**FeBrUaRy TeStInG tHrEaD** 7 BFP'S

Add me, I'm not sure if I ovulated this month, but if the :witch: does not show her ugly face I will probably test on the 9th(was going to wait until the 14th but I don't know if I can!!!)
Michaelap- hahaha. Your professionalism inspires me! :). So, you are an OB nurse? I am an Oncology nurse. I have been reading online about charting and there are plenty of websites that claim even off shifters can temp. I just don't see how. My sleep pattern is so screwy and I know it is important to take it at the same time. I realize It would be beneficial so I could thoroughly follow my cycle- I just do the best I can given our circumstances. That's why I tried the OPK's this month. So, what's up with the boob pain? Hormones? How long have you been ttc? Hope you enjoyed your nap. I'll be sleeping in a bit. I work tonight.- yay. LOL

oy...thanks for being an oncology nurse, i would not be able to do that :/..did that as a preceptorship...praise kavorkian is all i can say :(..yeah i would so not be able to temp and chart and do opk's..do FT 8's..get home by 0810, sleep til 1130, back down for 1700-1800 and up for 2100 to do it all again...perhaps hormones are contributing to the boob pain..MD prescribed provera for 5 days to induce a period due to the irregular cycles post-BCP..and i started vitex the other day..went off BCP in september and have been trying since then..on the next 3 nights--joy!
3dpo and temps went from
1dpo 97.13
2dpo 97.37
3dpo 96.9 (which is debatable. Regular temp time it read at 95.30 and had been sleeping with my mouth open. Snoozed for another 15min and temp read 96.9 so not sure if it "counts")
Ff gave me crosshairs and Pre "o" temps were high of 96.9 and low of 96.3
Very confused


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6dpo for me now...not SS this month, just completely ignoring my body this time :coffee: Temps are oddly consistent for me, still going to switch to temping vaginally next cycle though to have it be extra accurate.

Only 4 hours of sleep last night since we were under a tornado warning in the wee hours of the morning :growlmad: It was lots of fun getting ready this morning by tea-lights since we didn't have power. So I'm exhausted but it's definitely not a possible pg symptom :sleep:

I'm ready to poas! I know I won't make it to Monday! :dohh:
Hi everyone! I'm *very* new to this site, but I'm asking that you add me to the February testers. I'm going to try to hold out until Feb 6-8 to test. I tend to be a POAS addict though so I'm not sure I'll be able to hold out until then.

A little background- My husband and I have been married for 10 years in December. We two boys 9 and 2. We decided last May that we wanted to try for one more. I got pregnant in August, but lost it a week later. (chemical). Since then, we have had no luck. This month I bought First Response Ovulation predictor kits and based on those (and those only- I don't temp because I'm an RN and work night shift) I ovulated some time this past weekend. My husband and I BD'd on Friday night, Sunday morning, Sunday night. And TBH, we too tired to BD on Monday. I'm hoping this is our month. I honestly don't know how people go through this each and every month. Even though we haven't been TTC for as long as other couples, I find myself losing a little bit of sanity every month. I have talked to my GYN and she seems to think we are doing everything right... and to just be patient. Ugh, easier said then done.

Welcome! I totally understand you getting impatient. This is our 4th month ttc and only my first month charting and I am already sick of it! I don't know how people can do this for months on end. They are hero's! I hope that doesn't have to be me :wacko:

My update is that I am STILL waiting for O and on CD17. My temps have been up and down but my CM is getting more watery and had a little bit of EWCM yesterday. Still negative OPKs though :growlmad: I am sooo sick of waiting for O and DH is getting tired out from bding, he couldn't 'perform' last night for the first time. I'm just hoping he can make it through to past O, whenever that will be!
Hi everyone! I'm *very* new to this site, but I'm asking that you add me to the February testers. I'm going to try to hold out until Feb 6-8 to test. I tend to be a POAS addict though so I'm not sure I'll be able to hold out until then.

A little background- My husband and I have been married for 10 years in December. We two boys 9 and 2. We decided last May that we wanted to try for one more. I got pregnant in August, but lost it a week later. (chemical). Since then, we have had no luck. This month I bought First Response Ovulation predictor kits and based on those (and those only- I don't temp because I'm an RN and work night shift) I ovulated some time this past weekend. My husband and I BD'd on Friday night, Sunday morning, Sunday night. And TBH, we too tired to BD on Monday. I'm hoping this is our month. I honestly don't know how people go through this each and every month. Even though we haven't been TTC for as long as other couples, I find myself losing a little bit of sanity every month. I have talked to my GYN and she seems to think we are doing everything right... and to just be patient. Ugh, easier said then done.

