First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Terri sorry you're stressing about this. It must be hard to be questioning what you want at this stage of the game. But whatever happens is meant to be, I suppose.

My FIL was so funny. Yesterday he texted DH at around 3:30 and was like, "Are you guys done at the doctor's yet??" Haha. DH was like, "Dad, that's tomorrow." I was like, Aww! He's more excited about it than I am. Haha. I adore my in-laws. They are so into this process, and so supportive. It can get a little annoying at times though. My FIL will call DH, DH won't pick up. Then he'll call again. Then again. Then he will text: "Cae! What are you doing?" If he doesn't respond, he'll text again: "Cae. Hello?!" (Of course this is all in spanish) Then if they can't get a hold of him for whatever reason they start calling me. It's like, you CANNOT avoid them, even if you try. And they talk at least once a day.
Booger - YAY A GIRL!! Congratulations!! That is so wonderful!! Did you have a preference either way?

LadySosa - I hope your appointment goes well today. I can't wait to hear what they say.

Terri - I hope you start to feel better. I hate that you're stressed out. But YAY for Saturday. You'll also get to keep your Thursday dinner plans :) So are you going to just freeze your embies and decide what to do later? Or now that your plans have slightly changed, are you thinking of transferring?

I actually have a strong opinion about vaccinating, so I'll explain why. My grandfather had polio. It paralyzed is vocal cords. For most of his life he spoke in a harsh whisper with no vocal cords to carry a speaking voice. People were always whispering behind his back, wondering what was wrong with him, and passing judgment. Later in life due to complications he had to have a permanent trachea put it. This was also very difficult and caused it's own array of issues. All this could have been avoided, something that profoundly effected a majority of his life if the polio vaccine had been available when he was a child. To dismiss the benefits of being vaccinated verses not being vaccinated and to put your child and other people's children at risk for reasons that have no scientific evidence is just foolish. Sorry if I offend anyone this is just my opinion.

My aunt didn't circumcise either one of my male cousins either and both had issues because of it. One cousin kept getting yeast infections (apparently it's possible for a male to get a yeast infection lol). In his adolescent years, he wasn't keeping the area underneath the foreskin clean enough and kept getting yeast infections. Obviously there were hygiene issues going on but since after a certain age you're not going to be able to go in the bathroom and wash him anymore, I guess this could be an issue. The other cousin, and I don't know why exactly but the foreskin was somehow causing him a lot of pain when he would get an erection. I think there wasn't enough of it to stretch or something. (I know TMI, but I don't know how else to explain it). Anyways, when he was sixteen they had to get him circumcised anyway to fix the problem. But by this point he was almost a grown man and had more skin to cut off. Needless to say he was really mad that his mom didn't do it when he was a baby where he wouldn't remember lol. On the other hand, my DH isn't circumcised and it's never been an issue at all. However, now that I'm freaked out that problems could possibly pop up later on, I would definitely circumcise a boy if we had one.
Amy - I am undecided...but I think you have a benefit in your case because your husband has experience & would be able to help educate your son on how to take care of himself. My husband is circumsized, so he really has no knowledge the other way. I think a lot of men go with what they know when it comes to what to do with their baby.
Agree, it seems like most men go with what they know. Another story that may be TMI...

My boyfriend in high school/college was not circumcised. One time we were fooling around in a bath (so no natural lubrication), and his skin ripped back off of his penis a bit. Needless to say, he was in a tremendous amount of pain, there was blood everywhere. It was awful. That memory does stick in my mind when considering which option. Although I hate to think about my future baby "fooling around" and getting an erection. Ack! (here's hoping for a girl, hehe)

Amy - that is a very insightful story about your grandfather. Another good argument to vaccinate. It sounds like we have all pro-vaccers here on the thread!
My DH actually wants to circumcise our son as well. So we actually agree about that. I'm not sure why, especially since he isn't. I should bring it up again, I wonder if he wishes he had been and that's why he wants his son to be? I never asked him that question.
Oh booger, a girl, how exciting!!! I'm so glad you shared with us! :thumbup: I'll add the girl stork to your name on the front page.

