Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

HI ladies glad our thread has helped some of you as it was the support of the ladies on here that was the only thing that got us through on some of the bad days.

Wishing you all sticky beans xxxxx
I had a knitting lesson from my mum today....hoping to knit some baby stuff eventually!

I don't feel 6 weeks pregnant, I'm just tired and hungry with a bit of sore boobness. I want to be sick!
Loz- knitting sounds great ! I'd love to make a little blanket ! Bought the mag the art of quilting last week for 99p although to make a bed spread costs over 300 if you keep buying the mag - maybe I'll invest in a book to teach me !!! How sad - but how rubbish is tv these days???? How many more don't tell the bride is going to be on tv and the new series is rubbish as lots of rules broken !!!! I don't feel sick either :( although had 4 pieces of toast in-between meals and feeling tired - but bring on the sickness ;)
hey guys!! Good Morning to you all!! I hope everyone is keeping well and havin positive thoughts!!! im loving ur knittin ideas!! but 'pretty please'- omg £300!!! thats madness!! my mum is a great crochet woman- im gonna get her to make me a blanket once we get our scan!

I went to the doc last night and I have to say he was lovely!! when i told him i had miscarried in nov he sympathised with me and went through all the research of how havin a miscarriage doesnt mean u will hav another and your chances of carrying full term actually increase a little!! he was really reassuring and just what me and hubs needed to hear!

Also im somewhere between 4 and 6 weeks.... he says my cycle could be off because of the miscarriage and this may hav caused me to hav such an early test- and i was able to choose which hospital i could go to and he went through diet stuff and my previous with asthma etc...

honestly feel about ten times better in myself now... lets hope this bean is really sticky and stays there!!!!! :D

Jd, your doc sounds like a little love :) I'm so glad he took the time to put your mind at ease and go through some facts with you.

Wow Loz, get you with the knitting I am very impressed! I gave it a go once but was totally useless - I'm cack handed and just can't get the hang of the fiddly-ness :haha:

Pretty. I'm currently not feeling sick either. I had it bad last week but for some reason the past two days feels like all my symptoms have disappeared :shrug:

It is worrying me a little that I was really really nauseous and now NOTHING but I don't want to start stressing myself out over it. I am trying to think positive and have told myself what will be will be. But that doesn't help worrying frantically about every little change does it. Agghhh going in today :wacko:
Hi ladies

Fili, i think the thing is that we want a baby, thats the end of it ... and the only thing that will help the pain of struggling and having a mc is to get back on the horse and try again to finally get what we have been working so hard before! You are right to be excited chick, your time will come and you will appreciate it so much more!!

8 days will scan!! Loz yours is 7 days, anyone else got one booked??

Hello....I slept all day again! :haha: Still no sickness but the tiredness hit a new level for sure!

300! Thats alot...especially when you can get patterns free online. I'm knitting a scarf (easiest thing ever to knit) and I started with a ball of wool that cost 1.75 and has plenty to make a scarf. I hate those magazine based things, the cost runs way too high! Try this site, it seems to be a decent resource.

Yup 7 days til scan....gulp!

Louby its very early still for ms, maybe its yet to kick in and the earlier nausea was just your body adjusting metabolism. I had some nausea in week 4 lol but that wasn't ms, I'll know that when it comes! For me it tends to start around week 7/8 and if the past is anything to go by, once it starts I'll throw up once a day, neatly in the morning first thing, for every single day up until birth!
Hi all... Sorry I posted my first post and then no more! I am finding my home computer is not so compatible with this site for some reason...
I am glad everyone seems to be doing well! I never could quite figure out knitting even though my grandma tried to teach me so many times! Good luck with that!
I went to the doctor's office yesterday so they could confirm that I am pregnant... Such a silly thing to me as I had done so many tests at home and all they do is urine test, but they can never just take you word for it...
I never actually saw the doctor- I was supposed to go in for the pee test and leave, but I brought up my miscarriage to the nurse so she went and talked to my doctor and he started me on progesterone and baby aspirin. They also are taking blood every two days to see how my hormone levels do and in a week or so they are going to schedule a scan...
I am glad they are being so much more on top of things this time, but I almost want to just stick my head in the sand and not know... I am so scared that my levels aren't going to be increasing enough or when they do the ultrasound they will find something wrong...
I have one question someone might be able to answer-- why baby aspirin? what does it do for the pregnancy? I know why they put me on the progesterone but I had never really heard of taking baby aspirin before and the box even has warnings against taking it while pregnant...
Hi all... Sorry I posted my first post and then no more! I am finding my home computer is not so compatible with this site for some reason...
I am glad everyone seems to be doing well! I never could quite figure out knitting even though my grandma tried to teach me so many times! Good luck with that!
I went to the doctor's office yesterday so they could confirm that I am pregnant... Such a silly thing to me as I had done so many tests at home and all they do is urine test, but they can never just take you word for it...
I never actually saw the doctor- I was supposed to go in for the pee test and leave, but I brought up my miscarriage to the nurse so she went and talked to my doctor and he started me on progesterone and baby aspirin. They also are taking blood every two days to see how my hormone levels do and in a week or so they are going to schedule a scan...
I am glad they are being so much more on top of things this time, but I almost want to just stick my head in the sand and not know... I am so scared that my levels aren't going to be increasing enough or when they do the ultrasound they will find something wrong...
I have one question someone might be able to answer-- why baby aspirin? what does it do for the pregnancy? I know why they put me on the progesterone but I had never really heard of taking baby aspirin before and the box even has warnings against taking it while pregnant...

