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Anyone doing FET/IVF Jan/Feb 2016

2016orbust congrats praying it's a sticky bean for you!

Kat just keep remembering quality quality quality it only takes one good one!

Still battling a cold here I agree lots to keep track of sending well wishes to everyone on their journeys
Kat I was thinking about the ils. I think I would give enough info but try to be vague or are they just nosy / interested. I think I'd say "er went ok, just need to wait and see" type answers. Rather than others nosying into sensitive person and unsettling info.

My mil is kept in the dark because she doesn't know how to keep her mouth closed. She started giving me a detailed run down of her friends daughters pregnancy it really upset me to think her and pals would discuss my private info like that.
Evening ladies! ☺
I've just had a quick read through the many pages I've missed since I last posted and have already forgotten what I was going to say to some of you! :doh:
I'm starting to feel nervous now. ER scheduled for 8:30 tomorrow morning. Fear of the unknown is haunting me! Lol hope you're all OK :) xxx
Good luck Elz!
The thought and anticipation is worse than the reality. Keep thinking positive thoughts
Thanks for all the good wishes. Tested again this evening and line getting darker. Wish I had more self control... ��
2016 Congrats that is the best news!

Elz Goodluck for tomorrow!

Kat so sorry that you didn't get as many eggs as expected. I only ever got two so I know how you feel! The girls are right it only takes one and I have a lovely daughter.

AFM couldn't sleep last night just thinking what would we do if it doesn't work. So bad! Feel awful today and need to go to work grrrr
Oh wow congrats on your BFP 2016!! How exciting!

Congrats to all the pupo ladies today as well....I hope your embies are getting cozy and that the days fly by until testing day. I hope you will all be bump buddies.

Kat I am sorry you only got two eggs, but here's hoping you'll have two perfect embies waiting for you on transfer day. One good one is all it takes!!

Elz good luck tomorrow!!

Best of luck to those stimming or starting their meds!

Not much to report for me, my estrogen was up to 581 yesterday after 5 nights of meds, which is 100 higher than at the same point in my last cycle, but the doctor doesn't seem concerned. I keep at my same dose of Gonal tonight, and add in the Ganirelix so I suppose I'll be done stimming in 4 days or so. I am also stressing out about the weather here...we have a winter storm advisory due to some weather that is supposed to move into the area overnight, then stay until Saturday night. I am supposed to go in for monitoring in the AM but it is a 35 mile drive, ugh. I DON'T like driving in the snow, and especially not in the south where they don't clear the roads and people aren't used to driving in it! My DH suggested I go stay at a hotel tonight near the clinic but I am worried I'll get stuck over there. Ugh not sure what to do about that!

On the flip side, assuming I get back from the clinic, I am looking forward to some snow, my son is *so* excited at the prospect of wearing his snowsuit! :)
Kat I was thinking about the ils. I think I would give enough info but try to be vague or are they just nosy / interested. I think I'd say "er went ok, just need to wait and see" type answers. Rather than others nosying into sensitive person and unsettling info.

My mil is kept in the dark because she doesn't know how to keep her mouth closed. She started giving me a detailed run down of her friends daughters pregnancy it really upset me to think her and pals would discuss my private info like that.

My in-laws are just interested. I don't think they discuss it with other people, other than maybe my MIL's mother which is ok.

Wow so crazy:wacko: Yeah, get why you'd want to not say much in that case.

2016 Congrats that is the best news!

Elz Goodluck for tomorrow!

Kat so sorry that you didn't get as many eggs as expected. I only ever got two so I know how you feel! The girls are right it only takes one and I have a lovely daughter.

AFM couldn't sleep last night just thinking what would we do if it doesn't work. So bad! Feel awful today and need to go to work grrrr

Thanks Unlucky:hugs: Yeah I keep on trying to remind myself of your story - yet I still can't help but feel a little sad I didn't have at least 1 extra egg, preferably 3-4 eggs more but I already knew that that wasn't going to happen after my last couple of scans :nope:

Hopefully it will, FXed :dust: Have you entirely ruled out doing just 1 fresh IVF cycle then, worst case?

Not much to report for me, my estrogen was up to 581 yesterday after 5 nights of meds, which is 100 higher than at the same point in my last cycle, but the doctor doesn't seem concerned. I keep at my same dose of Gonal tonight, and add in the Ganirelix so I suppose I'll be done stimming in 4 days or so. I am also stressing out about the weather here...we have a winter storm advisory due to some weather that is supposed to move into the area overnight, then stay until Saturday night. I am supposed to go in for monitoring in the AM but it is a 35 mile drive, ugh. I DON'T like driving in the snow, and especially not in the south where they don't clear the roads and people aren't used to driving in it! My DH suggested I go stay at a hotel tonight near the clinic but I am worried I'll get stuck over there. Ugh not sure what to do about that!

On the flip side, assuming I get back from the clinic, I am looking forward to some snow, my son is *so* excited at the prospect of wearing his snowsuit! :)

Thanks ewwg:hugs: I hope you make it to the appointment ok, whatever you decide to do, so you can have fun with your son:flower:
ewwg I'm the same way about driving in snow. My doctor's office is 30 miles away and with this time of year I'm really worried about what the weather will be like on the days that I have to go in for bw and u/s.

AFM We did the first shot this morning. It was Follistim in a pen. I let DH stick me with it and it was very tolerable. Menopur will be next in a few hours. I can't speak for danser but I know my nervousness isn't about the meds in particular but it's about the whole process. I know there is a lot of hurdles for us to get through and any one of them can trip us up and/or stop the race completely. Sorry for the cheesy metaphor but it's just what I have to tell myself so I don't get my head too far up in the clouds. I'm staying positive but also trying to remember that I'm resting a lot on luck and science.
Tammy glad the shot wasn't too bad for you.

