Thanks my heart! Weird or what lol x
Miss406, you're hilarious!! So tempting though right? I haven't even O'd yet and I'm tempted to! Luckily the OPKs will help with my POAS cravings! I will definitely be joining the facebook group as soon as I am in my TWW. Thanks for setting that up!
Getting excited to see the tests from all of you ladies bundle, I know yours will be crazy dark! It was easy to see on the first one!
AFM CD10 today and I'm actually feeling like I might ovulate early this month! This is judging mostly from CM. Usually, because I ovulate so late, I have a period of nothing down there before watery and EWCM start. This month, feeling watery already! So excited! OPKs and BDing start tonight! Does anyone know if OH being sick might affect our chances this month? He just has a cold and he hasn't taken anything for it. Also, does anyone do the cough syrup thing? When should I start that?
Good morning (from where I am)
7dpo today & resisted the urge to test this morning. Really wanting to hold off until AF is due but I always get a little crazy around 8dpo
Also that FB link tells me that it's a broken link & can't be found
Miss - fx for you
Did you get my post on the fb group?
Emma that's weird I defo seen lines have you done a frer
Mine today
Are you further along wantingagirl? Didn't think digi said 2-3 when your not 4 weeks on ticker yet
I don't see it on the group, did you deffo post it? Lol
Hello, yes - that is me.. I just didn't see those pictures on the group lol!I don't see it on the group, did you deffo post it? Lol
Are you Sonia? Lol
I just got a reply xx
Well ladies I had my FSH and LH drawn yesterday. FSH was 5.1 and LH was 9.5. It was CD 6 and I just finished 100 mg clomid later that day. My midwife said those levels were fine, that the PCOS ratio is 3 to 1 LH to FSH. So hoping I ovulate this time! Plus we leave for vacation tomorrow morning, so there's plenty of time to BD!
Miss. When you get a chance will you che out my testing thread please........maybe a little tweak.......thanks girl!
BabyLove, I've done my best with the picture! I think I see a faint something but looks like an evap to me! Keep testing though, fingers crossed!
There is one from this morning