First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Erin - Once again, yahoooooooooooooo! :dance: :yipee:

Moni - I would have been SO pissed at the doctor's office, especially since you both took off. I really hope they can schedule you for Friday.

Beagle - Beautiful pictures. Chin up. 7 strong embies is amazing!

Amy - I can't wait for your next appt! Happy to hear that you're doing well.

Babyw - Your OB sounds great. I'm glad he was able to see the hematoma and that he doesn't seem nervous about your miscarrying. Did he say how long it typically takes for these things to dissolve? Our due dates are 1 day apart. :)

Terri - Remind me. When is your beta again?

Hey everyone else!

Yeah we can be bump buddies. I think I am leaning slightly towards a scheduled C so could be a week earlier...but we make plans and God laughs so I am taking it a day at a time. It's funny I prefer the 2 male obgyn's, more compassion and patience. Ironic right?

I ran out of the PIO so I am using the Endometrin supps I have left over. I forgot how nasty these can be esp with me spotting every day. The ms is kicking my butt, so nauseous. The silver lining is I'm not puking.

I ordered my Christmas cards which I expedited and will have in the mail by Fri/Sat since all I have to do is address the envelope, stamp it and mail it. I ordered them from Tiny Prints.

Today is Jack's 1st bday!!! How did that happen?? It went so fast and so much happens in that 1st year. We are truly blessed with this little guy, such a good baby and always happy.

How is everyone feeling?
Good morning ladies! Wow, lots of excitement here!

Erin - congrats congrats congrats! You SO deserve this!

Beagle - WOW, those pictures are incredible. I had no idea there were wild horses running around over there! What a cool vacation to share with your mom.

Terri - excited to hear the results of your beta! It's coming soon! How are you feeling?

Hi everyone!

Afm, I felt worse yesterday so I stayed home. Just a horrible cough, I thought for sure I had bronchitis, but the doc thought it was just a nasty cold. I'm feeling a little bit better today, so back at work. My boss is out all week so it's like a little vacay! I scheduled my suppression check and informed consent for Jan 6th! And the meds are about to be ordered! Eeeeh! It all feels so real!
LadySosa-Yeah!! So excited to get things moving. Sorry you're still not feeling 100%, but it has to be better when the boss is gone.

I'm happy today because I'm making my grocery list (including that chai tea). I have three good dinners/lunches planned for the next three nights. Then I have to go back to the store early next week because I'm taking veggies and eggs down to my MILs house so I can make breakfast frittata and some other foods that I WANT to eat while we're staying with her.

BabyW-That's so cool that you and kfs1 have due dates that are one day apart. Yay for summer babies. And happy birthday to Jack.

beaglemom-How are you doing today?

Erose-Any more symptoms? Did you tell your mother? Give us some juicy details. hee hee.

Hi and what's up to everyone else!
Exciting Lady Sosa!

Terri - here is a funny story about Frittata. My dad used to make us omelets growing up. He made them in a huge cast iron pan. But he never flipped them. he put everything in the pan & baked it. We didn't care, they were awesome...still are. Anyways, later on my dad told me they weren't really omelets. He never could flip an omelet, so he made his version. Then years later he talked to me & said guess what, this whole time I have been making frittatas! He was so excited now he could say he was making frittata instead of a jacked up omelet. Side story to is something my dad always told me. There was a newly wed having dinner at his in-law's. The mom cut the end of the roast off, fried it in a pan & cook the rest in the oven. The husband asked his wife why they always did that. She looked at him like he was nuts. Said, mom tell him why we do that. The mom turns to her mom & says in the same you are so stupid tone, Mom tell him why we do that. The grandmother looks at them & says, I don't know why you guys do it...I stopped doing that when I got a bigger pan. I just love shows sometimes traditions start from the craziest things...& also maybe you shouldn't keep doing something that doesn't make sense if you don't even know why you are doing it.

Anyways...sorry if that bored you guys. Just think it is funny.

I am doing fine today...anxious for the call tomorrow. We went out to finish up our shopping today. Now just hanging out. A relaxing day. I hope to get some things done around the house the next couple of days. I have another meds class for FET on Jan 6. I have to be on bcp at least 2 weeks. Not sure what happens after that...I will find out on the 6th...really hoping the meds aren't too crazy expensive.
Awww..your dad was excited about making frittatas. hee hee.That is too cute. I'm terrible at flipping omelets, but my patient hubs is awesome at them, so if we're having omelettes, he is making them. hee hee. And that story about the roast is great too. hee hee. Thanks..not boring at all.

