First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Oh that progesterone is mean!!! You are so close BabyW!! Hang in there!
I'm starting to get my appetite back so these pills have to be helping. DH comes home tomorrow so we will sneak a peak with the ultrasound at his office. I'm excited to see. I really hope the OB office calls with my blood results tomorrow. I'm excited about the gender of course but I'm curious about the chromosome testing.

Booger it is SO COOL that you can know the gender. How exciting!!
Would PIO cause heartburn and blue veins too? I think the Endometrin caused blue veins after my IUIs and maybe heartburn is a one off. Nothing else to report.

How about all the ladies who transferred two? You ladies feeling any symptoms yet? I've beard with twins you could get a BFP sooner.

I think it's the PIO for me. I go from shivering to warm. I know the progesterone can play tricks so I'm not reading into it. It would be a great Bday gift since it's in 10 days. That would be the best Bday gift ever. Still feel like AF is coming though. I have the pre AF cramps I get a couple of days before.

You know what I was thinking??? What did Teri cook this weekend!

jen I'm happy the meds are working. Hopefully your second Tri is nausea free. Enjoy the bump now that it's popped. I'm sure the chromosome tests are great. So excited to hear the gender. That is if you'll be so kind as to share it.

Night night. Back to some crazy progesterone induced dreams I can't make sense of.
Terri - What the heck about your meds???? Can they do anything about it?

Erin - Hope you're feeling better about everything hun!

Babywhisperer - I had that same feeling yesterday where I couldn't get warm. But then hours later, I was SO overheated. It's probably the progesterone, right?

Beagle - I went shopping this weekend, too! I bought some much needed clothes for work and a dress for my friend's wedding that's coming up. Ugh - so bloated and gross so that wasn't too much fun.

JCM - Any news from your OB? I really have to wonder, WTF was your mother thinking saying those things? My mom can be brutal like that sometimes, too, but not THAT bad. I'm glad you know enough to brush it off though. Most of my friends will not tell their chosen name until the baby is born for that very reason. People have waaaay too many opinions.

Booger - Ugh. I shudder at the thought of having to go to a baby shower right now. Do you know that silly movie Baby Mama with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler? That stupid movie made me cry yesterday. My hormones are still on overload I guess.

Leens/knit/brighteyez - how are you all feeling?

Hi everyone else!

Nothing to report here. I've had some headaches but they feel more like sinus issues. And I'm having the same thing as Babywhisperer where I'm freezing and then so hot. Also, a few twinges but other than that, nothing, nada, zilch. This whole waiting thing STINKS. I'm too nervous to test.
kfs1-I thought your beta was today. Maybe it's on Thursday (?). I hear you about being nervous to test..that's how I am too. I don't want to be disappointed, and I'm not that curious. I'm over the meds situation. They should be on my doorstep when I get home, and like I said, 'what's $300 when I've already put thousands on my credit card?' Besides, my ex boyfriend and his wife (the one who had the tragic baby death) rents out my shed, and he hadn't paid rent in a while. Well, he came by yesterday, and paid $240. So..that covers my meds. Done. Sending positive vibes your way.

brighteyez/knitgirl-I'm pretty sure we should be hearing from you today, right? Keep us in the loop. We're all SO excited to hear your good news.

babyW-My dad left on early Sunday morning and I went out with friends on Saturday night for dinner. My bestie made potato/leek soup, we had fresh mozzarella and salami for appies, and she also made fresh fettuccine with chicken in an alfredo sauce. Her husband made lace cookies, and my caramel apples were a fail. HA!!HA! We ended up eating cut up apples with caramel dip.

