First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

babyW-I saw that house this morning when I was at the clinic. They made a little refrigerator in the snow near their front (?) door. I never watch the Today Show, but since I was just waiting for them to call me, I happened to watch it. It's kind of dumb that while they have your blood, why not just do a test, and then have you come back two days later? What is the point of taking LP blood at this point? Glad your test got darker though, and I'm sorry to pressure you to test. Nope, I'm not sorry. HA!!HA!!

kfs1-OOh...I'm excited that you're getting stuffy. Your immune system is moving to help that little appleseed that's inside of you. I can't wait!!!!

Good luck to those with betas coming up. appointment was fine. They said I had two fibroids. The doc was like "You have fibroids?" I yelled out 'Not to my knowledge! When did those show up?' He just clicked the measurements and kept it moving. He did the ultrasound first, and then it was time for the dreaded scratch. He was much more aggressive than the woman that did it last time, and I am bleeding today. It seemed like it took longer, but the pain wasn't as bad. However, last time, I didn't see the betadine once I went pee, and I didn't see blood. This time I see/saw both. I am feeling better now and am just waiting for the call from the nurse. I did ask the assistant if a cycle could be cancelled because of fibroids and she said "More than half of all women have them, so that's no reason to cancel it." Phew! I also had to get on the scale. Not impressed with my weight AT.ALL. I am pretty sure I was about ~130 going into this process, and now I've gained almost 8 pounds. It's only been 6 months. :growlmad:
Terri you are better than me. I think I have gained at least 15 in the past year. If in a perfect world I would weigh about 25 lbs less than I do now. I am hoping for good news in a month and then start light exercise during my pregnancy. Not sU re how fond I am of early bump pics for me.
babyW-I saw that house this morning when I was at the clinic. They made a little refrigerator in the snow near their front (?) door. I never watch the Today Show, but since I was just waiting for them to call me, I happened to watch it. It's kind of dumb that while they have your blood, why not just do a test, and then have you come back two days later? What is the point of taking LP blood at this point? Glad your test got darker though, and I'm sorry to pressure you to test. Nope, I'm not sorry. HA!!HA!!

kfs1-OOh...I'm excited that you're getting stuffy. Your immune system is moving to help that little appleseed that's inside of you. I can't wait!!!!

Good luck to those with betas coming up. appointment was fine. They said I had two fibroids. The doc was like "You have fibroids?" I yelled out 'Not to my knowledge! When did those show up?' He just clicked the measurements and kept it moving. He did the ultrasound first, and then it was time for the dreaded scratch. He was much more aggressive than the woman that did it last time, and I am bleeding today. It seemed like it took longer, but the pain wasn't as bad. However, last time, I didn't see the betadine once I went pee, and I didn't see blood. This time I see/saw both. I am feeling better now and am just waiting for the call from the nurse. I did ask the assistant if a cycle could be cancelled because of fibroids and she said "More than half of all women have them, so that's no reason to cancel it." Phew! I also had to get on the scale. Not impressed with my weight AT.ALL. I am pretty sure I was about ~130 going into this process, and now I've gained almost 8 pounds. It's only been 6 months. :growlmad:

Could the meds cause fibroids? I'm sorry to hear you have them, but glad they don't prevent you from going fwd. Make sure you get some good iron after that scratch and Vit C to heal up. As far as weight, I am wayyyy above where I was before my 1st IUI with Jack and haven't lost all the baby weight. I'm 5'9 and probably 35lbs above where I should be. I'm hoping that if this bfp is for real and sticks that a miracle will happen and it will help my thyroid. Here's something funny, I started getting allergic reactions to eggs before Jack but when I was prego I wanted eggs so I tried it and didn't get violently ill like I normally do. I braved some eggs today and didn't get sick. As recently as Sat I had a bite of my husbands scrambled eggs and it made me sick in 20min as it always does. Our bodies are funny. I wonder if I should stay away from eggs and gluten while prego even though I may not get sick, I wonder if it still does damage internally?
I'll be happy for a bump so I can explain this weight gain. Oh, and great job finding those clothes at goodwill. I didn't mention it until now, but I meant to. You are such a good shopper. I don't know if you remember a while back I found a maternity skirt and a little strapless elastic sundress thing to wear during IVF bedrest #1, but those were for summer, and sadly I put them away in my summer clothes pile. I guess now I can just wear bulky sweaters and try to get away with a pooch until spring. :)
I'll be happy for a bump so I can explain this weight gain. Oh, and great job finding those clothes at goodwill. I didn't mention it until now, but I meant to. You are such a good shopper. I don't know if you remember a while back I found a maternity skirt and a little strapless elastic sundress thing to wear during IVF bedrest #1, but those were for summer, and sadly I put them away in my summer clothes pile. I guess now I can just wear bulky sweaters and try to get away with a pooch until spring. :)

