**FeBrUaRy TeStInG tHrEaD** 7 BFP'S

I'm in Australia, our insurance won't cover anything at all for another 13months.
I've had a sinking feeling about it and hoped bbt would put me at ease. Has turned out the opposite!
Do you feel I'm currently looking like I've o'd at all?

HW - how are the lines today? Any lighter? Sorry you are feeling worried :hugs: the good thing is you have regular cycles right? So I would just keep BDing for next few days regardless of stupid opk's! :thumbup:

Tulip and Amcollechi - sorry the :witch: got you! :hugs:

Ashntony we have started a thread in the 2ww section if you want to come join. I'm either 1dpo or today is O day, not really very sure. Opk's were -ve but dark yesterday with good temp drop and today are very -ve (almost no line) and temp is up but not above where coverline would be. Any expert opinions on if O was today or yesterday ladies? Had my positive opk two days ago now xx
Sorry the :witch: got you Tulip and Amcollechi. Fx Twag and Clandestine. Hope you get those BFPs soon.
Tulip- can you please put me down for the 13th? I'm 6dpo according to ff and temp hasn't dropped like it did last time I tried and failed to ovulate. Hoping for a BFP for Valentines day. Either way I think I'll be glad to be done with this cycle. It will be 70 days if it comes when predicted. That's over twice the "average woman's" cycle!
Update :af finally caught me I am sure she is here because light red flow has started sorry tmi. GL Twag and Clandestine now I am no more with you guys:cry:

Sorry to hear that Tulip, I was really hoping you three cycles buddues would get your BPFs together. Hope your not feeling too low

HW - how are the lines today? Any lighter? Sorry you are feeling worried :hugs: the good thing is you have regular cycles right? So I would just keep BDing for next few days regardless of stupid opk's! :thumbup:

Tulip and Amcollechi - sorry the :witch: got you! :hugs:

Ashntony we have started a thread in the 2ww section if you want to come join. I'm either 1dpo or today is O day, not really very sure. Opk's were -ve but dark yesterday with good temp drop and today are very -ve (almost no line) and temp is up but not above where coverline would be. Any expert opinions on if O was today or yesterday ladies? Had my positive opk two days ago now xx

Hmmm, thats not an easy one. I guess it depends on what your next temp is, but I'm thinking you O'd on the day of your temp dip.

I too am having some trouble interpreting my signs...help would be great.

First of all I don't know which temp to record for today. I had a really restless sleep (prob because I was anxious about my temp in the morning which is very ironic). I slept on and off between 1:30am and 6am. I normally take my temp at 5:30am. Last night I had been lying in bed awake for about an hour I think when I decided to take my temp at 4:10am and it was 97.5. Then I finally got a bit of sleep, maybe 30mins before I took my temp again at 6:00am and it was 98.0. I was confused so took it again 2 mins later and it was 97.5 again. Which temp should I use? Or should I pick a temp in the middle of them? Both temps are above all my other temps for this cycle, so I'm thinking I prob O'd last night.

However this morning FF gave me cross hairs saying I was 3dpo. I think they are wrong though based on my OPKs - opinions?

And on the subject of OPKs, I have been taking them twice a day. Once with my FMU and once in the evening at about 7:30pm. CD20 I got positives in the morning and evening, CD21 I got a postive in the morning and a negative in the evening. Then this morning I got another positive?? I know your not meant to use FMU because it can be too concentrated and give false positives....so based on that I'm thinking mabe I should only base my OPKs on my evening tests, in which case I should only record a postive for CD20?? Do people agree with this?

