Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-7!

Temps crashed this morning. I'm hoping it was just because I was sleeping without the blanket, but AF is probably on her way.
Hey All!

Can I join?

A bit about me. I am 27 and my OH is 29. I have had baby fever for years but my OH just wasn't there yet but late last year he decided he was ready to set a TTC date.

We planned to wait to start trying until March. I came off the pill around july last year and we have been using NFP and condoms. However, due to a lack of condoms in our household this week we decided to move the up our TTC date up, and began trying last week.

I have been tracking my cycles for a while and think I ovulated yesterday. So fingers crossed for a BFP!

Baby dust to you all!
Hello Ladies! I know I am way late on getting here but I am new to the TTC forum world. I am on cycle 7 of trying to conceive my first child. I was recently told that I do not ovulate. I will be starting my first cycle with Clomid after this cycle is over. I am the only female in my generation that does not have a baby yet I am the oldest. Needless to say its been years of "What are you doing? Your eggs will dry up! Your biological clock is ticking!" I have been a stalker of this thread since almost the beginning. I am just getting into posting since I have found I need a nice support group to talk to. Please forgive me in the future if I don't understand a lot of the things you guys are saying. I am still figuring out all of the lingo lol I hope to hear from you ladies and baby dust to all!!!!!
Welcome ladies! I'll add you both to the list.

FrancoisBaby- good luck in Clomid! The side effects suck, but it works!

DH and I talked, AF came, and we decided that next cycle we'll be doing an IUI instead of an FET due to finances, and we really want me to be in a healthy BMI range before we even touch our frosties. My MIL thinks we have probably had more CPs than we think, and that progesterone may be an issue. If I count Friday mornings BFP as a BFP and not a faulty test that's the third CP in a year. I think we'll be talk Ng to our RE about checking my progesterone levels post O again. Something is just not adding up.
Thanks for adding to the list!

Sorry your temp dropped. Hopefully it was just the blanket but if not it sounds like maybe it is good to get your progesterone levels checked and hopefully get something to help. Although would be sucky if it was the case, it can be supplemented and hopefully will help you get closer to your bfp!

Any tips on surviving the TWW? Pretty certain I'm 2dpo and already feel like I'm losing my mind with nerves/excitement. It's my first one so maybe I'm extra nervous/excited or is it always like this?
I'm not too worried about taking progesterone supplements. They're more annoying than anything (really don't like suppositories).

The only thing I can recommend to survive the TWW is try not to symptom spot. It'll drive you up the wall. A lot of pregnancy symptoms are also signs of AF coming. Just looking at your temps... have you been tested for PCOS? Typically those with PCOS have sporadic temps similar to your chart, and can make it difficult to tell when you've O'ed. Are your cycles regular?
I'm not too worried about taking progesterone supplements. They're more annoying than anything (really don't like suppositories).

The only thing I can recommend to survive the TWW is try not to symptom spot. It'll drive you up the wall. A lot of pregnancy symptoms are also signs of AF coming. Just looking at your temps... have you been tested for PCOS? Typically those with PCOS have sporadic temps similar to your chart, and can make it difficult to tell when you've O'ed. Are your cycles regular?


My temps have been crazy this month but don't normally look like this. I have been a bit sick so think I had a bit of a fever hence the spike in the middle. Normally they are relatively flat until I get my peak. Although this month was a bit different as had some spotting at day 11 and also Ovd a bit later (I suspect) at day 25 not 22. But don't think that is anything to worry about.

Thanks for having a look though! I'll keep it in mind if my temps look like it again!

Yes I feel I symptom spotting already which is ridiculous. Need to chill out.

edit: added some charts from sep/october last year for you to see. Can you see if they look normal or if you think I should get checked? we weren't trying but put BD in as using withdrawal- so just in case.


chartgraph_module (1).jpg
Me again! Pretty certain I ovd on day 25. All my symptoms point to it and my temps do too, but FF has not registered it. Might be because of my crazy cycle.

