First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Thanks for the photo kfs1-So now I have a question about those long shirts that you and beagle are wearing. Are they going to get shorter as your belly grows out, so they won't look so long in a few months? I don't understand why they are SOOO long. There is a woman at work who is like 5' or maybe even 4'11, and she always wears really long shirts/sweaters/cardigans with khakis underneath. The look makes her look even shorter (because her legs look like two tree stumps sticking out), and I don't get it.
Not sure what our plans will be for pics. No offense to anyone, but me & my husband are just not very fond of photo shoots in general. I don't plan to really do them for the baby either. My husband loves taking pics & I did photography in we will just do our own. I like more natural settings. But I would love some good pics of us together, so we may use one of his photo buddies to do something for us. But I cringe at the thought.

Moni - love the little outifr & the name...I don't remember you announcing it but I am probably spacing. What will you call him? Oh & you look great.

Terri - go ahead & bring on the foodie pics!

kfs - I wish I were a leggings person before getting pregnant...I would probably feel more comfortable wearing them now. My friend does so she probably could have helped me.

BabyW - I will not scold on your nursery delays if you don't scold me on my eating habits! I love your ideas though...def lighter is a good plan in a small room. And I always said I wouldn't but I would totally go pink & purple if I had a girl.

So had a rough morning. I think since I am in week 12, the 1st tri is trying to give me all the things I missed out on at once! All of a sudden I just feel sick feeling & not hungry sometimes. Then when I am I don't want anything. So this morning I think my shower was too hot. I got dressed & then just had to lay down. I almost passed out. So I felt a little better then left for work. I stopped & got a breakfast sandwhich & a coke. I figured the coke would help a little bit & I will switch to water after. I feel better. Glad no bossman today. My husband is finishing the nursery floors today & buying some clear coat for my dressers. So if I am feeling okay I plan to start painting them tonight. Maybe by the weekend we can have the crib put together. I am also just really excited to see it...I only saw it onlne so I hope I like it...I am sure I will.
Thanks for the photo kfs1-So now I have a question about those long shirts that you and beagle are wearing. Are they going to get shorter as your belly grows out, so they won't look so long in a few months? I don't understand why they are SOOO long. There is a woman at work who is like 5' or maybe even 4'11, and she always wears really long shirts/sweaters/cardigans with khakis underneath. The look makes her look even shorter (because her legs look like two tree stumps sticking out), and I don't get it.

I don't know about kfs, but my shirt was actually a maternity it should stretch & possibly get shorter. But I am a little above average at 5'6, so I think for me it is fine...but I get what you mean for shorter women.
Beagle-The lady at work isn't prego..she just wears really long shirts, and it's weird. HA!!HA!! Gotcha on a photo shoot. I think some of them are nice, and some are cheesy. Hope you're feeling better by now. I hate when I get weak/faint after a shower. It's scary. That happened one time when I was taking my PIO/del estrogen shots too. Luckily it only happened once.
Thanks for the photo kfs1-So now I have a question about those long shirts that you and beagle are wearing. Are they going to get shorter as your belly grows out, so they won't look so long in a few months? I don't understand why they are SOOO long. There is a woman at work who is like 5' or maybe even 4'11, and she always wears really long shirts/sweaters/cardigans with khakis underneath. The look makes her look even shorter (because her legs look like two tree stumps sticking out), and I don't get it.

Haha. Well, it is a maternity shirt. But like I said, I've been wearing a lot of leggings so I tend to wear longer shirts with leggings to cover my butt/thighs a bit. :) I wear normal shirt with regular pants.

Beagle - I won't be doing a maternity shoot either. I just don't like having my picture taken is all. I'll just have my BIL take a few photos of us - he's a great photographer. Oh - and I had the dizziness thing for a bit a while back, too. I think it's quite common to get lightheaded every now and again. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids.
Hehe Terri I know what you mean - my sis is 5'1" (I am 5'3", people always think I am the older sis, even tho I am 4 years younger) and she insists on wearing long/baggy clothes. She is sensitive so I don't tell her that it makes her look shorter. The other day her chest was showing a tiny bit and she was like, "Oh my boobs are just hanging out!!" She is a little too modest I think.

Kfs you look great girl! I see you are freckly like me. :)

Beagle sorry you are not feeling good.

BabyW - your turn on a bump pic!

Moni- you are so tiny! Adorable. :)

Amy - how ya doing girl? Haven't heard from you in a bit.

