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Anyone doing FET/IVF Jan/Feb 2016

All the best Unlucky and iveffer :) hope your transfers went well today. Baby dust!! Lots and lots of sticky baby dust
Hi all Blastocyst survived the thaw but it isn't as good as our last one which resulted in our daughter.

Apparently 90 percent of cells survived but our Previous one was 100 percent.

Also the previous one was hatching so a bit stressed about it. Tww is going to be scary.

Miss cassie Congrats! Sounds like you have two beautiful embryos inside!
Miss Cassie, Unlucky, Ivfeffer hope the 2ww goes quickly.

Kat, good luck with ER, you'll be joining the ladies above in the 2ww soon.

2016 how are you today? I'm in 2 minds has it worked or not.
Unlucky - 90% sounds pretty awesome to me! Fingers crossed for you...
Cassie - lovely pics.

The wait continues but I couldn't resist testing... 5dp5dt and BFP THIS MORNING!!!!!!

I know the trigger is gone because I tested d2 as negative.

Cautious though as I've had miscarriages in the past and have lupus anticoagulant as well as MTHFR so am on clexane and aspirin for now.

Sending love to all...
Congratulations 2016, fingers crossed for sticky bean xx
Hi all,

So they got 2 good eggs out, the 3rd they couldn't get out after 2-3 tries and felt that it was probably of bad quality since it didn't come out within those 2-3 tries so not worth any extra effort to get out. Was super disappointed as was hoping for at least 3 eggs like last time:nope: They'll call me Saturday morning to let me know how many fertilised and tell me what time to come in. FXed these are now extra good as I only have 2:wacko:
Oh Kat, fingers crossed one of them is your baby. Saturday is a long time to wait. I got a call 9am the morning after ER to tell me how many fertilized. Rest up and take it easy today.
Oh Kat, fingers crossed one of them is your baby. Saturday is a long time to wait. I got a call 9am the morning after ER to tell me how many fertilized. Rest up and take it easy today.

Thanks tommyg:hugs: Yeah I don't think they bother with calling the day after and think it more practical to wait until ET day to let you know how many fertilised:shrug: It's very nerve wracking those 48 hours though:wacko: All 3 eggs I got from IVF #1 fertilised so here's hoping all 2 fertilise this time.

Not looking forward to telling the in-laws today that we got 1 egg less out of it this time :dohh:

BTW there was another lady that had the same result, 4 follies but only 2 eggs that they got out/were good.
I don't think I could cope with the ils knowing and asking questions. Its far too deep and personal. My mum kind of knows only because I needed a baby sitter for ER and ET. She doesn't know the details iykwim
Hi all,

So they got 2 good eggs out, the 3rd they couldn't get out after 2-3 tries and felt that it was probably of bad quality since it didn't come out within those 2-3 tries so not worth any extra effort to get out. Was super disappointed as was hoping for at least 3 eggs like last time:nope: They'll call me Saturday morning to let me know how many fertilised and tell me what time to come in. FXed these are now extra good as I only have 2:wacko:

Fx those 2 eggs fertilise :) and hopefully atleast one turns into your take home baby. Dont lose hope i have everything crossed for you :)

My last stim cycle i had 5 eggs and 4 fertilised and 3 made it to freeze so your not out. You could have some excellent quality eggs there
I don't think I could cope with the ils knowing and asking questions. Its far too deep and personal. My mum kind of knows only because I needed a baby sitter for ER and ET. She doesn't know the details iykwim

Yeah but DH and I were stupid and told them almost 2 years ago that we were TTC since there have been some questioning remarks over the years. We told my whole family as well since my narcissistic sister was being a pain and kept on asking. Luckily my narcissistic siblings are leaving me be ATM since they of course never are there to support me for anything (plus don't like me setting boundaries for their selfish behavior). The in-laws are easier to handle at least and are at least acting supportive although I don't think they entirely understand why we haven't been able to conceive naturally.
Kat - it only takes one... It's all about quality, not quantity... Fingers crossed and good luck with the family!

Thanks for all the good wishes. Will keep testing daily though as wont believe it till I see a pattern!

No beta for me - seems unpopular in the uk (I used to live in the us where my pregnancy was monitored by beta every 48h!)

Official test day is 29/1 then will have scan at around 6 weeks as prior history of ectopics.

I just assumed beta was another name for the blood test?
Hi all,

So they got 2 good eggs out, the 3rd they couldn't get out after 2-3 tries and felt that it was probably of bad quality since it didn't come out within those 2-3 tries so not worth any extra effort to get out. Was super disappointed as was hoping for at least 3 eggs like last time:nope: They'll call me Saturday morning to let me know how many fertilised and tell me what time to come in. FXed these are now extra good as I only have 2:wacko:

Fx those 2 eggs fertilise :) and hopefully atleast one turns into your take home baby. Dont lose hope i have everything crossed for you :)

My last stim cycle i had 5 eggs and 4 fertilised and 3 made it to freeze so your not out. You could have some excellent quality eggs there

There's also a little more room for error with 5 than with 2 :(
Oh Kat I totally understand why you're bummed. I know you wanted more than 2. There were so many reasons as to why u wanted a few more. It's really hard dealing with disappointment. But I'm hoping those 2 will be really good quality.

Lots of people to keep track of - I've read all the pages and tried to remember names and things to say. It's late here and my brain can't think.

2016 or bust.. Welcome. Fingers crossed u find out soon. That actual wth the ectopics and the mc. Here's hoping this cycle is your lucky one.

Fingers crossed for everyone who have had transfers.. And those who are stunning seem to have gotten some good news with follicles.
I didn't know that some cells don't survive the thaw. Great that's another thing I ha e to worry about!! Ahh when does it end. It doesn't.
Oh well fingers crossed.
Oh Kat I totally understand why you're bummed. I know you wanted more than 2. There were so many reasons as to why u wanted a few more. It's really hard dealing with disappointment. But I'm hoping those 2 will be really good quality.

Yep, just a few are: increased chances of having an embie to put back in on Saturday, more chances to have a few frosties, increased chance of having a "Golden Egg" of course :dohh: Oh well, can't do anything about it:nope:
I'm so sorry Kat hopefully one of those two becomes your take home baby.

My meds arrive today and tomorrow I have an appointment in the morning to go over my meds and injections.

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