Ewwg hope your son gets some snow haha. We might have to stay I'm a hotel the night before transfer the place is about 45 mins to an hour away from our house.

I am super stressed got home from ent and my son needs a second ear tubal surgery along with adenoid removal I didn't even know there was a connection with ear infections and adenoids. This surgery will most likely happen before my transfer and he will be out of school for a week
AFM We did the first shot this morning. It was Follistim in a pen. I let DH stick me with it and it was very tolerable. Menopur will be next in a few hours. I can't speak for danser but I know my nervousness isn't about the meds in particular but it's about the whole process. I know there is a lot of hurdles for us to get through and any one of them can trip us up and/or stop the race completely. Sorry for the cheesy metaphor but it's just what I have to tell myself so I don't get my head too far up in the clouds. I'm staying positive but also trying to remember that I'm resting a lot on luck and science.

Follistim pens are pretty easy, I used one that was identical for my 6 IUIs called Puregon Pen here. Brave of you to let your DH do it, I didn't let mine out of fear how it'd end up:wacko: My DH with a needle in his hand going to stick it in me is probably one of the scariest scenarios I can think of :haha::winkwink:

Yeah there are so many hurdles during an IVF cycle: getting as many follies as possible, follie growth not stopping, as many follies as possible getting to the right size, there being good eggs in as many of them as possible, fertilisation rate, getting a "Golden Embie" put back in ect. I think it's actually a very good attitude you're going into it with. I know I got my hopes up way too much when I started IUI last year and having to go through 6 failed IUIs like that really sucked:nope:

I am super stressed got home from ent and my son needs a second ear tubal surgery along with adenoid removal I didn't even know there was a connection with ear infections and adenoids. This surgery will most likely happen before my transfer and he will be out of school for a week

Sorry about your son, I hope it isn't too bad/serious? Hope it goes well and he feels better soon!

AFM trying to get through the last part of my 48 hour wait:wacko: I'm considering letting DH take the phone so if it's bad news, he can tell me in a better way maybe?
Hiya ladies! So ER was done this morning and I really enjoyed the sedation because I remember nothing!!! Haha! I've slept for most of the day today too. The absolute worse thing for me was the cyclogest pessaries. Not pleasant but if it's what needs to be done then so be it! We should be hearing how many eggs have fertilised by tomorrow morning and ET is possible for Monday or Wednesday.
Time for another nap now I think! Lol hope you're all well ladies! X
Elz how many eggs did you get? Glad that you had a good experience
Elz glad all went well hope the dr got some amazing eggs!

Hope you get amazing news on that call Kat good luck!

My son's surgery will be low risk I hope his behavior improves after he's been aggressive at school this is just a lot to deal with around same time as ivf next month will be very hectic! At least I have. massage scheduled with dh to help us to relax before transfer day!
Hiya ladies! So ER was done this morning and I really enjoyed the sedation because I remember nothing!!! Haha! I've slept for most of the day today too. The absolute worse thing for me was the cyclogest pessaries. Not pleasant but if it's what needs to be done then so be it! We should be hearing how many eggs have fertilised by tomorrow morning and ET is possible for Monday or Wednesday.
Time for another nap now I think! Lol hope you're all well ladies! X

Glad your ER went well Elz! So crazy you slept through it:haha: I definitely didn't sleep through mine:wacko:

How many eggs did you get, you seemed to have forgotten to tell us:winkwink:

My son's surgery will be low risk I hope his behavior improves after he's been aggressive at school this is just a lot to deal with around same time as ivf next month will be very hectic! At least I have. massage scheduled with dh to help us to relax before transfer day!

Here's hoping the surgery will help:flower: But yeah, I can see how it's bad timing but seems that's how things go sometimes:nope: Hope you have a great massage! Although I dare say you probably need the message more than he does since it's you going through the transfer:winkwink:
Haha sorry ladies, I was still slightly out of it when they were talking to me afterwards! Good job DH was there to listen to it all!! I don't really remember sending that message earlier!! 🙈
So according to DH they got 11 eggs so hoping one of those will be my baby!! I really cannot get used to the pessaries! It feels so wrong!! 😂😂😂 for those of you who have had the cyclogen before, does it get any easier??!! Haha
Kat - any news?? X
Go Elz!! That's great news.
So I'm day 17 which is late ovulation but they don't seem worried! Transfer is set for Thursday but don't know what time yet!
That's so exciting miranda!! Lots and lots of baby dust to you! X
Wow Elz, 11 eggs, wish I could get up there:winkwink:

Exciting stuff miranda, FXed!

AFM just had my transfer. It was a top grade embie so the RE says my chances of pregnancy are at their highest with this one:happydance: The bad news was the last egg did fertilise but had divided really badly so they have to throw it out so no frostie(s) yet again:nope:
Wow Elz, 11 eggs, wish I could get up there:winkwink:

Exciting stuff miranda, FXed!

AFM just had my transfer. It was a top grade embie so the RE says my chances of pregnancy are at their highest with this one:happydance: The bad news was the last egg did fertilise but had divided really badly so they have to throw it out so no frostie(s) yet again:nope:

Comgrats on being pupo! Sounds like your in for a good shot with your top grade embie :happydance:

Also so sorry that your second didnt make it :( its absolutely devastating when they dont progress and you dont get frosties : ( :hugs:

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