Jen-Sorry your mom is such a downer. Just remember, it's your baby and your life. If you love Henry, what is your mom going to do about it? Absolutely nothing. She had her turn and she chose Jen. :) You're so patient with everyone. I do admire you for that. :hugs:

AFM-Hubs and I went to brunch yesterday since both of our football teams had bye weeks. We stopped at ToysRUs because the cashier told me that if some stuff I bought a few weeks ago went on sale, I could bring the receipt back and get a discount. Well, it went on sale and I was owed $6 (cheap terri is knocking...). I went back yesterday and the cashier was like "Who told you to come back with only the receipt?" I was like "The cashier! I don't know who she is!" I didn't want to say a round, white girl with stringy, brown hair, but she was almost forcing me to. Anyway, after I stood there for a while, she said 'Ok..I'll refund you the money, but next time you have to come back in seven days.' I pretended like I cared and said 'Oh, thank you SOOO much. I really appreciate you doing this for me.' But I was thinking 'Just give me my money or no..I have brunch to eat.' This is why I hate shopping, ToysR Us, leaving my house, dealing with people, etc...Then, the waitress at our brunch place sucked and I complained to her manager. The waitress wasn't happy to be working, and just gave overall poor service. I told her we would be having dessert (which is rare for me), and as soon as we finished our brunch, she brought us the bill (it had milky/watery wet liquid on the front from her grubby hands). Um..I was going to get dessert, but I quickly changed my mind, and asked for the manager. Hubs got two drinks taken off the bill, and we got some free coupons. Unfortunately, we wont be back (it was that terrible) or using the coupons. Now that I know how to poach an egg, I can make my own eggs benedict!
Yes I am ready to hear some beta results!

I am ready to get this week over with. I am volunteering at the library book sale tomorrow night & Saturday. Hopefully I can stay away from buying books for myself...I have way too many. Then Tues is my Wed then a holiday Thurs. Work should be pretty dead on Friday. So hoping for a stressfree week & smooth recovery. I think my calendar says I stop bcp on the 27th. It can not get here soon enough. We probably won't be doing anything on Thursday. My husband will be working preparing for the Black Friday sale. I have never gone out for early shopping on Black Friday...but last year I did the sales on Amazon...very addicting.

Ugh...boring day started at work so far. We have a call at 10:30 to discuss our new responsibilities since one of the other assistants left. I am actually hoping the extra work will make the next month go by faster.
Thanks girls. Apparently I'm still emotional, because just reading your posts made me cry again. LOL What a disaster I am. Maybe its the relief of having my feelings validated, or just the kindness coming from people who get it, is so refreshing. Terri's mention of seeing a movie and eating junk food makes me REALLY wish we were local. It would be GREAT to hang out w/ girls dealing w/ the same crap, and be able to pick each other up in person w/ wine, movies, and junk food. I believe this Lupron is doing a number on me. Since I opted to do this hyst, I'm technically on the stuff longer than I was in my other cycles, and the longer you're on it, the worse it affects you. Hormone suppression SUCKS. I'm actually looking super forward to starting my E and halfing my Lupron.

Oh yes, the results... almost forgot, haha. No polyps. She did say I had some sort of slight curve at the top, but probably harmless. There's something called a septum that is fibrous and doesnt get enough blood flow, so it can cause m/c, but she said a septum isn't just a curve, its much more pronounced and shaped different. The only way to be 100% certain though, would be to have the hyst again under anesthesia and cut into the tissue of the curved area to make sure it's not fibrous. She said it was up to me. So I asked what her opinion was, and she said in her honest professional opinion, it's probably NOT fibrous, probably completely harmless. So I'm gonna skip it. I hope I'm making the right choice!

Erin - I'm so sorry your hysteroscopy was so awful! I'm glad to hear there are no polyps. I feel for you in terms of the Lupron - it really did a number on me too. Hopefully you'll be able to lower it soon!
knitgirl I'm sorry but friends suck, it's useless talking to them, they really don't understand at all. I've stopped, I just say everything is ok and chat to you all, you're very lucky if you have one person that understands. I understand they don't get it but I for one am tired of being hurt by the people closest to me.

