First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Great news brighteyez! Too bad you have to take bcp's for so long though, but the break will be nice and no need for protection while on pills. Yeah!!

So I've been curious and you can tell me to MYOB if you want, but are all your kids your natural kids or DHs? I'm just curious.

I am on BCP's for so long because I will be on vacation from the 22-29th of December. So I start baseline the day after I come back.

My four children are all natural and hubby's. When we started having children he was working hard to build a secure foundation for us financially working 2-3 jobs to save money for the kids so that they could have a good start to life. Therefore he missed so much of their life providing for us. He worked really hard so that I could stay home and raise our children with our a care and he has done that for us and me. His hard ward has paid off because our first son who is 21 was able to go to school and not worry about tuition and move into his own place and not worry about rent to at least 2 years. He set that up for all of our children. Now he is in a comfortable place where he can comfortably be here and enjoy being a parent from start to finish. So this is all for him and of course I want another one too. He hates that he missed so much so their lives but happy that he is able to secure a great foundation for them when they leave the nest.
Hey guys...I am home. Not much to report. Everything went fine, I feel fine. I even told my husband to take a detour to the outlet mall. BUT my dumb nurse neglected to tell me I needed blood work today. So they asked me to come back tomorrow. I asked if they could give me an order locally. I can't take any more time off this week & I have no intention on making that drive again after they screwed up. Plus I was right down the road for hours after my appt having surgery. they didn't call until 3! So I have an order & will go in tomorrow...hopefully they can rush the results...but I really don't care. My office is closed Thursday but I don't even stop bcp until whatever...they needed to check my estrogen. So I am relaxing on the couch. Oh the one bad thing was they took 15 minutes to do the IV...couldn't find a vein.
Thanks for explaining..that is sooo great that your husband did all that for his family. It would be nice if he could enjoy chillin' with his new babe and watch him or her grow up from start to finish. fxfx this is your chance...Oh come you are doing another fresh cycle now when you have frosties? I know my doctor was saying to keep the embryos from my "youth" and go with another fresh, but my youth is only going to be a few months away from my "not youth" and that's why I'm using my frosties.

beaglemom-Glad you're ok after your procedure. We told you you'd feel fine. Sucky about having to go back tomorrow. Ugh..So irritating. They had trouble finding my vein the first time too, and the anesthesiologist hit a nerve in my hand when she tried. The next time I just asked to have it put in my elbow crease (hmmm..not sure what that part of your arm is called) and all was gravy. Now I'm getting excited for you to get started. Woohoo!!
Brighteyez73 - I'm so happy for you. So glad you decided to do it again. What made you decide to do another fresh round vs using your frosties?

Beaglemom - So glad you're home and doing good. They always have trouble finding my veins too. When they did my IV they put it in my hand and then I had a huge bruise there for like a week after :/

AFM - My beta came back today at 204. They seemed pretty pleased with that. They aren't having me go back for another beta for A WHOLE WEEK!! Omg I can't believe I have to wait a whole week. Hopefully Thanksgiving and Christmas decorating this weekend will make time pass by quickly!!
Congratulations Amy!! Another success story. Woohoo!!!! How are you feeling, and how excited was DH when you told him? Maybe I missed that post. hee hee. :happydance: :thumbup:
Hey guys...I am home. Not much to report. Everything went fine, I feel fine. I even told my husband to take a detour to the outlet mall. BUT my dumb nurse neglected to tell me I needed blood work today. So they asked me to come back tomorrow. I asked if they could give me an order locally. I can't take any more time off this week & I have no intention on making that drive again after they screwed up. Plus I was right down the road for hours after my appt having surgery. they didn't call until 3! So I have an order & will go in tomorrow...hopefully they can rush the results...but I really don't care. My office is closed Thursday but I don't even stop bcp until whatever...they needed to check my estrogen. So I am relaxing on the couch. Oh the one bad thing was they took 15 minutes to do the IV...couldn't find a vein.

Yea so happy you're feeling ok after the procedure. Sorry they botched the blood order. Hopefully it's not too much of an inconvenience.

Amy woohoo for a great beta rise! It helps to take the edge off the worry right? How are you feeling?
Good morning all! Wow, this is a first - logging on and I'm the first to post in the morning. Probably everyone's ready for Thanksgiving and off to do holiday stuff. I'm jelly! Here at work, gotta put in a full day. Ugh! What I wouldn't give to have one day to lounge on the couch and watch daytime television. That sounds like bliss! Judge Judy and People's Court are my fave. Teehee.
Anyways, AF visited me this morning. Last night we were just talking about how weird it was that she hadn't come yet. Oh well, she must've heard us. Now I'm having cramps. Bleh. I should update my nurse.
Congrats to Amy!!! So exciting!! And yay beaglemom, I bet you're glad to get the procedure over with, and onto recovery!

