**FeBrUaRy TeStInG tHrEaD** 7 BFP'S

Tulip you should come join my journal there were 3 BFPs in January (ladies who follow my journal) seems a lucky thread just wish some would rub off on me :haha:
Belly dreams can u post a pic of the bfp?

Mammabe congrats! So exciting that uve started us off with :dust:

Tulip hopefully the tests will give u some answers and take u closer to bfp.

How's clandestine - her signs were looking good? Twag ur chart looks awesome btw!
On the charting group we're in she said she's still getting bfn but her temps still look good. I'm sure she will update soon
Belly dreams can u post a pic of the bfp?

Mammabe congrats! So exciting that uve started us off with :dust:

Tulip hopefully the tests will give u some answers and take u closer to bfp.

How's clandestine - her signs were looking good? Twag ur chart looks awesome btw!

I can't figure out images but here is a link to the image https://pbckt.com/pH.ReGbA7
Belly dreams can u post a pic of the bfp?

Mammabe congrats! So exciting that uve started us off with :dust:

Tulip hopefully the tests will give u some answers and take u closer to bfp.

How's clandestine - her signs were looking good? Twag ur chart looks awesome btw!

I can't figure out images but here is a link to the image https://pbckt.com/pH.ReGbA7

I can def see that line. Congrats! :hugs: how many dpo are you?
Belly dreams can u post a pic of the bfp?

Mammabe congrats! So exciting that uve started us off with :dust:

Tulip hopefully the tests will give u some answers and take u closer to bfp.

How's clandestine - her signs were looking good? Twag ur chart looks awesome btw!

I can't figure out images but here is a link to the image https://pbckt.com/pH.ReGbA7

I can def see that line. Congrats! :hugs: how many dpo are you?


I'm not sure, I wasn't tracking as much this month, I'm on CD44. As you can see in my signature my last two cycles were 40 and 31 days, so who knows what's going on. I've had bad cramping for over two weeks now.
:grr: work internet has blocked the image but I am excited for our 2nd BFP :thumbup:
OMG I am so tired today I am really struggling at work :( and TMI but my lady parts feel really odd today very sore & generally uncomfortable and not sure why :shrug:
mummabee and bellydreams congratulations! :happydance: :dance:
Michaelap- hahaha. Your professionalism inspires me! :). So, you are an OB nurse? I am an Oncology nurse. I have been reading online about charting and there are plenty of websites that claim even off shifters can temp. I just don't see how. My sleep pattern is so screwy and I know it is important to take it at the same time. I realize It would be beneficial so I could thoroughly follow my cycle- I just do the best I can given our circumstances. That's why I tried the OPK's this month. So, what's up with the boob pain? Hormones? How long have you been ttc? Hope you enjoyed your nap. I'll be sleeping in a bit. I work tonight.- yay. LOL

oy...thanks for being an oncology nurse, i would not be able to do that :/..did that as a preceptorship...praise kavorkian is all i can say :(..yeah i would so not be able to temp and chart and do opk's..do FT 8's..get home by 0810, sleep til 1130, back down for 1700-1800 and up for 2100 to do it all again...perhaps hormones are contributing to the boob pain..MD prescribed provera for 5 days to induce a period due to the irregular cycles post-BCP..and i started vitex the other day..went off BCP in september and have been trying since then..on the next 3 nights--joy!

I'm going to say being an oncology nurse is easy, but it is definitely rewarding. I love my cancer patients and their families. I almost feel it is a honor to be a part of their journey. I'm going to get political, but yes, I'm a pro Dr. Kavorkian. I really believe he had his patient's best interests at heart. The suffering is the worst. FT 8's? ARE YOU CRAZY? I do FT 12's. 3 a week, and I'm DONE. Tonight starts my first of 3. Then off again til next Friday. Will this be your first baby?
Michaelap- hahaha. Your professionalism inspires me! :). So, you are an OB nurse? I am an Oncology nurse. I have been reading online about charting and there are plenty of websites that claim even off shifters can temp. I just don't see how. My sleep pattern is so screwy and I know it is important to take it at the same time. I realize It would be beneficial so I could thoroughly follow my cycle- I just do the best I can given our circumstances. That's why I tried the OPK's this month. So, what's up with the boob pain? Hormones? How long have you been ttc? Hope you enjoyed your nap. I'll be sleeping in a bit. I work tonight.- yay. LOL