Amy1976 Congratulations! Here's to two sticky wishes!!!!

Terripeachy I agree with you 100%, we'll all be pregnant soon!

ERosePW The hysteroscopy sounds awful, but I agree with Terripeachy and the rest, you're allowed to cry, scream, feel sad whenever you want. What we go through is really crappy, what we put our bodies through is insane so we are allowed our mini-breakdowns whenever we want :)

AFM - My egg retrieval went well today, I've been in loads of pain today so I've just been chilling on the couch, eating custard, biltong and nuts. Hubs has been amazing, his sample thing went well but when I asked him about it (want to know if it's the same as in the movies), he got all shy, seriously he has way too many feelings for a guy. Never been put under before, I found it very weird, I remember my doctor lifting up my one leg to put it in the stirrups (is that the right word for it) and then they were waking me up. Only problem my blood pressure wouldn't normalise, stayed low so they kept me longer than required, plus I didn't listen to the GO STRAIGHT HOME comment, instead we went to the shops to get snacks and I almost fainted in the shop.

I'm a bit worried, they only got 6 embies and only 4 were good quality, I called the lab today but my doctor will call tomorrow and he'll let me know more, really hoping they all fertilise and mature, fingers crossed!

BTW I started my progesterone tablets today and what I thought was a suppositry, turns out it's one of those horrible things that you put in your vijayjay, only problem is I have hayfever so every time I put it in, I sneeze and it shoots back out. Also, how far do you put it in, as far as you can reach? Hubs says he can tell when I've just inserted it as my face is all scrunchy and I walk like a duck, really? making fun of me while I'm in pain and uncomfortable? sooo not the best idea, told him to take his stupid comments and shove it up his arse lol *evil wife*

Congrats on your retrieval!!
Good morning, ladies!

As usual, it's been busy around here.

Babywhisperer - Your date night sounds wonderful, even if it was only 90 min long. DH and I were in bed at 8 pm the other night. We just laughed as we crawled into bed about how old we already were. Glad you're warming up. I hate that feeling when you can't get warm. Looks like winter is settling in everywhere now. It's 4 degrees out here right now and DH went to sit in his tree stand! He is crazy.

terri - I agree with babywhisperer - what a nice thing you did with not taking the meds. I hope that good karma pays off come transfer time.:haha:

Beagle - Have fun on your outing with DH today! I hope that you don't get saddled with too much more work with one of the other assistants leaving. Sounds pretty similar to what happens at my office - one person leaves and they just dump all the work on everyone else. Sigh.

Moni - That sucks about the pasta/marinara thing. Maybe it will go away? Ugh. That sounds horrible. Pasta is one of my favorite things too and so easy to fix. I'm hoping it doesn't last the rest of the pregnancy for you.

Leens - Congrats on your retrieval!:happydance: I hope you're feeling better today. Try not to sweat the number of embryos things - as everyone said, it only takes one. Hang in there - we're here for you. Will you be doing a five day transfer?

Erin - Glad you're feeling better. I think trusting what your doctor says about the fibrous tissue issue is a good decision. I think she would tell you otherwise!

kfs - Hope you found something fun to do today!

Jen - Sorry that things aren't improving on the inlaw front. That sucks. Did your DH have any luck hunting??

LadySosa - Things have changed with my schedule now so I might not be that far behind you now for transfer!

knitgirl - Sorry about your friends. I agree with Terri - they probably just have no idea how to relate or how emotionally and physically demanding IVF can be. Or maybe they just aren't sure whether talking to you about is helpful or upsetting to you. I know that when I had friends in the past dealing with infertility I had NO IDEA what to say so I just didn't say anything at all. I doubt they are being hurtful on purpose.:hugs:

brighteyez - How are you doing??

Hello to jkb!

