April Showers - April 2023 testing thread

Congrats to those with BFP! Good to see another lucky thread this month!

I use that brand of progesterone as well. So expensive I am on my 2nd pack now and so far no positive test, hopefully soon.

I'm so confused with my cycle again ugh :-( on CD9 I started my ovulation testing and got negatives but then also on CD9 I had pink CM and a streak of blood on wiping, so think maybe ovulation bleeding but it's way too early to be ovulating?! My cycle seems so messed up lately. We did bd on cd8 but everything I've ever heard says that early ovulation is bad for TTC. And my temps are being stupid again so I can't be certain if I have ovulated or not for starting my progesterone ](*,) why is this all so so hard!
congratulations NDH! still no af here not tested since, maybe as ive been so busy and i havent gt anymore tests, were packing the house up to move etc.
so many bfps!!
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Wow that’s a lot! How many mg are yours ?

It's 200mg. 6 suppositories a day is very costly. I was first prescribed 3 suppositories a day, then increased to 6 suppositories a day after i have the brownish cm.
Congrats to those with BFP! Good to see another lucky thread this month!

I use that brand of progesterone as well. So expensive I am on my 2nd pack now and so far no positive test, hopefully soon.

I'm so confused with my cycle again ugh :-( on CD9 I started my ovulation testing and got negatives but then also on CD9 I had pink CM and a streak of blood on wiping, so think maybe ovulation bleeding but it's way too early to be ovulating?! My cycle seems so messed up lately. We did bd on cd8 but everything I've ever heard says that early ovulation is bad for TTC. And my temps are being stupid again so I can't be certain if I have ovulated or not for starting my progesterone ](*,) why is this all so so hard!

I think ovulated early might not be good of as egg need to be matured to be fertilized. Anyway, may be I'm wrong.

Keep tracking with the opk. Hope you get your BFP soon.
Yes $91 here and they are 200mg each and 42 in a pack
Dr said it’s up to me if I want to take the two a day or can just take one a day so they last longer.
I’ve taken two today just to give a boost to start and will do daily and hope for the best

Are you in Australia by any chance? Sounds very similar. The first time I had them with my 2nd son I only had to have one at night which was much better. The doc let me stop them at 15 weeks. I think for us that are in a similar position of multiple losses they definitely throw everything at giving us the best chance for a healthy baby. If I do gey pregnant again the concoction of drugs I will need I could open up my own pharmacy :roll:
On a different note. FRER are trash! I bought a pack of 7 tests. Every test except one had terrible lines, same as the pack last cycle. I'm going to buy cheapest next cycle. I will have to try find some good ones because the cheapies are limited on Australian Amazon!

Top test is the first one I took yesterday at 2pm, middle one I took yesterday around 5pm (after peeing at least twice in between so it was not a strong sample at all lol) and the bottom one is today's fmu.
Hi Ladies. So relieved to be back. Dh had an appointment with the gp on Tuesday. He found a small lump in his testicle and understandably panicked and was scared. That’s why he wanted to stop trying. He found it on the Wednesday last week and didn’t tell me until Thursday night. Our gp were closed for 4 days due to the long Easter weekend so we couldn’t get him seen until Tuesday. By this time it already felt smaller and the gp is very confident it’s a small cyst as everything felt normal to him and dh has no symptoms of any kind. They booked him for an ultrasound next Friday for peace of mind but we feel very reassured about it now. So we’re back to trying. I’ve had a wobble the last few days that I wasn’t going to ovulate as have had no signs but I finally got my peak opks this afternoon on cd21 so expect to ovulate tomorrow. Will wait on temps to confirm before giving a testing date as I don’t want to jinx it but praying so hard that I will be in with a chance this cycle.

Huge congratulations to all who got their bfp and so sorry for those that have gotten af and been stung by horrid tests. Massive hugs to all whole need them. I can’t reply to everyone as I was a whole week behind but I have read through and caught up. I just had to step away because the last few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions. Was so scared and worried for dh and devastated to have to give up on trying. We’ve covered the last couple of nights and will again tonight but I don’t think we’ll be able to do ovulation day tomorrow with the kids home and he starts his night shifts tomorrow night. I’m just so grateful to be in with a chance at all now. Praying so hard for my healthy sticky rainbow
@Laurabub84 finding a lump is always a scary thing to happen. My DH just went through the same thing before Christmas too. His GP didn't think it was concerning, but he demanded a referral to a urologist for peace of mind.
Congrats to those with BFP! Good to see another lucky thread this month!