It was tough shopping those racks just because it exhausts me. Maybe I can go back this weekend & try again at a local place. I have converted to skirts. I was getting away with tank tops under my tops that were long & tight so I didn't have to button my pants...but now that is passed as well. So I had to get some pants for winter...even though women's dress pants are so thin you might as well be wearing a skirt! But my way of thinking for work is I don't go out much at lunch in the I just have to deal with the very short walk in the parking lot...then I am in here with my heater.

So speaking of weight gain, one of our Golden Corrals was just completely tore down & is open & we are going there husband & I are not very good at motivating each other. Doesn't help that any time I get home my husband just says relax. It helps mentally...but I hate thinking about being a slob when I should be cleaning or organizing. But the food tonight will be awesome!
kfs1 - Ugh, I'm so sorry you're getting sick. I swear by EmergenC. If I start taking it a couple times a day AS SOON as I feel something coming on, 95% of the time, it never turns into a full blown cold/flu. But you have to start taking it at the first little tickle/scratch or whatever. If you wait a day even, then I think the cold has set it. OR like the other girls have said, it could be a symptom whoo hoo!! Only in TTC would you be excited about a cold lol.
No symptoms for me. I'm trying not to let that get me down. Just tired and my boobs are a little sore but both of those started happening as soon as I started the progesterone.
How are you feeling? Any symptoms for you?

Terri - Was this your regular Dr.? How weird about the fibroids. I wonder if they've been there or they just popped up. You'd think if they'd been there this whole time someone would have said something before now right? That sucks that the scratch was worse this time, but hopefully that means it will help that much more :)

Babywhisperer - Yes stay away from the eggs. I'm allergic to tomatoes. All it does is give me a little rash on my neck/chest and a runny nose when I eat them. Because I'll still eat salsa, spaghetti sauce, ketchup etc. lol. But I mentioned that to my Dr. once and he laid into me about how it may only seem like a minor allergy on the outside, we have no idea what is going on inside. You're kidneys, liver, basically any of your organs could be swelling up and we don't know it. So since then I've really watched what I eat that contains tomatoes.

Beaglemom - Have a great dinner tonight. I bet it will be delish!! I made a crock pot, pot roast and it smells great. I hope it tastes good too lol.

AFM - Nothing new here. I don't feel like I have any symptoms (other than the progesterone caused ones). And the little things like twinges and stuff that I feel here and there are all things that I've felt before. Soooo?? You can feel nothing and still be pregnant right lol??
kfs1 - Ugh, I'm so sorry you're getting sick. I swear by EmergenC. If I start taking it a couple times a day AS SOON as I feel something coming on, 95% of the time, it never turns into a full blown cold/flu. But you have to start taking it at the first little tickle/scratch or whatever. If you wait a day even, then I think the cold has set it. OR like the other girls have said, it could be a symptom whoo hoo!! Only in TTC would you be excited about a cold lol.
No symptoms for me. I'm trying not to let that get me down. Just tired and my boobs are a little sore but both of those started happening as soon as I started the progesterone.
How are you feeling? Any symptoms for you?

Terri - Was this your regular Dr.? How weird about the fibroids. I wonder if they've been there or they just popped up. You'd think if they'd been there this whole time someone would have said something before now right? That sucks that the scratch was worse this time, but hopefully that means it will help that much more :)

Babywhisperer - Yes stay away from the eggs. I'm allergic to tomatoes. All it does is give me a little rash on my neck/chest and a runny nose when I eat them. Because I'll still eat salsa, spaghetti sauce, ketchup etc. lol. But I mentioned that to my Dr. once and he laid into me about how it may only seem like a minor allergy on the outside, we have no idea what is going on inside. You're kidneys, liver, basically any of your organs could be swelling up and we don't know it. So since then I've really watched what I eat that contains tomatoes.