Welcome! I totally understand you getting impatient. This is our 4th month ttc and only my first month charting and I am already sick of it! I don't know how people can do this for months on end. They are hero's! I hope that doesn't have to be me :wacko:

My update is that I am STILL waiting for O and on CD17. My temps have been up and down but my CM is getting more watery and had a little bit of EWCM yesterday. Still negative OPKs though :growlmad: I am sooo sick of waiting for O and DH is getting tired out from bding, he couldn't 'perform' last night for the first time. I'm just hoping he can make it through to past O, whenever that will be!

Hearing you loud and clear and totally understand. DH and I ntnp/ttc for coming on 6months. Though not nearly as long as some I'm starting to struggle. Started temping and opk's this cycle. Gave up on opk's because I have constant positives or nearly positive or would change from negative to positive between days. I threw them out for this cycle in a fit.

DH an I have been trying to BD everyday because we just don't know and it's EXHAUSTING. We missed two days and went into a panic incase we missed it.
He also had trouble on that second day of not BD and when we finally overcame it I fell asleep. Grr

All our friends telling us it will happen in time and be patient. It happened first go for everyone of them and most Un-expectantly so a little easier said than done
uugh these cramps! did NOT miss them ~lol~ (never had cramps until coming off BCP--even before, periods were a breeze) but finally, 51 days after my last, a rx of provera, and started vitex...here she comes! missing sex...by the time this period is over, it will be over a week, on the way to 2 weeks :(
Pretty sure I am out this month. My temps are just all over the place and they keep dipping past the cover line. FF changed my ovulation day to cd16, when I am pretty sure I did on cd14 (I got my positive opk that day, had the usual major ovulation cramps that evening, and cm was creamy the next day). But I could be wrong, which mean hubby and I didn't bd on that day. We did bd 3 days leading up to that day, so hopefully we didn't miss the egg. :shrug:

I ovulated on my left side this month (did an ultrasound beginning of cycle and was told by doctor I would be), and I keep cramping on that side. It started two days ago, but it seems worse today. I took a small nap and as soon as I got out of bed, I got this horrible sharp pain that made me stop in my tracks and bend over. I feel nauseated, tired, and keep getting constant headaches, with tender bbs. However, I always get these symptoms leading up to af. This is just extremely confusing to me. Guess I just wanted to rant a bit since I know my family and DH are tired of my "obsessions" with this.

I guess I shouldn't be worried about it at all really. I am suppose to have a laparoscopic surgery in about a month and it wouldn't do well to get preggo now. Besides my DH and I have a great life now, so not being able to get preggo shouldn't be the end of the world, but it would be nice to have that next chapter in our life.

Good luck to you ladies. I really do hope you all get your BFPs really soon. :dust: to all.
HW - don't worry! You managed to Bd loads this cycle and did it lots around the time that matters! I HATE it when people say just relax! Everyone has stresses in their lives so how does anyone manage to get pregnant if the answer is to 'just relax'? I don't know many people who are relaxed all of the time!

Twag - hope ur backache eases up soon (I think it sounds like a pretty positive sign too!) :)

So, my FIL had a heart attack last night completely out of the blue :( DH is going to go see him this weekend (right when O is due) so I'm out before I'm even in this month but I don't mind. Obviously it's much more important that DH sees his dad. All this planning and predicting, just shows you you really can't predict anything xx
:hugs: ladies seems lots of :hug: are needed here today :hugs:

AFM - temp drop this morning but not a true temp so discounting it I slept really badly if at all & when I did wake my mouth was open never sleep with mouth open I was awake for a while but didn't move before taking my temp so I do not think it is a true reflection of my temp this morning :nope:
Still a slight backache low down & deep inside seems to be worse when I am sat at my desk at work :grr:
Twag - it's so discouraging when you get a temp you can't take as true. Same as mine this morning after waking a few hours before. Sleeping with a fan hot cause I was hot and waking up with my mouth open. Sigh.

Hope your backache gets better. I've had low annoying backache for 2 days now but I sit all day for work so think I've been sitting wrong maybe.

Mammy- so so sorry to hear about your FIL :hugs: terrible news
It is and it isn't for me as I am playing it cool this cycle and feeling completely non fussed about ttc a switch or light bulb came on after last AF and my cycle messing with me that it will happen when it happens no point stressing about it so I am taking the chilled out approach from now on :thumbup: temping etc helps keep me sane!

I think it might be my work chair but my left hip is giving me grief it does on & off since I had a fall & think that might be contributing too :shrug: I will make sure I am sitting with good posture today at work :dohh:

Hi ladies thought I'd drop in and say hi as been a while and see how u are xx
Hey zelly how u doing? Where are u in ur cycle?

Mammy how's ur fil getting on?

