First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

My pants are the full panel. Right now I found it down and wear it like a belly band. Does well. Figured the full panel would feel best as I progress.
Terri - I seriously have some meds left over (just not sure what) so if you decide to do another round, let me know. I'll send you everything. Hope you're feeling better today.

Amy - WOW. I can't believe there's only one in there! Congratulations! One is plenty, right? :)

Moni - I think it's good that you're putting your foot down. I would feel the same way. I'm sure you just want everything in place so you don't have to think about it when the baby comes.

JKB - Glad to hear that the bleeding is slowing.

Booger - I hope the nausea isn't TOO bad for you. Just eat whatever you can to make you feel better - don't stress out about that.

Erin - Oooh. Camper shopping sounds fun. We go camping once a year but we only have a tent. A camper would be much nicer with a newborn. :)

Babyw - Your poor little DD with all of those teeth. Must be painful.

Sars - That's great about the free crib! You can definitely make it yours with a little bit of paint. My mom is buying our crib for us. We've been looking around a bit but they all seem so huge and the baby's room isn't that big. I'm sure we'll find something soon.

Hi everyone else!
kfs - Ikea has a greats cribs that are smaller in size. That's where I wanted mine but husband didn't like bought mine online at Walmart. I don't really care for the larger furniture. I wanted to keep it simple...just my style. I think the larger heavy stuff is beautiful...but I prefer the other.

Speaking of meds, I stopped my estrogen & progesterone. So anyone on crinone please let me know. I only have a few, but I don't want to toss them. I planned to use it up but my dr gave me a look like no, just don't need it. So I did.

Terri - I hope you are feeling better today. Sometimes a night of sleep helps. I don't want you to give up, but I know your anxiety. I will be paying for this kid for a while. But that is my situation...everyone is different. We were okay taking on the debt. But I know you hate all that over your head. Good luck lady...let us know how the appt goes today.
Hi everyone,
Whew, what a weekend.

DH started complaining of a toothache on Thursday, got an appointment with his dentist for Tuesday. Then the pain got worse Friday night, he couldn't stand it. I had some leftover Oxycontin from a surgery, so he took it. He woke up Saturday to horrible pain still. We were just trying to get through the weekend with the Oxy, but he couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and his cheek starting swelling. I felt so bad because I was pretty helpless, nothing I did made his pain go away. Sunday morning the right side of his face was twice its normal size. We called his dentist who got us an 8am Monday appointment and called in more pain meds. So yesterday morning, we went into the dentist, she took one look and said, "you need to get to an oral surgeon, NOW." So we drove to an oral surgeon who had to 'squeeze us in' on an emergency basis (in other words, wait around forever until they can see him). Finally after waiting for like 2 hours in the waiting room, they took him back and had to extract a molar and drain the infection. Poor guy, he was in so much pain, I've never seen him like that. But luckily he felt a million times better after they took out the tooth. So I spent the weekend and all Monday taking care of him, running to the pharmacy, getting him different kinds of soup (which he didn't eat) and ice cream. He's at home now, sleeping. His cheek is still ginormous, but hopefully the swelling will subside. Needless to say, it was a miserable weekend, and not quite the solo weekend I had envisioned.

In the meantime, I feel like getting pregnant or trying to get pregnant was all a dream. It's hard to explain, but thinking about all the meds and procedures, it's like, did I actually go through all of that, or was it just a dream? Hehe. It feels like an experience that is a million miles away from me. Trying to stay positive. Argh. Appointment is Wed., which again, feels like a million miles away. Whatever.

Terri - I'm so sorry your insurance $ ran out. That is so annoying and frustrating. I meant to say - yay for your trip to Seattle in Sept! Since you used to live here, you know how gorgeous Seattle is in Sept. Our summers seem to last into Sept usually, the last few years its been unseasonably hot at that time. Are you guys staying in downtown? Do you have any activities planned yet?

Booger - yay for hearing the heartbeat. How special! I hear you on the casual environment. You probably guessed that North Face, Patagonia, etc. rules over here in Seattle area. We spend a lot of time in Winthrop (central/east WA) and it's really country, probably similar to Montana - skiing in the winter, rodeos, ranches, etc.

Amy - Awe, only one?! Hehe. Just kidding. I'm glad you've got a healthy one, and it will be less stress with one than with twins.

Erin - A camper sounds awesome! If we lived in FL we would camp more often. It seems that camping in the northwest always results in rain. I have bad memories of camping with my family as a kid and all huddling under a tarp waiting for the rain to end. My parents now have an RV and they love it. They take it for little weekend trips throughout the summer.

