First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

I had a 2008 Prius and recently traded it for a prius V. I love it. I got it in anticipation of a baby. Terri I always get my best mileage when I visit MD. I hope Toyota makes it right. I think they make great cars. My husband has a rav4
Big news...our first baby is about to be born! Moni sent me a message on words with friends that her water broke around 3:30 this afternoon. She thinks the baby is coming sooner rather than later and she'll be back once everything is done. so much for her photo shoot in a few weeks. :happydance:
I couldn't believe it! Of course, I had a dog and a prescription to pick up, some other stuff to do, and I finally sat down around 8, and checked WWF and saw her message. The one time I'm not playing as soon as I get home. :haha:

So the little dog and Fun were not the best of friends. I could have probably given them time, but since it's basically me trying to get them acquainted it was a bust. I sent Fun back to his first foster home and I'll pick him up on Sunday. His head is too big and when he goes near the little dog, the little dog gets mad/scared and growls. It's for the best..but this little dog is SO quiet, and dainty. Fun is like a bull in a glass shop. hee hee.
That is exciting! I hope there are no issues & everything goes great.
So exciting!!!!! Prayers for a smooth delivery Moni!! You know what this means...a baby born means a bfp coming!!! Come on Terri!!!!
Good morning ladies!

Erin - yikes! Good thing you were surrounded by a bunch of other preggo ladies, you were probably in the best place for that to happen! Except for a dr. office of course.

Sars - I LOVE the announcement, that is adorable. Enjoy your prenatal yoga class! Let me know how it goes. When I am preggo, that is def something I want to check out. Oh - "my cups runneth over" - I got a good belly laugh out of that one! I am already a 34C so I am sure I will be there too with the giant boobs when the time comes.

BabyW - I am so glad you and DH came to an understanding. I am a big believer in communication. Men sometimes come across as so clueless and careless, but often times there is something else going on that they just don't want to talk about. Glad he is stepping up to the plate.

Terri - Aw! So you are fostering two doggies? My pup is dainty too. Haha, he does a paw shake trick and we call him a "dainty bast@rd" because he so gingerly places his paw in my hand. He is scared of big dogs too. We went to the dog park last weekend and this adorable pit bull puppy wanted to play with him. The puppy was about the same size as Charlie (like 15 pounds), but Charlie DID NOT like his playfulness. The puppy kept sniffing Charlie's nose, and trying to lick his face and Charlie snapped at him! I couldn't believe it! I've never seen him do that. He didn't bite the other dog, just bared his teeth and snarled. The other dog couldn't care less, he just kept bumbling around with his big goofy paws and went on to the next doggie to play.

I told DH about your Prius cause he is a car nut. He suggested going out and getting a warranty (but don't tell them there's anything wrong with it! Ha). So I suppose that could be an option as a last resort if Toyota won't do anything. I hope they will issue a recall or something!

Afm, all three embies made it to thaw, biopsy and re-freeze! Phew. I suppose I didn't even think about that risk until my nurse called me with the "good news." I was like, ohh kay, I guess I assumed that would be the case, I'm glad I didn't realize there was a risk they wouldn't make it! So results should be in Friday or Monday.

In other news I am dealing with an annoying manager/employee issue at work and it had me all stressed out last night. It is WAY too long of a story to explain on here, but I am hoping it will be resolved today. I hate taking work stress home, but sometimes its hard to leave it at the door.

Anyways, hope everyone is doing well!
Thanks Lady-Not sure where I would get a warranty from, but I'm prepared to just tell them what's going on and how I feel about it. They can either do something or not. I'm really over it, I suppose. I'm fortunate to have good credit, and a few dollars in my pocket, and it's not like I haven't been hot before. If I have to sweat it out for a while, I will. Tank tops are my friend. hee hee.

Yeah, so the story about the dog park is exactly what was going on last night. Fun didn't understand what the growling meant, and the little dog was just trying to ignore him, but Fun kept wanting to smell and play. He ended up going back to his first foster mom, so the house is really quiet now. We'll have a break until Sunday when mr. prance around and run up and down the stairs comes back. hee hee.

