First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

I am not really addicted to POAS...but I do not like the idea of not knowing if the trigger is worst fear is esting early & getting a second line but not knowing if it is the I want to test it out. And since I am determined this IVF cycle will be it for me, I want to see the progression...I also have a calendar printed out I am writing all my appointments on & te outcome so I can keep it for later. I plan to tape my tests on it.

Terri yo just reminded me...we were in the stoe& I went to buy condoms since no unproected sex while was so weird. I have not bought a condom in like 10 years. I can't even imagine how it will be when we have to use one. Probably hilarious.
Hello ladies,

I am here!!

I feel ya Knitgirl! I have a BFN too and I don't test until Friday!!! I am now 16days past trigger 9dp5dt. I am so upset and depressed, not hope left for a BFP right now. But what can you do? I hope tomorrow brings your BFP!!!

What test have you used? Do you know the sensitivity? You're not out until the witch shows her ugly head. I don't think I'd test + on a Clearblue or a digital. I used a FRER.
I have used FRERs, dollar generals, and dollar tree test. Once I stop these meds I am sure af will come. They said the progesterone and estradiol keeps af away.
I have used FRERs, dollar generals, and dollar tree test. Once I stop these meds I am sure af will come. They said the progesterone and estradiol keeps af away.

Not always. TMI warning, I got af with each of my IUIs while on progesterone suppositories which is downright nasty. What a mess. My period is like a Swiss watch...after I had Jack it came back after I was done bfeeding...right on schedule, just as Fertility Friend had predicted, more than a year later! It's insane.
BabyW-I got busy as soon as I came into work and forgot to check in. Congratulations!!! :wohoo: :happydance: I agree with beagle; that is not a light line. I knew those cramps were true symptoms. Yeah!

knitgirl-Your nurse is right. Sometimes the tests at home aren't as sensitive, and say your HCG is 14, but the test doesn't show positive until 15, you would think that you weren't pregnant. Know what I mean? Remain positive.

ERose-Yeah for starting!! It's the best feeling in the world. My hubs was freaked out last night when he saw all the needles, and only three vials of medicine. I told him that sometimes they send extras, and I will double check with the nurse as far as what needle to use for what, but he'll be used to it in a few days. I'm supposed to go for b/w, u/s, scratch tomorrow and if all looks well, delestrogen starting tomorrow night. I would much rather be on a morning schedule, so I'm going to ask if I can switch to mornings.

Good luck tomorrow!!
Babywhisperer - I am progesterone and estradiol does that make a difference with the combo?
Hello ladies,

I am here!!

I feel ya Knitgirl! I have a BFN too and I don't test until Friday!!! I am now 16days past trigger 9dp5dt. I am so upset and depressed, not hope left for a BFP right now. But what can you do? I hope tomorrow brings your BFP!!!

Thank you - fingers crossed for you too!!
Sorry brighteyez for the multiple bfn's, but like I told knitgirl, you may not be out just yet. You can be positive for a few more days!! I never got AF until I stopped the P and it took about a week for me to get it.

Ladies, I forgot to say that if you do get a negative result and want to try again, talk to your nurses now so you can be ready to try again. I didn't do that after my second IUI and had to wait a cycle. I hated waiting. I hope you don't have to do this again, but I felt that being proactive made me feel a smidge better.
Babywhisperer - I am progesterone and estradiol does that make a difference with the combo?

It might. But don't count yourself out yet. How are you feeling?

I hope everything goes well tomorrow Teri and is as painless as possible. I still don't know how you endure that pain. I guess it helps knowing there is an end and you will be heading into the right direction. Can you take anything before for the pain?

Afm today sucked work wise. The jerk that everyone hates and doesn't want to sit next to is being sat across from me. I was moved away from him while prego last time bc he spoken to me in such an offensive way a coworker from another dept who sits near us complained to her mgr saying it was offensive and made her feel very uncomfortable and she knew that I was prego and couldn't complain too much. I asked my boss if he felt that it was wise to move him across from me given the history and he said he's been spoken to by the #3 guy in the firm and everyone has complained about him. Since he makes the firm a lot of money they put up with it. I told my boss the first incident I will be documenting and talking to HR, no more biting my lip. What a dysfunctional firm.
Brighteyez73 - I'm so sorry about the BFN's. But don't lose all hope yet. When is your beta?

Babywhisperer - Sorry about the d*ckhead moving next to you. We gotta come up with a plan to put him in his place :ninja: lol

Terri - Good luck tomorrow!!
booger76 Glad you're moving forward, ttc does funny things to us like looking forward to a hysteroscopy, only we would understand that I guess but you made me laugh.

beaglemom I think you should stand up and admit that you are addicted to peeing on a stick lol nothing wrong with that. Hope your grant comes through * fingers crossed*

You must be excited to start your cycle tomorrow! Yippee!!! I applaud you for giving up coffee, I have my one in the morning - no alcohol, no sex (eeuw progesterone vijayjay bullets make that...eeuw) I cannot possibly be expected me to give up my one and only measly cup of coffee every morning.