I wish I had better news to report. My mock transfer yesterday, while smoother than the first one, still wasn't as smooth as my doctor would like. I could feel what he was doing and despite having taken an injection to help prevent cramping, I still had some. So, my clinic is double-checking to make sure my insurance will cover a hysteroscopy and we tentatively scheduled it for Dec. 4th. Then I'll have to wait about 6 weeks, have another mock and then we can do a real transfer. So I'm thinking it's going to be February now. While it's a bummer, it is what it is. My nurse and doctor asked how I would feel if we didn't do the procedure and the transfer failed - would I be questioning whether transfer was the problem? I know I would so I think the procedure is the right move at this point.

Basically, my doctor said I shouldn't feel anything during the transfer and while he can get the catheter in there, he said it's not smooth and easy, peasy and he doesn't like that. With the hysteroscopy, he'll get in there and shave off the bump that is in the way.

In other news, I got the gender results from our PGS results. I had my nurse put them in a sealed envelope and then DH and I opened it last night. I just couldn't take not knowing. So out of the six embryos we had tested, 3 were boys and 3 were girls (just as one would expect). However, out of the 6 total, only 3 were chromosomally normal. Out of the 3 normal ones, we have 2 girls and one boy!!! I asked DH before I opened the envelope to guess what the genders of the normal ones were and he said all girls. I said 2 boys and one girl and then he said "It'll be the opposite of that" and it was. Hehe. It's all very exciting and I keep looking at the paper over and over. Our three abnormal ones were all missing chromosomes.

Anyway, sorry for the book. I'm okay with what's happening as I know it's what is best. It's only a couple of more months and the upside is that if we are successful in February, then the due date is much better for DHs work schedule (it would avoid our wildfire season). Oh and I get to ski more this winter so I'm kind of excited about that.

I'm so sorry to hear that you have to delay, but it sounds like you are trying to make the best of it. Congrats on healthy embies!! Two girls and a boy - wow!
Morning everyone! I just caught up on all the posts - so much activity as usual. :)

It was really helpful to read about the progesterone symptoms. So, last week I had twinges in my groin area. I also had some sharp pains in my ovary, which I think is just left over from the stimulation/retrieval. I'm having crazy dreams, my boobs are sore like when I was first pregnant the last time, and I'm off and on emotional - had a good cry last night. I had a little blood/spotting when I put the crinone in on Saturday, but also took a HPT that morning and it was BFN (still just too early I'm hoping). I go for my beta on Wednesday, and am thinking I should take a test that morning before I go, so that if it is BFN, I can prepare myself. It's so hard that the progesterone gives us early pregnancy symptoms! The 2WW is such a roller coaster!!
knitgirl-Yes, that P really does a good job tricking people, but your symptoms sound really good, so I hope you have a surprise on Wednesday as well. That would be amazing!! Wednesday it is!

Leens-Isnt' your tranfer today? Best of luck, and report back when you get back home.
Terripeachy Thanks for your advise re the full bladder, it was not too bad, I didn't push myself like I was going to, good as well because they were late but in the end they were happy with my full bladder. Why do people think because they are cashiers, waiters, sales assistants they can treat us badly? I never take my personal problems to work and I certainly never am rude to someone without a damb good reason.

Babywhisperer Progesterone sucks. period. With you there sister

knitgirl I agree, the 2WW is like physical torture, I'm on day 1, I am dreading this whole process, this all really sucks :(

kfs1 Thanks so much for your concern, I'm taking a while to recover from my egg retrieval but other than than, I feel fine :)

AFM - Had my transfer today so I'm officially PUPO, yay, I'm saying yay but I felt far more comfortable doing things, running to appointments, injecting, egg retrieval, now it's just the long wait. I'm so nervous this doesn't work, I have no frosties so I'll have to do this whole process over again, besides the emotional roller coaster of all this. Plus there's the dreaded...I didn't get pregnant with my IUI's but IVF will work, what if it doesn't? I'm already 34 (almost 35), my mom was 42 when she had me (surprise laat-lammetjie), she died before she got to see my child, I want to see my grand child.

