CBFM Thread/Statistics

I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. I completely stopped bleeding, NOTHING on the pad when I got up this morning, NOTHING on the paper when I wiped. When I start I usually just GOOOOOOOO like my flow is usually very heavy from start to finish. What do I do?!

That happened to me one cycle, I bled for 1.5 days and then...nada. No spotting, nothing. Are you taking any meds or supplements lekker? I think sometimes that can have an effect...? Have you been having heavy bleeding up until then or spotting/light?
We came on about the same time so we can argue about who's fault it is...Damn, how long we been on here??! Seems like forever! Oh wait...it is.

I'm going to look into acupuncture for sure for next cycle. Yes, I'm taking 100 mg, cd3-7 again. That's what got me a 27 progesterone level last cycle. Then she wants us to go in to talk about whats next...she wants to refer us to a specialist.

this is the very first thread that I have ever been on. I was on here before you when the other people all got pregnant. Then that woman who was rude to me made the comment on the ttc boards saying that this one needs more people and that's when I saw you come on. It's my fault. I hate arguing, but I'm this one I know I'm right on lol.

I hope the acupuncture is successful for you.
Nope, I just take my prenatal and have been for 3 months. I lightly spotted the past two days randomly. And it was just a hint of pink on the paper. Lastnight it was a nice large area of pink. Today...nothing. I've never had this happen and I'm just getting my agitated as I keep getting my hopes up and then dropping back down. My thing is at this point I don't care if I see two lines on the test. If I do AWESOME, if I don't fine...it's the fact that I know she's supposed to be here and I keep getting negatives so why doesn't that ugly bitch just show her face and get this over with so I can start BDing again?! lol
Lekker I know exactly what you mean! I know when I start getting cramps and feel like a psychobitch I just want her to show her ugly mug and then we can get it over with. I never get spotting, I just go into full flow but I do get PMT like crazy and feel like I'll explode...then when witchy comes I feel better. Must be crappy when she's just playing peep though :hugs:.
Gdane I haven't heard about any of those things other than accupuncture. I've considered it but I don't know of any place here in NY that does it. And even then I'm such a freak about it I'd have to have tons of people tell me the place is clean. I've heard it hurts but at the same time I've got tattoos so I really don't think it could hurt worse than that....although...the stuff I've seen on tv and the places they put the little needles I'm kinda like hmmm I could see it hurting. IDK! lol I actually found a chariopractor that can adjust me without hurting me. I have rods in my spine and a spinal fusion so I was told that I could never be touched. I'm going to talk it over with my husband as it's $95 for the first session but my friend works for him and she talked it over and he said he can do the adjustment above and below the rods without hurting me. I'm still cautious about that since it's a very sensitive area that already has a problem. So honestly Gdane...ANYTHING would be worth a shot at this point right?! :) What can it hurt hun...give it a go.
I have reflexology.... Been having it for the past 3 months and it has done diddly squat but it does help me relax! Give it a go, anything is worth a try.

Lekker have you stopped totally???
As far as I can tell. been running to the bathroom like every 15 mins and going a bucket load. And nothing has shown up at all today
I have reflexology.... Been having it for the past 3 months and it has done diddly squat but it does help me relax! Give it a go, anything is worth a try.

Lekker have you stopped totally???
27 days usually. So I'm not good with the whole concept of CM....but TMI ALERT just went to the bathroom and from what I can tell(like I said not good at this) It was kinda thick/creamy???? But I can't tell if that's what they call Egg White or just creamy or sticky or whatever other terms get used lol
This is graphic but I found this when trying to research about CM.
Thank you for sharing that...mine looks NOTHING like any of those pics. But I'm very glad there is at least some kind of information out there.
Took me ages to find anything and that the best I found. I dont get anything other then lotiony white, but I guess If I'm not ovulating then that makes sense x
Hey ladies I missed a bunch today, I need to add Slh and gdane the bfps stopped whni joined as well, i think i may have came here right around the same time!!
Thank you for your support about my brother and his pregnant gf. this brother already has another kid and he is the one he turned one today,, an he is only 20, so i have to expect immaturity at times, but i wll say today the bday party went great! They actually spoke to me, it wasn't a lot but it wasn't awkward like it usually is.. gdane I want to go to lunch and friends/family bash with you lol too bad your so far away.
Wouldn't it be so cool if we could all join at a big table have lunch at chit chat with all our ttc and family issues ..I know im a nerd
Lekker that sucks, it has also happend to me in the past, I wonder if its going to come back.
I don't know anything about accupunture what exactly is it, like what is it supposed to do?
Hi to all of you ladies and sorry I missed so much!
Af for me has finally left the building, I hope we have some lovey time soon, we didnt get to much last cycle, i better start taking my temps tomorrow too, especially snce im not using the monitor this month
Hey pook :hugs:
Happy to hear the witch has left the building :thumbup: and that your nephews party went well with your bro and his gf. I agree, it would be brilliant if we could all meet and have a rl chat about things. So I'm a nerd too :haha:.

Mrs B thanks for posting the CM stuff! It's more helpful to have pics than to read descriptions and to think 'does mine look like that?', although I always worry when I see pics that I don't have as much CM as that :wacko:.

Lekker how's things today? Any bleeding at all?

SLH, Gdane, buckles and lul and anyone else :hi: hope you're having a good weekend!
Oh, forgot to add my AFM...

Got a good temp rise today so looks like I might have ov'd yesterday which would mean excellent :sex: timing, FXed that my temps stay up. I hate this bit when FF doesn't give you crosshairs until you get a sustained thermal shift :growlmad:...I understand why but it's just another waiting game. Waiting for ov, waiting for peaks, waiting for ov to be confirmed, the 2WW, waiting for AF, hoping for a BFP...bah. And then starting a new cycle and hoping this is the one. Only cycle #3 of trying for me so I've got a way to go to match some of you ladies but dang, I'm tired of this already.
Got my appointment on wednesday with the FS, my GP tells me he's really good so I'm kind of looking forward to it in a weird way. Least we'll get some answers one way or another.
I'm back at work tomorrow so won't be able to spend as much time on BnB as of lately :cry:...will be bobbing in to check up on y'all though!

Im in so much pain today, all over my left side on the hip, lower back and abdomen! OUCH!
:hugs: mrs b. You need a hot water bottle and some TLC.

I forgot to post earlier that I reset my monitor this cycle, I had my second peak yesterday and POASed this morning and when I turned my monitor on it didn't ask for a stick??? I can understand if the last 2 cycles I'd had peaks then high after the second and it remembered but to do it when I'd reset it :shrug:. How odd.
I hope its a sign that AF is on her way..

I think thats strange about your monitor, everyone seems to be having weird things happen with them atm!

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