Terri, I'm happy to hear that your ER is on Saturday. You mentioned you have plans on Friday, right? So that worked out good. :) You mentioned with all the expenses popping up, that you aren't going to batch now... are you still feeling like that today? And does that mean that you'll be having a fresh transfer and having the PGS results overnighted? Or are you still going to freeze the ones you get this time and let the PGS results come in when they will?

Its fun seeing everyone's opinion on things. I am a pro-vaxxer as well. I did a ton of research on the topic, and still came to the conclusion that we will def vaccinate, even with all the scary stories. The doctor that wrote the report (that was debunked) on vaccines causing autism, did lose his license. You should see some of the stuff Wiki exposed about him. It was an interesting read, and made me feel completely fine about vaccinating! Its not just about that though... I believe in science, and considering how far we've come in this new world with modern medicine, I personally can't imagine why we'd want to take a step BACK and just stop vaccinating our children.

As for circumcising, I'm still undecided, but leaning toward doing it. Like a couple of you, my DH is not circumcised. He's never had an issue, but I'm still undecided. I want to do it because I want to make his life a little easier, and I just assumed it would be easier if he is circumcised. In the end, I figured my DH would know better than I would, so I brought it up to him. Here's the funny thing... I figured he'd be totally against doing it, but he surprised me by saying he wanted to think about it. Just the fact that he's an uncircumcised male thinking about circumcising his son, does make me wonder then if he feels that it might be easier on the kid too. So we'll see.
LadySosa-Thinking about your future son made me crack up. Like, a belly laugh. HA!!HA!! Thanks for that. Eager to hear your report too.

Amy-Aww..I'm sad to hear about your grandfather. What a life he led. We're still planning to do the genetic testing and doing a frozen transfer as soon as possible if we do have chromosomally normal embryos (the nurse said I'd be back on BCP for only two weeks vs. three). Oh, and I made dinner plans forgetting that I had to work second shift, so my plans were rescheduled and now I'll just be working Thursday night. I'll be going in late tomorrow which will be nice. Fun is ready to go see the vet in the morning, and then he'll be put up for adoption afterwards. I wrote a great profile for him, and he's grown up and ready to go. We will really miss him, though.

ERose-We posted at the same time. I am not willing to do any more cycles because of cost and frustration, so whatever we get is it. If for some reason they are freaking out and want me to do a Day 3 transfer, I don't think I can because I'm not going to be taking Estrace for my lining. I will ask the nurse about it though. hmmm..maybe I should take it just in case. Now I'm freaking out. HA!!HA!! I do have leftover pills, thankfully.
So terri, I know you're not very excited and you're in a bad place right now mentally... But I can't help but be super excited for you. You're on my mind every day.:flower: I can't wait for the PGS results, and I'm going to be on the edge of my seat when you have a chromosomally normal embie transferred in and we all get to wait for the BFP.

Oh, and don't get worried or anxious! I dont think you'd have to do a day3 transfer since you didnt have to with your other IVF cycles, right? I think you'll have a few make it to day5. But i suppose you could talk to your RE and ask her if she wants you to take whatever meds you'd need for a fresh transfer, just in case it came to that, if that would make you feel better.
Terri - the good thing about the estrogen is it is cheap & insurance should cover under your regular prescription plan...mine does. Good luck Sat...happy thoughts!

I wonder if some men who are not circumsized say to do it because of the stigma...seems like I have heard there is a stigma around it...not sure. Don't you wish this was the hardest parenting decision we will be faced with?
Change of plans-trigger tonight (so I wasted the $300 on Ganirelix) and retrieval Friday. I'm calling out sick on Friday and will have to tell my coworker that we'll have to work on our project on Monday. I was excited to work on it too.