I'm on 'baby asprin' its not actually asprin for babies...the pharmacist near me said asprin is not recommended for under 16's, mine is low dose asprin, so they do look like 'baby' ones next to the big 300mg doses. Basically low dose asprin thins the blood slightly, meaning that if you have blood that clots too well, or if you have a recognized clotting disorder, asprin thins the blood enough to allow a pregnancy to continue. If you can't push enough blood through the placenta, or if small clots form in it, then the baby can't survive as it would not get enough oxygen and nurtients. Low dose asprin during pregnancy is completely safe (75 or 81 mg) so it tends to get prescribed as a precaution- thats why I have started it, just in case. Interestingly, I found that I havent had any heart palipitations since I started on it a few days ago, and before that I was getting several episodes per day and it was a little worrying! They say its best to stop it around 32 weeks, so as to avoid bleeding complications during labour.
Thanks so much for the explanation. That help a lot to know. The pharmacist also had directed me to the low dose that is coated (81mg).
Hello ladies, sorry for your losses, i would like to tell you a bit about myself.......

I have 4 children. 18,14,12, and 2. the two year old is with my husband as i remarried after a divorce, in 2008 i had a mmc at 13weeks but the baby died at 8, i had NO symptoms at all, i had a Dnc and 3 months later got pg with my 2 year old. In Dec 2010 we decided to try for one last baby as our son was like an only child with the others being so much older.

After 9 long months we finally concieved and we were over the moon to be expecting our baby in june. At 7 weeks i had i speck of brown spotting and panicked straight to the epau for a scan to be shown the baby with a heartbeat but only 5weeks old???? I knew when i had concieved and ovulated so knew something was wrong and was given another appointment for the following week. Relieved our baby was ok though i looked forward to the scan thinking it would be bigger this week and i had not had anymore bleeding .....but when scanned the baby had died the night of my previous scan because it was even smaller and had no heartbeat anymore , we were devastated and i took it really badly. I went with the tablets and after horrifically miscarrying at home that night and seeing everything!!!!!We tried to get over everything but i just couldnt move on. 2 weeks later a scan showed there was still stuff left over so i was given more tablets to start the miscarriage again.....Nothing.

I was scanned another 2 weeks later by now it had been 4 weeks!!! And the pregnancy tissue left had actually started to grow and produce hcg even though there was no baby! I was taken in and went for the d&c the next day at last i was glad it was over and i had been through so much, but couldnt wait to try again. T
I was referred to the consultant because its the second MMC i had and was given a plan for my next pregnancy. Also it was decided that the baby wasnt growing properly possibly due to the blood clotting????

2 Days ago 6 weeks after our d&c and one proper period thank god! We found out im pregnant!!!!!!

I am over the moon but so scared. I have too started on 75mg of aspirin once a day and i will be scanned at 6 weeks and then every two weeks and also put on progesterone at 6 weeks once the heartbeat has been seen. Im so nervous and scared and happy and excited, i just want to see our baby i the right place with a heartbeat in 2 weeks time.

Im due sept 28th and would just like to wish you all hugs and luck with your babies and pregnancies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Ladies, I hope we are all ok today and still feeling positive :thumbup:
Not long now until some of these scans ladies. I am seeing my mw tomorrow so hoping for a scan appointment by the end of the week.

Hi 74 :wave: and welcome to our thread. Im so very sorry for your losses but thank you for sharing your story with us :flower: It sounds like your doctors are totally on the ball - that must be reassuring for you. It's amazing how longg the TWW feels at the time but it's nothing in comparison to the First Tri window we have now is it? Any way us ladies are going to ALL have sticky health beans this time PMA!!!!

Well on another note I'm feeling a little strange and emotional today :cry: I had a dream last night that I went for my 20week scan and at the scan they found twins.
One boy and one girl. They then went on to tell me I needed to have an emergency c-section as they babies were measuring term (odd I know) and it all went a little crazy from there which then eventually woke me.