Your meds for the frozen cycle will be much cheaper. Well, at least mine were. I think I only spent 2-300 and that was out of pocket, so hopefully yours will be similar if not cheaper. I'm worried I'm going to run out of the Del Estrogen, but I'll know by Tuesday if I need to order another vial. I hope so. *snicker*
I am wondering if I can go ahead & pay for my FET next week so that is will be on 2014. I was hoping all the med stuff would be in 2014 so I could deduct it. I am going to email the finance lady next week. She said next week they would know where my account is based on the credits back from no fresh transfer. I can't pay for my meds though. No script until I take my meds class. I wish I could go to the meds class on the 23rd...but no missing work that week due to staffing issues. I get annoyed I have to always do a meds class. $55 each time...the money isn't so bad...but I feel like after multiple IUIs & an IVF cycle, I think I can handle written instruction on meds.
I am wondering if I can go ahead & pay for my FET next week so that is will be on 2014. I was hoping all the med stuff would be in 2014 so I could deduct it. I am going to email the finance lady next week. She said next week they would know where my account is based on the credits back from no fresh transfer. I can't pay for my meds though. No script until I take my meds class. I wish I could go to the meds class on the 23rd...but no missing work that week due to staffing issues. I get annoyed I have to always do a meds class. $55 each time...the money isn't so bad...but I feel like after multiple IUIs & an IVF cycle, I think I can handle written instruction on meds.

I hope you can get the FET applied to this tax year, but don't be surprised if they have to do it by date of service. Maybe they can work with you.

Ladysosa I hope you're feeling better.
Hi ladies...I come on here every couple of months and read the last 10 pages or so to check up on (stalk) old TTC#1 buddies. So glad I popped on today and saw some great news!

Erin, I'm loving loving loving your lines and HCG #'s so far! Super exciting that these are better results than you've had before! I know you've had your heart broken a few times, and I'm always amazed at what a buoyant, infectious positivity you seem to maintain. You are such an inspiration, and I'm glad these ladies have you to support them like I did while I was waiting for my BFP! :D I'll be praying for that embie to be super sticky and that HCG to keep on rising!

Beagle--loved reading that you got 7 embies! I know your journey has been so long sweetie, but this is a step you have never taken before. And I bet it will be the one that does it for you! You and your husband will be great parents...I can just tell by the stories you tell. Seems like you have such a great relationship, and that really is the foundation for a happy family. I will be praying for your FET and will have to start checking here more frequently to keep tabs on you.

Jen, it's good to see everything is progressing well (you know, other than your ass problems ;)) and I saw you referred to your LO as "she" exciting!! Super happy for you and your DH! :D Come see us in the graduates thread sometime. I have been bad about getting on B&B lately, but I know some ladies there would love to see you!

All the rest of you guys, please forgive my intrusion if you're wondering what I'm doing here. I'm rooting for all you ladies seem like such a sweet, supportive group!
Hi Sarah!!! I'm going to stop over there and see how everyone is doing!!! So good to "see" you!
BabyW, what a relief! Seems like your Dr has everything under control. Crazy that you have a one year old now during all of this too! I bet he will be a great helper when it's time!

Oh man I was so sick today. It's like every other day I'm good now. Today feels like the flu though. Just in time because my "problem" is totally clear now! Whew! Thank god, because I'm due for a wax next week! Lol
So, today my stepdaughter (12) comes home and then brings me a pair of Lululemon pants and says "here, these are yours and they were in my laundry." I thought ok that's weird, I never do my laundry in that laundry room (spoiled I know, I have my own laundry room in my closet) so DH said "well maybe you put some of your stuff over with the kids stuff" and I'm like "NO, DH. I'm VERY specific about my clothes, I know where everything is all of the time!!!" (I'm having a tough time coming to terms with "baby brain") can you tell? Haha so anyway I go to put the pants on and they are tighter than usual. Not only in my waist but my legs! So, I cry for a bit thinking there's no way I'm this big yet, it can't be possible. I'm a freak about gaining too much weight at anytime. So I worked out extra hard and let it go. I'm chatting with my stepdaughters friends mom later tonight and she says "oh hey did Emily leave some lulu leggings at your house? She can't find them anywhere and she was over there last weekend?" OMGosh!!! Yes! Yes she did! These are NOT my pants! They are a tiny 12 year olds pants and they don't fit me because I'm not 12!!!! She made my day and didn't even mean to! I'm sure she was pleased too. Those yoga pants are crazy expensive!!! Whew. That was my day. I'm way too emotional while pregnant. Geez. Wake up Jen, you're gonna get fat and round really really soon!!!

