First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Finally checking in after a few days, and the first post my eyes land on is BabyW's BFP!!! YAY!! Congrats!! :thumbup::happydance: I'm SO happy for you!

Ok, going to read the rest, and will post more soon!
Finally checking in after a few days, and the first post my eyes land on is BabyW's BFP!!! YAY!! Congrats!! :thumbup::happydance: I'm SO happy for you!

Ok, going to read the rest, and will post more soon!

Thanks, crossing fingers it sticks. I hope this starts a bfp domino effect. No symptoms today like I had yesterday so far. No cramping, or heartburn. I forgot how symptoms really do come and go in a day. Who tests next?
That is not even a light line, I don't think. You are 6dp5dt right? So that is like 11 dpo? That is a good line for an early test.
That is not even a light line, I don't think. You are 6dp5dt right? So that is like 11 dpo? That is a good line for an early test.

Yes I'm 6dp5dt. I can't wait for Brighteyez, Knitgirl, Kfs, Amy and everyone else this month.
BabyW, I'm still so excited for you, that made my whole day. :)

kfs, amy, knit, will you girls be testing before your betas??

brighteyez, where are ya girl??

Leens, congrats on being PUPO now! You're joining our other girls in the TWW, yay!!

beagle, remind me when your hysteroscopy is? I'm sure it will be totally fine... in my experience, every surgery/procedure I've ever gone under anesthesia for was made quite pleasant by my Drs. I don't know if that's just been my experience or what... but they always make me very comfortable (I can't say the same when I wasn't under this last time). I'm assuming they'll send you home with some pains meds for a day or two? And those work like a charm too.

terri, glad you got your meds! So, you have your scratch tomorrow (GL!), and when will you start your meds?

booger, well, I'm really sorry for the delay... you're handling it really well, and just going with the flow, so that's great. I def feel like your Dr is looking out for you, so since he thinks its best, that would give me comfort.

Hi to Moni, Jen, jkb, and LadySosa!!

I had my appt yesterday to make sure I was ready to start my E patches. They did the usual baseline u/s and b/w. All is well. Today I got to half my dose of Lupron (YAY!!!!!), and tonight I start my patch (YAY again!). I can't tell you how excited I am to get OUT of the suppression phase and start producing dang hormones again!
Erin - next Tues...dr told me to fill the vicadin meant for my retrieval & bring that in on the day of my surgery. Crazy thing is there were 25 pills & a refill!!! Jeez...that is a lot.
I took a test this morning and it was BFN. Not feeling too hopeful for my Beta tomorrow. I called the nurse and she said to still come in, and that she has had patients who get BFN at home on the day of the Beta, and then get a BFP with the Beta. We will see ...
BabyW-I got busy as soon as I came into work and forgot to check in. Congratulations!!! :wohoo: :happydance: I agree with beagle; that is not a light line. I knew those cramps were true symptoms. Yeah!

knitgirl-Your nurse is right. Sometimes the tests at home aren't as sensitive, and say your HCG is 14, but the test doesn't show positive until 15, you would think that you weren't pregnant. Know what I mean? Remain positive.

ERose-Yeah for starting!! It's the best feeling in the world. My hubs was freaked out last night when he saw all the needles, and only three vials of medicine. I told him that sometimes they send extras, and I will double check with the nurse as far as what needle to use for what, but he'll be used to it in a few days. I'm supposed to go for b/w, u/s, scratch tomorrow and if all looks well, delestrogen starting tomorrow night. I would much rather be on a morning schedule, so I'm going to ask if I can switch to mornings.
BabyW, I'm still so excited for you, that made my whole day. :)

kfs, amy, knit, will you girls be testing before your betas??

brighteyez, where are ya girl??

Leens, congrats on being PUPO now! You're joining our other girls in the TWW, yay!!

beagle, remind me when your hysteroscopy is? I'm sure it will be totally fine... in my experience, every surgery/procedure I've ever gone under anesthesia for was made quite pleasant by my Drs. I don't know if that's just been my experience or what... but they always make me very comfortable (I can't say the same when I wasn't under this last time). I'm assuming they'll send you home with some pains meds for a day or two? And those work like a charm too.

terri, glad you got your meds! So, you have your scratch tomorrow (GL!), and when will you start your meds?

booger, well, I'm really sorry for the delay... you're handling it really well, and just going with the flow, so that's great. I def feel like your Dr is looking out for you, so since he thinks its best, that would give me comfort.