Since everyone is sharing pics I'm gonna share one of me with my baby (when he was a baby). It was the first time we met. If you zoom in you can see the dew drops on his nose. That's my favorite part! let's see if I can figure out how to share...
kfs - I think I am the same with when posed I just look so fake & unnatural. I love spontanious smiles in pics.

Lady - if we start doing furbaby pics, I could be here all day! He is too cute.

Not feeling much better...trying to drink water but not too fast or I will be sick. And work is can I be so annoyed when my boss isn't even here? Someone on the other side asked me to do something...but all I am thinking is why me? I helped her with it last time, doesn't make it my job. And it isn't even hard. So I am thinking oh she is by herself...NOPE...the manager is here who I know knows how to do it. So annoying. I want to be nice & not seem like a bitch but I just want to ask why on earth she thinks it is okay to just forward me a request from her customer? I am business & she is retail. I am not supposed to touch retail. But I do help them with business. Times like this make me hate myself for even helping at all. Sometimes you help a little & then people just decide to dump on you.

Ugh...rant over. Just not feeling it today.
Lady-I can't see the dewdrops but what a cute picture!!! That's funny that you noticed freckles on kfs1-I had to go back and look. I'm such a goofball.

kfs1-OK on the maternity shirt. I just wasn't sure.

Amy/booger-Yeah, I was thinking about you this morning as well, but forgot to write. I hope you guys are ok.

I was just googling Vit. D deficiency and pregnancy. My regular doctor noted that my Vit. D was low, so I started taking a supplement. He didn't tell me how much to take (and I don't have the bottle with me), but I've been taking one pill a day since the beginning of March. I would be really excited if that jump started my body for a BFP. hee hee.
Yeah, since I'm one of the few (you and me for now, Terri!) who can't share a bump photo, I figured I would share a pic of my fur baby. It's all I got. :)
Terri I did 5000 ui of vitamin D my whole ivf cycle. Plus fish oil. Bleh! I was so sick of pills that I got chewy vitamin D gummies!

I just love photo shoots. I am definitely doing one of us when the baby comes. I'm not usually a camera lover but my photographer is excellent. So talented and really great at making me feel comfortable.
Hi girls! Loving all the bump pics! Everyone looks so adorable! I would've shown my face in my pic if I'd thought about it, but it was just a super easy one to grab off my phone and post! As for the super long shirts, I don't wear them because I'm barely 5'4" and I practically live in flip flops and ballerina slippers lately. I wear heels to work sometimes, and out to dinner if we're meeting friends, so I suppose I could see wearing one when I'm wearing heels, but otherwise, probably not. The tee I was wearing in my pic is from Motherhood Maternity, and I bought it in about 6 colors, LOL.

Jen, how are you feeling lately? About the same??

Lady, super cute pic of you and your pup!! So glad you shared! I love seeing pics of everyone.

terri, yep, keep popping those Vit D pills! :thumbup: I had slightly low Vit D too, when I first started seeing my RE, because she got me at the end of winter. :winkwink: She had me taking 4000 IU per day, and she re-checked a couple months later, and at that point it was higher than normal range, so it worked quickly. Plus, it was spring/summer, and we were back on our boat a lot, so that probably helped.

beagle, so sorry you're having a yucky day... I hope it will pass and that you'll feel better tomorrow! You're about out of that first-tri, so you'll probably feel great soon. I know I've been thoroughly enjoying the second-tri.

BabyW, I will probably be like you and slacking on the nursery... I tend to procrastinate things sometimes, but I'm probably going to be the worst on the nursery, because I simply can't decide what I want to do in there. My plan was similar to yours... grey walls, white furniture, blue accents for boy (I even had a pic printed from Pinterest). But now I'm seeing a lot of the dark wood furniture again, and I'm back to loving that. So who knows. I just need to pick and do it!

booger, are you feeling any better?

Hi kfs and Moni!! Always great hearing from you girls!

Speaking of dizziness... I've had several spells of weirdness, where I start to feel odd and everything starts to go dark. I don't get much notice that it's about to happen either. I was trying to check out at Motherhood the other day, and I felt it coming on. When she was done ringing me up, I headed for the door, and almost didn't make it. I literally almost bit the dust in the store. The sales girl came over and had me sit down, and the other pregnant ladies in the store started pulling snacks out of their bags, LOL. I had to lie down in the back of the store and nibble on a snack until I felt normal. At first, I thought it was because I was a little later eating lunch, but when I was telling a friend about it, she said it sounded more like low blood sugar. I don't know if that's it or not, but I will tell my Dr about it when I go back this month. I've never had the issue before, but I know prego women are more prone to that.
You ladies all look so cute in your photos! And Jen your photos totally don't show how awful this pregnancy has been on you.

