First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Thanks girls! Yea, Amy, def not a squinter today! It got significantly darker over one day, which I also look at as a good sign, since with my 2 CPs the lines only got a smidge darker each day. Can some of our prego girls remind me if you had some cramps right around bfp time? I know Jen did... Jen, were yours almost like pre-AF cramps? Anyone else? I ask because it just started for me tonight, and naturally it's making me a teensy nervous.

So I'm back from my long, ridiculous shopping day, and I'm reminded why I usually do all Christmas shopping online. Crazy out there.

Beagle, 7 is a good number! I'm sure they'll keep growing strong! Looking forward to an update when you hear. Enjoy the Outer Banks! You deserve a little getaway.

Terri, good for you! You're so much stronger than I am. I was major weak testing at 4dpt, lol! I hope you don't have same reaction to the shots tonight... But at the same time, I'm also hoping they're a good sign, similar to Amy. :winkwink:

Moni, yea, I guess I'll call tomorrow for an early beta again. I have to travel for a week starting next Sun, so I'd like to get both betas done before then anyway.

Jkb, I'm sure you'll be soon!!!:thumbup:

Jen, very curious about your story, lol!!
Oh all my talk has been about sperm. Makes me feel bad for my husband. I hate that he wasn't on vitamins and hate we did a 36 hr "pipe cleaning" instead of addin a day. Oh well. Just nervous half are gone after only 1 day. I am hoping for at least 4 after pgs. The thought of this failing is terrifying.

What is/was everyone's protocol for fet? I emailed my nurse so I am on top of it. Seems one of the Dr mentioned bcp.
Erin I definitely had some cramping. I think it just means your uterus is adjusting to the invasion lol. I think it's a good sign.
Wow Beaglemom I didn't realize they told you to do a 36 hour pipe cleaning? That seems way to short for anyone that has sperm issues? They told us 2 - 5 days but they recommended on the longer side for lower sperm counts. However, they always made it seem like they only needed very few sperm, just enough to fertilize the eggs. So if they had enough, what was their problem?
Even with iui they said 36. But we had only done that one time out of 3 and it was the very worst count...500,000. All other iuis were at least 4 million. Maybe it was just a mix of poor eggs and sperm. I know I can't expect 100%. But a couple more would have made me feel a little better. But all we can do now is wait.
Hi ladies!

Well, Erin - there is no more PUPO for you. I do believe that test says you are most definitely pregnant. :happydance::happydance: I can't really speak to the cramping from personal experience but it definitely seems like I read about it being pretty normal. Try not to worry too much!

Beagle - I remember feeling the same way about being down to half at Day 1. Then over half of that half made it to freeze!! You're younger so you should have even better results. This part was just torturous for me, so I feel for you - hang in there!! Waiting sucks!

Terri - Sorry for your dizzy spell last night - unless it was a good sign of baby things going on in your body. :haha: Seriously though, it's never good to have a scary experience like that so I hope it was just a one time thing.

Jen - Your stories are always so entertaining - can't wait to hear it. Even if it is about hemorrhoids. :blush:

Hello to Amy, kfs, Moni, and jkb!! Hello to knitgirl, brighteyez, LadySosa and Babywhisperer too!! :xmas3:

I did end up working all weekend but it's okay. I got my project done and DH was busy hunting and making beer so it's not like I missed anything at home. I got some Christmas shopping done, too.

Oh, I got my mock transfer scheduled again - third time better be a charm! It's scheduled for January 19 which is perfect since I have that day off from work. If all goes well, then I'll start Lupron 3 days later. Can you tell I'm ready to get this thing going??? I'm not sure what I'm going to do if the mock is still difficult. :ignore:
Oh, Beagle, my FET protocol involves birth control pills. I overlap them with Lupron for about a week, then I stop the BCP, stay on the Lupron and eventually start taking oral Estrace and baby aspirin. I stop the Lupron, add in Medrol and Doxycycline and the PIO about 5 days from transfer.
Beagle, my protocol for both FETs was the Lupron protocol. Started lupron day21 of prior cycle, then baseline appt after AF around day 3. As long as fully suppressed, started E patches (or you can do IM injections like terri). After 10 days on patch, lining check and b/w. If everything good, transfer got scheduled for 5-6 days later, so I'd half the Lupron dose, continue E patches, and start P (I use Crinone instead of PIO) for 5-6 days. Then transfer. This cycle I was held up due to hysteroscopy, so I stayed on regular dose of Lupron until ready to start patches. Oh yea, I took the doxycycline and medrol for a few days before transfer as well.