oy...thanks for being an oncology nurse, i would not be able to do that :/..did that as a preceptorship...praise kavorkian is all i can say :(..yeah i would so not be able to temp and chart and do opk's..do FT 8's..get home by 0810, sleep til 1130, back down for 1700-1800 and up for 2100 to do it all again...perhaps hormones are contributing to the boob pain..MD prescribed provera for 5 days to induce a period due to the irregular cycles post-BCP..and i started vitex the other day..went off BCP in september and have been trying since then..on the next 3 nights--joy!

I'm going to say being an oncology nurse is easy, but it is definitely rewarding. I love my cancer patients and their families. I almost feel it is a honor to be a part of their journey. I'm going to get political, but yes, I'm a pro Dr. Kavorkian. I really believe he had his patient's best interests at heart. The suffering is the worst. FT 8's? ARE YOU CRAZY? I do FT 12's. 3 a week, and I'm DONE. Tonight starts my first of 3. Then off again til next Friday. Will this be your first baby?

**** I meant being an oncology nurse is NOT easy***
Hi everyone! I'm *very* new to this site, but I'm asking that you add me to the February testers. I'm going to try to hold out until Feb 6-8 to test. I tend to be a POAS addict though so I'm not sure I'll be able to hold out until then.

A little background- My husband and I have been married for 10 years in December. We two boys 9 and 2. We decided last May that we wanted to try for one more. I got pregnant in August, but lost it a week later. (chemical). Since then, we have had no luck. This month I bought First Response Ovulation predictor kits and based on those (and those only- I don't temp because I'm an RN and work night shift) I ovulated some time this past weekend. My husband and I BD'd on Friday night, Sunday morning, Sunday night. And TBH, we too tired to BD on Monday. I'm hoping this is our month. I honestly don't know how people go through this each and every month. Even though we haven't been TTC for as long as other couples, I find myself losing a little bit of sanity every month. I have talked to my GYN and she seems to think we are doing everything right... and to just be patient. Ugh, easier said then done.

Welcome! I totally understand you getting impatient. This is our 4th month ttc and only my first month charting and I am already sick of it! I don't know how people can do this for months on end. They are hero's! I hope that doesn't have to be me :wacko:

My update is that I am STILL waiting for O and on CD17. My temps have been up and down but my CM is getting more watery and had a little bit of EWCM yesterday. Still negative OPKs though :growlmad: I am sooo sick of waiting for O and DH is getting tired out from bding, he couldn't 'perform' last night for the first time. I'm just hoping he can make it through to past O, whenever that will be!

Yes, agreed. They are totally heroes. We just keep telling ourselves that we are lucky, cause we do already have two perfectly healthy boys. Some of these people go through this month after month, year after year and still end up not having children. It is sad and frustrating. So, if it doesn't happen for my husband and I, I'll be disappointed, but it really will be ok.

When do you usually O? I had horribly irregular cycles when I got pregnant with our 9 year old. I had to take Clomid. After him, things regulated and I got pregnant with our 2 year old fast and medication free. I had a chemical pregnancy in August and ever since, my cycles have been screwy again. They range in days from 33-36 in length and according to my OPK's I ovulated on CD 22 (or so). This was my first time using OPK's and the same thing for me. Clear, watery cm, but still negatives. I thought for sure it wouldn't work. Then low and behold, a positive! Hang in there. We are all in this together. :thumbup:
I'm scheduled to test today, but have all the symptoms of impending AF, so I'm waiting. If she doesn't show up today I'll test tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure she'll find me a little later today. :-/

:dust: to everyone!
Hi everyone! I'm *very* new to this site, but I'm asking that you add me to the February testers. I'm going to try to hold out until Feb 6-8 to test. I tend to be a POAS addict though so I'm not sure I'll be able to hold out until then.