BabyW - Awe, that sounds so cute how excited Jack gets for his grandparents. He sounds like such a good boy! I would love to have a dual stroller if we had 2 kids, but I can see how it would be tough to maneuver.

Sars - yay for the maternity clothes and free crib! There are so many expenses with a baby so wherever you can get free stuff, it helps!

Beagle - sorry you'll be without your hubs for a week.

Jkb - glad the bleeding has subsided!

Moni - good for you for taking a stand on the crib! Time is flying!

Hi to Kfs, knitgirl, Jen, brighteyez, and anyone else I might have missed!
Amy, I am so happy to hear all is good in there!! And yeah for Nov babies!! I am the 26th :)

Sars, I know I need to take Jack to BBB and try out the Rumble, also heard new UBV is coming out Oct and they have a better configuration for their rumble seat. I might just buy the rumble and upgrade if it's a great improvement in Oct....can always sell mine on CL and splurge for a new one since I have bot mine on CL knowing our needs could change soon. I just couldn't rationalize spending over $800 if we were going to have a 2nd baby and the stroller might not be what I need. Dh makes fun of me for being so financially conservative, but that's how I am.

Terri, I too have 1 syringe of Ganirelix left if you need it.

How's everyone doing today?

Does anyone's RE take donated meds? Mine does...I wonder if we should gather what we have if we are not going to use it before it expires and choose a place to donate it if no one on here needs it. Just an idea.
Lady- so sorry hubby is so sick! Hope he is feeling better. I get what you're saying about ivf feeling like it was just a dream. I was thinking the other day how it took so long to get here and now it's past. Hopefully we will feel the same when we are holding our little ones in the future. Hope Wednesday comes fast for you and you get nothing but positive news at your appt.

SARS- congrats on the free crib! I'm sure once it is a color you like it will be like a custom one you picked!

Terri- been thinking about you today. Hope today is better and you got a good report at you appt. hang in there girl. Remember on top of the stress of the whole situation the meds take our emotions on a roller coaster ride. Not to excuse your hubby if he isn't attempting to meet you half way. But unfortunately sometimes men can be shits:) for example on the second to last day of the antibiotics course I discovered my husband hadn't been taking his, after I had text or called him to remind him of every single dose. At the time, I lost it because, outside of providing his sample that was all he had to do. Everyone handles things differently. Maybe your husband just needs the child to actually be born in order to change his habits. *hugs*

Erin- camper shopping would be so fun! Y'all will make some great memories over the years!!

Beagle hope the time goes by fast for you while hubby is gone. My husband is usually never gone more than a few days. I always enjoy the first couple but then start missing him.

Afm- bleeding has almost been nonexistent today!:) I work 13 hours tomorrow so hope it stays that way. I even ventured out to get maternity clothes today. I haven't gained any weight yet, I have actually lost but last summer I cleared out my closet so I had nothing to wear for warm weather so I figured I might as well go ahead and get them. Can I just say ouch! They were pricey$$$ the designer stuff was at the front of the store and the normal label stuff at the back but $235 for a pair of Jean capris! I mean seriously you will wear them maybe 5 months at best. I didn't get them I stuck to maxi dresses, that were affordable. I did online shopping last night and got some really good deals from pink blush maternity. They had an extra 30% off everything. But it ended last night.
Amy, I am so happy to hear all is good in there!! And yeah for Nov babies!! I am the 26th :)

Sars, I know I need to take Jack to BBB and try out the Rumble, also heard new UBV is coming out Oct and they have a better configuration for their rumble seat. I might just buy the rumble and upgrade if it's a great improvement in Oct....can always sell mine on CL and splurge for a new one since I have bot mine on CL knowing our needs could change soon. I just couldn't rationalize spending over $800 if we were going to have a 2nd baby and the stroller might not be what I need. Dh makes fun of me for being so financially conservative, but that's how I am.

Terri, I too have 1 syringe of Ganirelix left if you need it.

How's everyone doing today?

Does anyone's RE take donated meds? Mine does...I wonder if we should gather what we have if we are not going to use it before it expires and choose a place to donate it if no one on here needs it. Just an idea.

I'm not sure if my office takes donations but I have several friends going thru ivf so, I have given my stuff to them. I swear infertility is huge in healthcare. I honestly think enviromental factors play a big part for us. (I.e. Ct scan, X-ray equipment, meds that we come in contact with such as chemo...)
jkb also look online at motherhood maternity...they have good deals sometimes. Check out walmart & target online as well. And if you dare, try ebay...I got a lot of stuff at ebay. I also got a lot of casual tops at a place called Burkes Outlet...not sure if you have those. But when you go out just ask if they have is usually a tiny corner that is hard to find.
Amy, yay for a great scan, wuhu!! I just knew everything was going to be fine!:happydance: Sorry for the blood clot, ugh. But at least you know, and you won't have to panic when you see spotting, right?