OMG I'm just bumming myself out, it's because I'm so over-emotional. Just chilling with my furries now, they love me again, it's coz I'm tired because I had insomnia last night so I'm not too clingy today. Hubs is working late today, think it's because I'm being such a drama queen, not usual in our house it's usually my hubs that is the drama queen, he cries like a bitch, in movies that aren't even that sad, every time we watch something that is remotely feely, also when I shout at him. He also runs to the loo every time I yell which is annoying when I'm trying to get my point across and need to yell to the bathroom door. Anyway, he can deal with me and all my feelings for a while, what do ya say girls?
knitgirl-Yes, that P really does a good job tricking people, but your symptoms sound really good, so I hope you have a surprise on Wednesday as well. That would be amazing!! Wednesday it is!

Leens-Isnt' your tranfer today? Best of luck, and report back when you get back home.

ha ha I was busy typing when your post updated :haha: Just wanted to say thanks so much for remembering, my family know but no-one has called the whole week-end to see how I'm doing, maybe it's because they don't know what to say.
Terripeachy Thanks for your advise re the full bladder, it was not too bad, I didn't push myself like I was going to, good as well because they were late but in the end they were happy with my full bladder. Why do people think because they are cashiers, waiters, sales assistants they can treat us badly? I never take my personal problems to work and I certainly never am rude to someone without a damb good reason.

Babywhisperer Progesterone sucks. period. With you there sister

knitgirl I agree, the 2WW is like physical torture, I'm on day 1, I am dreading this whole process, this all really sucks :(

kfs1 Thanks so much for your concern, I'm taking a while to recover from my egg retrieval but other than than, I feel fine :)

AFM - Had my transfer today so I'm officially PUPO, yay, I'm saying yay but I felt far more comfortable doing things, running to appointments, injecting, egg retrieval, now it's just the long wait. I'm so nervous this doesn't work, I have no frosties so I'll have to do this whole process over again, besides the emotional roller coaster of all this. Plus there's the dreaded...I didn't get pregnant with my IUI's but IVF will work, what if it doesn't? I'm already 34 (almost 35), my mom was 42 when she had me (surprise laat-lammetjie), she died before she got to see my child, I want to see my grand child.

OMG I'm just bumming myself out, it's because I'm so over-emotional. Just chilling with my furries now, they love me again, it's coz I'm tired because I had insomnia last night so I'm not too clingy today. Hubs is working late today, think it's because I'm being such a drama queen, not usual in our house it's usually my hubs that is the drama queen, he cries like a bitch, in movies that aren't even that sad, every time we watch something that is remotely feely, also when I shout at him. He also runs to the loo every time I yell which is annoying when I'm trying to get my point across and need to yell to the bathroom door. Anyway, he can deal with me and all my feelings for a while, what do ya say girls?

Congrats on your transfer!! Fingers crossed!!
Quick question: Is a frozen cycle the same length as a fresh cycle? I was looking online, and it seems like it is ...

Terripeachy Thanks for your advise re the full bladder, it was not too bad, I didn't push myself like I was going to, good as well because they were late but in the end they were happy with my full bladder. Why do people think because they are cashiers, waiters, sales assistants they can treat us badly? I never take my personal problems to work and I certainly never am rude to someone without a damb good reason.

Babywhisperer Progesterone sucks. period. With you there sister

knitgirl I agree, the 2WW is like physical torture, I'm on day 1, I am dreading this whole process, this all really sucks :(

kfs1 Thanks so much for your concern, I'm taking a while to recover from my egg retrieval but other than than, I feel fine :)

AFM - Had my transfer today so I'm officially PUPO, yay, I'm saying yay but I felt far more comfortable doing things, running to appointments, injecting, egg retrieval, now it's just the long wait. I'm so nervous this doesn't work, I have no frosties so I'll have to do this whole process over again, besides the emotional roller coaster of all this. Plus there's the dreaded...I didn't get pregnant with my IUI's but IVF will work, what if it doesn't? I'm already 34 (almost 35), my mom was 42 when she had me (surprise laat-lammetjie), she died before she got to see my child, I want to see my grand child.

