My af can sometimes start like that. Watery pink when wiping then stop and then start again the following day or day after.
But I hope for you it is IB.
Can I just say if it does turn into AF then I know exactly how you feel as I had pains in my uterus and ovaries at 7 and 8 dpo last cycle and 8dpo the cycle b4. Felt for sure it was implantation pain but all I’ve had is BFN. It really is so shit how our body’s mess us around like that.
I won’t be taking any notice of any pains or aches ever again. So fed up of having my heart broken constantly with the miscarriages and bfns and then AF. I remember with my sons and the miscarriage last June the implantation pain was very intense. So only get excited if I feel like that again. I also had on off sore boobs from 8dpo too but still nothing to show for it. Seems everyone around me is pregnant. We’re away at the moment and every where is pregnant women and new born babies. It’s the same back home too. It just feels so shit

how many dpo are you now?
I’m so sorry it’s a BFN hon. Since my chemical in feb I’ve not had a hint of a line for 2 cycles now. It’s crap isn’t it.
I really hope you get a nice surprise tomorrow hon.
I also feel like it’s never going to happen. It’s so hard to remain hopeful with recurrent pregnancy loss or BFNs and long term ttc. It all sucks.
Fx this cycle is the one
I really hope this cycle is the one for you
Can’t see much on my phone hon. Can’t make the photo bigger to check as we are away at the moment and reception is poor.
How are your tests today. What dpo are you now?
We’re so happy to have you back.
Sorry if I’ve missed anyone out.
good luck to all those still waiting to test. Or ovulate.
To anyone that is out, I’m sending huge hugs.
Depending on ovulation I will be testing again in April sometime. On cd3 today and I normally O around day 12 but I’ve got a virus at the moment so might be a later ovulation this cycle. Really hope this is the cycle for my rainbow.

oh please Lord let this cycle be the ONE