Moni, good for you putting your foot down with DH, hehe! I'm telling you, that sounds exactly like something my DH would do. I could see him insisting on something, and then expecting me to handle it after the fact, haha. He would totally plan something just like your DH did.

terri, how's the appt go today?? Are you feeling better?

sars, yay for a free crib!! Wow, that's some great luck! I, too, love the vintage furniture look... I've been seeing lots of it on Pinterest and it catches my eye every time. Not sure what we'll end up with just yet, but I've had that in the front of my mind.

LadySosa, so sorry about DH's tooth pain! Mouth pain is the WORST. It's so hard to enjoy anything when you get all that pain and swelling right up in your head. Can't eat, can barely even drink right, and sometimes it causes massive headaches too. No fun at all. Can't wait to hear how your appt goes.... I'm excited that you're moving forward!

beagle, I actually went into Motherhood Maternity the other day. I'm getting to a point where I simply can't fit into any of my other clothes, and I'm super uncomfortable in them. It felt great to buy some new things and pull on pants that fit the way they're supposed to, haha. They have some plain t-shirts that are so super soft and comfy, so I bought a few of those too. They had cute jeans, shorts, dresses, etc. And I bought some of their "Belly Belts". They just button right onto the existing buttons on regular (non-maternity) pants so that you can wear your own pants for longer. I planned on getting some belly bands, but they didn't have the ones I was looking for, so I'll just get those somewhere else.

jkb, I'm happy your bleeding has stopped! I know that's a huge relief for you.

Hi kfs!! And hi to everyone else too! We haven't heard from a few, so i hope everyone is doing okay...

AFM, still nothing to report, but feeling chatty today, so decided to take a break. :) Speaking of due dates, since this came up, my due date changed really early on too. Our little guy was growing three days ahead of schedule from the very beginning, and they told me that they go by measurements instead of the day of transfer. So they moved it from 8/25 to 8/22.

Btw, I have an interesting question for you girls (whoever cares to answer).... This is a controversial issue, so feel free to not answer if you don't want to. I just figured since we're all friends here and nobody here judges anyone else, that it would be interesting to hear. Who here plans on vaccinating, and who doesn't? Like i said, do not feel obligated to answer if you don't want to. I'm just super curious because my best friend isn't vaccinating her second child for all the reasons you've probably all heard about. I was kinda surprised, because I dont know that many people who don't vaccinate.... but then it got me to thinking, well I'm friends with a ton of girls on the forums, so I wonder about them! :)
KFS: I don't know what sort of budget you have for a new crib, but Stokke has a great small space crib called the Sleepi. It is definitely pricey but great for small rooms. Our nursery is tiny, tiny, tiny. It's our third bedroom and currently there's a twin bed and my husband's CD collection. (He has a deadline to get them all iTunes matched and out of the house. I'm talking thousands of CDs). We put the crib together with everything still in there. While it is super crowded, it actually made me feel better because it oddly enough feels like there is more space than I thought.

LadySosa: Your poor hubs. There is nothing like tooth pain. I'm glad he was able to get in to see a doc quickly. I had a reinfected root canal and it took me 2 weeks to get in to an endodontist and forever for the meds to work. Sorry you didn't get your relaxing weekend. I hope you're still hanging in there. Your appointment is already almost here!

JKB: Yay on almost no bleeding! Let's hope it continues. I've been floored by the price on some maternity stuff. Since I got so much free clothes, I admit I've been tempted to splurge a little on a nice pair of jeans or work pants. I'm a big believer is price-per-wear. Although, I've never bought myself a designer pair of jeans so the first ones won't be maternity. I wouldn't be surprised if you're on to something with the exposure in health care.

BabyW: You found your first UppaBaby on Craig's List? My parents live in Center City Philly in a young neighborhood so I stalk their CL regularly and have alerts set up for things. I'm open to getting lots on there. No need to waste money. I know my doctor does take donations. I have been planning on bringing my meds, needles etc. I've just been a bit superstitious and wanted to wait a little longer.

Erin: I forgot to mention that your camper shopping sounds awesome. DH and I would love to one day rent an RV and go all over the country. That's a long ways off of course =) My house is a real mix of vintage, Ikea and Pottery Barn. And I've found the stuff I picked up on the side of the road and refinished/repainted wears a lot better than my Pottery Barn stuff often.