See?? It's not even that big yet!
Hi Sarah - what a nice note! Congrats on your BFP!

Jen - lucky you! TWO laundry rooms?? Nice! And your bump is adorable! You are so tiny - I don't think you'll be fat and round, even at month nine (except for your belly, LOL). Sorry you're not feeling well - there is definitely something going around here where I live. They even closed a local middle school today due to "flu outbreak." Hope it's something that will pass quickly for you!

HI everyone else! The board is kind of quiet this morning.....wakey wakey...hehe

Afm I'm finally starting to feel better. My voice is coming back, so that's good! Last night we watched that show 'Naked and Afraid' and it is strangely addicting. So many people are on vacation at work that it's reeally quiet. I'd rather be surfing the web than doing any actual work. Hehe.

Saturday night we are going to 'A Christmas Story: the Musical" at 5th Avenue Theater in downtown Seattle. Last year we went to the Nutcracker and my hubby never let me hear the end of WAS pretty boring this year we still get to go OUT somewhere, but I'm hoping this will be a little more lively!

How is everyone feeling??
Sarah, you are so sweet! Glad to see you pop over, and I'm so happy your pregnancy is going well! Thanks for all the kind words, you really are the sweetest!!<3

moni, so sorry about your anatomy scan! I know that would've frustrated me as well. They must know that when women go in for those kinds of things, they're happy and excited and anxious all that same time. I agree that they should've squeezed you in for sure. Did you get rescheduled for tomorrow?

beagle, I'm so excited about your 7 embies! That's great that they're all doing so well. So you get another call today, right? Is this call going to be to let you know how they're doing today, or is today the call for the PGS results?

jkb, I'm pretty sure we will go ahead and inquire about the gender when our first scan goes okay. I thought I might try and be strong and hold out until the normal time that people find out... but then I thought, why?? LOL. So as long as DH is on board, I think we'll go ahead and let them tell us.

terri, so beta next Tuesday, huh?! It's killing me that you won't test, but I admire your strength! You're so much stronger than I was, haha! What a GREAT Christmas surprise you'll be getting though! I think the day before Christmas Eve is a great day to find out.:thumbup:

BabyW, I'm so glad they found the hematoma and that it's small! It sounds like your Dr isn't too concerned, so I hope that brings you some relief for yourself and baby. Its natural to worry, so I'm sure its still on your mind, but I do hope you feel lots better since your Dr felt okay about it.:flower:

Jen, yet another hilarious story, ha. Btw, your bump is looking super cute, thanks for sharing the pic! The thing about your post that stood out to me the most is that you have a laundry room in your closet...?? I'm imagining this gigantic room-sized closet with a door into a cute little laundry room on the back or something, and I have to admit, I started drooling. Haha! I would love that in my closet.

LadySosa, glad you're feeling better! Enjoy seeing A Christmas Story! That will be so much fun! I'd love to squeeze something like that in this year before heading to Kentucky on Sunday, but probably not gonna happen!

Hi to everyone else! Nothing new to report yet. Went in for 2nd beta this a.m., so will get results late this afternoon. I did tell my mom and sisters, but mostly just because they've known about my IVF journey from the beginning, so naturally they were waiting. DH has been refusing to get too excited until we get the 2nd beta. When I act excited, he tries to talk me down, as he's seen me devastated so much in the last 2 years. I just giggle at him and tell him "You just wait and see on Thursday". :winkwink: No matter what he says though, I know he did get excited when he heard the 1st beta, because we've never gotten that far before. With my two CPs, my beta was CRAZY low and my HPTs took a nasty turn pretty quick.
I am torn on the gender reveal as well.