Anyway it has made me feel a little emotional as I would have been 20weeks with the twins on Monday just gone and feel sad the I kind of 'saw' them and there was a boy and a girl. I know it is probably ridiculous to feel so effected by a dream and I'm sorry to bring the mood down but I just wanted to get it of my chest as it has totally freaked me out :nope:
Hi 74!! welcome to the group :) i am so sorry for your losses :(

Louby lou, thats a saddenin dream to hav- no wonder ur feeling awful :( but in a way it goes to show what that little bean in there is doing to u, making u hav the most vivid dreams and also getting u all nervous for your scan- wee rascal!! lol!

let us know how u get on tomorrow- i hope it wont b too long before i get my appointment... this waiting game will be so much more fun when i know everything is normal (fx)

My sister is coming home tomorrow and i know i wont b able to hold my water AT ALL! hopefully hubby will let me tell her as she was amazing when i had the miscarriage (even tho she was in Vietnam at the time!!!)

anyone else feeling huge (i ripped my work skirt today- NOT IMPRESSED!!) and only 4 weeks gone- im actually gonna b the size of a house by the time 9 months is here!!!
Thanks JD for spinning a positive out for me :) I never thought of it like that! Do you have an appointment booked with your mw? Or is your GP arrange your scan for you?
I will keep you all posted on what, if anything happens tomorrow.

My hubby doesn't want us to tell anyone either. Well, we have told both sets of parents and I did end up telling my bestest bud but that is it. I would tell my sister but she is currently in the process of opening her new salon and is stressed to the max so don't want her to have to be worrying about me too! We have decided we will tell our siblings after we have our early scan what ever happens.....but fingers crossed it will be good news we can tell them.
We will be holding off telling our friends until after the first tri though :)

I feel soooooo bloated its unreal! Im sure I have a belly already :blush: - but that might have always been there ! LOL that you ripped your work skirt :haha: xxxxx
Good morning ladies!

I'm sorry to hear about your dreams Louby! I had a dream a few days ago that I started bleeding, but didn't miscarry. They're just dreams though love. They play on our minds, which are often full of our fears.

I have my dating scan in just less than 3 hours and I'm so nervous and excited! My doctor thinks that I may only be 5 weeks and not 7, so we're not sure if we'll see a heartbeat, but I'm pretty sure of my dates. I forgot to tell him that I know when I ovulated, so that's probably why. Really hoping to see our little bean and see a strong heartbeat!
Hi mummymurray :flower: Welcome to our nervous little bunch! I'm so sorry for your losses...I'm terrified of a second MMC and I put myself on low dose asprin just as a precaution. I know it probably sounds silly but when I get injured I clot so fast its unreal and got to wondering if that was what caused my MMC.

They say I'm due around the 9th of september, but they base that on the 'we all O on day 14 myth' FF puts it at 14th of september based on my O date. I'm not on progesterone myself I wonder would that make a difference to blood clotting? I was having palpitations alot with this pregnancy and those stopped completely within a day of starting the asprin.

Louby JD is right! You are carrying a rascal! My weird dreams have not been about pregnancy at all except for the first one which I hope not to have again. Since that I put crystals under my pillow and they seem to be doing the trick. The other night I dreamed I was a stripper, but didn't like it so when guys asked for a dance I sat down with them and started counselling them to find out why they felt they needed to pay women to dance! The guy who played bad santa was in it lol and I gave him a lecture! :haha:
HI everyone

Welcome 74, so sorry for your loss but congratulations on your BFP and your scan will come around in no time!! Mine was 19 days away when i booked it and now its only 7!!

Sarah, OMG thinking of you all afternoon and looking forward to hearing from you later on .... lots of :dust: and PMA for a healthy bubs!

Louby, aw chick, what a sad dream, Ive been having such vivd dreams every night, some good and some bad, its a good sign and maybe it was your twins popping up and saying hello to you.

Loz, I can see you!!! 6 days!! We are getting there!! Hows the ms?? Im feeling quite sicky but not that i need to actually be sick!!

Roll on 4pm, need to go lie on the sofa in my PJs!!!

Goodness me is is sarah's scan day already?! No morning sickness here yet, but my stomach gets very grumpy very quickly if I don't feed it in a timely manner! Hilarious wind breakage has begun, which is always a laugh lol

I'm off out to see a friend later and it will be another late one but going to take my laptop this time and lurk while I drink crazy amounts of decaff tea and indulge in gossip. :coffee::haha:
I'm not quite sure how Sarah, but I missed your post! Just saw it neslted in there! I'm goig to be glued to the computer awaiting your return after your scan, unless I;m in a taxi then in which case I'll see when I get to my friends house! :happydance:
Sarah- I hope your scan goes well! I have my fingers crossed for you!
I go back for my next blood draw today... the suspense is killing me because at my doctor's office they don't tell you any of the levels until they have done a couple of draws (so I don't know my levels from monday yet)... I am hoping tomorrow they will tell me something since by then they will be able to see if I am doubling or not... I really hope they come out ok.

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