I'm definitely in the vaccinate camp. Only reason I wouldn't be would be if my child had some sort of medical reason, immune suppression issues etc., that made it dangerous. Pennsylvania makes it pretty easy for parents to not vaccinate, they just have to claim a religious exemption with no proof, and it scares me a bit. I wish we had more stringent laws. Herd immunity is very important, especially for little ones that can't protect themselves. Just my two cents.
I am for vaccinating. However when it comes to my pets I am the opposite. One of my dogs is sick & cannot get vaccinated. We think it may have been originally caused by getting vaccinated. He only gets rabies because it is the law. My other animals are vaccinated but I don't like it. It is widely known they are over vaccinated because the research is just not there to support doing it less right now. Also a difference with kids is they are not routinely vaccinated like dogs. I am not 100% on that, but I think most vaccines are one time. On another note, I do not get a flu shot. I don't usually get sick, so I don't want to mess with that. I do feel as a society we have become a little germophobic...using sanitizer constantly. Things like that actually break down your immune system. Your body does need to fight some things off on its own.

Having said all this, I will admit I have more research to do on the subject.

I am curious on people's views on circumcision. I want to leave it up to my husband as the man, but I am the mom. I do not want an unnecessary procedure. Even my mom said he didn't see the point in it. My husband just says do it. We have both agreed to research more & be open to the other's thoughts & feelings. So no idea where we will land on that.
My personal opinion is for getting kids immunized. I work in a large pediatric emergency department so we see the sickest of the sick kids. I can say from first hand experience when the children get sick that are not vaccinated it can be bad:( by the time they make it to us they usually end up with IV antibiotics and a lumbar puncture to ensure they don't have meningitis.
As far as circumcision goes, I had I hard time sending my son to be circumcised when he was born but the babies actually tolerate it pretty well. In my hospital we provide them something called sweetease. Basically, it is sugared water:) you put a few drops on the tip of the pacy and the sucking is soothing to newborns and the sugared water will release endorphins. I have seen some babies not even cry during the procedure. On the flip side of that I will warn you to know your pediatrician that will be doing the procedure. Make sure they are experienced and have a good record;) my reasoning for being for circumcision is also due to infection risk. When we get a baby with fever we have to do a in/out urine cath because UTI is a big cause of fever in babies and if left untreated it can make them septic.
Don't want to push my opinions off on anyone else, just want to share the possibility of test and treatments that many kids have to go thru.
Just popping in to say that I think retrieval will be on Saturday. Good thing I ordered two more needles of ganirelix because I think that is exactly what I will need. Phew!

I have a meeting for the next 2 hours and then I can catch up. Hope you guys are doing ok.
Good morning, ladies!! :coffee:

Terri - Hooray for Saturday retrieval!! Are you feeling any better? These cycles are so stressful in and of themselves that anything that adds more stress to them just makes things unbearable. Hang in there!! I hate seeing you stressed and sad. :hugs:

jkb - Hooray for no bleeding! Did you make it through your 13-hour shift successfully with no problems?? By the way, I think your insight as a nurse is very helpful.

sars - Wow!! That's a lot of CDs. DH better get moving. Your crib sounds lovely. I think DH might attempt to make ours but not totally sure yet. Our friend made his daughters so we can steal his plans. It was so beautiful with the wood that he chose to use. I guess it just depends on time more than anything.

Erose - Glad you took some time for yourself yesterday to check in with us!! Busy month is almost over?? I mean, do things calm down right away in April?? I hope so.

babywhisperer - All this stroller talk is mind boggling to me. I guess I'm just a dummy but I have no idea about brands, types, etc. I mean, I guess I have never really looked into them either. Guess I need to start thinking about that stuff. I get overwhelmed quickly when I do start looking into things so then I just kind of shut down. All I know is I need a running stroller - I plan to find a used one if possible. I do know about some of those options that are out there.

LadySosa - OUCH!! Poor DH. That sounds miserable. I hope he is feeling much better soon. Let us know how your appointment goes today if you're up to it later. Good luck!!!

Beagle - Wahoo on getting to stop your estrogen and progesterone!!! I can't wait to stop. I keep forgetting to take my estrogen at night. I have to take it in the morning and in the evening and I've been so tired lately I just forget my evening dose. It hasn't been too often but I can't wait to not have to remember to take all these medications.

:hi: to everyone else!!!

I am pro-vaccinate all the way. I'll stop there and not get on my soapbox.

Both of my hips now have numb spots from all the PIO shots. It isn't painful, just a small area on each hip that is numb. The plan is to halve my dose of PIO starting Friday and start on Crinone. Initially, I didn't want to deal with the Crinone at all but now that my hips have done this, I guess I'm ready.

