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Anyone doing FET/IVF Jan/Feb 2016

Wow Elz, 11 eggs, wish I could get up there:winkwink:

Exciting stuff miranda, FXed!

AFM just had my transfer. It was a top grade embie so the RE says my chances of pregnancy are at their highest with this one:happydance: The bad news was the last egg did fertilise but had divided really badly so they have to throw it out so no frostie(s) yet again:nope:

Comgrats on being pupo! Sounds like your in for a good shot with your top grade embie :happydance:

Also so sorry that your second didnt make it :( its absolutely devastating when they dont progress and you dont get frosties : ( :hugs:

Thanks Cassie:flower:

Yeah, it totally stinks. We keep on not getting frosties so are losing out on potential extra free tries. Hopefully this one will stick and it won't matter as much:winkwink: It was at least good to know it did fertilise, the problem was fragmentation:shrug:
Fingers cross for that one embryos Kat, I'm praying its a sticky bean for you.
Kat congrats on being pupo hope this is it for you!

Elz 11 is amazing any fertilization news?
Kat congrats on being PUPO!

My injections start tomorrow for the lupron.
Hi everyone, hope you're all well.

We are starting icsi in Feb for baby number 2 if anyone is going to be cycling then.

Best wishes to all.
Aaaaah Kat, I have absolutely everything crossed for you honey!!
We got the phone call this morning about my 11 eggies: 2 of them were too small to perform ICSI, and out of the remaining 9, 8 of them have successfully fertilised! We're provisionally booked in for ET at 2:30 pm on Monday, will find out for definite by 10am on Monday morning. I know it's important to keep optimistic but I'm finding it more and more difficult to not get my hopes up now! Will this finally be it?! X
Kat congrats on being PUPO!

My injections start tomorrow for the lupron.

Good luck with your injections:flower:

Aaaaah Kat, I have absolutely everything crossed for you honey!!
We got the phone call this morning about my 11 eggies: 2 of them were too small to perform ICSI, and out of the remaining 9, 8 of them have successfully fertilised! We're provisionally booked in for ET at 2:30 pm on Monday, will find out for definite by 10am on Monday morning. I know it's important to keep optimistic but I'm finding it more and more difficult to not get my hopes up now! Will this finally be it?! X

FXed it works for you and they have a really good embie to put back in!

AFM not much else to report. Not looking forward to starting to use Crinone from tomorrow morning:nope: The worse part is cleaning out the old gel that collects up around the cervix every few days :wacko:
Crimone is the worst! Ive been on it for a week now, lucky when i had my transfer they cleaned it out. But still its disgusting and if my embies take i will be on it for like 12 weeks... yay cant wait for that
Congrats Kat on being pupo with a great embie! I really hope this is it for you!

Elz congrats on a great fertilization report, and good luck for transfer on Monday.

Danser good luck starting your injections! Lupron always gave me headaches but drinking lots of water helped.

Kat/Cassie I agree Crinone is the worst! If we make it to FET, I will probably stick with PIO because I just hate Crinone, it is so gross!

Hope everyone else is doing well!

AFM I made it to my check on Friday, and am going to go back tomorrow for what will likely be my last check....will probably trigger tomorrow night and have retrieval on Tuesday. Getting nervous.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend all! x
Kat that's so exciting on your transfer!! whoo hoo. Got everything crossed for u - and everyone else who is in the 2 week wait.. oh that is such bad luck about not having any frosties. It must be so hard and I know you wanted more tries :) .. but hopefully this little embie sticks.

oh Ewwg hope your collection goes well. Enjoy those nice drugs they give u.. and hope for some ice good eggs.

Yikes that Crimone sounds a bit gross.. What we girls have to do to get pregnant. None of it seems fair sometimes does it?!! But we keep doing it. We're all really strong. My Dr has given me the Oripro Pessaries.. they're a wax tablet that dissolve inside at night. Wonder if this is the same. Anyway we will soon see.

