First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Totally forgot guys...totally snuck this Amazon deal in after my u/s excited & hoping I can give it to my husband for Christmas! I also bought him a stethescope. He said he wants one to listen to my belly...not sure if it will work, but it wasn't too expensive.
Cute shirt! Oh yeah, egg retrieval isn't bad so your procedure yesterday will probably be about the same experience in a few weeks. I'm excited for you to get started too. December 01 is almost here!!
Amy- that's so cute how excited your DH was! "Really really?!" Aww. There's nothing greater than a man not afraid to show how excited they are to be a dad! You must be so excited to hear the heartbeat - you're almost there!
My DH tries to play it all cool, like he could care one way or the other, but he's excited, I can tell. And when the time comes I know he'll be over the moon.
Terri - I'm feeling pretty good. Just more tired than usual and sore boobs. DH was super excited after the beta came back. I told him, congratulations you're going to be a daddy. He said "really" (really excitedly). I said yep. He said "like really, really". I said yep, really, really. Then he just said wow... I mean wow!! LOL. We are going to dinner tonight to celebrate :) How are the butt shots coming along?

Babywhisperer - It did take the edge off. However, now I'm just nervous for next week lol. I think I'll be much more relaxed when I'm able to hear the heartbeat. About 2 - 3 more weeks for that though. More waiting lol. How are you feeling? Do you still do acupuncture during your pregnancy?

Booger76 - I think it's much easier to train dogs to stay off furniture that they've never put their scent on. Just push them off as soon as they try to get on and since their scent isn't on it, it shouldn't take long for them to get the hint. I have couches my dog is allowed on, and couches she's not, and she's really good about it. But once she's been allowed, there's no going back lol. She's not allowed on our bed either. She sleeps in her bed, right next to our bed. I'm so jealous of the snow you're getting, although I'm not jealous of the havoc it creates lol.

ksf1 - Great news about the beta!! Yes cramps are totally normal. Just take it easy until Monday. And now you have a dreadful wait too. I have no idea why they are making me wait a week. I'm sure they have their reasons, but I'm thinking it's because they are mean, mean people LOL :)

Hi everyone else.... I hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving :)

I love dh's reaction, so sweet! I'm tired too, I am asleep early every night. My boobs are swollen and slightly tender. I haven't gone for acupuncture but I will if I get some serious symptoms. I've had some slight nausea in the morning but nothing terrible yet. It feels a little like motion sickness.

Beagle I'm happy you're feeling good after the procedure. It's so exciting you are well on your way.

Booger good luck next week. I'll be thinking of you.

Terri we had some snow then rain then back to snow last night. It was extremely windy which made getting around the city last night difficult. It was the best Bday since my 30th. We went to the lounge at the Ritz Carlton on Central Park South which was all decorated for Christmas. The Oak Room at The Plaza was closed for a private event, boooo. Then we headed to dinner at Gotham Bar and Grill. My favorite restaurant in NYC. Home by 8:30 and asleep by 9!! Times have changed! Jack has a bad cold poor guy. Today might a tough one handling him while he coughs and sneezes. I'd prefer not to get sick but what else can I do. It's impossible to avoid.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!!
LadySosa-I think my husband is trying to play it cool too, but he said he won't REALLy be excited until he can tell people.

BabyW-Happy belated birthday! Glad you had a fun day. I watched some dvr episodes of Gotham the other night. It's not my type of show, but hubs seems to like it.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Leens-I can't remember when you are going in for your beta. It's been 10 days, so it should be coming up soon, right? Edit: Ok..I went back and searched and it's tomorrow, the 29th, so good luck!!! I hope everything shows positive!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. We're heading out now and the traffic isn't bad. The sun is shining and we're ready to eat!
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving (for those in the US).

I'm working today. :cry: The good thing is that there is hardly anybody here so I should get lots done. I also brought Devil Dog to work with me today. :haha:

I hope that if any of you were brave enough to venture out shopping that you had a good experience.
Just wanted to check in and say hi! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I put up our Christmas decorations before dinner yesterday hee hee! I think I'm gonna start with the outside ones today :). I always do the easier stuff and DH comes home and finishes the hard stuff where he needs the big ladder. Did anyone brave the Black Friday sales today?
I am at work too...very slow & sadly I have everything done that needs to be done except some filing which will take 5 minutes. I am looking at Amazon deals. I do not go out in that crowd. I am actually wondering if I will even go out to get lunch. May just stay here & eat a snack or go to the fast food place in the shopping center I work at. I am ready to end this day! I also went to the Babies R Us site but didn't see anything great.

