**FeBrUaRy TeStInG tHrEaD** 7 BFP'S

I'm officially out, ladies! AF got me this afternoon. On to the next cycle! Sign me up for March 4th. :)

Fx for everyone! Hope to see some more :bfp:
I'm sorry Bellydreams. Full blown af? I was sure you were pregnant. There was definitely a line there.
I'm sorry Bellydreams. Full blown af? I was sure you were pregnant. There was definitely a line there.

It's just happened about an hour ago so shall wait and see, the pains are normal for typical AF, but CP was high like yesterday plus it is not fully open and AF is watery which isn't usual. Just have to wait it out I guess, but I don't have much hope now.
So sorry BellyDreams and MItoDC :hugs: BellyDreams have you tried testing even with the show? Seen as u say it's not usual AF? I definitely saw a line too xx
Hey Amy how are you doing? Did you get a positive opk yet?

Oh wow. I tested waaaay early today and it a :bfp: !!!! I had so many symptoms and I just couldn't wait to pee on that stick!! I'm in shock, I'm scared out of my brains that it won't stick but I have never had a pos before ever. I really hope this is a good omen for everyone this month!!! fx and :dust: to everyone!!!

Hi Mummabee. CONGRATS!!!!! Such exciting news!!!! :hugs:

I haven't had a positive OPK yet but this morning my test line was almost as dark as my control line and before this my test lines have all been very faint. All other signs are pointing towards O soon as well. So I'm thinking that this morning may have been as positive as my OPK's get, or I'll get a positive very soon...FX we are Bding every day now so hopefully we catch the egg!

My friend with the m/c and D&C ended up ovulating days before me, still keeping my FX we get it together. Granted it would be her second, but it would still be fun to be able to share that. It is nice having a single real-life person who we can share even just the process with. I hear about your friend and my first thought is, I hope it's not four years for us. I've already started to put ttc on autopilot, just because I don't like roller coaster rides.

AFM... 10-11 DPO. Temp slightly up this morning, 97.73 at usual time. Rechecked it a little more than an hour after usual temp time (slept in) and was 98.17 (way tired, had to stare at it for a minute, because I thought it said 97.18, which would mean that this cycle was over. Definitely up and still above my coverline. FX, but trying not to hold my breath. Seems only cramping I've had the last 2-3 days happens in the evening. No more heartburn since yesterday's freak episode. Exhausted, but that's more keeping up with my in-laws... more on that front in my journal. Thanks, again, for those of you looking after me - feeling the love this morning, which I didn't realize I needed until I got it :hugs:

FX we both get our BFP's with our friends this month :dust: Your chart is looking like there is def a chance!

I can't figure out images but here is a link to the image https://pbckt.com/pH.ReGbA7

Sorry ladies, after such happiness yesterday it had been snatched before me, just as I was about to test AF arrived so I'm kind of royally unhappy about my glimmer of hope, why couldn't you turn up yesterday AF and not give me a false hope!!

I'm sorry Bellydreams. Full blown af? I was sure you were pregnant. There was definitely a line there.

It's just happened about an hour ago so shall wait and see, the pains are normal for typical AF, but CP was high like yesterday plus it is not fully open and AF is watery which isn't usual. Just have to wait it out I guess, but I don't have much hope now.

Some women can get slight bleeding around the time when period is due and still be pg. That line on your test was pretty clear...FX that you still are pg!!!
:dust::dust: Keep us updated!

Hi everyone! I'm *very* new to this site, but I'm asking that you add me to the February testers. I'm going to try to hold out until Feb 6-8 to test. I tend to be a POAS addict though so I'm not sure I'll be able to hold out until then.

A little background- My husband and I have been married for 10 years in December. We two boys 9 and 2. We decided last May that we wanted to try for one more. I got pregnant in August, but lost it a week later. (chemical). Since then, we have had no luck. This month I bought First Response Ovulation predictor kits and based on those (and those only- I don't temp because I'm an RN and work night shift) I ovulated some time this past weekend. My husband and I BD'd on Friday night, Sunday morning, Sunday night. And TBH, we too tired to BD on Monday. I'm hoping this is our month. I honestly don't know how people go through this each and every month. Even though we haven't been TTC for as long as other couples, I find myself losing a little bit of sanity every month. I have talked to my GYN and she seems to think we are doing everything right... and to just be patient. Ugh, easier said then done.

Welcome! I totally understand you getting impatient. This is our 4th month ttc and only my first month charting and I am already sick of it! I don't know how people can do this for months on end. They are hero's! I hope that doesn't have to be me :wacko:

My update is that I am STILL waiting for O and on CD17. My temps have been up and down but my CM is getting more watery and had a little bit of EWCM yesterday. Still negative OPKs though :growlmad: I am sooo sick of waiting for O and DH is getting tired out from bding, he couldn't 'perform' last night for the first time. I'm just hoping he can make it through to past O, whenever that will be!