We went and visited two sets of my husband's friends who have just had their second baby. The first was fine (I been still hard but fine).. they know we're doing IVF and she's been really nice. The second friend he used to work with.. goes.. So when are you guys going to have a baby? You guys are getting left behind!! You better catch up.. I really felt like crying and inside I'm thinking fuck you - you have no idea what we've gone through you shouldn't say comments like that. I just said well it's been a long road. And she goes yeah it took us a few months before we got pregnant it's really hard blah blah.. ARGH!!
Hi everyone :wave:

Hope you're all doing ok.

Some exciting news on retrievals, transfers & fertilisation I see! Good luck to everyone :flower:

I've got egg collection tomorrow, very nervous as I didn't have a great experience last time (lots of pain), but excited too.
Had a third action scan on Friday and I'm at risk of OHSS as there are over 20 follicles in the right ovary alone, so they might not be able to transfer right away, will find out for sure tomorrow. Will be disappointed if that's the case but I know it's for the best to wait.
Quite a change from last time when I was worried I wouldn't get enough eggs! Fingers crossed they are good quality.

Best wishes to everyone, such a trying time emotionally and physically, we're all superstars for going through it!!!
Crimone is the worst! Ive been on it for a week now, lucky when i had my transfer they cleaned it out. But still its disgusting and if my embies take i will be on it for like 12 weeks... yay cant wait for that

Yeah it really is but totally worth it if it helps increase my chances of this embie sticking:thumbup: I'm not sure if they'll have me on it for 12 weeks, guess I'll find out if I get my BFP on the 5th:shrug:

AFM I made it to my check on Friday, and am going to go back tomorrow for what will likely be my last check....will probably trigger tomorrow night and have retrieval on Tuesday. Getting nervous.

Yay ewwg, FXed your retrieval goes well!

Kat that's so exciting on your transfer!! whoo hoo. Got everything crossed for u - and everyone else who is in the 2 week wait.. oh that is such bad luck about not having any frosties. It must be so hard and I know you wanted more tries :) .. but hopefully this little embie sticks.

oh Ewwg hope your collection goes well. Enjoy those nice drugs they give u.. and hope for some ice good eggs.

Yikes that Crimone sounds a bit gross.. What we girls have to do to get pregnant. None of it seems fair sometimes does it?!! But we keep doing it. We're all really strong. My Dr has given me the Oripro Pessaries.. they're a wax tablet that dissolve inside at night. Wonder if this is the same. Anyway we will soon see.

We went and visited two sets of my husband's friends who have just had their second baby. The first was fine (I been still hard but fine).. they know we're doing IVF and she's been really nice. The second friend he used to work with.. goes.. So when are you guys going to have a baby? You guys are getting left behind!! You better catch up.. I really felt like crying and inside I'm thinking fuck you - you have no idea what we've gone through you shouldn't say comments like that. I just said well it's been a long road. And she goes yeah it took us a few months before we got pregnant it's really hard blah blah.. ARGH!!

Yeah it really, really stinks but here's hoping it won't matter much and this embie sticks!

Wow that 2nd friend really stinks, does she know you're going through IVF? I guess it depends though on if you want to educate her on infertility (if you think she sounds open to it) or just get her to stop. You could try some of the suggestions from this article:


Sending you many :hugs: I kinda know how you feel though. We saw a bunch of DH's "friends" a couple of days after my ET from IVF #1 at a Christmas luncheon and this one friend (she has 2 kids; her 1st was totally unplanned) made a comment a la "Don't you guys really want to get started having kids?" after her son and another "friend's" son had a misunderstanding and were fighting. She laughed it off and then the subject was quickly changed by her and her DH. I didn't get the chance to respond but was so tempted to say something. I'm actually FB friends with her but she's not active on my page at all - however if she'd bothered to check it out she'd of seen I'm open with our infertility. I've also tried one of DH's "friends" making a comment back in April 2014 "Don't you guys want one of these?" while cuddling her infant son. I didn't know what to say so said nothing. Plus my own narcissistic mother has mentioned many times how easy she had it conceiving her 6 kids and she can't understand why I'm having so many issues:wacko: I think unfortunately unless the person has experienced it or someone very close to them has been through it, they have almost 0 understanding about infertility and many of them will never get it.
Kat.. I sometimes clam up in social situations and can never spit the words out that I want to say afterwards.. I will send her a message and say look you shouldn't say stuff like that because you don't know what people are going through.. i.e. we're actually been doing IVF.. I feel if people don't educate these people then they'll just hurt other people.