Beaglemom - Have a great dinner tonight. I bet it will be delish!! I made a crock pot, pot roast and it smells great. I hope it tastes good too lol.

AFM - Nothing new here. I don't feel like I have any symptoms (other than the progesterone caused ones). And the little things like twinges and stuff that I feel here and there are all things that I've felt before. Soooo?? You can feel nothing and still be pregnant right lol??

From what I have read, most people do not feel much different until after 6 weeks. I hate the P making us feel crazy...I am not looking forward to taking that again. I assume it is a stronger dose than what I used for awesome.

My bankers were total dumb asses today. But I just let it go & did what I needed to do. Men can be so pathetic sometimes. But I am glad I didn't completely stress over it.
Hey ladies sorry I have been MIA! All that talk about gone girl so I did a lazy week to read it:) I would like to go see the movie Friday to compare. My thoughts on the book.... It was ok. I'm with the group of people that think the writer had a difficult time writing the story. Not that it was too hard to follow just that the overall flow and especially in the beginning there were abrupt changes but, I still want to see the movie.

Kfs and bright eyes I have everything crossed for you girls! Sending hugs and love!!!
Baby w- Mega congrats! Can't wait to hear your beta result!

Amy and leens- I can't to be pupo too! Grow those little babies��

Afm- no baby news update as I'm in a waiting time but, I am halfway to my goal of losing 15 lbs! Hubby and I hAve a competition going.... Whoever
Loses the most by New Years get a new outfit from head to toe�� I'm gonna kick his booty! Momma needs a new dress and heels!

I skimmed the post due to being off for a while, so forgive me if I missed a lot.
Hey ladies sorry I have been MIA! All that talk about gone girl so I did a lazy week to read it:) I would like to go see the movie Friday to compare. My thoughts on the book.... It was ok. I'm with the group of people that think the writer had a difficult time writing the story. Not that it was too hard to follow just that the overall flow and especially in the beginning there were abrupt changes but, I still want to see the movie.

Kfs and bright eyes I have everything crossed for you girls! Sending hugs and love!!!
Baby w- Mega congrats! Can't wait to hear your beta result!

Amy and leens- I can't to be pupo too! Grow those little babies��

Afm- no baby news update as I'm in a waiting time but, I am halfway to my goal of losing 15 lbs! Hubby and I hAve a competition going.... Whoever
Loses the most by New Years get a new outfit from head to toe�� I'm gonna kick his booty! Momma needs a new dress and heels!

I skimmed the post due to being off for a while, so forgive me if I missed a lot.

Thanks lady. You will be out of the waiting game soon enough. In the meantime a little hint from a friend who literally paid 10k to see this nutritionist to the stars in NYC. F Factor diet. It's all about fiber. She eats these things called GG Crisps before every meal and she eats so much less, it helps slow the glucose into your bloodstream therefore you don't store as much of what you eat as fat. She said it works and she feels good bc she feels full and doesn't get the spike of dips in blood sugar. She claims her moods are more even keeled as is her energy as a result. She has tried every fad diet but I swear this one she has maintained and looks younger. She said its from lessening the impact of sugar. I might get the crisps even if it's just to help this awful constipation. I bet you beat dh! Shopping for a new outfit will feel glorious!

Has anyone started watching The Affair on Showtime? I'm wondering if it gets better. They tell the story from 2 peoples perspectives in each episode.

Going to bed. Wishing you lovely ladies a good night.
Congrats babyw! The only symptom I hadwas badheadaches...

I didn't poas before my beta...I didn't want to see a negative and I waspretty sure it didn't work...mass the call a great surprise!

Good luck and fxed to the rest of the testers!

Congrats on starting Terri and Erin !
kfs1/brighteyez-Today is the day!! I was so happy to wake up this morning even if I am feeling crampy. hee hee. Let us know as soon as you know. :hugs:

Amy-yeah, you're not going to feel anything until after you hear the good results! hee hee. It was my FS that saw the fibroids. I don't care enough to research them, but I think they just come and go, but I THOUGHT they would go while on bcp. I have another u/s in 1.5 weeks so I'll see if they are still there.

babyW-We don't have showtime so I can't help you with the show.

jkb-nice job with your weight loss. One day I may try to lose weight. I know I have no willpower, but I may just have to do something. My coworker gave me about 30 lemons yesterday and so I'm making lemonade and then I decided to try to make a lemon meringue pie. It only uses two lemons. I had no idea so few lemons were in that recipe. I'll try it anyway. I'm not that big on desserts though, so I hope it's good enough for hubs to eat. I guess I can also bring it to work.

beaglemom-Hope Golden Corral was great.
Good morning, ladies! :flower:

kfs - Good luck today, lady! I have everything crossed for you and I am sending good vibes your way. Check in when you're ready. I'm nervous for you!