I'm with u on the relaxed approach twag - I've convinced myself that we'll be going to docs in April. I think he might comment on my weight so I'm trying to focus on losing a few lbs before I see him. 8 days and counting for o now! Seems to take ages :hugs: for all
Hi everyone! I'm *very* new to this site, but I'm asking that you add me to the February testers. I'm going to try to hold out until Feb 6-8 to test. I tend to be a POAS addict though so I'm not sure I'll be able to hold out until then.

A little background- My husband and I have been married for 10 years in December. We two boys 9 and 2. We decided last May that we wanted to try for one more. I got pregnant in August, but lost it a week later. (chemical). Since then, we have had no luck. This month I bought First Response Ovulation predictor kits and based on those (and those only- I don't temp because I'm an RN and work night shift) I ovulated some time this past weekend. My husband and I BD'd on Friday night, Sunday morning, Sunday night. And TBH, we too tired to BD on Monday. I'm hoping this is our month. I honestly don't know how people go through this each and every month. Even though we haven't been TTC for as long as other couples, I find myself losing a little bit of sanity every month. I have talked to my GYN and she seems to think we are doing everything right... and to just be patient. Ugh, easier said then done.

Welcome! I totally understand you getting impatient. This is our 4th month ttc and only my first month charting and I am already sick of it! I don't know how people can do this for months on end. They are hero's! I hope that doesn't have to be me :wacko:

My update is that I am STILL waiting for O and on CD17. My temps have been up and down but my CM is getting more watery and had a little bit of EWCM yesterday. Still negative OPKs though :growlmad: I am sooo sick of waiting for O and DH is getting tired out from bding, he couldn't 'perform' last night for the first time. I'm just hoping he can make it through to past O, whenever that will be!

Hearing you loud and clear and totally understand. DH and I ntnp/ttc for coming on 6months. Though not nearly as long as some I'm starting to struggle. Started temping and opk's this cycle. Gave up on opk's because I have constant positives or nearly positive or would change from negative to positive between days. I threw them out for this cycle in a fit.

DH an I have been trying to BD everyday because we just don't know and it's EXHAUSTING. We missed two days and went into a panic incase we missed it.
He also had trouble on that second day of not BD and when we finally overcame it I fell asleep. Grr

All our friends telling us it will happen in time and be patient. It happened first go for everyone of them and most Un-expectantly so a little easier said than done

Yeah OPK's are annoying me...really only because they are not giving me positives. The test line is always super faint and I don't see any variability in it from day to day. I feel like O should be close and the OPKs should be getting darker but they aren't...Either I'm wrong and O is still ages away, or the OPKs are not sensitive enough for me for them to be getting darker. I definitly think the wait to O is so much worse than the TWW! I'm hoping this will all be easier next month when I understand what my body does a bit more....so wishing there won't be a next month though!

HW - don't worry! You managed to Bd loads this cycle and did it lots around the time that matters! I HATE it when people say just relax! Everyone has stresses in their lives so how does anyone manage to get pregnant if the answer is to 'just relax'? I don't know many people who are relaxed all of the time!

Twag - hope ur backache eases up soon (I think it sounds like a pretty positive sign too!) :)

So, my FIL had a heart attack last night completely out of the blue :( DH is going to go see him this weekend (right when O is due) so I'm out before I'm even in this month but I don't mind. Obviously it's much more important that DH sees his dad. All this planning and predicting, just shows you you really can't predict anything xx

So sorry to hear that about your FIL :hugs: that's horrible. Don't count yourself out though untill your certain you've missed O...and even then, some people can get pg by bding up to 5 days before O! Lots of :dust: your way!

So...tomorrow is the 1st of Feb! I'm excited to start hearing all the testing results!! FX for LOTS of BFP's
good morning ladies. my dreadful 2ww ended in red. once again i could not even get to test. :witch: is always on time. this cycle i will try conceive plus. the pre-seed magic did not work for me for the last 4 cycles.

i will be stalking this thread, there are very promising charts. gl to all and of course lots of :dust:
good morning ladies. my dreadful 2ww ended in red. once again i could not even get to test. :witch: is always on time. this cycle i will try conceive plus. the pre-seed magic did not work for me for the last 4 cycles.

i will be stalking this thread, there are very promising charts. gl to all and of course lots of :dust:

That damn :witch: So sorry pathos. :dust: to you for next cycle
Pathos sorry to hear about AF! fx'd for your bfp in coming cycles. hopefully the next!
Hey zelly how u doing? Where are u in ur cycle?

Mammy how's ur fil getting on?

I'm with u on the relaxed approach twag - I've convinced myself that we'll be going to docs in April. I think he might comment on my weight so I'm trying to focus on losing a few lbs before I see him. 8 days and counting for o now! Seems to take ages :hugs: for all

Hi. Im good thanks. I have not tracked anything this cycle, but if I go by last few AF due next Friday. Im convinced we won't conceive on our own so won't get hopes up to much. OH has appt to register with my Drs Fri and then appt together to be referred

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