Amy1976 I've got my late mother's dark purple xmas tree and I've bought a whole lot of silver decorations so I'm so excited to put it up, hubs is like, it's bad luck to put decorations up before 1st of December :( I don't believe in that but he's adamant. Christmas makes everything so happy, enjoy it.

Babywhisperer Again, I'm so so happy for you girl, you really made my day :)

ERosePW Glad things are moving along for you.

Knitgirl Keep the faith, remember we are all here for you, each and every one of us knows exactly what you're going through, we've all been there. Fingers, toes, ect, ect... all crossed for you.

AFM - I'm now 4dp3dt and I'm feeling like I have mild period cramps, lots of people experience this, some bfn, some bfp but it's not nice at all, especially since I cannot take any medication plus I still have hayfever that I can't take anything for.

Progesterone vijayjay bullets are working on my last nerve - how do you all deal with bathing? I love to bath in the mornings but now I must bath in the evenings because I have to lay after I put the evil bullets in so I set my alarm early, get up go to the toilet, put the bullet in and then sleep for another half hour but I don't want to bath after so I keep on timing what I have to do around these stupid vijayjay bullets. Seriously, I would rather inject myself, much easier than dealing with oily creamy, eeuw stuff.

Rant over! You should see my basset hound sleeping now, her body is in her bed but her head is hanging on the floor, she's so cute when she's sleeping, when she wakes that is another story, I think she thinks her name is "no Maddie no, stop it Maddie".

PS: Think I'm getting old, have two pups, Maddie and Dobby, two cats, Diesel and Rocco, tried to stop Dobby biting my plant, so I shouted Diesel, Maddie, Poppies (Rocco's nickname), um know what your name is, stop it. My mother used to do that, except with my mom it was Patrick, Bernard, David, Donovan, Sharon...uh uh you come here lol (have 5 siblings).

Thank you. As soon as I posted I immediately felt guilty like I jumped the line by testing so early and before people who had their transfer done before me. I just had a sneaking suspicion in my gut and felt like I couldn't wait. I'm not the most patient person.

As far as the PIO vs inserts, can your Dr switch you? I hate the goop that would leak out when I stood or while running for trains on my commute. The shots are much easier, and I hate needles.

In your case it worked, I don't want to test til 9dpo, I have a blood test on day 13, seriously, day 13 are they crazy?
Good idea! I'm going to email my doctor today, I would much rather inject myself, these vijayjay bullets are ruining my life (dramatic much?)
I am not really addicted to POAS...but I do not like the idea of not knowing if the trigger is worst fear is esting early & getting a second line but not knowing if it is the I want to test it out. And since I am determined this IVF cycle will be it for me, I want to see the progression...I also have a calendar printed out I am writing all my appointments on & te outcome so I can keep it for later. I plan to tape my tests on it.

Terri yo just reminded me...we were in the stoe& I went to buy condoms since no unproected sex while was so weird. I have not bought a condom in like 10 years. I can't even imagine how it will be when we have to use one. Probably hilarious.

My goodness, all these decisions we have to make, don't you just wish someone would make the decisions for us? I'm with you there, I'm not testing til 9 or 10dpo3dt.

I read a book about visualising your goal, so I've downloaded pics of what my blastocyst should look like each day and I visualise him/her/both of them doing what they should be doing, e.g. I'm on day 5 and they generally hatch on day 5 so I'm imagining that going on in my body. It's keeping me calm and it feels like I'm doing something constructive instead of just the dreaded wait (uurgh). Everybody finds something different that calms them but I thought I'd give you an idea anyway
Erin - Yaaaaaaaaay. So happy that you're starting up again. :)

Terri - Yaaaaaaaaay for you, too! Good luck today. What is delestrogen?

Knit/Brighteyez - I'm sorry for the negative frer's but I'm still hoping things will turn around for you at your betas. Hang in there.

Booger - How was David Sedaris?

Leens - I'm the same way. I get so excited when one of us gets a BFP but with people I know outside of bnb, it always stings a little. And your story about your pets made me laugh! My mom still does that to us - she'll go through all of my Aunt's names, her mother, my sister, etc. :)

Amy - How has the wait been for you? Any symptoms?

Babywhisperer - Sorry about your jerky co-worker. :( When are you going in for your beta?

Hi everyone else!