I still don't have any bump to show. In the morning I look pretty normal. By night time, there's a little bump but it more looks like I ate too much! haha I spent the weekend washing and steaming all of the maternity clothes my friend gave me. It is insane how many clothes she bought. I think I have 5 pairs of black pants for work and 6-7 black v-necks/ long sleeve tees. I'm only 5'3 so I am worried about the looking ridiculous with a long shirt issue. I think my massive boobs are helping that issue a bunch.

Have any of you ladies gotten fitted for new bras? I've been surviving with a bra extender but I think I have to surrender. My cups runneth over. I was wondering if maternity is worthwhile. I'll probably go to Nordstroms this weekend. I love the ladies in their lingerie department.

Lady: Your pup is so adorable! What a great photo. My best friend from high school has three long haired dachshunds. My dog Fen just got a haircut Friday. He was so shaggy his beard was pretty matted and I think he looks so weird without his beard!

Terri: Hope you're week is flying by! How is Fun doing?

Beagle: Sorry you're feeling crummy. I've dealt with a lot of dizziness, light headiness because I have really low blood pressure to start with. It was 105/60 at my last appointment. I've found it's the worst when I get up too quickly or come from having my head down to up, like bending over to put a towel on my hair after the shower.

Erin: Glad things are slowing down for you at work. I really loved the shirt you were wearing because it wasn't so long. I'll have to look for that. That's scary about almost passing out. As an expert fainter, I've learned the best thing to do is sit down right where you are (don't worry about looking like a weirdo) and put your head between your legs. The fact that eating helped does make it sound like low blood sugar.

I've had a crazy busy few days at work on top of working six days last week. We actually laid low for Easter and didn't do anything besides church. It was nice. I got in a 6.5 mile run Sunday, first four with the dog and DH at about a 10 min mile. I definitely slowed down to closer to 11 for the last two but that's what felt good. I'm signed up for a 10K in a few weeks, so I'm excited for that.

Working six days last week means a three-day weekend this week. We're finally seeing those nice warm temps too. DH leaves for his annual golf trip with my dad and friends to Williamsburg Wednesday-Sunday. It's supposed to be 87 there Friday so that'll be a shock to the system.

We've got our sequential screening tests at the perinatal center Wednesday before he leaves. I'm excited to see the baby again but also a tad nervous. Just hoping everything checks out OK.

While DH is gone, I'll have a girl's weekend with my mom. We're seeing a play Saturday night. And I've got a facial planned Friday. My friend with all the dachshunds is an aesthetician and she squeezed me in. My skin's been like a 13-year-old's. I'm excited to be able to start back up with my acne medicine. My doctor said to wait until the 2nd trimester and I'm almost there.

And I'm super excited because my sister-in-law finished making the baby race bib for our announcement. I've attached a photo with the last name strategically blocked out with a little shoe. I still have to punch holes in the corners and put the safety pins on but you get the idea.


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I should be feeling better soon. Forced lunch down. It doesn't help the girl who is asking me to do her job came by asked if I was feeling ok then gave me a weird look when I said I was fine. I wanted to say no almost threw up & passed out & you are having me do YOUR job. But I usually don't complain at work. Oh then her stupid ass had someone bring over the tickets & email for what she asked me to she wanted me to fill out the form. My did everything the damn form. Sorry guys.

I always wanted wood color for boys & white for girls. And I am not a fan of the darker brown in the nursery. It looks nice but that is just my preference. I cannot wait to show you guys a pic when mine is somewhat put together.

Def keep some candy & snacks in your bag. Good thing you were in the maternity store...they are probably used to it.
sars that looks really good.

Terri I meant to say maybe the D will help a lot...I have read lots of info saying D is so important in getting pregnant. I was taking 1000 a day. I still do. But I don't think my levels were ever checked.

My husband is finishing the quarter round on the floors today. He is the best!

edit: Sars - I forgot to add...I was a 34A...after my positive I almost immediately had to buy bigger. I bought 34B & it works fine. Not sure on maternity bras. But I just went to walmart. I normally do vistoria's secret, but not knowing where I will end up & everything, I took the cheap way out. I also bought 36B but it was too big...I kept them for if I get bigger later in the pregnancy.
I'm feeling a little better Erin! I started taking nausea meds again and that's helping lots. They just make me so sleepy! I fainted a lot! I even went to the hospital after I blacked out at 20 weeks. Check your iron! I was deficient and that makes sense because I don't really eat a lot of red meat ever. I take iron supplements and they are pretty gross but better than the dizzy feeling for sure! I have snacks in my purse even when I'm not pregnant. Lol I love snacks!
I will share a bump pic soon I promise, if you all promise to be kind, this is my 2nd bump and haven't lost all the weight from Jack.