Happy Turkey day everyone!
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Amy - Congrats on that awesome beta number. :happydance: How cruel to make you wait a whole week until your next one. I'm glad you have something to distract you a bit.

Beagle - I'm glad your procedure went well and that you felt good afterwards. That's annoying about the the blood draw mix up thing but hopefully your local lab can get them stat and you won't have to worry about it.

babywhisperer - Congrats on your awesome second beta number!:happydance: I'm sure that was a bit of a relief. Hope you guys don't get the nasty weather they are predicting.

brighteyez - Wahoo on getting started on a second cycle! I loved your story. That is great that your husband did all they he did for your kids. I'm sure that even he feels like he missed out on a lot that they appreciate it. Good luck!!

terri - OMG! Titan is so cute! I hope he doesn't turn out to be too big of stinker for you. Our dogs get on our couch and recliner downstairs and I haven't really cared because they are old and gross but I plan on getting new furniture here pretty soon so it might be challenge to keep them off. :dohh:

JCM - I'm glad you are feeling better! And you're having a girl! How exciting. :cloud9: That's just awesome. I hope your DH results come back negative for CF so that you have one less thing to worry about. If he were to come back positive, you could have the baby tested, right? I know that we could have had our embryos tested to see if they have CF but we elected not to.

LadySosa - I'm right there with you on just being ready to go! That's cool that you and Brighteyez will be on similar schedules. It's nice to have someone else going through it at the same time.

kfs - I know you said that you will be having another beta but I don't remember if you said when. Today? I am still holding out hope that little bean is just taking a little more time to stick. :hugs:

knitgirl - I'm sorry you have to wait a cycle but I'm a little jealous that you get to have a natural cycle while waiting! When do you think your FET will be able to happen - Jan or Feb?? We haven't had a natural cycle where we could try since August. Not that I have a lot of hope that it would work for DH and I but it would still be nice to be able to try. :sex:

maquita2000 - Sorry about your failed cycle. That's a tough thing to go through.

Hello to everyone else out there! Happy (early) Thanksgiving!!! I hope that any of you who might be traveling have safe travels. :flower:

We got more snow yesterday afternoon and last night. Normally our snow is all light and fluffy but this stuff is super heavy. One of the trees in our backyard had a big branch break off during the night because of the snow. It broke part our our fence and is mostly in our neighbor's yard. We can't let the dogs out unsupervised since they can escape now. I guess I know what we'll be doing most of our Thanksgiving day! This is the second huge branch that this tree has lost since we have lived in our house. I know the tree needs to come all the way down but it provides almost all the shade in the summer and we got married under it. The thought of cutting it down makes me sad. But the rest of the branches lean towards our house and the neighbors house so I'm thinking DH just needs to cut it down in the spring. :cry:
Brighteyez - I'm so happy that you already have a new schedule. Great news! Oh, and your husband sounds amazing. :)

Beagle - Glad to hear things went well yesterday.

Amy - Congrats on the great beta!! That's so amazing. :) Why do they make you wait a whole week to go back? I think the positive thing about that though is that you'll definitely have a really good idea of where you're at by then. Thank goodness you have Thanksgiving as a distraction.

Hi Terri, Booger, LadySosa, Knit, JCM, eRose and everyone else! Happy thanksgiving!

So, there's a bunny in our backyard - and not a wild bunny, like someone's pet. We don't have a trap or anything to catch it so we put some food out there and he seems to be eating it. He's sitting under one of our bushes and he'll come out every now and again to eat. I feel so bad!!! I hope it's not too cold out there for him.

Went for my beta this morning. I'll check in once I get the results.
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Amy - Congrats on that awesome beta number. :happydance: How cruel to make you wait a whole week until your next one. I'm glad you have something to distract you a bit.

Beagle - I'm glad your procedure went well and that you felt good afterwards. That's annoying about the the blood draw mix up thing but hopefully your local lab can get them stat and you won't have to worry about it.

babywhisperer - Congrats on your awesome second beta number!:happydance: I'm sure that was a bit of a relief. Hope you guys don't get the nasty weather they are predicting.

brighteyez - Wahoo on getting started on a second cycle! I loved your story. That is great that your husband did all they he did for your kids. I'm sure that even he feels like he missed out on a lot that they appreciate it. Good luck!!

terri - OMG! Titan is so cute! I hope he doesn't turn out to be too big of stinker for you. Our dogs get on our couch and recliner downstairs and I haven't really cared because they are old and gross but I plan on getting new furniture here pretty soon so it might be challenge to keep them off. :dohh:

JCM - I'm glad you are feeling better! And you're having a girl! How exciting. :cloud9: That's just awesome. I hope your DH results come back negative for CF so that you have one less thing to worry about. If he were to come back positive, you could have the baby tested, right? I know that we could have had our embryos tested to see if they have CF but we elected not to.