Booger, yay for your next mock!! I bet it'll go great now that everything is all fixed up in there!

Amy, thank you! I've heard it's pretty normal too, and it's real funny how I can calm others down, yet I don't even take my own advice, lol! For some reason, hearing it from our girls who just went through all this, somehow gives me peace of mind.:flower:

Hi knitgirl!! Good to see you. Hi to everyone else too!
My goodness Erin that is an impressive line! Love it! Congrats girlie!!! The cramping is definitely expected at this time, so no worrying from you. Enjoy this time. Have you told hubby yet?!?!

Terri- fainting is common problem in early pregnacy ;) it's due to hypotension. I would make sure to stay plenty hydrated, and it wouldn't hurt to do a blood pressure check.... That is if you won't do a hpt for us;) hint hint....

I will so be like Erin and test from a few days out.
Beagle- my protocol matches Erin's with the exception of I have to do PIO shots and I will be starting them 6days prior to transfer.
Ahhhh I knew it would get darker! Mine was significantly darker the next day like the one you posted and I was a couple days further out than you! This is so great! I for sure had pre AF cramps. I was complaining the whole weekend before I tested that Monday. I was imagining my negative after my iui and the horrible progesterone/AF cramps I got but it never got that bad! : ) they kind of came and went too. So I'd be feeling good and positive and then "ohhhh no why do I have cramps!?" So you sound like me. Lol just except you know you're pregnant a few days earlier. But wow, what a line!!! Yay!

So, I went to go get my labs done for my heparin levels on Friday and I was totally rushed. Running late, trying to dry my hair and have a text discussion with my husbands ex wife at the same time, all while trying to make sure I was good to go with my situation down there in case anyone needed to look! I have these prep h wipes that have witch hazel in them so it's like a total relief when you use them so i had that attached to my underwear while I'm rushing around the house. Plus, you have to get your blood draw exactly 6 hours after your morning shot so it's a pain in the butt (another one, haha) to time everything. So, I finally get out the door yelling to DH I'll be back and hopefully I'll figure out what's happening and speed there. I get there one minute before 3 and there's a taco guy all set up in front of my OB office. I'm on the phone with my best friend telling her about my possible hemrroid problem/rash. I don't even realize the door is open to the office. Double doors actually. I'm right at the point in the story where DH had to check me out and thinks it looks like a rash from thong paintiliners but I said it burns a lot for just a rash and I look up, out of breath and see the ENTIRE OB office staff all sitting down at tables in the waiting room eating TACOS for their holiday party!!!! (I mean really? Tacos at a gyn office? Come on). I was mortified!!!! The office is huge. So everyone is staring at me and one of the women smiles and says oh did you have an appointment? So I quickly said no, just a blood draw, I'll come next week and ran as fast as I could before anyone could identify who I was. Oh my god. Only me.
I forgot, the good news is, whatever it is, is going away. I might have had the start of one but I caught it early I think. I have worn liners every single day since the transfer. Progesterone leakage and now discharge. So sometimes when I wear yoga pants or a dress I'll wear a thong and use a thong liner. I'm sure that irritated me more and along with constipation and that's where it came from. Newly pregnant ladies, keep that fiber coming! You do not want to deal with this! Usually I'm pretty regular but when I was so sick for all of those weeks and finally got my appetite back, I went nuts and probably ate too much of the starches and not enough fiber. Lesson learned...

Oh and yesterday, DH did an ultrasound on me and she was moving nonstop. Doing flips and sucking her fingers. Lots of stretching too. I hope she calms down before she comes out. Lol
HA!!HA!! I do love tacos, but that is pretty funny that they were eating them for their party. So now do you have to do the six hour thing again next time or you don't have to do it because everything has cleared up?