OMG I'm just bumming myself out, it's because I'm so over-emotional. Just chilling with my furries now, they love me again, it's coz I'm tired because I had insomnia last night so I'm not too clingy today. Hubs is working late today, think it's because I'm being such a drama queen, not usual in our house it's usually my hubs that is the drama queen, he cries like a bitch, in movies that aren't even that sad, every time we watch something that is remotely feely, also when I shout at him. He also runs to the loo every time I yell which is annoying when I'm trying to get my point across and need to yell to the bathroom door. Anyway, he can deal with me and all my feelings for a while, what do ya say girls?

Congrats being PUPO!!! Glad the transfer went well. Cuddle up with the furries or whatever you need to do to feel better. Try and stay busy and watch some comedies.

Kfs, I am with you, but not getting hot just more freezing at night. I am cramping like a mofo today. I keep checking to see if the witch has arrived. I went for luteal phase blood where they test estrogen and progesterone. The apparently don't call with those results. I've had a tinge of heartburn again after eating a banana and really this must be from the PIO. It would be way too soon for this to be anything from a bfp.

On the work front the drama builds. The guy everyone likes is so fed up with all the same stuff I am and he walked out Fri and took today off. He sent me a text and said he wished he knew me before coming here b/c had he known he never would have come. I feel badly, but to have someone else complaining about the same stuff that needs to change is helping the cause...I hope. From the sounds of it, taking off Thurs/Fri was a good move by me. I worked from home and heard it was a waste of a day.

Terri, I think apples with caramel any which way is super yummy. I love that you went back to Toys-r-Us, don't people realize they are in customer service, same with the waitress.

Come on betas....let's hear some good news! Knitgirl your symptoms sound promising. And I agree it's a rollercoaster. But odds are there will be good news on this thread this week. :happydance:
Hi everyone...seems like this will be an exciting week! FXed for all!!
I remember being so sweaty during my wait. Ugh it was gross. I'd wake up dripping with sweat. I tested 7dp5dt. Couple days before my beta. I wanted to be prepared in case it was negative so I could get the crying and bitching out of my system. Not to mention, I had no frozen embryos left and I was stressing about "what if I have to do this all over again?" DH just looked at me and said "then we do it over again. Nothing you're doing right this second is changing our situation so quit your bitching and let god do this the way He wants to." He's such a charmer... I had no other systems except small cramps and major bloating. The night before I tested I had heartburn but I ate green chili pasta that night with blackened chicken. I really don't even have heartburn now so that goes to show everyone is different.

Thanks for backing me up on the mom issue! I usually get so beat down about the crap she says (my whole life) but I think pregnancy makes me a tough bitch. Haha! My comebacks are way better these days and a lot quicker. Thanks, hormones!

I'm so anxious for testing!!! Eeeeeek!
Hola, ladies!

knitgirl - Hang in there! Wednesday will be here soon. Not that that is any help - it never feels soon when you're the one experiencing it. Fingers crossed for you!

leens - Congrats on your transfer!!! I hope your two week wait isn't too torturous. Ugh. At least you aren't waiting completely alone - there are a few others waiting with you.

babywhisperer - Sorry about the continuing work drama. It does sound like it was a good thing you were out of the office those last two days last week. And empathy from others is a good thing, even if it doesn't fix the situation it's always nice not to have to suffer alone.

kfs - Ugh. Waiting is the worst. I'm sorry! I can only imagine how hard it is to wait after transfer. Stay strong and we are here for you!

terri - I don't blame you for going and getting your $6 back. Those little things add up in the end. I'd do it too. Sorry your lunch out wasn't all that great either. Disappointing. Glad you got the meds thing sorted out. Time to get this FET going for you!