I use that brand of progesterone as well. So expensive I am on my 2nd pack now and so far no positive test, hopefully soon.

I'm so confused with my cycle again ugh :-( on CD9 I started my ovulation testing and got negatives but then also on CD9 I had pink CM and a streak of blood on wiping, so think maybe ovulation bleeding but it's way too early to be ovulating?! My cycle seems so messed up lately. We did bd on cd8 but everything I've ever heard says that early ovulation is bad for TTC. And my temps are being stupid again so I can't be certain if I have ovulated or not for starting my progesterone ](*,) why is this all so so hard!

glad to see you back hon. Sorry your cycles have been a bit Al over. Good luck for this cycle.

On a different note. FRER are trash! I bought a pack of 7 tests. Every test except one had terrible lines, same as the pack last cycle. I'm going to buy cheapest next cycle. I will have to try find some good ones because the cheapies are limited on Australian Amazon!

Oh no I really thought this was it for you, that’s absolutely shocking, I have 4 Frer but I also have other brands that I always use and then only use a Frer if I get lines on them. Definitely recommend buying other brands hon just to use as back up. But what a absolutely disappointment.
I was so happy when I saw your lines. How many dpo are you now?

@Suggerhoney I know what you mean!! I really hope this thread is lucky for us too!!

Absolutely pray so so hard we will get our sticky BFPs hon. My opks are so so faint, you can barley see the test line: so not looking like it will be any time soon. I’m cd10 today and usually peak on cd11 and ovulate day 12: but looking like it’s going to be late this cycle which I’m not surprised about, new the virus would mess things up. Hope I ovulate in the next few days. We haven’t even started BDing yet. Prob start tonight, tbh I can’t really be bothered and would happily wait until ovulation but dh has such a high drive.
Fx we both catch with our rainbows. I’m gonna be so devastated if I get BFN again:-(

@Lightning7 and @Madcat99
I ovulated on cd10 with my son.

Top test is the first one I took yesterday at 2pm, middle one I took yesterday around 5pm (after peeing at least twice in between so it was not a strong sample at all lol) and the bottom one is today's fmu.

They look so so good for how early you are. I’ve never had a sniff of a line b4 10dpo. Would love a 8dpo BFP. Fx this is it. Are you taking the aspirin and antihistamines?
When did you bd?

Hi Ladies. So relieved to be back. Dh had an appointment with the gp on Tuesday. He found a small lump in his testicle and understandably panicked and was scared. That’s why he wanted to stop trying. He found it on the Wednesday last week and didn’t tell me until Thursday night. Our gp were closed for 4 days due to the long Easter weekend so we couldn’t get him seen until Tuesday. By this time it already felt smaller and the gp is very confident it’s a small cyst as everything felt normal to him and dh has no symptoms of any kind. They booked him for an ultrasound next Friday for peace of mind but we feel very reassured about it now. So we’re back to trying. I’ve had a wobble the last few days that I wasn’t going to ovulate as have had no signs but I finally got my peak opks this afternoon on cd21 so expect to ovulate tomorrow. Will wait on temps to confirm before giving a testing date as I don’t want to jinx it but praying so hard that I will be in with a chance this cycle.

Huge congratulations to all who got their bfp and so sorry for those that have gotten af and been stung by horrid tests. Massive hugs to all whole need them. I can’t reply to everyone as I was a whole week behind but I have read through and caught up. I just had to step away because the last few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions. Was so scared and worried for dh and devastated to have to give up on trying. We’ve covered the last couple of nights and will again tonight but I don’t think we’ll be able to do ovulation day tomorrow with the kids home and he starts his night shifts tomorrow night. I’m just so grateful to be in with a chance at all now. Praying so hard for my healthy sticky rainbow

So happy to see you back hon,
It’s horrible worrying about ovulation.
I’m worried I won’t ovulate because I had that virus all last week, and going into the weekend. Opks Couldn’t be any more negative. I normally ovulate day 12 but day 10 now and opks so so negative:
Hope I get my peak soon and praying we catch with our rainbow this cycle.
I really really don’t want to be going onto cycle 15 trying. I think if I get another BFN I’ll just be so so devastated:
Fx for us both love ❤️
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@Suggerhoney this is my chart, such as it is lol.
Depending when I ovulated it looks like we BD either the day of or day before ovulation and two days before that, and that was it.

I started aspirin the day my temp went up and I started the antihistamine protocol 3 or 4 days ago. Progesterone cream I started last night. Deciding whether I want to make an appointment with my Dr for a HCG and progesterone check.