Hi to Moni, Jen, jkb, and LadySosa!!

I had my appt yesterday to make sure I was ready to start my E patches. They did the usual baseline u/s and b/w. All is well. Today I got to half my dose of Lupron (YAY!!!!!), and tonight I start my patch (YAY again!). I can't tell you how excited I am to get OUT of the suppression phase and start producing dang hormones again!

Yeah for getting the show on the road! And halving your Lupron...I've heard enough about that drug to know it's a toughie. I am so excited for you to start. Thank you for your well wishes and I'm glad this has given you ray of hope. I have Hashimoto's, had Lyme for years, am not in the best shape, had 3 failed IUIs, so while I am happy I am keeping the horse in the gate. I think last time I started to relax around 20 weeks, no joke.

Knitgirl, my sister in law didn't test positive for over a week past her af date. She was so thrown off when she had the baby they thought she was 32 weeks but after doing tests on the baby they said he was closer to 34. She implanted so late her EDD was 2 weeks off. Hang in there and have faith.

Baby dust to everyone.
Babywhisperer - OMG!!! YAY!!!! :wohoo: Congratulations!! I'm sooo happy for you. You are so brave (and it paid off) I'm terrified to test early. Did you have any symptoms that made you suspect the test would be positive?

Terri - Awww thank you (for missing me hee hee). You don't realized how a few kind words can totally make someone else's day :) I hope your scratch goes well tomorrow. Are you more anxious about it this time since you know what's coming?

Erin - I'm going to test before my beta but not until the day before I think. My beta is next Tuesday, so I think I'll test Monday. I'm scared of testing too early and getting a false positive because of the trigger or getting a false negative because it's too early. I'm just plain scared lol. YAY for getting out of the suppression stage and getting on with the hormones :)

Knitgirl - I'm so sorry about the BFN! But remain positive. There really is still hope.
Terri thank you! You encouraged me to test! Bad influence, j/k.

Amy I had wicked cramps all day yesterday, heartburn after eating a banana, blue veins in my chest that spread to my biceps and torso, headache, extreme thirst and dry mouth all of these are not my usual. The heartburn as the biggest hint something might be brewing. My symptoms come and go though. I think I'm sensitive to any hormone fluctuation including my thyroid. I'm praying this holds.
Things are starting to get exciting around here again - and by that I mean that I feel all buzzy waiting to see what's going to happen next!

knitgirl - Try to stay positive. :flower: Terri's right, many, many women have tested negative at home only to go for their Beta and get a positive. We're all here pulling for you! :hugs:

terri - I hoping that your scratch tomorrow isn't as bad as the first time. I'm so stinking excited for you to get going! I got my medications last week before we knew I was going to need the hysteroscopy and there are needles for drawing up the PIO and then you switch to a smaller one for injection. They are all scary though!

Erin - I'm also over the moon for you to get going as well! I feel like we've all been waiting a lifetime.

Amy - I think your plan to wait until the morning of your Beta is a good one. I keep running over in my mind what I think I'm going to do but it's so hard to know until you're in it. I plan on not testing at home at all....but I also have like 30 cheapie HPTs from that came with the OPKs I used to use that will be sitting there calling to me. I might just go ahead and throw them away to rid of any temptation. I've been thinking of putting up our tree too - and that is so unlike me. I've always been a staunch "one holiday at a time" person but the snow and cold have put me into the holiday spirit early this season. We put up a real tree that we go and cut down from the forest. It's so much fun to go out and look for a tree - except last year it started sleeting so it helped us pick our tree much faster. :winkwink: I have a fake one I that put up in our upstairs family room too.

Beagle - Did you have any special instructions for before your hysteroscopy next week? I was just told I couldn't take anything other than Tylenol for pain between now and when I have mine on Dec. 4. I almost never take anything because I don't get many headaches or anything but I found that interesting. Just curious.

Hello to all the other ladies out there! I hope you're all doing well.

I just heard back from my clinic. All systems are go for the hysteroscopy on Dec. 4th. Is it weird to be excited for something like this? Because I am. I think it's because it gives me something to look forward too instead of just sitting here twiddling my thumbs until February. My nurse thinks February is likely for the transfer but it could get pushed to March. I sure hope not because by then I'm pretty sure I'll be like 80 years old. At least that what it feels like at this point.