Terri - I'm glad that the scratch didn't seem as painful even if this doc was a little more aggressive. I hope these scratches do the trick.

jkb - Good job on your weight loss! I hope you kick your husband't butt in the competition. I think it's a great idea, especially through the holidays.

babywhisperer - Sorry, we don't have cable/satellite so no Showtime for me. I hope your work day is better today than yesterday and El Jerko doesn't start to bother you.

Amy - I think your can totally feel nothing and still be pregnant. Think about all the women who get pregnant and don't know it until they miss their period (I have no idea what that would be like!). I think the only reason a lot of ladies on these threads have any symptoms is because we are looking for them since we are trying so hard. Sending good vibes your way too!!!

Beagle - I hope you enjoyed your dinner out with DH. You are much more prepared for your surgery than I am! Granted, I am still 2 weeks out but I'm not sure how much stuff I'll need to take. What are you thinking you'll need with you? I haven't heard how long to expect to be in the surgical center, but I assume it's only going to be a few hours since it's outpatient.

Hello to Moni, LadySosa, Leens, ERose, JCM, knitgirl, and Brighteyez!

All this talk about weight is interesting to me because it has recently come up on another forum I'm on too. I am usually pretty good with maintaining my weight. Technically, according to my BMI I'm slightly overweight and I have been for years. I try not to let it get to me since I am in very good shape (athletically) and my resting heart rate and other vitals are excellent. I am pretty muscular so I'm guessing that might be what throws my BMI into the overweight category. It still annoys me though and that's why I'm constantly trying to lose a few pounds (which I'm not very good at). I'm a bit obsessive about my weight, to be honest. I weigh myself every morning and evening. I think it's what helps me not gain weight. I use the MyFitnessPal app to track what I'm eating. It's free and a great resource so if you have never used it, I highly recommend it. But I do think it's something I'm going to have to watch into the future when we have kids - I don't want them thinking that weight is the only thing that matters.
kfs1/brighteyez-Today is the day!! I was so happy to wake up this morning even if I am feeling crampy. hee hee. Let us know as soon as you know. :hugs:

Amy-yeah, you're not going to feel anything until after you hear the good results! hee hee. It was my FS that saw the fibroids. I don't care enough to research them, but I think they just come and go, but I THOUGHT they would go while on bcp. I have another u/s in 1.5 weeks so I'll see if they are still there.

babyW-We don't have showtime so I can't help you with the show.

jkb-nice job with your weight loss. One day I may try to lose weight. I know I have no willpower, but I may just have to do something. My coworker gave me about 30 lemons yesterday and so I'm making lemonade and then I decided to try to make a lemon meringue pie. It only uses two lemons. I had no idea so few lemons were in that recipe. I'll try it anyway. I'm not that big on desserts though, so I hope it's good enough for hubs to eat. I guess I can also bring it to work.

beaglemom-Hope Golden Corral was great.

Thanks Terri! I don't go until tomorrow at 6:30am.
Thanks, ladies. Had my blood drawn so now just waiting for the results. Freakin' out a little. I'll check back in later. :)
AARRGHH!!! All morning I've been saying to myself 'I have to wait for the results in the afternoon' and then as soon as you posted, I stopped what I was doing to check in. HA!!HA!!! ok..i'll go back to waiting patiently.

brighteyez-Oh, so one more day....keep thinking positively!!
Booger - Hello!

KFS1 - I have my fingers crossed for you and praying.

Terri- LOL that is so sweet of you!!! I can't wait to see what KFS results are. I am sitting at the edge of my seat literally. You ladies are the best!!! Love ya'll!
Congrats babyw! The only symptom I hadwas badheadaches...

I didn't poas before my beta...I didn't want to see a negative and I waspretty sure it didn't work...mass the call a great surprise!

Good luck and fxed to the rest of the testers!

Congrats on starting Terri and Erin !

Thank you very much!
It looks like I need to be morecareful with auto correct on the phone..

Terri, I did the same thing! Fxed kfs!

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