Crazydoglady.. ohh I hope ER goes well. Keep that hot pack and panda ready.. and have lots of fibrous foods. I found it difficult to go to the loo afterwards so helped if I didn't have to strain.. Hope it all goes well!
Great news CrazyDog lady, FXed your ER goes well and you get lots of nice eggs!

Kat.. I sometimes clam up in social situations and can never spit the words out that I want to say afterwards.. I will send her a message and say look you shouldn't say stuff like that because you don't know what people are going through.. i.e. we're actually been doing IVF.. I feel if people don't educate these people then they'll just hurt other people.

I'm not very good at it myself either unless I've prepared somewhat in my head what I plan on saying. Which is why I started a Google search on what to say in those situations after the "Don't you want one of these?" comments and found that article. Still, I find it more difficult if it's a larger crowd, another reason I had an issue saying anything at the Christmas luncheon as we were about 15 adults (plus 5 children between 3ish and 9ish). Partially due to I still have some social anxiety (although I'm getting better the longer I detox from my siblings, especially my brother).

I think an email is a good idea as you can better say what it is you want to say and any emotional reactions you may have to their response, especially if it's a poor response, is not seen by them. I hope she proves to be understanding but maybe be prepared in case she has a less than empathetic reaction. That comment about it took them "months" to conceive tells you where she's coming from. If she doesn't show any understanding, maybe cut way down on how much you see her.
Kat that's so exciting on your transfer!! whoo hoo. Got everything crossed for u - and everyone else who is in the 2 week wait.. oh that is such bad luck about not having any frosties. It must be so hard and I know you wanted more tries :) .. but hopefully this little embie sticks.

oh Ewwg hope your collection goes well. Enjoy those nice drugs they give u.. and hope for some ice good eggs.

Yikes that Crimone sounds a bit gross.. What we girls have to do to get pregnant. None of it seems fair sometimes does it?!! But we keep doing it. We're all really strong. My Dr has given me the Oripro Pessaries.. they're a wax tablet that dissolve inside at night. Wonder if this is the same. Anyway we will soon see.

We went and visited two sets of my husband's friends who have just had their second baby. The first was fine (I been still hard but fine).. they know we're doing IVF and she's been really nice. The second friend he used to work with.. goes.. So when are you guys going to have a baby? You guys are getting left behind!! You better catch up.. I really felt like crying and inside I'm thinking fuck you - you have no idea what we've gone through you shouldn't say comments like that. I just said well it's been a long road. And she goes yeah it took us a few months before we got pregnant it's really hard blah blah.. ARGH!!

Omg some people can be so damn rude! Seriously they should think before they speak! A lousy 3 months to get pregnant oh dear how hard that must have been.... and telling you that you need to catch up is horrible! I wouldnt have been able to bite my tounge when that was sad. Just so rude!

Im sorry you had to go through that :hugs:

So excited for your transfer on thursday! I would much rather a wax tablet over crinone its really quite gross!

Hopefully this thread will come alive with BFP in the next couple weeks.
Omg some people can be so damn rude! Seriously they should think before they speak! A lousy 3 months to get pregnant oh dear how hard that must have been.... and telling you that you need to catch up is horrible! I wouldnt have been able to bite my tounge when that was sad. Just so rude!

