimony people could not believe what we went through. But it was worth the battle. Be blessed sweet. :hugs:

Thank you very much. My Dh is in ministry and I am very much into the word so I will continue to pray without ceasing and like I said before I truly give it God. I let him know that this is a battle that is His and I need his help. I say if this is what you truly want for me, then work it out for me. He always has but this time, Im kinda not so sure:shrug:. I didnt want to go to bed angry and I wasnt upset but he didnt come in and sleep with me like he usually does when he is mad:shrug:. So I dont know but thanks a lot!:hugs:

It will work out according to "HIS" plan. The battle is and should never be yours. God will see you thru, bless u thru, and get you threw with anything against his will.
Trust n Believe and I know you do......

Be well and don't stress for the baby's sake!
~Val~ will work out..becuz the fervent prayer of the righteous AVAILETH MUCH!! any problems we have God truly can solve them...I'm so glad that everyone in this group has such strong faith..God Bless us all
Hey ladies, just dropping in to say a quick hello.

~Vrai, I'm sorry to hear about the accident. I can't imagine what your OH's family is going through right now. Many thoughts and prayers, hun. Did AF ever show? I'm asking because it's possible to be pregnant without getting a BFP on a hpt...

~Regal, I think a lot of us are taught that tithing is only relevant to money. Like I've said, I don't go to church but as a spiritual person, I guess you can say I still "tithe". For example, earlier today as I was leaving a store a woman approached me and said that she lived in the next city over and had no bus fare home...she was with her son who was no more than 2 months I gave her enough money to get home. The way I see it is, the Most High has blessed me, so I try to bless others. Stay positive hun. :flower:

~MrsK, I'm sorry you're going through this. Although my OH and I aren't married yet, I can relate. I know my OH has told me on a couple occasions that he was leaving and I'd let him leave but of course he never really meant it. I think sometimes men say things that they don't actually mean to spark some type of reaction. I also think that we, as women, tend to weigh what we're going to say against the possible repercussions and whether we can live with those repercussions...which is the reason we're really slow to be the ones to say we're leaving. I'm pretty sure he loves you, DD and the LO so just pray about it hun. Although expecting a child is a joyous time, it can also be a very stressful time, for both parents. Try not to stress about it, hun..all will work itself out according to the Most High's will. hugs:

~Inluv, the bloating and pulling sensations are definitely good signs!! I had those exact symptoms not too long before I got my BFP...I was probably around the same dpo as you when I started to notice the twinges/pulling senstations. I got my fingers and toes crossed! :thumbup:

~Ready, I'm glad you're recovering well :)

~ Iam and Future, I hope you ladies are doing well. :)

AFM, nothings really new...just trying to get through the semester. This week is midterms...only 8 more weeks left in the semester after this week! I have a mw's appointment tomorrow.

Well, I'm going to cut this short as it's almost 12:45 and I need to get some sleep. I'm sorry if I missed anyone or anything, I'll try to get back on tomorrow. Talk to you ladies later. :)
Thanks ladies I appreciate all of your wonderful prayers and responses. Things are not perfect yet but I believe and I trust that God will pull us through this. Thanks so much!
hey ladies..AF has still not shown up, i thought she might after seeing some pink cm when I wiped yesterday..but there were no cramps and no AF

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