I think today is just the embroidery count. I think today they biopsy and freeze. I expect pgs results tomorrow. Today is day 5. I would have had a day 6 transfer.
Sarah, you are so sweet! Glad to see you pop over, and I'm so happy your pregnancy is going well! Thanks for all the kind words, you really are the sweetest!!<3

moni, so sorry about your anatomy scan! I know that would've frustrated me as well. They must know that when women go in for those kinds of things, they're happy and excited and anxious all that same time. I agree that they should've squeezed you in for sure. Did you get rescheduled for tomorrow?

beagle, I'm so excited about your 7 embies! That's great that they're all doing so well. So you get another call today, right? Is this call going to be to let you know how they're doing today, or is today the call for the PGS results?

jkb, I'm pretty sure we will go ahead and inquire about the gender when our first scan goes okay. I thought I might try and be strong and hold out until the normal time that people find out... but then I thought, why?? LOL. So as long as DH is on board, I think we'll go ahead and let them tell us.

terri, so beta next Tuesday, huh?! It's killing me that you won't test, but I admire your strength! You're so much stronger than I was, haha! What a GREAT Christmas surprise you'll be getting though! I think the day before Christmas Eve is a great day to find out.:thumbup:

BabyW, I'm so glad they found the hematoma and that it's small! It sounds like your Dr isn't too concerned, so I hope that brings you some relief for yourself and baby. Its natural to worry, so I'm sure its still on your mind, but I do hope you feel lots better since your Dr felt okay about it.:flower:

Jen, yet another hilarious story, ha. Btw, your bump is looking super cute, thanks for sharing the pic! The thing about your post that stood out to me the most is that you have a laundry room in your closet...?? I'm imagining this gigantic room-sized closet with a door into a cute little laundry room on the back or something, and I have to admit, I started drooling. Haha! I would love that in my closet.

LadySosa, glad you're feeling better! Enjoy seeing A Christmas Story! That will be so much fun! I'd love to squeeze something like that in this year before heading to Kentucky on Sunday, but probably not gonna happen!

Hi to everyone else! Nothing new to report yet. Went in for 2nd beta this a.m., so will get results late this afternoon. I did tell my mom and sisters, but mostly just because they've known about my IVF journey from the beginning, so naturally they were waiting. DH has been refusing to get too excited until we get the 2nd beta. When I act excited, he tries to talk me down, as he's seen me devastated so much in the last 2 years. I just giggle at him and tell him "You just wait and see on Thursday". :winkwink: No matter what he says though, I know he did get excited when he heard the 1st beta, because we've never gotten that far before. With my two CPs, my beta was CRAZY low and my HPTs took a nasty turn pretty quick.

I can't wait for your 2nd beta. I can understand dh wanting to be emotionally reserved, I know dh and I both took it day by day, and for the most part I still do. I am a little relieved but it still can pose a threat, yes most resolve and while some take several week, some have it until 36 weeks, so who knows. As long as it stays light without any serious cramping I am ok. Until further notice I am :sick: I am sipping on Coke right now and I am not a soda drinker, but I have ginger ale daily now. I think the coke works better actually. I wonder when ms will peak? I pray I'm not like this the whole pregnancy, that would be very tough.

Jen your stories are hilarious. Aren't bumps great! I swear I loved mine b/c it made my thighs look smaller!! People were also inherently nicer, for the most part. Some won't get up on the subway and I even had 1 guy push me with his briefcase when I was 34 weeks. I asked him if he felt good about pushing a prgo woman down the stairs faster than the guy in front of me could walk, and he told me to stay the F home. I had some choice words for him after that and cursed his leather jacket, Bill Cosby 1990s sweater and gold chain. There are some really special people in NYC. Jen did Vitamin B really help?

Thinking of you today Amy!
Jen-Your bump is really cute, and so is your t-shirt! hee hee.

LadySosa-A Christmas Story has to be better than the Nutcracker because it is better. It's actually a funny movie. I hope you and DH have a good time. And yay for surfing the web. That's what I'm doing-most of the time. Have you ever seen that link that said 'I finished the internet!' hee hee. I feel like that sometimes at the end of the week. Glad your voice is back and you're feeling much better.

beaglemom-Of course, check in when they call you. Woop woop!

BabyW-Are you going to make a ticker? I hope your morning sickness ends soon.

ERose-Yay for telling other people. I understand your DHs apprehensiveness too, but this time you're golden! I can't wait for the results.

AFM-Good news first...we did our secret santa exchange and my best coworker picked my name so I got three cool things. Lorna Doone cookies, a grey infinity scarf that's so warm, and a yankee candle.