Then if all that thinking is correct I'm thinking I O'd yesterday overnight and today I am 1dpo?? What do you guys think? I am very new to this and it is all very confusing.
Update :af finally caught me I am sure she is here because light red flow has started sorry tmi. GL Twag and Clandestine now I am no more with you guys:cry:

Sorry to hear that Tulip, I was really hoping you three cycles buddues would get your BPFs together. Hope your not feeling too low

HW - how are the lines today? Any lighter? Sorry you are feeling worried :hugs: the good thing is you have regular cycles right? So I would just keep BDing for next few days regardless of stupid opk's! :thumbup:

Tulip and Amcollechi - sorry the :witch: got you! :hugs:

Ashntony we have started a thread in the 2ww section if you want to come join. I'm either 1dpo or today is O day, not really very sure. Opk's were -ve but dark yesterday with good temp drop and today are very -ve (almost no line) and temp is up but not above where coverline would be. Any expert opinions on if O was today or yesterday ladies? Had my positive opk two days ago now xx

Hmmm, thats not an easy one. I guess it depends on what your next temp is, but I'm thinking you O'd on the day of your temp dip.

I too am having some trouble interpreting my signs...help would be great.

First of all I don't know which temp to record for today. I had a really restless sleep (prob because I was anxious about my temp in the morning which is very ironic). I slept on and off between 1:30am and 6am. I normally take my temp at 5:30am. Last night I had been lying in bed awake for about an hour I think when I decided to take my temp at 4:10am and it was 97.5. Then I finally got a bit of sleep, maybe 30mins before I took my temp again at 6:00am and it was 98.0. I was confused so took it again 2 mins later and it was 97.5 again. Which temp should I use? Or should I pick a temp in the middle of them? Both temps are above all my other temps for this cycle, so I'm thinking I prob O'd last night.

However this morning FF gave me cross hairs saying I was 3dpo. I think they are wrong though based on my OPKs - opinions?

And on the subject of OPKs, I have been taking them twice a day. Once with my FMU and once in the evening at about 7:30pm. CD20 I got positives in the morning and evening, CD21 I got a postive in the morning and a negative in the evening. Then this morning I got another positive?? I know your not meant to use FMU because it can be too concentrated and give false positives....so based on that I'm thinking mabe I should only base my OPKs on my evening tests, in which case I should only record a postive for CD20?? Do people agree with this?

Then if all that thinking is correct I'm thinking I O'd yesterday overnight and today I am 1dpo?? What do you guys think? I am very new to this and it is all very confusing.

I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination but looking at your chart I think you O'd on Sat or Sun but probably Sat despite the -ve opk as you can get a +ve opk just after O too I've read. As for the temp I would record the lowest one. But like I say, I'm really know expert. Hope that helps and thanks for your opinion on mine. I think it was probably on Sunday too for me. Xx
Amy I am going to agree with makemeamommy here. Your temps certainly indicate ovulation. Of course watch them over the next few days and probably bd just in case as before these crosshairs I spiked up for 3 days and then dropped and stayed down and lost my crosshairs.
On that same note, what do you ladies think of my chart? Ff thinks I ovulated on the 28th but the 29ths temp was just barely above that and it jumped up on the 30th so not sure if I ovulated on the 28th or 29th
Update :af finally caught me I am sure she is here because light red flow has started sorry tmi. GL Twag and Clandestine now I am no more with you guys:cry:

Sorry to hear that Tulip, I was really hoping you three cycles buddues would get your BPFs together. Hope your not feeling too low

HW - how are the lines today? Any lighter? Sorry you are feeling worried :hugs: the good thing is you have regular cycles right? So I would just keep BDing for next few days regardless of stupid opk's! :thumbup:

Tulip and Amcollechi - sorry the :witch: got you! :hugs:

Ashntony we have started a thread in the 2ww section if you want to come join. I'm either 1dpo or today is O day, not really very sure. Opk's were -ve but dark yesterday with good temp drop and today are very -ve (almost no line) and temp is up but not above where coverline would be. Any expert opinions on if O was today or yesterday ladies? Had my positive opk two days ago now xx

Hmmm, thats not an easy one. I guess it depends on what your next temp is, but I'm thinking you O'd on the day of your temp dip.