LadySosa - I'm right there with you on just being ready to go! That's cool that you and Brighteyez will be on similar schedules. It's nice to have someone else going through it at the same time.

kfs - I know you said that you will be having another beta but I don't remember if you said when. Today? I am still holding out hope that little bean is just taking a little more time to stick. :hugs:

knitgirl - I'm sorry you have to wait a cycle but I'm a little jealous that you get to have a natural cycle while waiting! When do you think your FET will be able to happen - Jan or Feb?? We haven't had a natural cycle where we could try since August. Not that I have a lot of hope that it would work for DH and I but it would still be nice to be able to try. :sex:

maquita2000 - Sorry about your failed cycle. That's a tough thing to go through.

Hello to everyone else out there! Happy (early) Thanksgiving!!! I hope that any of you who might be traveling have safe travels. :flower:

We got more snow yesterday afternoon and last night. Normally our snow is all light and fluffy but this stuff is super heavy. One of the trees in our backyard had a big branch break off during the night because of the snow. It broke part our our fence and is mostly in our neighbor's yard. We can't let the dogs out unsupervised since they can escape now. I guess I know what we'll be doing most of our Thanksgiving day! This is the second huge branch that this tree has lost since we have lived in our house. I know the tree needs to come all the way down but it provides almost all the shade in the summer and we got married under it. The thought of cutting it down makes me sad. But the rest of the branches lean towards our house and the neighbors house so I'm thinking DH just needs to cut it down in the spring. :cry:

Sorry about the tree. Sounds like a lot of sentimental value to it. Maybe you can plant another tree of your choosing and it can be the baby's tree! I know it sounds all new agey but the placenta thing is catching on. I did the encapsulation on a recommendation from a friend who had serious post partum. They dried it using TCM and made capsules, but they also use them for gardens and women plant trees, or flowers and put it in the soil. I have to say everyone who saw me said I didn't look like I just had a baby, I didn't look worn out or tired, and I didn't have a hormone crash either. I would do it all over again and recommend it to anyone.
Everything seems to have worked out with my lab...they won't be today, but will have them first thing Friday morning...nurse said that was fine.

I was tested for CF on my first RE visit.

So ready for this crazy day to banker said I was being sassy...he was asking me for stuff I already did...I saved the files he was looking for exactly where we always save them & loaded them in our loan system. So I had to walk him through the loan system because he doesn't know it...I told him he needed to go back to class. It is just annoying because I am super busy today & don't feel like baby sitting. Plus he just keeps adding to my list but then saying where is my modification? It is on the list, dude!

So thankful to have a day off tomorrow.

PS - court shows are my guilty pleasure...but I can't watch them anymore since cancelling our cable.
Oh & all my pups are on couches, chairs, & sleeping under the covers :) I don't think it is wrong to tell the dog no, just not a concern in my house. To each his own as long as puppy is loved & has some comfy dog beds :)

And of course Terri you know I am loving the BEAGLE mix :)
Beta results are in: 517 and my P went back up (I guess it had falling during my last beta...? which she did not tell me.)

That said, of course I start to get INTENSE cramps right when my RE calls me. I told her about it and she said there's always a possibility of ectopic but she doesn't think so since it's a bit early for those kinds of symptoms. Anyway, it's completely normal to get some cramps, right??? Staying off my feet until I feel better.
Beta results are in: 517 and my P went back up (I guess it had falling during my last beta...? which she did not tell me.)

That said, of course I start to get INTENSE cramps right when my RE calls me. I told her about it and she said there's always a possibility of ectopic but she doesn't think so since it's a bit early for those kinds of symptoms. Anyway, it's completely normal to get some cramps, right??? Staying off my feet until I feel better.

That's a great rise! Maybe it was a slow implanter? When can they do an ultrasound to check for an ectopic? I also agree it would be too early for intense symptoms and yes cramping is normal.
I have an ultrasound scheduled for Monday. Feeling somewhat better so I'll just keep taking it easy I guess. :)
I have an ultrasound scheduled for Monday. Feeling somewhat better so I'll just keep taking it easy I guess. :)

I love that we have our u/s on the same day! Rest, try and stay off your feet and keep envisioning that little bean implanting deeper, growing a placenta and getting larger. That is a great rise!
Awesome news, kfs! Your doctor is still a disaster. Now she has you worried about a freaking ectopic! Can she just be ok with everything for ONCE. I'll be so glad when you get to go to a regular OB that is not such a depressing a-hole. HA!!HA!!

