April Showers - April 2023 testing thread

I lied, when I went back and looked at the test after I made my post this morning it was about a 3 minute hold on taking a picture but I went back and I saw faint line. So I thought you know it must be an EVAP line because I'm bleeding still and even if it was a positive test it would still have to be darker than yesterday's test for it to mean anything anyway for my situation. Well I had to go to the bathroom so I decided to test again since I have a whole bunch of extra, this is what I got the top test was last night's test and the bottom was just now I didn't even have to wait r wfor that to show up, now I'm wondering if there's something seriously wrong with my body or worse....

I seriously need some help :(. I don't know what to do, what to think, anything. I am so confused and emotionally exhausted. Please help ladies. Is there a chance these tests are faulty and give + lines for some reason?
I really wish it was common to do blood tests here in the US. I am going to call a few OBGYN just to see if they do. I know a couple years back I asked if they did bloods, and they said no they only offered the urine tests.
That's so confusing. Did the tests touch before you saw a line? Just cos sometimes the dye can transfer from a dry test to a wet test if they touch. I hope you can find a doctor to do a beta. I'm in the UK so I don't know much about it unfortunately x
That's so confusing. Did the tests touch before you saw a line? Just cos sometimes the dye can transfer from a dry test to a wet test if they touch. I hope you can find a doctor to do a beta. I'm in the UK so I don't know much about it unfortunately x
No, they didn't touch. I dip them one at a time then lay them apart from each other on the window. A good few inches apart I should say. My other tests that I took already are in a different room. If that's what you meant by touching.
Oh and yeah, I have heard about the dye thing years back, so I make sure because of that to not let my tests touch each other till they're past the time limit.
Oh and yeah, I have heard about the dye thing years back, so I make sure because of that to not let my tests touch each other till they're past the time limit.

hi lovely sorry to jump on this, but I’ve been trying to keep up to date with how everyone is getting on from the sidelines. Could the bleeding be a haematoma? I had a haematoma on my early scans and they said I could bleed or the body could absorb it, but I didn’t bleed they said it’s not uncommon for it to happen, just thought it would be worth mentioning in case this is what’s happening to you.
I think I've heard of what you mention before. I don't know much about it though. What exactly is it? I could use google but it's better hearing it from you. I am just so lost atm I'll explore anything, even the notion that I'm going to have a miscarriage and this is just hanging on? I don't know. Either way, I've def been having some stretching pains like you get in pregnancy, even a lil bit reaching to the sides of the inner parts of my legs near the pelvis, not really sure if this is because it's a viable pregnancy or because it's the hormones still trying to level out from an early loss. I am also still very bloated, almost look 10w right now, mainly because this would or could be my 5th baby, so it tends to be like that. Either way, I am still waiting for the bloating to subside, usually it takes a day or two of bleeding and it's down to normal, or it could hang on like one of my other early loses and only subside near when the bleeding stopped, which was almost 2 weeks, so I don't know. Progesterone tends to hang on a lot longer at elevated levels compared to hcg, so that is one symptom I will def wish away quickly if this ends up in a loss. It's horrible, bloating is just a constant reminder for me.
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Just an update, still bleeding but it's not super clotted or heavy. It had like a couple tiny strings of a blood clot but that's it so far. I also checked my cervix while in the shower, it's very far up there but I was able to reach it sitting down on the side of the tub and bending over. It's very very soft and squishy, it's the first time I would feel a cervix while pregnant, so I have nothing to compare it to other than it feels so squishy like a piece bread that's been dipped in sauce or soup. I have felt my cervix before and during AF tho and it does not feel anything close to it, much much softer than that.
I think I've heard of what you mention before. I don't know much about it though. What exactly is it? I could use google but it's better hearing it from you. I am just so lost atm I'll explore anything, even the notion that I'm going to have a miscarriage and this is just hanging on? I don't know. Either way, I've def been having some stretching pains like you get in pregnancy, even a lil bit reaching to the sides of the inner parts of my legs near the pelvis, not really sure if this is because it's a viable pregnancy or because it's the hormones still trying to level out from an early loss. I am also still very bloated, almost look 10w right now, mainly because this would or could be my 5th baby, so it tends to be like that. Either way, I am still waiting for the bloating to subside, usually it takes a day or two of bleeding and it's down to normal, or it could hang on like one of my other early loses and only subside near when the bleeding stopped, which was almost 2 weeks, so I don't know. Progesterone tends to hang on a lot longer at elevated levels compared to hcg, so that is one symptom I will def wish away quickly if this ends up in a loss. It's horrible, bloating is just a constant reminder for me.