Anyway, the nurse said I can start taking meds just in case I need to transfer on Day 5 and if the lab people can't get a biopsy for one reason or another I'll be ready to transfer. My place is really cutting back on 3-day transfers because they are not finding as much success with them. I feel better having my body ready to go and then I can stop taking meds if I do have them sent out for biopsy. I have made it to day 5 the past two times so I should stop being such a ninny about it. I think I'm done whining for the week. Thanks for listening and bearing with me through this. It means a lot to me to have you guys. :cry:
Awe, Terri, don't worry about us! We're here for support! For the record, you don't sound whiny AT ALL. I'm glad you're having the retrieval one day sooner. The sooner the better, right? Even if it's just by a day. GL on the trigger!!
Wow Booger congrats on a girl!!!! That is soooo exciting. I really, really, really needed some happy good news today. That is so awesome DH might build your crib. My hubs is not the least bit handy. AT ALL. Our crib was very hard to get the rails in and he stayed calm the entire time, a rarity in a home improvement project. He joked he must be really growing up. I'm a crazy researcher and we're going for the Bob SE Revolution. It's awesome for jogging and great for an urban neighborhood like ours with lots of pavers, roots, etc. It is light and that portable but it you want something good on rugged terrain my friends rave about it. It is pricey but they pop up on CL all the time at good prices. Given how much DH and I run it's a no brainer for us.

LadySosa: Your in-laws sound super sweet. But i bet that can get maddening too. Can't wait to hear how your appointment goes today! I've gotten into CL sometimes out of necessity. I sometimes wish my husband wasn't so cheap on furniture. His eyes always boggle out of his head if we look somewhere nice.

Amy: That's so sad about your grandfather.

Terri: I'm glad you have your ER scheduled. I truly hope you get some answers and the outcome you want in your heart. You've been on such a roller coaster so your emotions are totally understandable. Sending good prayers and vibes your way.

I do find the circumcision issue a tricky one. Lots of un spouses on here. I know my parents didn't do my brother and as far as I know he's had no issues. I feel a little odd asking. My boyfriend in college wasn't. He told me ahead of time but I don't know how obvious it would've been to me initially as he was pretty ready to go the first time I saw it. It definitely didn't bother me. DH is mixed on it. He is but funny enough I had to tell him, yes you most definitely are.

I've had a truly, truly awful day. My company laid off half of my newsroom today. This is after we went through a similar blood bath last April. We just finally had hit our stride in our reorganization. To go through this again is truly devastating. I'm grateful to be employed still but also feeling guilty, scared and not so sure I even wan to work here. I have a week to decide if I accept the offer to work at our new company. (We're being spun off again.) I do feel backed into a corner in that to get FMLA you need to be at a company for a year. My DH's job is also intact. Thankfully, he has a good lead, on what would be a big step up at a new newspaper company. But it is an hour and a half from our house in a very expensive area. So, I'm feeling guilty for having a job when so many good people lost theirs and also guilty for not being sure I even want this job anymore.
SARS - sorry for the job stress. I hope everything works out. It is always sad to see layoffs.

Terri - good luck on retrieval. I hope you get a good report.

So I had brown cm yesterday. I wasn't concerned. I figured it was from my pap on Friday. Well last night before bed I wiped and it was pink/red. I told my husband and he played Dr Google which was nice. He told me all the things about it being normal. My abdomen also feels tender. Each time I went to the bathroom it got lighter. This morning it is almost gone. I am not going to call the Dr unless I see it again. I think the tenderness is my body going through a change. Maybe a growth spurt or something. And last night when I wiped I felt a little dry. So maybe there was just some irritation. We will see how the day goes.
Terri - I'm sorry that you're not feeling optimistic. I know how much you've been through so I totally get it. That said, I'M going to be optimistic for you! So, you're doing a fresh transfer, right?

Beagle/Sars - Thanks for the tips about the smaller cribs ladies. I'll definitely look into it.

Sars - That's so awful about your company. I've been through a similar situation so I totally understand. For us, we were laid off but they did a complete re-org and opened up positions with "new descriptions." So, we had to decide whether to apply for these or not. And if we did, we had to go through an 8-hour interview at an external assessment center. Yeah - it was absolute insanity. Anyway, maybe it would be good to just stay put until the baby's born. You can always make a decision after that.

Beagle - I had similar spotting after my pap and it freaked me out, too. I think you're handling it fine, though. I wouldn't worry unless it continues. OMG daycare. I'm sooo behind with that, too, but I know that I really need to start researching. The one that I really wanted is filled up (a few of my friends go there). There's also a possibility that my FIL will watch the baby 1-2 days a week but I'm nervous about him feeling obligated so I really want to think that one over.

LadySosa - That's terrible about your DHs tooth. Tooth pain is always so painful. I hope he's feeling better.