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Top test is the first one I took yesterday at 2pm, middle one I took yesterday around 5pm (after peeing at least twice in between so it was not a strong sample at all lol) and the bottom one is today's fmu.
Beautiful progression! Congrats!!! I'm soo happy for you!
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@Laurabub84 finding a lump is always a scary thing to happen. My DH just went through the same thing before Christmas too. His GP didn't think it was concerning, but he demanded a referral to a urologist for peace of mind.

It is so scary. Especially when it’s someone you care so much for. I just wanted to take it away for him because he was so scared about it. He’s usually so strong and it’s usually him constantly reassuring me about my anxieties and fears so to see him in that state was just devastating. So relieved that he’s ok. I’m sorry your dh and yourself went through that too. Wouldn’t wish it on anybody

glad to see you back hon. Sorry your cycles have been a bit Al over. Good luck for this cycle.

Oh no I really thought this was it for you, that’s absolutely shocking, I have 4 Frer but I also have other brands that I always use and then only use a Frer if I get lines on them. Definitely recommend buying other brands hon just to use as back up. But what a absolutely disappointment.
I was so happy when I saw your lines. How many dpo are you now?

Absolutely pray so so hard we will get our sticky BFPs hon. My opks are so so faint, you can barley see the test line: so not looking like it will be any time soon. I’m cd10 today and usually peak on cd11 and ovulate day 12: but looking like it’s going to be late this cycle which I’m not surprised about, new the virus would mess things up. Hope I ovulate in the next few days. We haven’t even started BDing yet. Prob start tonight, tbh I can’t really be bothered and would happily wait until ovulation but dh has such a high drive.
Fx we both catch with our rainbows. I’m gonna be so devastated if I get BFN again:-(

@Lightning7 and @Madcat99
I ovulated on cd10 with my son.

They look so so good for how early you are. I’ve never had a sniff of a line b4 10dpo. Would love a 8dpo BFP. Fx this is it. Are you taking the aspirin and antihistamines?
When did you bd?

So happy to see you back hon,
It’s horrible worrying about ovulation.
I’m worried I won’t ovulate because I had that virus all last week, and going into the weekend. Opks Couldn’t be any more negative. I normally ovulate day 12 but day 10 now and opks so so negative:
Hope I get my peak soon and praying we catch with our rainbow this cycle.
I really really don’t want to be going onto cycle 15 trying. I think if I get another BFN I’ll just be so so devastated:
Fx for us both love ❤️

try not to worry just yet hun. Opks can change so quick but I know how disheartening it is when they’re really faint. Hope that changes in the next day or two so you can be in the tww. Fingers tightly crossed for you
Yes, @Suggerbaby, everything can be possible, even though it's rare to ovulate on CD10. God still bless you with your lovely boy.\\:D/

Hi Ladies. So relieved to be back. Dh had an appointment with the gp on Tuesday. He found a small lump in his testicle and understandably panicked and was scared. That’s why he wanted to stop trying. He found it on the Wednesday last week and didn’t tell me until Thursday night. Our gp were closed for 4 days due to the long Easter weekend so we couldn’t get him seen until Tuesday. By this time it already felt smaller and the gp is very confident it’s a small cyst as everything felt normal to him and dh has no symptoms of any kind. They booked him for an ultrasound next Friday for peace of mind but we feel very reassured about it now. So we’re back to trying. I’ve had a wobble the last few days that I wasn’t going to ovulate as have had no signs but I finally got my peak opks this afternoon on cd21 so expect to ovulate tomorrow. Will wait on temps to confirm before giving a testing date as I don’t want to jinx it but praying so hard that I will be in with a chance this cycle.

Huge congratulations to all who got their bfp and so sorry for those that have gotten af and been stung by horrid tests. Massive hugs to all whole need them. I can’t reply to everyone as I was a whole week behind but I have read through and caught up. I just had to step away because the last few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions. Was so scared and worried for dh and devastated to have to give up on trying. We’ve covered the last couple of nights and will again tonight but I don’t think we’ll be able to do ovulation day tomorrow with the kids home and he starts his night shifts tomorrow night. I’m just so grateful to be in with a chance at all now. Praying so hard for my healthy sticky rainbow

Glad that you are back hun. I'm sorry to hear about your dh's discomfort. By the way, what's the plan? is it good to just leave it or have the small cyst removed?

Hope everything is ok for you :dust:

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