I'm going to see David Sedaris tonight and I cannot wait! I am so excited to have a good laugh. I'm going with a friend and we'll have dinner out beforehand too. :happydance: Too bad I have to go home and do an hour of Insanity before we leave. :dohh:
Booger - no special instructions for me...except no eating or drinking (even water) after midnight the night before. I have a baselin that morning at my clinic & then have to be at the hopsital 2 hours before surgery which is at 12. I told my husband he has to eat breakfast while I am getting ready that morning AWAY from me. I do not want to see any food or water. It is going to be a LONG day, so I made a list of things I want to bring like books, pillow, blanket. Also I want to pack some water, gatorade & snacks for after. I think I read you should eat a small protein snack after & then small dinner.

So I guess I am going to be the nut case on this thread. I am testing starting the morning after the trigger. I want to see when it leaves & then see that second line show back up!
Did this work?

OH MY WORD!!! It definitely looks like you're pregnant, I'm so so so happy for you!!!

PS: Why is it that when one of my friends or family announce their pregnancy I want to roll up in a corner and die but when it's one of us - overwhelming joy? Very odd but anyway girl that is a definite line, no doubt about that!:thumbup:
booger-Thanks for the assist on the delestrogen. I did some snooping around online and found the same thing. What a waste of materials. Why can't I just draw it and shoot it with the same, although, the drawing needle is HUGE, as in a large circumference, so I'm happy to switch to the smaller gauge for injection.

I can't remember who asked, but I have no idea if I'm more or less fearful of the scratch because I have been through it once. I think less fearful because I know it's only going to last a few seconds whereas last week I thought it was going to last ten seconds. I'll power through, just like I do with everything.

beagle-You can be the nutcase. HA!!HA!! It'll be a good experiment to see when it leaves your system. I tested the trigger on my first IUI, and with those cheap wondfos, it wasn't a very long test. I think it only showed up for two days. Oh, and my work has herbal tea, so I can drink that starting tomorrow. Orange spice (yuck) and cinnamon apple.

Amy-I think testing at home the day before is good. I was very sad (almost devastated) after my first IUI when I didn't test and got the phone call. The second time I tested beforehand just so I would be able to cope when hearing the voicemail. In my case(s), it sucked either way, but it was easier for me to have an idea of what was to come, although I still had a small glimmer because of the sensitivity of the tests.
booger76 Glad you're moving forward, ttc does funny things to us like looking forward to a hysteroscopy, only we would understand that I guess but you made me laugh.

beaglemom I think you should stand up and admit that you are addicted to peeing on a stick lol nothing wrong with that. Hope your grant comes through * fingers crossed*

You must be excited to start your cycle tomorrow! Yippee!!! I applaud you for giving up coffee, I have my one in the morning - no alcohol, no sex (eeuw progesterone vijayjay bullets make that...eeuw) I cannot possibly be expected me to give up my one and only measly cup of coffee every morning.

Amy1976 I've got my late mother's dark purple xmas tree and I've bought a whole lot of silver decorations so I'm so excited to put it up, hubs is like, it's bad luck to put decorations up before 1st of December :( I don't believe in that but he's adamant. Christmas makes everything so happy, enjoy it.

Babywhisperer Again, I'm so so happy for you girl, you really made my day :)

ERosePW Glad things are moving along for you.

Knitgirl Keep the faith, remember we are all here for you, each and every one of us knows exactly what you're going through, we've all been there. Fingers, toes, ect, ect... all crossed for you.

AFM - I'm now 4dp3dt and I'm feeling like I have mild period cramps, lots of people experience this, some bfn, some bfp but it's not nice at all, especially since I cannot take any medication plus I still have hayfever that I can't take anything for.

Progesterone vijayjay bullets are working on my last nerve - how do you all deal with bathing? I love to bath in the mornings but now I must bath in the evenings because I have to lay after I put the evil bullets in so I set my alarm early, get up go to the toilet, put the bullet in and then sleep for another half hour but I don't want to bath after so I keep on timing what I have to do around these stupid vijayjay bullets. Seriously, I would rather inject myself, much easier than dealing with oily creamy, eeuw stuff.