I too am having some trouble interpreting my signs...help would be great.

First of all I don't know which temp to record for today. I had a really restless sleep (prob because I was anxious about my temp in the morning which is very ironic). I slept on and off between 1:30am and 6am. I normally take my temp at 5:30am. Last night I had been lying in bed awake for about an hour I think when I decided to take my temp at 4:10am and it was 97.5. Then I finally got a bit of sleep, maybe 30mins before I took my temp again at 6:00am and it was 98.0. I was confused so took it again 2 mins later and it was 97.5 again. Which temp should I use? Or should I pick a temp in the middle of them? Both temps are above all my other temps for this cycle, so I'm thinking I prob O'd last night.

However this morning FF gave me cross hairs saying I was 3dpo. I think they are wrong though based on my OPKs - opinions?

And on the subject of OPKs, I have been taking them twice a day. Once with my FMU and once in the evening at about 7:30pm. CD20 I got positives in the morning and evening, CD21 I got a postive in the morning and a negative in the evening. Then this morning I got another positive?? I know your not meant to use FMU because it can be too concentrated and give false positives....so based on that I'm thinking mabe I should only base my OPKs on my evening tests, in which case I should only record a postive for CD20?? Do people agree with this?

Then if all that thinking is correct I'm thinking I O'd yesterday overnight and today I am 1dpo?? What do you guys think? I am very new to this and it is all very confusing.

I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination but looking at your chart I think you O'd on Sat or Sun but probably Sat despite the -ve opk as you can get a +ve opk just after O too I've read. As for the temp I would record the lowest one. But like I say, I'm really know expert. Hope that helps and thanks for your opinion on mine. I think it was probably on Sunday too for me. Xx

I agree with mammy and I also think mammy looks like Sunday may have been your day.

AFM- temp didn't keep rising but it stayed up there. Waiting to take OPK
Sorry tulip :hugs:

Almost positive today is O day!! Second day of peak on monitor and temp dip this morning :dance:
Thanks but I pray that you and Clandestine ill get BFP'S this cycle .

Thanks, jury still out here. Keeping my :witch: at bay with all the :gun: I got!

...seriously, though... no f-ing clue what's going on. Still symptoms of high progesterone, no real signs of oncoming :witch: and BFNs every day this week. Will stay with you on the March thread, regardless of how things turn out for me, because I'm kind've fond of you, tulip, and the other ladies on your threads!

Sorry the :witch: got you Tulip and Amcollechi. Fx Twag and Clandestine. Hope you get those BFPs soon.
Tulip- can you please put me down for the 13th? I'm 6dpo according to ff and temp hasn't dropped like it did last time I tried and failed to ovulate. Hoping for a BFP for Valentines day. Either way I think I'll be glad to be done with this cycle. It will be 70 days if it comes when predicted. That's over twice the "average woman's" cycle!

Thanks for your XF for me :) Even with your 70 day cycle - at least you finally ovulated! I hope you caught it and that this will be your last cycle for a long time!

I too am having some trouble interpreting my signs...help would be great.

First of all I don't know which temp to record for today. I had a really restless sleep (prob because I was anxious about my temp in the morning which is very ironic). I slept on and off between 1:30am and 6am. I normally take my temp at 5:30am. Last night I had been lying in bed awake for about an hour I think when I decided to take my temp at 4:10am and it was 97.5. Then I finally got a bit of sleep, maybe 30mins before I took my temp again at 6:00am and it was 98.0. I was confused so took it again 2 mins later and it was 97.5 again. Which temp should I use? Or should I pick a temp in the middle of them? Both temps are above all my other temps for this cycle, so I'm thinking I prob O'd last night.

However this morning FF gave me cross hairs saying I was 3dpo. I think they are wrong though based on my OPKs - opinions?