Fertility wise-not such a good report. :ignore: I hated taking my shot last night. I guess I did it in the wrong spot because it hurt. Or I'm just getting tired of taking them when I am not feeling good about this at all. I know...moni and kfs1 thought they were out too, but I just am not feeling good about it. I'm tired of taking shots, I'm tired of feeling nothing. I'm tired of watching tv and cooking dinner, watching more tv and then going to bed to get up and go to work. I'm dreading spending Christmas at my MILs because I don't have any friends there and I'll be bored out of my mind. I'm just in a bad way. :brat: ha ha. Hopefully this afternoon I'll be in better spirits. :football:
Haha BabyW - sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but it's kind of funny picturing you New Yorkers cursing at each other at rush hour. It sounds like a scene from Seinfeld (I watch too much TV). And it's comical imagining the guy in the Cosby sweater and gold chain. But what a jerk! Pushing you when you're preggo! The nerve.

Terri - Hang in there, girl! I think the holidays have a weird way of making people feel down. Especially if you have to spend them with the in-laws! Hehe. When are you done with your shots? Sounds like you need to do something for yourself. Like go for a spa day or get a massage! Or make your hubby take you to a nice dinner! Treat yourself. I do hear you on getting tired of the routine. I haven't started the meds yet but sometimes I feel so I just want to do something different. Like move to California. Or start my own business. Or move to Europe! Something crazy, outrageous, exciting! Anything to break the monotony, the routine! I imagine my cabin fever will get worse once I start the meds. And then of course once a baby comes I think I'll lose my chance to take a risk...I think we need a vacation to Mexico or something, LOL.
Terri - I know you have been through more shots and meds than me but this is how I felt the last night before my trigger. I was just so tired. I woke up way early the day of and barely went back to sleep and then terrible O pains. So when I got to the clinic I was tired, nauseous, and in pain. I was so ready to be put to sleep because I was so close to crying.

I hope you start feeling better soon and Christmas brings you a surprise.

Ugh waiting for my car to be serviced and 2 old ladies are just going on and on about everything. Texting, god in school, violence. I just want to read my book!
JCM - Love that bump! You are so tiny, though. You look great!

LadySosa - I've been to see the nutcracker 2 years in a row now with my MIL and nieces. I do enjoy it BUT it can get a little boring. I hope we can see something different next year.

Erin - Can't wait to hear your next beta. I can't say that I blame your DH - you guys have been through the ringer this past year!!!

Babyw - You really do meet some great people on the subway, huh? Sheesh - glad you told him off though.

Terri - Those secret santa gifts sound great. I HATE that you're feeling so down today. Why are you feeling so negative about this IVF? Moni and I are living proof that no symptoms mean nothing. And I STILL don't have any symptoms Terri. That said, I was feeling kind of negative during mine, too, but that's because of my doom and gloom doctor. You HAVE to bounce out of it. You're always so positive and you need to keep it up! And don't worry about your Christmas trip because you're going to be so happy with your BFP that you won't care where you are.
Jen-Your bump is really cute, and so is your t-shirt! hee hee.

LadySosa-A Christmas Story has to be better than the Nutcracker because it is better. It's actually a funny movie. I hope you and DH have a good time. And yay for surfing the web. That's what I'm doing-most of the time. Have you ever seen that link that said 'I finished the internet!' hee hee. I feel like that sometimes at the end of the week. Glad your voice is back and you're feeling much better.

beaglemom-Of course, check in when they call you. Woop woop!

BabyW-Are you going to make a ticker? I hope your morning sickness ends soon.

ERose-Yay for telling other people. I understand your DHs apprehensiveness too, but this time you're golden! I can't wait for the results.

AFM-Good news first...we did our secret santa exchange and my best coworker picked my name so I got three cool things. Lorna Doone cookies, a grey infinity scarf that's so warm, and a yankee candle.

Fertility wise-not such a good report. :ignore: I hated taking my shot last night. I guess I did it in the wrong spot because it hurt. Or I'm just getting tired of taking them when I am not feeling good about this at all. I know...moni and kfs1 thought they were out too, but I just am not feeling good about it. I'm tired of taking shots, I'm tired of feeling nothing. I'm tired of watching tv and cooking dinner, watching more tv and then going to bed to get up and go to work. I'm dreading spending Christmas at my MILs because I don't have any friends there and I'll be bored out of my mind. I'm just in a bad way. :brat: ha ha. Hopefully this afternoon I'll be in better spirits. :football:

I forgot how to copy a ticker, where do I do it? In my Siggy? I'm a luddite.
Yes it goes in your signature.

I was at the dealership an hour & a half. Then went to my husband's store to return some things & buy some things...of course bought things I didn't need & forgot what I actually needed.

Just realizing I have not gotten a call from my emryologist. Maybe they are planning to call after pgs. I can't remember if they message said Thursday or Friday.

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