Rant over! You should see my basset hound sleeping now, her body is in her bed but her head is hanging on the floor, she's so cute when she's sleeping, when she wakes that is another story, I think she thinks her name is "no Maddie no, stop it Maddie".

PS: Think I'm getting old, have two pups, Maddie and Dobby, two cats, Diesel and Rocco, tried to stop Dobby biting my plant, so I shouted Diesel, Maddie, Poppies (Rocco's nickname), um know what your name is, stop it. My mother used to do that, except with my mom it was Patrick, Bernard, David, Donovan, Sharon...uh uh you come here lol (have 5 siblings).
booger76 Glad you're moving forward, ttc does funny things to us like looking forward to a hysteroscopy, only we would understand that I guess but you made me laugh.

beaglemom I think you should stand up and admit that you are addicted to peeing on a stick lol nothing wrong with that. Hope your grant comes through * fingers crossed*

You must be excited to start your cycle tomorrow! Yippee!!! I applaud you for giving up coffee, I have my one in the morning - no alcohol, no sex (eeuw progesterone vijayjay bullets make that...eeuw) I cannot possibly be expected me to give up my one and only measly cup of coffee every morning.

Amy1976 I've got my late mother's dark purple xmas tree and I've bought a whole lot of silver decorations so I'm so excited to put it up, hubs is like, it's bad luck to put decorations up before 1st of December :( I don't believe in that but he's adamant. Christmas makes everything so happy, enjoy it.

Babywhisperer Again, I'm so so happy for you girl, you really made my day :)

ERosePW Glad things are moving along for you.

Knitgirl Keep the faith, remember we are all here for you, each and every one of us knows exactly what you're going through, we've all been there. Fingers, toes, ect, ect... all crossed for you.

AFM - I'm now 4dp3dt and I'm feeling like I have mild period cramps, lots of people experience this, some bfn, some bfp but it's not nice at all, especially since I cannot take any medication plus I still have hayfever that I can't take anything for.

Progesterone vijayjay bullets are working on my last nerve - how do you all deal with bathing? I love to bath in the mornings but now I must bath in the evenings because I have to lay after I put the evil bullets in so I set my alarm early, get up go to the toilet, put the bullet in and then sleep for another half hour but I don't want to bath after so I keep on timing what I have to do around these stupid vijayjay bullets. Seriously, I would rather inject myself, much easier than dealing with oily creamy, eeuw stuff.

Rant over! You should see my basset hound sleeping now, her body is in her bed but her head is hanging on the floor, she's so cute when she's sleeping, when she wakes that is another story, I think she thinks her name is "no Maddie no, stop it Maddie".

PS: Think I'm getting old, have two pups, Maddie and Dobby, two cats, Diesel and Rocco, tried to stop Dobby biting my plant, so I shouted Diesel, Maddie, Poppies (Rocco's nickname), um know what your name is, stop it. My mother used to do that, except with my mom it was Patrick, Bernard, David, Donovan, Sharon...uh uh you come here lol (have 5 siblings).

Thank you. As soon as I posted I immediately felt guilty like I jumped the line by testing so early and before people who had their transfer done before me. I just had a sneaking suspicion in my gut and felt like I couldn't wait. I'm not the most patient person.

As far as the PIO vs inserts, can your Dr switch you? I hate the goop that would leak out when I stood or while running for trains on my commute. The shots are much easier, and I hate needles.
Leens-I think everyone with multiple kids and pets does the name them all thing. hee hee. Too funny. It's not a sign of aging. I was looking in my closet last night and I have a container of bubble bath that someone gave me as a wedding present. i can't even remember the last time I took a bath, so I can't help you. I always put in my endometrin after my shower, and then it leaked out all day. HA!!HA!! Gross. I would call the doctor and see if you can switch too. That's one thing that I'm a little ok with-not having that goopy progesterone leaking all day. And...we can have unprotected BD, so I'm REALLY happy about that. It's seriously, the little things these days. *sigh*
Hello ladies,

I am here!!

I feel ya Knitgirl! I have a BFN too and I don't test until Friday!!! I am now 16days past trigger 9dp5dt. I am so upset and depressed, not hope left for a BFP right now. But what can you do? I hope tomorrow brings your BFP!!!

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