And on the subject of OPKs, I have been taking them twice a day. Once with my FMU and once in the evening at about 7:30pm. CD20 I got positives in the morning and evening, CD21 I got a postive in the morning and a negative in the evening. Then this morning I got another positive?? I know your not meant to use FMU because it can be too concentrated and give false positives....so based on that I'm thinking mabe I should only base my OPKs on my evening tests, in which case I should only record a postive for CD20?? Do people agree with this?

Then if all that thinking is correct I'm thinking I O'd yesterday overnight and today I am 1dpo?? What do you guys think? I am very new to this and it is all very confusing.

Can't help you with the OPKs, because they never turn positive for me, even with FMU. My rule of thumb, which seems to be the most conservative route, try not to multitemp (I honestly can't help myself either), if you must take more than one temp - ALWAYS side with the lowest one, as you are trying to get your base-level temperature. Worst case scenario, ovulation gets estimated a day or two later. Better to work at a BFP a day or two longer than necessary than to stop short! Just my humble opinion!
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! Tell me you see it too!!!! It's not FMU and still only 11dpo... but I swear I see a faint line!!!! What do you think??? I put original pic and tweeked to see it better.... I will for sure be testing again in the morning with FMU!!

OMG I think I just got my first faint :bfp: :happydance::happydance::happydance:
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! Tell me you see it too!!!! It's not FMU and still only 11dpo... but I swear I see a faint line!!!! What do you think??? I put original pic and tweeked to see it better.... I will for sure be testing again in the morning with FMU!!

OMG I think I just got my first faint :bfp: :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Helps to attach the images :winkwink:


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I think I can faintly see it in the first picture but not the second. I'm so excited for you! I can't wait till morning to see ur perfect bfp!
Second negative OPK. Last night (morning positive, afternoon negative) and negative this morning again. Bad cramps over ovary this morning and sensitive feeling in nipples on waking but looking at my temps I've no idea. Also worried if I o'd now (12-36 hours after last positive OPK) I didn't bd in time. Bummer
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! Tell me you see it too!!!! It's not FMU and still only 11dpo... but I swear I see a faint line!!!! What do you think??? I put original pic and tweeked to see it better.... I will for sure be testing again in the morning with FMU!!

OMG I think I just got my first faint :bfp: :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Helps to attach the images :winkwink:

I see positive!!
Yay Two BFP's! Im sorry for those of you that got AF already :kiss::kiss: I'm still on my TWW with a full week left to go.
I see a faint line on the bottom one on both pics I hope it gets darker for you it is still early at 11 dpo so FXd :dust:

AFM - no sign of AF 15dpo today temp went down a little again today I still reckon she will show by the end of the week :shrug:
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! Tell me you see it too!!!! It's not FMU and still only 11dpo... but I swear I see a faint line!!!! What do you think??? I put original pic and tweeked to see it better.... I will for sure be testing again in the morning with FMU!!

OMG I think I just got my first faint :bfp: :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Helps to attach the images :winkwink:

I see it on the ic! Hope it gets darker
Thanks girls for all your opinions of my chart. I'm personally hoping I didn't O untill at least Sunday because our Bding would be better for that day onwards, but hopefully either way we have Bd enough! Really interested to see what my temp will be tomorrow. Hopefully I get a better sleep.

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! Tell me you see it too!!!! It's not FMU and still only 11dpo... but I swear I see a faint line!!!! What do you think??? I put original pic and tweeked to see it better.... I will for sure be testing again in the morning with FMU!!

OMG I think I just got my first faint :bfp: :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Helps to attach the images :winkwink:

I see it! I see it! Can't wait to see your morning test. FX!!!
I see a faint line on the bottom one on both pics I hope it gets darker for you it is still early at 11 dpo so FXd :dust:

AFM - no sign of AF 15dpo today temp went down a little again today I still reckon she will show by the end of the week :shrug:

Your chart is looking great now. Have you been testing? If not when are you testing...I'm thinking a BFP may be on the cards!

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