Just wanted to say I agree, it's so rude when people butt in like that. Unfortunately, most don't see it as a rude line of questioning:nope: It seems like as soon as they have a baby, they start asking everyone without kids when they're going to get started:dohh: I seriously never got that, even before I started TTCing: like seriously, what is it their business??!! I remember one of DH's friends that has 2 kids now would comment on my flat belly every single time he saw me:dohh: Before I was TTCing it was merely annoying, now that I'm LTTTC #1, I find it rather hurtful although to be fair he has stopped after we told him we're going through infertility.

As to it took e.g. 3 months for someone to get pregnant and they consider that long: yeah, tempts me to come with a scathing remark:trouble: I've unfortunately seen members on BnB do it as well. Remember someone announced their BFP some time ago and called the thread something a la "2 long months":dohh: There's yet another I had some communication with when I used to joing up for 2WW threads that has mention how she considered the 7 months it took her to conceive to be really long (she's had her baby and is now TTC #2 I've seen).

Ladies that transferred how are we all feeling?

Not feeling much yet but I'm only 1dp2dt:haha: Hoping to feel something soon though:winkwink: How about you?
Miranda I feel your frustration and upset how rude especially since they know your doing ivf. You are not being left behind anyway everyone has a family when it happens for them it shouldn't be based on when friends are having kids shame on their hurtful words!
Oh well yeah people can be so rude. Unfortunately I've had a few - not from close friends it's the ones who think they know. I think the worst has been someone I know because I went travelling with in my 20's years ago ( but split up because I realised she was a bitch). Anyway she was 39 and was anorexic and hadn't had her period for 2 and a half years and Dr's thought she has going into early menopause. Anyway she suddenly realised she wanted to get pregnant and started to eat - period came back and in the NEXT MONTH got pregnant. I sent her an email saying oh it's a miracle congrats etc being nice. She sends me this message back.. Not luck love, lots of hard work lots of positive affirmations and meditating on it and willing it to happen and that maybe I just don't want it enough and it's sending signals to my body for it joy to happen!!! . FUCK OFF. Don't worry I replied with a little piece of my mind saying umm my husband's spurn u low u idiot I don't get pregnant naturally.. That's science and statistics.

Ah anyway!!! Have put all that behind me last year. This year good things are happening for me and everyone else on here!! I've got a good feeling.
Oh well yeah people can be so rude. Unfortunately I've had a few - not from close friends it's the ones who think they know. I think the worst has been someone I know because I went travelling with in my 20's years ago ( but split up because I realised she was a bitch). Anyway she was 39 and was anorexic and hadn't had her period for 2 and a half years and Dr's thought she has going into early menopause. Anyway she suddenly realised she wanted to get pregnant and started to eat - period came back and in the NEXT MONTH got pregnant. I sent her an email saying oh it's a miracle congrats etc being nice. She sends me this message back.. Not luck love, lots of hard work lots of positive affirmations and meditating on it and willing it to happen and that maybe I just don't want it enough and it's sending signals to my body for it joy to happen!!! . FUCK OFF. Don't worry I replied with a little piece of my mind saying umm my husband's spurn u low u idiot I don't get pregnant naturally.. That's science and statistics.

Ah anyway!!! Have put all that behind me last year. This year good things are happening for me and everyone else on here!! I've got a good feeling.

Oh my, what an insane response:wacko: I hope you blocked her right after you answered her. She sounds kinda toxic. Positive thinking and affirmations only go so far, if there's a biological issue, then no amount of positivity can help. I generally hate people that claim they've worked for it and used positivity and attribute it to their successes, like if you don't succeed as much as them then it's because you're e.g. too negative or something:dohh: My toxic brother used to tell me the reason I had/have issue getting a job here is because I'm too negative, total WTF, and would dismiss me explaining my biggest problem is a lack of connections and/or experience even though it's a well known fact in this country. To make it even "funnier", I've caught him telling his friends on FB that it's hard to get a job here if you lack connections yet he'll contradict it when I say it to him (so he gaslights me). Sorry, bit off topic.

Anyway glad you got rid of her and hopefully you will never hear from her again.

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