Dear Mr Storky... write your letter to Mr Storky too!

Dear Mr. Storky,

I know you have already blessed me with two beautiful children: one girl and one boy. What more should I want, right?

Well... I've also had two children unwillingly taken away from me after I had only known them for 7/8 weeks. I feel like the rug was jerked out from under me. I regret ever TTC again with each passing :bfn: but I really, really want my rainbow.

I've gone this far. I've been through numerous tests, poked and prodded numerous times with needles, had more than my share of ultrasounds and had just about every doctor at the hospital internally examine me only to find out I had a severe uterine infection. Then, after multiple antibiotics to get it cleared up, I am finally up to the challenge again.

Except I've been getting nothing but :bfn:

I only ask, Mr. Storky, that you visit me one more time. Give me a sticky bean and allow me to be able to hold that bean in my arms some day. Twins would be a blessing after two back-to-back losses but I don't want to be pushy :winkwink:

Thank you for reading, Mr. Storky. I hope someday we will meet again.
Dear Mr Stork,

You were very kind in visiting me in 2012 and left me the most precious gift anyone could ask for, however the little bundle of joy was not meant for this world and was taken into God's care after 7 short weeks of life.

Me and my hubby have been patiently waiting for 14 months now and we are desperate for your next visit. We will leave the door unlocked and some refreshments on the table - take your pick! you've had an important journey to make and we hope you're fit and rested for the next.

Please pay us a visit - we want nothing more than to make our family of two into a family of three. Thank you.
Hoping Mr.Stork will be kind to us on our first month TTC and give us a sticky BLUE bean. We are on our TWW now hoping for our BFP. :kiss:
Dear mr storkey I'm back

Please make it be the month its my turn and I get a BFP :) ps please also visit all those waiting for you

Left xxx
Dear Mr. Storky,

We have been trying for what seems like forever (even if it's not that long). We are desperate for a sweet little Mr. or Mrs. whichever you prefer. We would love to have a BFP within a week or 2!


Savannah :hugs:
Dear Mr Storky,

Please send my husband and I a second little angel. We would very much like our 2 year old daughter to have a little brother or sister!


P.S. Have a safe trip!!!
Dear MR stork, further to our previous discussion you've yet to deliver any good news. I hope you get a move on soon!
Dear Mr. Storky,

Hi. As you know, this is my third cycle since I had my paragard removed. Three times I have been pregnant, and three times my LO did not make it to this world. Please, let this cycle be different. I'm really hoping for that BFP that brings a healthy, baby boy. Chinese Gender Prediction says this is last month for a boy this year. This is also the last month that my due date would work well with my job. So please. I got my first flashing smile this morning. SO and I will be doing the dance tomorrow and Sunday. Let this month be different. You know I will make a great mom. SO will get there haha. ;)

Please and thank you,
Dear Mr. Storky,
I believe you have bigger plans for my husband and I. You've waited to bring us our little child until our lives our in a comfortable situation to make a good life for our little one. Our marriage is stronger and with my husbands new job we are more than ready. Please don't make us go through anymore fertility treatments. Please let my husbands low morphology not stop us from having our child. We will make great parents and give our little one the best life! His/Her baby room is almost complete!! Please fly our way into our loving home.
With love,
Two strong people with lot's of love to share
Dear Mr Storky,

I would very much like to have another baby. So can you please stop giving me false hope and allowing me to carry babies into the 2nd trimester before you decide to take them away again. Please allow the next BFP to be my forever baby.
Dear Mr. Storky,

It's about time I wrote you a new letter. If you could please allow us to reach (but not exceed) our TTC date of June 2016 without any "happy accidents" we would be very grateful. As impatient as I may feel from time to time it is for the best that we wait that long and it would not do to be pregnant sooner. At the very least please wait until after my wedding this time, lol. Again I will ask that you help us conceive a healthy and beautiful little :pink: to possibly complete our family. Of course we would still be open to another healthy :blue: as a healthy bundle is the most important thing. I love the DS that you blessed me with last time and he is so perfect and wonderful in every way and I am very glad that he was my first child, but my heart still longs for a DD that I can do girly things with. Thank you again.


Dear Mr. Storky,

I would like to thank you for allowing us to reach our wedding on June 6, 2015 pregnancy free which in turn allowed us to start TTC after my next AF after the wedding started June 13, 2015. I would also like to thank you for helping us get pregnant our first cycle trying, we feel so blessed! I would really appreciate it if you could help the rest of the ladies in here as you have helped me. :flower:

Dear Mr. Storky,

Please check your list and bring me mine soon. I think my registry got lost somewhere...Its been years and I really am trying so hard to not be stressed out and to trust you. I'm really really hoping for a BFP...Thank you..
Dear Mr Storky,

We are no longer preventing a sibling for our little boy. Whilst we would love a baby girl we would be thrilled with either.
Our little boy you delivered us is very very active, so we are a little scared about number 2 and keeping up with them both!

Dear Mr. storky
I am not writing here today on my behalf, I have a beautiful healthy 8 month old son and I do not wish to get pregnant again for a while. HOWEVER, my cousin just had 2 embryo's transferred the other day and I am hoping that you will help her have at least one implant. I've watched her since my son was first born start the IVF process and I never realized how long it actually took to even get the slim chance of falling pregnant.
If you could please help her, we would all be so grateful <3
Dear Mr. Storky, please bring us our little bundle soon! Please also bring bundles to my dear sister-in-law and my cousin, who are both longing for a little addition to their homes.
Dear Mr Storky,

Please bless me and my husband with a precious bundle of our own. I've always wanted to be a mother and it would be the most wonderful blessing to bring a whole new, little person into this world and my husband agrees!

We hope that you will bless us with a bean of our own so soon after our wedding <3
Dear Mr. Storky,

I've been extra patient for 9 years and have been doing so much research all that time! I'm great with kids and finally in a good stable environment. Please give me a healthy little bundle of joy :( Family tradition would prefer me to have a girl first, but I would gladly take a boy too!
My wish would be to be pregnant before my 26th birthday if possible.

Please put me into consideration within the next months.

Thank you <3
Dearest Mr. Storky :yellow:

I would just like to say that I am ready for my special delivery whenever you are. :winkwink: I know you have been incredibly busy and I hope you see I have tried to wait patiently [-o&lt;
I look after beautiful babies that other families have been so very blessed with but I would love nothing more than to have one for my own family to love and cherish <3

I hope to hear from you very soon :D Im not at all fussy aslong as my baby to be is happy and healthy then so am I. :flower:

Hugs xxx
Dear Mr Storky,
All of my other friends younger than me have gotten preg so easy I get jealous. I am 31 and the closer I get to 40 the more nervous I get and worry that I can't conceive. Please help me get my BFP real soon. I will do anything. I know I will make a great mommy and DH will make a great daddy. We want a baby so bad and would be happy with just one :) We have been trying on and off for about 1.5 yrs. Will you be so kind to help us?

One happily married couple

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