Yes, agreed. They are totally heroes. We just keep telling ourselves that we are lucky, cause we do already have two perfectly healthy boys. Some of these people go through this month after month, year after year and still end up not having children. It is sad and frustrating. So, if it doesn't happen for my husband and I, I'll be disappointed, but it really will be ok.

When do you usually O? I had horribly irregular cycles when I got pregnant with our 9 year old. I had to take Clomid. After him, things regulated and I got pregnant with our 2 year old fast and medication free. I had a chemical pregnancy in August and ever since, my cycles have been screwy again. They range in days from 33-36 in length and according to my OPK's I ovulated on CD 22 (or so). This was my first time using OPK's and the same thing for me. Clear, watery cm, but still negatives. I thought for sure it wouldn't work. Then low and behold, a positive! Hang in there. We are all in this together. :thumbup:

Thanks for the encouragement. It looks like you might have been right as well. I think O is very near (see comment to Mummabee above)
Ewcm for me this pm so o shouldn't be too far away! Yehy! Dh is ready and waiting to bd :rofl: will try and bd over the weekend and then once a day mon to sat.... Let us know tomorrow's testers :hugs:
HW - how were the opk's and temps today? Try2findbaby I'm just waiting on O over the weekend too! If u see it send it my way and I shall do likewise ;) xx
Oh wow. I tested waaaay early today and it a :bfp: !!!! I had so many symptoms and I just couldn't wait to pee on that stick!! I'm in shock, I'm scared out of my brains that it won't stick but I have never had a pos before ever. I really hope this is a good omen for everyone this month!!! fx and :dust: to everyone!!!

Wow, it's just the first and already a BFP. How exciting. Congratulation mummabee!
So sorry BellyDreams and MItoDC :hugs: BellyDreams have you tried testing even with the show? Seen as u say it's not usual AF? I definitely saw a line too xx

Thanks Makemeamammy!! If it stays watery this way today or stops I'll test again Sunday morning. Everything I google about watery AF seems to say pregnant, not sure if I should grasp at that thin straw of hope, but shall see what the day holds for me!

Is it sad that I'm sitting staring at my pee stick from yesterday!!
Lol, no! I've been doing that with my opk's! Dread to think what I'd be like with a line on a pregnancy test. :) keeping fingers and toes crossed for you, keep us updated! Xx
Mammy - bbt rise and positive OPK. Wicked aches over my ovary (but I have that constantly)
Going to try and saddle up over the weekend!

How are your opk's going?


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Good morning. Today my temperature spiked up back after big dip yesterday no af for me just had a brown tinged cm yesterday when I wiped.
HW - how were the opk's and temps today? Try2findbaby I'm just waiting on O over the weekend too! If u see it send it my way and I shall do likewise ;) xx

I'm waiting to O over this weekend too hopefully!There seems to be a few of us at this stage. Hopefully we can keep each other sane over the TTW

Good morning. Today my temperature spiked up back after big dip yesterday no af for me just had a brown tinged cm yesterday when I wiped.

Sounds promising...looking forward to your :bfp: announcement :dust:

Mammy - bbt rise and positive OPK. Wicked aches over my ovary (but I have that constantly)
Going to try and saddle up over the weekend!

How are your opk's going?

Yay finally a clear positive OPK for you HW! I'm hoping I get one very soon
That was quite the dip tulip. Fx for late implantation
Bellydreams I hope it is still a bfp for you :hugs: :dust:

HW - great +ve opk there go get em :sex:

Tulip - fantastic temp rise :thumbup: I really hope this is it :dust: :hugs:

AFM - temp went down this morning I think it is on it's slippery slope down to AF :shrug: oh well on to next cycle for me I guess :shrug: also tmi but after some BM when I peed I had a small amount of spotting nothing since though :wacko:
Twag - you're still way above your coverline! You're definitely not out!!

Tulip - that rise looks really good!! FXd witch stays away from both of you but she definitely isn't showing signs of turning up by the looks of things so far.

HW - that is a really good clear positive and you had a very clear dip and rise too. Looking good!! I will post up opk's when I take it later in the morning. It was a good bit darker yesterday so hoping for a positive either today or tomorrow but temps are still all over the place! :-/

Try2findbaby, AmyRR and HW - here's to a marathon weekend of BDing!! Wishing you all lovely, clear lines and DH’s that aren't too worn out by Sunday :) xx
Thanks I am just not feeling hopeful this cycle :shrug:

Good luck with your :sex: marathons ladies :dust:

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