A little background- My husband and I have been married for 10 years in December. We two boys 9 and 2. We decided last May that we wanted to try for one more. I got pregnant in August, but lost it a week later. (chemical). Since then, we have had no luck. This month I bought First Response Ovulation predictor kits and based on those (and those only- I don't temp because I'm an RN and work night shift) I ovulated some time this past weekend. My husband and I BD'd on Friday night, Sunday morning, Sunday night. And TBH, we too tired to BD on Monday. I'm hoping this is our month. I honestly don't know how people go through this each and every month. Even though we haven't been TTC for as long as other couples, I find myself losing a little bit of sanity every month. I have talked to my GYN and she seems to think we are doing everything right... and to just be patient. Ugh, easier said then done.

Welcome! I totally understand you getting impatient. This is our 4th month ttc and only my first month charting and I am already sick of it! I don't know how people can do this for months on end. They are hero's! I hope that doesn't have to be me :wacko:

My update is that I am STILL waiting for O and on CD17. My temps have been up and down but my CM is getting more watery and had a little bit of EWCM yesterday. Still negative OPKs though :growlmad: I am sooo sick of waiting for O and DH is getting tired out from bding, he couldn't 'perform' last night for the first time. I'm just hoping he can make it through to past O, whenever that will be!

Hearing you loud and clear and totally understand. DH and I ntnp/ttc for coming on 6months. Though not nearly as long as some I'm starting to struggle. Started temping and opk's this cycle. Gave up on opk's because I have constant positives or nearly positive or would change from negative to positive between days. I threw them out for this cycle in a fit.

DH an I have been trying to BD everyday because we just don't know and it's EXHAUSTING. We missed two days and went into a panic incase we missed it.
He also had trouble on that second day of not BD and when we finally overcame it I fell asleep. Grr

All our friends telling us it will happen in time and be patient. It happened first go for everyone of them and most Un-expectantly so a little easier said than done

BD'ing every night is completely EXHAUSTING!!! This was our first OPK cycle, and I was reading online to BD every other day the week leading up to O. Then once the OPK turns positive, every night x3 days. Ugh. We made it 2 of the 3. Then I felt I ovulated and was too darn tired to even think about BD. Hoping it worked. We BD'd Friday at like 11pm, OPK was positive Sun at 6am, (celebrated with BD then), early Monday morning and that was it. The OPK was negative Monday afternoon... which is why I wasn't too concerned about one more night.

My hubby had trouble Monday` that's a lot of pressure and doing it all the time builds up incredible stamina. There are sometimes a good fast BD will do!

Definitely easier said then done. But, we are all in this together! And here it is Feb 1st, and 2 BFP already! Yay!
Oh wow. I tested waaaay early today and it a :bfp: !!!! I had so many symptoms and I just couldn't wait to pee on that stick!! I'm in shock, I'm scared out of my brains that it won't stick but I have never had a pos before ever. I really hope this is a good omen for everyone this month!!! fx and :dust: to everyone!!!

HOLY CANNOLI!!! THAT'S GREAT!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Happy and Healthy 9 months!
Belly dreams can u post a pic of the bfp?

Mammabe congrats! So exciting that uve started us off with :dust:

Tulip hopefully the tests will give u some answers and take u closer to bfp.

How's clandestine - her signs were looking good? Twag ur chart looks awesome btw!

No squinting~ it is DEFINITELY there! Congratulations! H&H 9 months!
the :witch: i happily welcomed yesterday turns out to be a very light spotting. 36 hours passed, no AF. my temps are down, so i do not have a what if question in mind. i was supposed to be on cd 2 today. i do not know if i should hit the start button of CBFM. has anyone experienced this? I am worried :cry: as if the mess my body makes during the 2ww is not enough, now the witch mocks me. :shrug:
Pathos your temp is not below your coverline so until that happens and full blood flow I would say you are still in for this cycle :shrug:

Congratulations mummabee and bellydreams!!! Fx for sticky beans!

\\:D/ :happydance:

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