But what do you think? Do you think I Ovd on day 25?
I think there's a good chance based off of your other signs. The reason FF might not have give you crosshairs is because your temps are only rose above your others today, making your chart break into two levels of temps, or going biphasic. It may just give you dotted crosshairs on CD27. Do you use OPKs? You can always try switching FF to FAM (fertility awareness method) to see if it'll give you crosshairs.
I tried the FAM but didn't change anything. So I put it in manually. Based on my past months temping and watching symptoms I am certain I ovulated on the 25....
Sorry about af Abe :( i think you guys have a good plan in place now though x

I had my op. Ended up having to stay overnight cause the op was more involved than first thought. Turns out I have stage 4/5 endo. They said they got it all out though at least. And one of my tubes seems to be blocked :/ specialist wasnt worried though she seemed pretty positive.

Im just glad its over with! And annoyed at my dodgy tube. But im really happy with the docs so confident im on the right path.

Welcome to the group girls :) best of baby wishes to you.
Laddiiiess how have you been trying for months/years and not gone totally insane?

I feel like I am losing my mind wondering if I am pregnant. I can't focus on work and I am just continuously googling things! And it is my first real TWW! I don't know how my sanity will make it to my period.

I know I should probably get used to it as told I should of thought about having kids before 25/26 and I am now 27. So have to be prepared it might be a long road ahead of me. But please tell me the first one is the worst?!

And Sheece glad your op went OK. Sounds good they got the most out, although sorry about your tube- but great the doctor seemed positive regardless! Hope your not in too much pain!
swedengirl - I'm also new, so I don't know how these ladies manage to stay sane either. I think, though, that it can also be really challenging at the beginning, just because you're paying attention to your body 500x more, so you don't yet know which of your observations are normal for you and which ones aren't. These past two weeks were my first, and (aside from it being an insanely long cycle) I also drove myself crazing because of certain symptoms that I had or didn't have. I think part of being able to do it long term is knowing if what you're seeing is normal or not for you. Theoretically, I'd say try not to symptom spot, but realistically, few of us are able to do that.
Sweden - It definitely doesn't get easier, but you learn to cope better.

Sheece - I'm sure the overnight stay wasn't fun! How are you feeling? I'm glad they were able to get everything out... did they unblock your tube too?
Hi Ladies can I join you please?
I am 32 and DH is 33 we have been together since we were 16 and 17 and I have wanted babies forever but he needed some time (understandable) we finally started NTNP when I was 26 and that was when I was diagnosed with stage 4 endo. After loads of treatment we are finally clear to really try :happydance: :thumbup:
So it is officially the second cycle for us.
Baby dust to all of you lovely's :flower:
Abennion- that totally makes sense. Of course it wouldn't be easier... But I hope I start to cope better quickly. I am a control freak and totally feel out of control right now! Burst into tears several times today over small things and think thats because I am on edge and then I convinced myself it was a symptom... I know it is too early...

Welcome hopefulb! Hopefully you get your BFP soon :dust:
Abe im not sure if they did unblock my tube. She said one side flushed out fine but the oter didnt. They put extra fluid in it with the hopes that would sort it out I think.

Will find out more on the 13th. But just going with the fact a tube is blocked for now :/
I'm sorry Sheece. Hopefully now that the endo is cleared you'll stand a better chance, even if one of your tubes is blocked. Have they said when you can start TTC again?

Welcome, HopefulB! I'll add you to the ever growing list!

Sweden - It should get easier with time, however I've got my fingers crossed that you won't need too much time!
I hope so!

FF finally gave me crosshairs on the day I suspected so that's good. I had to discard one temp but I took it early as I woke up and couldn't sleep so suspect that's why! So at least I got my timing right.

I know it is way too soon for symptoms and I know it's in my head. But I feel I'm having some. so just going to share my crazy arse non existent symptoms. My smell seems to of got really sensitive and my right nipple is having this shooting pain and feels kind of itchy. I was super tired yesterday but this morning feel like I could rock the world. I know it's nothing and I know you can't have symptoms before earliest 6dpo but I have time to kill so might as well write them down!

I ordered some FRERs yesterday so I have them for next week. Think I'll test 10dpo and then at 13dpo as that is when AF is due... when is the earliest you guys test?

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