Speaking back does not like me carrying him for a long time anymore. I get spasms and even got some BH contractions yesterday. Dh has been good about getting to the more involved things to do like painting and repairing part of the fence, getting Jack's swings down from the attic, and think he will sand and paint the deck soon. His major deposition starts today so the worst is behind him, and he seems much happier, more appreciative of me and what I do. He sees how I nurture Jack and how Jack responds to me and he realizes how lucky he is. We know so many couples where the wife doesn't work, cook or cleans and I really try to do as much as I can. I know it makes him happy to have a clean home and a nice dinner cooked and ready for him when he gets home. We've discussed the changes baby #2 will cause and he has asked that I ease him into it and slowly shift some responsibilities to him that I would normally do.
ERose-Scary incident in the store, but luckily you were with all the women that understood. I guess you should keep some snacks with you. You passed your GD exam, right?

BabyW-Yeah, show pics! hee hee. I'm glad your DH is starting to get on board. I think the first kid is just overwhelming to them, and the second kid they are better with because the first one hasn't had any issues because of them. Does that make sense? I hope your DH is really being sincere.

Jen-You cracked me up about feeling better and loving snacks! I can tell by your sentences that you are back in your regular spirits. And another photo shoot would be great. I like looking at pics. hee hee.

sars-What is the sequential testing? LIke DNA sequencing? I'm sure you'll breeze right through it. Oh and that bib is SO cute. Your friends/family are going to love it. The tennis shoe is the cutest. And so glad you have lots of plans. Busy but fun days ahead, for sure.

beagle-It's ok to say no. Everyone understands that there comes a time when you (general) can't do it all. And until you learn to say no, people will keep taking advantage. You'll learn that in time and when you're an old :jo: like me, people expect me to say no and then are happy when I say yes, I'll help. HA!!HA!! No is a complete sentence and you don't have to explain yourself. They'll figure out how to do their work.

I've had a rough day. My AC in my 2012 prius stopped working last year at the end of summer/fall. I forgot all about it until it was in the 70s yesterday. I took it in for an oil change today at a shop down the street from my work and said 'oh, and look at the AC for me, please?' Well, the guy says that there is metal all throughout the AC unit and I'll need a whole new system. Toyota acknowledges it, but refuses to put out a recall or fix it. He quoted me at $6600. I'm like 'I'll just take my car back please.' I have a motorcycle and can get air that way. I'm taking it to the Toyota dealership on Friday morning and maybe they know something about it and are waiting for people to complain. I only have 55k miles on it, AND it's 3 year anniversary is next month. That's total BS. I'm so mad. I'm not in the mood for shopping for a new car, and not in the mood for paying $6k for AC. So...i'm just kind of at a standstill until I talk to my dad and my cousin, who works for Toyota in Kansas City and see what they say. Now I wish I knew about it because I would've traded in/sold this car in the wintertime (although I would feel really bad). I've never sold anything in my life. I'm a use it until it stops working kind of girl, so I'm nervous. That's my day...and now my workday is over, so I'm outta here! *sigh*
The problem with saying no is people are in & out of my office. So they think they see me doing nothing...which is the case sometimes...but I do my work & they have no idea what that they probably go back & tell everyone I said no but I am not busy doing anything else. We will see when the next one comes around. I had planned to tell her the manager needed to be doing it but she was busy when I took the papers over there. Oh well.

So I am looking at maternity clothes online. I would just like to say can we stop putting stripes on everything & bows by my belly? Some of these clothes are just awful. And all the dresses I find are either above the knee or at the ground. I don't like wearing dresses to work above the knee. I am having much better luck on ebay.
Terri: that stinks about your car. How did the metal get in there? I hope the dealership resolves it for you. My mom just bought her second Prius and loves it. I'm also a drive it into the ground kinda gal. I've got 97k miles on my Altima. The screen is a blood test and ultrasound screen for Down's, trisomy 18 or a open neural tube defect. They measure the baby's neck and send your blood out. My insurance is being a pain because the only available lab is out of network and my pre certification isn't approved. Blech
BabyW glad to hear the hubs is recognizing you need more help and that you've come up with a good plan.
I'm going to my first prenatal yoga class because I can't do half of my normal ashtanga class. I hope it isn't too dull.

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