Beagle - Your hysteroscopy is next week, right? I hope it goes smoothly. I know you're ready to get going so hopefully this week doesn't drag on too long.

Hello to everyone else out there!! I hope your weekends were enjoyable. Lots of ladies in the TWW around here. Buzz buzz.

Just waiting to hear back from my doctor's office that they can for sure do the hysteroscopy on Dec. 4 and that's it's covered by insurance.
Hola, ladies!

knitgirl - Hang in there! Wednesday will be here soon. Not that that is any help - it never feels soon when you're the one experiencing it. Fingers crossed for you!

leens - Congrats on your transfer!!! I hope your two week wait isn't too torturous. Ugh. At least you aren't waiting completely alone - there are a few others waiting with you.

babywhisperer - Sorry about the continuing work drama. It does sound like it was a good thing you were out of the office those last two days last week. And empathy from others is a good thing, even if it doesn't fix the situation it's always nice not to have to suffer alone.

kfs - Ugh. Waiting is the worst. I'm sorry! I can only imagine how hard it is to wait after transfer. Stay strong and we are here for you!

terri - I don't blame you for going and getting your $6 back. Those little things add up in the end. I'd do it too. Sorry your lunch out wasn't all that great either. Disappointing. Glad you got the meds thing sorted out. Time to get this FET going for you!

Beagle - Your hysteroscopy is next week, right? I hope it goes smoothly. I know you're ready to get going so hopefully this week doesn't drag on too long.

Hello to everyone else out there!! I hope your weekends were enjoyable. Lots of ladies in the TWW around here. Buzz buzz.

Just waiting to hear back from my doctor's office that they can for sure do the hysteroscopy on Dec. 4 and that's it's covered by insurance.

My surgery is covered. But it to remove a polyp...not sure if that makes a difference. I have a $450 deductible which I have not met a penny of. So the surgery will cost me that much. I think my body is getting anxious. I feel not hungry. So I eat anyways. But usually with severe stress or anxiety I lose my appetite. I feel fine but I think deep down is the anxiety. But i know it will all be okay.
Hola, ladies!

knitgirl - Hang in there! Wednesday will be here soon. Not that that is any help - it never feels soon when you're the one experiencing it. Fingers crossed for you!

leens - Congrats on your transfer!!! I hope your two week wait isn't too torturous. Ugh. At least you aren't waiting completely alone - there are a few others waiting with you.

babywhisperer - Sorry about the continuing work drama. It does sound like it was a good thing you were out of the office those last two days last week. And empathy from others is a good thing, even if it doesn't fix the situation it's always nice not to have to suffer alone.

kfs - Ugh. Waiting is the worst. I'm sorry! I can only imagine how hard it is to wait after transfer. Stay strong and we are here for you!

terri - I don't blame you for going and getting your $6 back. Those little things add up in the end. I'd do it too. Sorry your lunch out wasn't all that great either. Disappointing. Glad you got the meds thing sorted out. Time to get this FET going for you!

Beagle - Your hysteroscopy is next week, right? I hope it goes smoothly. I know you're ready to get going so hopefully this week doesn't drag on too long.

Hello to everyone else out there!! I hope your weekends were enjoyable. Lots of ladies in the TWW around here. Buzz buzz.

Just waiting to hear back from my doctor's office that they can for sure do the hysteroscopy on Dec. 4 and that's it's covered by insurance.

My surgery is covered. But it to remove a polyp...not sure if that makes a difference. I have a $450 deductible which I have not met a penny of. So the surgery will cost me that much. I think my body is getting anxious. I feel not hungry. So I eat anyways. But usually with severe stress or anxiety I lose my appetite. I feel fine but I think deep down is the anxiety. But i know it will all be okay.

I'm sorry you have to pay for the surgery and that you are so anxious! Anxiety is the worst. Try to take it easy on yourself.

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