Oh, and I guess I feel comfortable enough now after hearing the heartbeat last week to tell you all that we are having a baby GIRL!!! :pink:
OH wow Booger!!! Wahoo! I am so, so excited for you!! Awe, a little girl. :) I always get so teary when you guys tell me about good news/genders/hearing the heartbeat. When my coworker played the recording of the heartbeat for me, I got teary! I guess I'm a cryer. But it's just so cool and I know everyone has gone through so much to get to this point. Are you planning all the cutesy pink things for the nursery??
Booger, that is awesome!!! Let me know if you want my leftover crinone...just shoot me a message with your address. I know you wanted team yellow, but I bet it feels so awesome to know! One of the PGS benefits (one of many).

I did not really research much as far as cribs & all that. I am not all about spending crazy money. So I knew I wanted a 3 wheel stroller (just a basic you find in department stores) with a carrier to start. I found an Eddie Bauer at Target 70% off. So I paid about $80 for a $300 stroller. The crib & furnitutre, I knew my color & I wanted cheap. So that's what I did. Bottles, I have no idea. I get the idea it is hit & miss. I buy some when I see clearance. I added the ones that work with my pump to my registry. Oh & the pump was the same thing...70% off at Target. It is a really nice one. I didn't know what my insurance would cover, so I just bought it. Besides I wasn't even pregnant so I wouldn't have been covered for it then.

Now I just looked at a couple of daycares. Yikes...that is scary for me. I got some info & was told to wait until the summer to get put on the list & do a tour. Fine by me...I don't want to think about it anymore right now.
If I was having a girl, I would totally go all pink! Pink & purple! White furniture. Some women don't like that...but I would love it. Oh & so many cute clothes!!! Boys have super cute stuff too.
Good morning everyone!

Terri - yay for retrieval only a few days away! Are your ovaries feeling huge? Are you uncomfortable? I hope you are feeling better and that hubs is being supportive.

Sars - I love the description of your house! I love CL, I've got some fantastic bargains on there. But it seems you have to constantly check it to find something good/cheap. Sometimes I chuckle and the prices people want for ugly, old things - it's ridiculous. I got this great idea that I was going to buy a good quality set of chairs off CL then have them re-upholstered. I priced everything out and realized for the same price I could get a new pair. So I gave up on that. I wish I could shop more on CL, DH is a total germaphobe. He refuses to bring anything "used" into the house. He is such a snob! I got him to come around to a coffee table I got off CL, but anything that we sit on or basically touch regularly, it MUST be new.

Jkb - I agree, your insight as a nurse is super helpful!

I am pro vaccination as well. The way I look at it, doctors and researchers have put a lot of time, money, and energy into researching vaccinations over the past hundred years or so. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that because I did some Google searches I now know more than those experts. That's how I feel anti-vaccers think...also, I feel that anti-vaccers put other kids at risk. Anyways, hope I didn't offend anyone!

I don't think we will circumcise. We've talked about it a little bit. DH is not circumcised (sorry if that's TMI!) and he's made it through life just fine. Also I don't think I would be able to put my tiny little baby through that. I dunno. I will also mostly leave it up to DH to decide though, since he's the guy.
Thanks, ladies! It is very exciting.

Beagle - Thanks for the offer on the Crinone. If I need it, I'll let you know. I have an order coming from Walgreens tomorrow and I think that should get me through. If I start to run low, I'll let you know. But if you know someone else that needs it, go ahead and let them have it by all means!

Lady - I can't wait for you to have good news for us! I agree it's hard not to get emotional when we have good news around here (or to get sad/teary for bad news).
Thanks everyone for your offers and thoughts. hee hee. I feel okay. I actually don't feel as bloated this time around as I have in times past, so that's a good thing. I'm just ready to get these eggs taken, and find out what the fertilization record is. I'm just super stressed out (worried/concerned/debating) and it has nothing to do with hormones. It has to do with going through this whole process and whether it is really something I want to do. Yeah, nice of me to say that now at this stage of the game, but I'm really just wondering if this is for the best. Maybe I'm setting myself up for failure or being ok with nothing coming back normal. Not sure, really, but if it works fine, if it doesn't, there's my answer, and I can move on. It won't be the worst thing in the world if I don't have a kid. Just sad and disappointing,but at least I'll know that I gave it my all. My husband..not sure he can say that, unfortunately, but that's his demon to deal with. He just better be ready on Saturday to give his sample. That is all I care about right now.

Blah's all about me...sorry ladies.

Oh and Booger-woohoo on a girl. Terripeachy is a lovely name. :winkwink:

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