I am having some cramping today. I think my body is ready for some normalcy! No more bcp, so we will see if I have any bleeding. I have not heard back from the nurse, so I assume my estrogen check was fine.
booger-What kind of dog do you have? I can't remember if you mentioned it before. That's cool that you can take him to work, and luckily no one is there so you can play.

Amy-Nice! I shopped on Black Friday once and that was it. Because I don't know the layout of the stores, I didn't know where to run when the doors opened, and missed out. Then I ended up standing in line to buy what I did buy and it was dumb. hee hee. I'm a saver, so I am not pressed to save $3. The tradeoff between that and my sanity is overrated. :haha:
Attached is a picture of little Scout chilling in my office. She's not supposed to be here but our head boss isn't here today and nobody else cares. In fact, she has gotten quite spoiled by everyone who is here. I really wish we had an office dog all the time.


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Very cute Booger! I wish my pups were with me.

Terri - these days, the stores put up maps online so you know where to go. My husband was at his work (Walmart) yesterday for all the sales. It is not as crazy anymore since they start Thurs at 6 pm...but there is a lot of work they go through to switch it all out.
Booger such a cutie!!

Sorry for the ladies that had to work. I worked from home but nothing was going on. No shopping for me. I have most of what I wanted to get for Jack for his bday and Christmas. I have 2 secret Santa's to buy for and dh but I do everything online.

How was everyone's Thanksgiving??
booger-Oops. I thought it was LadySosa that posted about her dog. I changed it. hee hee. Your dog is SOOO cute. Some kind of terrier? My mom loved terriers. I think she liked their scruffy faces and hair. hee hee. Of course, when my hair was always a mess, she never liked it. Interesting....

beagle-Oh ok about the maps. It doesn't matter now because I don't really shop. I'll probably do most of my shopping online this year too. It's all going to NM to my sister's house. Her baby is due any week now. Maybe next week. Not really sure though. I'm just eager to find out whether it's a boy or a girl. The date doesn't matter to me. HA!

I don't know if I shared this or not, but I'm having a few friends over tomorrow. I haven't entertained more than two in YEARS. My hubs is big on having his friends over, but I rarely invite my friends. Anyway..I made a lot of stuff for the get together earlier this morning. Goat cheese truffles with roasted red pepper, bacon and a pistachio coating, my lemon meringue pie and cranberry sauce from the other day, a spinach cobb salad (with bacon dressing), caramelized onion dip, and crockpot cheeseburgers. I was going to make some kind of fancy drink, but with all those rich flavors, I'm sticking to lemon water. I think it will be way too much food for six people, but I was eager to try these recipes. I hope they like them. I'm also happy that I get to use our wedding dishes. :thumbup: Have great rest of the afternoon.
Terri that sounds awesome. I am also doing most of my shopping online. I love Amazon for my nephews' birthdays because I can ship straight to them. But my husband gets a one time 25% off a total purchase on Dec I will buy anything for the kids I still need then. I also plan to buy some clothes for me & any food to stock the fridge. We tend to go overboard with our discount, but it is all things we need or will use. Then we use our Walmart credit card tog et 0% financing.

I was skimming our front page & noticing Terri & Erin are both scheduled for Dec 9 transfers! I was wondering how long everyone was on their meds. I am so confused. When doing IUI, I did 225 follistim for 3 days & triggered. So with IVF, I am starting off on just curious how long I should be stimming. Seems like only 4-5 days should do it...but I am no dr. Really hoping for a weekend retrieval, but I don't think I am lucky enough. But I have just enough time to do a 5 day vacation & one extra day for my retrieval. Just hope my retrieval is not too far past the 10th...vacation is Dec 15-19 & I really hope most of that is implanting. I don't want to transfer on like the 18th & then have to go in to work on the 22nd. I want as many days after transfer as possible to relax. So excited to test on CHRISTMAS!

30 more minutes & I am out of here...such a long day...I have spent most of my last 30 minutes staring at my computer...ugh...
I stimmed for 10 days the first time and retrieval was on Day 13. The second time I stimmed for 12 days and retrieval was Day 14. It is all going to depend on what your body is doing. I wouldn't worry now about working and your vacation. It is what it is. Hopefully you can have retrieval around the 11th and transfer the 16th, and chill out the rest of the week. Whatever dates you end up stimming will be the best dates!!
Yeh I know. Nothing I can do about it now. I am just so ready to start. Have I said that already?!
I stimmed for 9.5 days on 300 units of Follistim. As you know, you are trying to grow a lot more follicles than with your IUI so that is why you'll go longer. Plus, they have to give them time to mature. I think 10 days is about average but like Terri said, it will all depend on how you respond. Start responding too much and they will back you off, not enough and they will increase your dose. I would plan on anywhere from 9-11 days.

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