So, this morning my ears/throat feel a little scratchy/off. I hope I'm not getting sick. :( Anyway, I may or may not POAS tomorrow morning. Part of me is like, just hold off to get the official news so if it's bad, you're only let down once and the other part of me is like, just POAS already - it's not going to change the outcome. My husband thinks I should flip a coin. :)
Brighteyez73 - I'm so sorry about the BFN's. But don't lose all hope yet. When is your beta?

Babywhisperer - Sorry about the d*ckhead moving next to you. We gotta come up with a plan to put him in his place :ninja: lol

Terri - Good luck tomorrow!!

My beta is Friday.
Terri - Good Luck!!! Thank for the hope. You are just a ball of positivity...I love it!

AFM - I am just feeling the side effects from the progesterone and estradiol. I can't tell whats what. I have tender & swollen breast, nausea, and cramping. I wish it was something more but I doubt it. You ladies are great, I really apprecate the support.
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

brighteyez - I'm sorry for the BFNs. :hugs: I hoping that changes on Friday morning.

knitgirl - Good luck with your beta today! I'm still holding out hope that you'll get good news. :thumbup:

Leens - OMG, my Mom calls me every name under the sun before she gets to mine, even her dogs name. :dohh: Her mother did the same thing so I'm sure it's my fate as well. Hehe.

kfs - Oh, I so hope you're not getting sick! Yuck. That's the worst thing about this time of year. Seems like I can't get through a winter without getting some sort of cold. I like the flipping the coin idea. I know you can make it to your beta though if you want to wait. It's only one day away! :happydance: David Sedaris was hilarious. I just love him so much. His books make me laugh hysterically but then also have me crying. Have you read any of his books?

babywhisperer - I'm sorry the jerk got moved over next to you. That's just awful. While I have some coworkers that I'm not fond of, I'm lucky in that I don't work with any plain old a$$holes. Can you wear headphones at work? :haha:

Terri - Good luck today, lady! I'm hoping that this scratch won't be too painful - you're super tough anyway. :bodyb:

Beagle - I guess that's one good thing about having the FET, there is no trigger to test out so if I do end up wanting to test early, I don't have to worry about that. Wow - you sound very organized with your calendar! I just tracked everything using Fertility Friend but I kind of like your idea.

Hi to Amy, moni, JCM, jkb, Erin, and LadySosa!!!

Not a whole lot going on here. I think we might finally hit above freezing for the first time in like 2 weeks. At least we don't have 6 feet of snow like Buffalo, NY! I do love me some snow but I don't think I would want to dig out of that. That's the nice thing about where I live, the mountains can get feet of snow but we'll only get a couple of inches here in the valley.
kfs - cold symptoms can be a pregnancy symptom...

booger - I am not sure how organized I feel. I think I am just trying to control what I can since so much is out of my control. Also I have the whole list of things to pack for my surgery because the worst thing in the world to me is being somewhere & not having the one thing I want. So trying to make sure I have everything I need or could possibly desire so I am comfortable.

Good luck to everyone with betas this week!
Good luck today Terri & Knitgirl!!

Kfs, my beta is Friday. I asked if they could do it sooner but they are firm in doing it on the 28th day of the cycle. I will be officially 2 days late then. My test got darker this morning which made dh feel a little better. And I woke up On Sunday feeling a little stuffy and sore throat, it def can be a bfp symptom.

Booger, have you seen the pics of the house in Buffalo with their front door open and it's a wall of snow? At one point they were getting 6 inches an hr. What does that even look like????? A complete whiteout!

Brighteyez, I went for luteal blood today and asked the nurse why they wouldn't test since I already got a + and she said getting a + or a - a lot can change by Friday. I'll be crossing my fingers for us.

Leens, I love the stories about your animals. I want a dog so bad, but then I see people walking their dog in 20 degree weather in NYC and think, wow that has to happen at least twice a day even in this weather. When I lived in the city I had a a neighbor who had a boxer and she would literally have to drag him across the marble lobby floor to go outside during the rain. He looked all sad, it was adorable.

How is everyone else doing?
I'm alive..taking my coworkers out for a belated Veteran's day lunch, and finishing up a paper for school, but I'll be back with an update.

kfs1-Flip a coin!! hee hee. I know what you mean about only being let down once, but the question is, IF you are let down (and I hope you are not), WHERE are you going to be? If at work, I'd POAS first, at home, I'd just wait for the beta results. Gotta run.
Good morning everyone!
Sorry its been a few days - crazy crazy at work - and I haven't checked in. So much to catch up on!

Good luck to those waiting for their betas! I'll be thinking about you!

Keep your chin up, Brighteyez and knitgirl! I'm sure it is hard, but stay positive! =)

I didn't read through all the posts, and I don't have much time to comment, but I just want to check in and throw some support your way, ladies! =) Hope everyone's having a good Wed so far, and those that live in NY, hope you aren't snowed in!

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