Booger - Yaaaay! A girl. Congratulations! And not sure if I said yet but congratulations on hearing the heartbeat! Absolutely amazing. Oh, and I'm the same as you when it comes to strollers and different baby items. I am clueless and become easily overwhelmed. I also have a lot of women in my life so I'm kind of scared to even ask their opinions because I'm sure they'll be conflicting. I'll make sure to ask them separately, one at a time. :)

Amy - Wow. Thanks for sharing your grandfather's story. I'm so sorry for him. Hmm. That's interesting that your DH agrees with circumcision even though he's not. I'd be curious to hear why.

As for me, it's a yes for both vaccinating and circumcision. My appointment went well yesterday, although slightly annoying because that office seriously takes FOREVER. I was there for 2 1/2 hours, most of the time waiting. The baby is weighing 1 pound and right on schedule. He/she was upside down so all we could really see was its butt. :) I still have placenta previa but he seems to think it will move based on what he's seeing. But that means STILL no BDing until my next appointment, which is in 4 weeks. That part's really frustrating people!
Thanks, kfs. I think it was th pap...even though that was Friday. I think it just took some time to show. The spotting seems to be brown cm waiting it out. I am going to ask a couple of girls at work what they think about the tenderness in my abdomen. But I really just think little guy is stretching himself out. I also have not been great about water. So I brought my big bottle in today. I think I will also buy some cranberry juice. I have been going to the bathroom a lot at night...I don't think it is a UTI, but my family is prone to them, so it wouldn't hurt to add that to my regimine.

I really thought since the all day nausea stopped I was headed for a break. But I guess the 1st T is always harder. I was crying last night. Just the spotting & pain. The pain did not make me cry, it was just the overwhelming discomfort. I do fine all day, then by the end of the day my back starts to ache & when I get home I just need to rest all night. Makes me feel like a bum because I really wanted to start getting some activity in.

kfs - congrats on another good u/s...when should you be able to find out the gender? Or are you not finding out?
Hi girls!

Booger- yay! Welcome to team pink! I was wrong. I thought you were having a boy. So happy for you either is great!!

SARS- hope the hard times at your job settle down. I can only imagine the stress that would go with layoffs either personal or close friends.

Kfs- hope the Previa corrects itself. That's cute that baby only gave y'all a butt shot:) yay for hitting the one pound mark.

Terri- thinking of you and sending you the best wishes for retrieval. We are here for you and don't mind you venting at all. having a support group makes a difference when being faced with challenges in life, ivf/ infertility is a huge challenge. It helps when you can vent to other people who have been there.

Beagle- hope the spotting stays away. its understandable that the pap would cause it. I would still just let your dr know, just because they are getting our $$$ to insure we bring our lil one into the world safe and sound. I'm just also thinking about you recently stoping your hormone therapy.

Lady- I can't wait for your appt report! Hope hubby is feeling better!

Question for you gals that are further along... When did you start feeling baby move?
Yes I did decide to call my dr & let them know. Honestly I am not concerned. But I think it is important to note it. She told me if it stays brown no issue but call back if red. She agrees probably the pap & also the tenderness not enough water. She said I can take some advil for the discomfort & to drink a ton of fluids today. She also said to take it easy today...which is no boss is gone so I expect to stay at my desk all day. And she said pelvic rest for 10 days. I have a liner on today but I honestly don't think I will need it.

We have not been having sex & I think this will delay things further! But neither of us seem to be complaining.

jkb - are you feeling anything? I think I have heard 15-17 weeks. My little brat is also not cooperating with my doppler so I am still not able to find the heartbeat. Which would have been nice last night.
Yes I did decide to call my dr & let them know. Honestly I am not concerned. But I think it is important to note it. She told me if it stays brown no issue but call back if red. She agrees probably the pap & also the tenderness not enough water. She said I can take some advil for the discomfort & to drink a ton of fluids today. She also said to take it easy today...which is no boss is gone so I expect to stay at my desk all day. And she said pelvic rest for 10 days. I have a liner on today but I honestly don't think I will need it.

We have not been having sex & I think this will delay things further! But neither of us seem to be complaining.

jkb - are you feeling anything? I think I have heard 15-17 weeks. My little brat is also not cooperating with my doppler so I am still not able to find the heartbeat. Which would have been nice last night.