Beagle-I knew you would approve, and yeah, I get that some people don't mind having the dog on their couch, but some do, and I'd rather try to instill good habits until he gets to his permanent home. Then it's fair game for him and his owner. Hopefully your day is almost over. I had a slightly snowy ride home, but nothing too crazy and there weren't that many cars on the road at 1pm.
Awesome news, kfs! Your doctor is still a disaster. Now she has you worried about a freaking ectopic! Can she just be ok with everything for ONCE. I'll be so glad when you get to go to a regular OB that is not such a depressing a-hole. HA!!HA!!

Beagle-I knew you would approve, and yeah, I get that some people don't mind having the dog on their couch, but some do, and I'd rather try to instill good habits until he gets to his permanent home. Then it's fair game for him and his owner. Hopefully your day is almost over. I had a slightly snowy ride home, but nothing too crazy and there weren't that many cars on the road at 1pm.

As fosters, we were told to crate train & no furniture in case the new home wanted it that way. Well that is nearly impossible with other dogs in the house. So my motto now is if you want a crate trained, no furniture dog, my foster is not the one for you! But I do potty training & basic behavior stuff. I only crate if the dog has anxiety & will destroy my house. But I try to leave them out if at all possible. I know crate training can be a good thing, but it was just not something I was even fond of. So once my dogs were potty trained (have a dog door now) & not chewing things up, I started leaving them out.

My surgery nurse just called to check on me. I told her I was fine...almost like nothing happened. I was a little uncomfortable last night, but not enough to keep me awake...actually slept really well. No pain meds at all & after going to the bathroom once when I got home, no bleeding after that. So all in all very good. I know retrieval is way more intensive, but hopefully I will bounce back quickly from that too. I am actually crossing fingers for a weekend retrieval so I don't miss work...but we will see.

I am getting so excited now. I actually can't wait to do meds on Monday! Next Friday will be my first follicle check!
kfs - :happydance::happydance: That's great news!:happydance::happydance: Enjoy your holiday and relax!

Beagle - I'm glad you're not feeling any after effects of your surgery. That's great. I hope mine goes the same next week. I was a little uncomfortable after my retrieval but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought (although I did pop the Tylenol 3 they gave me - mainly so I could sleep on the 4-hr drive home). I even worked the day after - I had a meeting/field trip I had to be at that required me to be on my feet most of the day and it wasn't too bad. I think you'll do great. It really just depends a lot on how many eggs they retrieve too, I think.

Terri - I wish I had never allowed our dogs to get on the furniture. Our little terrier (whom we affectionately call Devil Dog) started sneaking onto the recliner at night after we had gone to bed. We could here her jumping down out of it as soon as she heard us rustling around in the morning. She also used to sneak onto our bed during the day when we were at work. She hates the vacuum so I thought I'd be cute and put the vacuum on the bed to keep her off of it. I came home that evening and she had completely destroyed her dog bed - stuffing everywhere. I guess she showed me!

babywhisperer - If we hadn't gotten married under that tree, then I wouldn't care so much! So, yes, it's certainly got sentimental value now. We will plant something else but it will take it a very long time to provide the shade our old one does. Oh well, I guess that's the cycle of life!
Terri - I'm feeling pretty good. Just more tired than usual and sore boobs. DH was super excited after the beta came back. I told him, congratulations you're going to be a daddy. He said "really" (really excitedly). I said yep. He said "like really, really". I said yep, really, really. Then he just said wow... I mean wow!! LOL. We are going to dinner tonight to celebrate :) How are the butt shots coming along?

Babywhisperer - It did take the edge off. However, now I'm just nervous for next week lol. I think I'll be much more relaxed when I'm able to hear the heartbeat. About 2 - 3 more weeks for that though. More waiting lol. How are you feeling? Do you still do acupuncture during your pregnancy?

Booger76 - I think it's much easier to train dogs to stay off furniture that they've never put their scent on. Just push them off as soon as they try to get on and since their scent isn't on it, it shouldn't take long for them to get the hint. I have couches my dog is allowed on, and couches she's not, and she's really good about it. But once she's been allowed, there's no going back lol. She's not allowed on our bed either. She sleeps in her bed, right next to our bed. I'm so jealous of the snow you're getting, although I'm not jealous of the havoc it creates lol.

ksf1 - Great news about the beta!! Yes cramps are totally normal. Just take it easy until Monday. And now you have a dreadful wait too. I have no idea why they are making me wait a week. I'm sure they have their reasons, but I'm thinking it's because they are mean, mean people LOL :)

Hi everyone else.... I hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving :)

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