Glad the baby was doing well and moving a lot. Great news, of course.

beagle-My protocol was BCP for three weeks (only because my nurse forgot to schedule the endo scratch), endo scratch (2x), and then Del Estrogen shots every third day and PIO 6 days out from transfer.
HAHA, Jen, I have to say... I bet you are one of the most fun people to be friends with. I get the feeling I'd laugh my ass off hanging out with you! If I'm ever in your neck of the woods, I'm calling you!!:winkwink: (tacos at an OBGYN office, LOL... I'm still snickering)

Good morning everyone. :flower: I called my RE to see when I can get in for a beta. Just waiting to hear back.
Good morning ladies! Man, I feel like there is a lot to catch up on!

Erin - HUGE congrats! I am so excited for you!! That is a definite BFP! Isn't it funny how accurate our intuition can be? You called it!

Terri - congrats on wrapping up school! What a huge accomplishment to finish your MBA. My hubby finished his up this summer and it was a huge relief for both of us that he didn't have to worry about homework anymore. Much less stress.

Booger - yay for scheduling your mock transfer!

Jen - HAHA! That is a funny story. Sounds so awkward! Well, at least they're probably used to hearing stuff like that working in an OB office.

Beagle - those sound like good numbers! You sound a little down. Hang in there girl!

Afm - I came down with a nasty cold this weekend and had a get-together already planned with my friends, so I just tried to power through but I felt like crap. They brought their huge dogs over (both puppies) and they made a mess of our house. They were playing with eachother under the coffee table, LIFTED the coffee table and knocked over the bottle of red wine, wine glasses with wine in them....ALL over our carpet. Ugh. My poor little doggie was scared to death of these giant dogs and was hiding behind me the whole time (he's also a wimp, LOL).

Any ways, I'm at work this morning but still feeling cruddy. My boss is out Wed onward through the holidays so that will be nice to have a break from her!

Have a great day all!
Erin - Congratulations again. Can't wait to hear what your first beta is! Did you test again this morning?

Beagle - Congrats on the 7! That's a great number and a common amount for 14 eggs. Hope you're feeling good.

Baby - Good luck at your appointment today.

Amy - How's it going? Your next appointment's Thursday, right?

Terri - You know I'm not going to bother you to test - I couldn't even pee on 1 stick I was so nervous!

JCM - You are TOO funny! I would have run out of the doctor's office, too. :) And that definitely sounds like a bizarre scene - the whole office sitting around eating tacos.

Booger - We brew beer occasionally, too, but it's been a while for sure. I bet you have access to some great ingredients where you live. We have to order everything online. Congrats on scheduling your mock transfer! It'll be here before you know it.

JKB - Same to you. Your transfer will be here before you know it!

LadySosa - I'm sorry that you're sick - no fun. OMG about the dogs. Were you able to get the wine out of the carpet? Aww - and your poor little guy must have been terrified.

So, ladies, I have officially graduated from my RE. Things were looking good this morning so she packed me up and sent me on my way. My official due date is July 30th. She actually saw an additional sac this morning which she hadn't before but there was nothing in it. So it looks like the other guy tried to hang on but didn't make it...?
Haha yes, look me up! I'd love to hangout!
Yes Terri, I have to go back this week to test my levels. Booooo! But only 4 more weeks on this blood thinner crap. Honestly I'm not even consistent with it. We really have to wait 8 more days? Come on, let's meet in the middle at 4 days!!! Haha I'm so impatient.
Hopefully they get you in for a beta today, Erin! Maybe there's two that snuggled in!!!

So crazy about the additional sac? Are they SURE they saw nothing in there??? Hmmm! Congrats on graduating! Isn't that a nice feeling? Will you stay on P til 12 weeks?
Wow, kfs1, that's a milestone to graduate from your RE! Congrats! You're going to have to change your status to "Expecting" rather than "TTC". :) And that's interesting that there was an additional sack with nothing in it...

Don't the holidays make you want to have a little baby? They sure make me want one! I figured, if all goes well, I'll be preggo by Feb 3 or so, that means I should be due in Nov, making it so we have a newborn by next Christmas! Yay! I know, I know, I MAY be getting a little ahead of myself. But it doesn't hurt to get excited. :)
Erin - yeah I had some cramping - still do especially after a long day. Take it easy - no more all day shopping trips for you for 9 more months or so...

kfs - congrats on the graduation - when is your first ob appt?

Jen - thanks for letting me not be the only one with "lovely" stories to tell...I'm still coughing by the way...

Hi to all!!!

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