I’m no medical professional so my terminology could be way out! But when I went for a 5 week scan after I fell over, they said they saw an area of bruising but that it may not have even been caused by the fall. The sonographer said that implantation can cause a haematoma (blood that is trapped in the uterine wall similar to a bruise) or it could be the fall or anything really. She said it’s common in the first trimester but not normally noticed as many people don’t scan that early, the area of bruising was around double-triple the size of the pregnancy then. I went back for a 7 week scan and it was still there but the pregnancy was progressing, she said at this appt that it’s likely I’d bleed but not to panic as the pregnancy is growing and it’s a common cause of bleeding in the first trimester. No blood ever came, and on my 12 week scan I asked them to check the sizing of the haematoma and it was barely visible, slightly there but she said nothing she’d have even mentioned if I didn’t already know.
So it may be worth even visiting an early pregnancy unit at a local hospital if you have them where you are? Try and get a scan to see for sure what’s going on.
I want to try and visit one, but idk how it'll go since I'm not already a patient with them. I doubt I'll be able to get an appointment anytime soon. Usually those places also require out of pocket pay if your insurance doesn't cover it, and my insurance for sure won't cover it because it'd be considered something that wasn't medically necessary.
I really wish it was common to do blood tests here in the US. I am going to call a few OBGYN just to see if they do. I know a couple years back I asked if they did bloods, and they said no they only offered the urine tests.
Do you have a Sonora quest labs near you? I know they well do a blood test for you, you just have to pay out of pocket (it's not expensive either, thankfully). If you don't have one of those near you, maybe just check the websites of labs around you. I hope you're able to find somewhere to go and get definite answers soon.
Do you have a Sonora quest labs near you? I know they well do a blood test for you, you just have to pay out of pocket (it's not expensive either, thankfully). If you don't have one of those near you, maybe just check the websites of labs around you. I hope you're able to find somewhere to go and get definite answers soon.
The closest one is a couple states away in AZ. I will look for others and see what I can find.
@Kiwiberry I agree with the other ladies. It must be confusing. Having positive test then negative to positive again.

I live in the US also. Your gp doctor will usually do a urine test in office if positive then they send you for blood work same day. Then you go back few days later for a second draw to see how's things are going. Do you have a gp or OB?

Hope you get a answer soon either way. I hope baby is doing well and bleeding is nothing more than something minor. Good luck
@Kiwiberry I agree with the other ladies. It must be confusing. Having positive test then negative to positive again.

I live in the US also. Your gp doctor will usually do a urine test in office if positive then they send you for blood work same day. Then you go back few days later for a second draw to see how's things are going. Do you have a gp or OB?

Hope you get a answer soon either way. I hope baby is doing well and bleeding is nothing. Good luck
I have my old OB I used for my son / daughter, but not one I want to go back to. So I will be a new patient somewhere else, I am hesitant to call because I'm nervous ya know. That's what I was worried about, they'd want to do a urine first, and my urine tests have been so wishy washy I am nervous to call and waste their time :(.
I have my old OB I used for my son / daughter, but not one I want to go back to. So I will be a new patient somewhere else, I am hesitant to call because I'm nervous ya know. That's what I was worried about, they'd want to do a urine first, and my urine tests have been so wishy washy I am nervous to call and waste their time :(.
I totally understand that. I'm still looking for a new gp and ob which has been q nightmare so far lol..
For now testing is a good idea to see if lines are still processing or not.
Some bleeding can be normal..

[-o<[-o<[-o<Lord please keep her baby bean safe and sound. Keep us posted ❤
You know ladies I've been wondering, does breastfeeding effect anything? I would probably think not, but I am still nursing my 4 yo and my almost 2 yo, they don't do it a lot, maybe 2-3 times a day? Mostly when they need some comfort or for bedtime.
@Kiwiberry sorry your in so much limbo! I bled pretty regularly in my one successful pregnancy for the first 14 weeks, including clots and everything they never figured out why. So I hope it's the same for you! That is so strange that they won't do betaHCG tests there, they are really easy to get here in Australia.

@Laurabub84 and @salamander91 congratulations to you both so happy for you and praying for all to go well.

@Madcat99 I would be sooo upset if the hospital breached my privacy like that, I'm so sorry to hear it and would definitely put in a complaint of it was me!

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