I'm just anxious to start feeling her:flower: I'm expecting to feel movement around 16 weeks. I didn't try a Doppler until 11weeks and 4 days when I had the first bad bleed. I was able to get the heart rate but it took a minute to find it and it was with the one at work so it is a hospital grade. I tried sending my hubby to babies r us to buy one that day and he looked at the reviews and it said greater than 28 weeks. This early on a week can make huge difference.
beagle, i'm so sorry for the spotting and all the other discomfort. With the doppler, did you try putting it super, super low? My little guy is very low... I have a very faint scar from uterine surgery 4 years ago, and it's well below the bikini line, and if i put my doppler on that scar, that's when I get the heartbeat. When the nurse does it at my OB's office, she always initially places it about an inch higher, and i always have to tell her to go lower. Just that inch makes all the difference. Maybe that would work for ya'. Its still early for you, so it could just be that you need another week or so, but you could try it.

jkb, I haven't started feeling my little dude yet, but the ultrasound tech at my OB's office said since it's my first pregnancy, I may not feel him until around 20 weeks. The nurse seemed to think between 18-20. My little sister is on her second pregnancy, and she felt this one at 16 weeks, but her first pregnancy she didn't feel until 20 weeks. I'm ready now too!! I can't wait to feel him! Hehe!

kfs, so glad the appt went well yesterday. :) I had to giggle that your LO would only show his/her butt, haha! That is TOO cute. Sorry about the no BD'ing though.

sars, so sorry about all the icky job stuff going on. :( There's nothing worse than feeling unsettled or indecisive about a job decision. My company is getting ready to split as well, but its actually a good thing. I work in Legal at a software company. Ten years ago, the company I worked for merged with another software giant, and it was a dumb move. Ten years later, they're figuring that out! I just found out that I'll be going with the company I originally worked for, and that's good news in my book, because we were all happy campers in those days. I hope you guys figure everything out and can feel good about it!

Well, terri, sounds like a great plan to me!! I really think your embies will make it to freeze, but great idea to start the meds anyway, just in case! Do you feel a little better about everything?

AFM, I saw my OB yesterday. They never really discussed my last u/s results w/ me, but yesterday they mentioned that the baby had measured even more ahead of schedule than he originally was. She surprised me by saying that yesterday was 18 wks 5 days. What the heck?? I told her, no, I'm only 17 wks 6 days. But she said nope. They've moved my due date up yet another day to 8/21, but that wouldn't account for ALL those days that my ticker is off. What i think happened is that I never adjusted my weeks on my ticker to account for my first due date change. Technically if I went by day of transfer, he would've been due 8/25. Since he was growing 3 days ahead in the beginning, they made it 8/22. And now he's growing even more ahead, so they've moved it to 8/21. So crazy! If we had gotten pregnant naturally, I would be thinking my ovulation date was wrong or something. So weird. So anyway, surprise for me, I'm now considered 18wks 6days as of today. Not sure how to change my ticker...
Yes I did decide to call my dr & let them know. Honestly I am not concerned. But I think it is important to note it. She told me if it stays brown no issue but call back if red. She agrees probably the pap & also the tenderness not enough water. She said I can take some advil for the discomfort & to drink a ton of fluids today. She also said to take it easy today...which is no boss is gone so I expect to stay at my desk all day. And she said pelvic rest for 10 days. I have a liner on today but I honestly don't think I will need it.

We have not been having sex & I think this will delay things further! But neither of us seem to be complaining.

jkb - are you feeling anything? I think I have heard 15-17 weeks. My little brat is also not cooperating with my doppler so I am still not able to find the heartbeat. Which would have been nice last night.

I'm just anxious to start feeling her:flower: I'm expecting to feel movement around 16 weeks. I didn't try a Doppler until 11weeks and 4 days when I had the first bad bleed. I was able to get the heart rate but it took a minute to find it and it was with the one at work so it is a hospital grade. I tried sending my hubby to babies r us to buy one that day and he looked at the reviews and it said greater than 28 weeks. This early on a week can make huge difference.

I got the sonoline B on ebay. It is supposed to be hospital grade I think...mid wives can use it. I think it says 10-11 weeks. It doesn't concern me, but would have felt better to hear it last night.

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