Dear Mrs Storky,
Well, I though it was time to write as you seem to be ignoring my subliminal messaging, I spent a
lot of time writing '
give Farie a baby' on those fish and you bloody well ignored me!
So, here it is in black and white, DF and I really want a little one, we have been trying for over 10 months (as you well know) We do not smoke, we do not drink, we are healthy, we exercise, we eat organic wholefoods, we cook from scratch, we have an enormous capacity to love a child.
I use my CBFM religiously, I have used OPK's and Pre-seed ... We BD on the right days (and on others for the fun of it .. but I'm sure thats not something you can hold against us)
We are doing everything right
Ok I'll admit my LP is a little short .. but I'm taking B6/12 to help that. I take the other pre-natels and omega oils.
DF take his Maca and Vit C and Zinc.
What more would you like us to do?
I turned 27 today, I never imagined this birthday coming and going without the inclusion of a bump in my life. Why? Why can you not just grace us with a little bundle, we don't have a preferred sex (actually that's a little lie, we'd both love a boy) .. although at this stage either would be great.
So Mrs Storky, please please hear me, I'm begging you for a little one, please. Let this month be ours and make our plans to visit the Dr unnecessary.
Thank you