I'm so happy your embies are ok, and yes, it's a risk to dethaw, rethaw, dethaw, but it'll be worth it come Friday or Monday! My nurse called yesterday to check in, but I don't have anything to say so I'm not going to call her back. I'll hear from her next Tuesday, and that's soon enough.

And finally, sorry your work is sucking. Hopefully it won't last too long and you can enjoy your day today.
Yay Moni!! Thinking of you. Guess your little man couldn't wait to say hi.

Quick post just to say our screening this morning went great. Everything with baby looks normal. It was so awesome the baby has grown so much and was super active.


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Hi ladies!!

Just checking in to see how everyone is doing and I see where Moni's water has broken!! I know she is a bit early so I hope everything is okay. Can't wait to see a pic of our first little bundle on here!

Also, love all the bump pictures!! Fun to see everyone progressing.

Terri - Ugh. Sorry about the AC in your car. That's super annoying, especially since it isn't very old nor does it have that many miles. Things should last, especially when we pay good money for them. I hope it's an easy, cheap fix - not $6,000!!! How are you feeling??

Sars - Hooray for your screening going great! One thing checked off the list. Your little running bib is too cute. I love it! That little shoe is just about the cutest thing ever. Baby shoes have always made me smile. They are just adorable.

Lady - Sorry work sucks right now. I feel your pain. But hooray for all three embies making for the biopsy. I'm dying to hear your results! 5 days isn't too bad - but when you're the one waiting it does seem to take forever. I think ours took 10 days and it felt like time stood still. Your little pup picture was too cute. Making me want another dog...........

Beagle - Sorry your work is annoying you too. Must be the thing right now. I can't wait to see a picture of your finished nursery too. I have an idea of what I want to do but can't even fathom it right now. We have to get everything cleaned out of that room first. Ugh.

Jen - Love your pictures!!! Beautiful. We aren't going to do photos but if I did, I would have to have my hair and makeup done. I'm not capable of making myself look nice on my own.

kfs - I like your shirt! I'm a shorty too so I guess I'll have to be on the lookout for the longs shirts and make sure they don't make me look even shorter.

Erin - Sorry you had the fainting scare. Hope it doesn't happen again. A little jealous of your Florida weather. We are still using our wood stove and I had to scrape the windshield the last couple of mornings. Just how it goes in Montana!

babywhisperer - Your nursery idea sounds cute. I was talking about what I want to do with ours to DH the other day and he was like "Nursery?" I was like, "you know, the baby's room." I don't think I knew how little he knows about baby stuff!

Howdy to everyone else! :hi:

As for me, I have been insanely busy at work. We FINALLY released that big project I have been working on to the public. As we figured, it's stirring up a lot of controversy. Some people are pissed, a few are happy but none of it is very fun. We have a very strong anti-government sentiment out here which can make my job pretty depressing at times. I try not to internalize it or take it personally but it's hard. Just hope this passes quickly and things get back to normal.

I had my first prenatal visit today with my OB/GYN so I got to see little bean again, already. Everything looked great and she's really starting to look like a baby instead of a gummy bear. Nausea is still hanging around but it's tolerable. Funny enough, it's worse now at night and has actually been waking me up in the middle of the night. Well, maybe that's some anxiety too. Anyway, I go back in 3 weeks so I can get on the normal 12 week, 16 week, 20 week, etc. schedule. Hoping to get a run in this afternoon. I need to burn off some steam!

Oh, and I still haven't told my Mom! I was going to tell her if KY lost in the tournament (which they did) but I just wasn't ready. I mean, I'm dying to tell her but I just don't want her to worry too much (I get my worry gene honest, I tell you). Her birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks so I think I'll just tell her then. She is going to be so excited! My sister told me she was holding my 8-year old niece (who is tiny) like a baby in church on Sunday so I know she is jonesing for another little one in the family!
booger my nausea was the same...I would get up to pee at night & by the time I got back in the bed I felt horrible & sometimes couldn't get back to sleep.
Wow!! Moni went into labor. So exciting. I think she's about 4 weeks early so I hope everything is well with her and her baby.

Terri - I seriously CAN'T WAIT until you test :)

Lady - I can't wait for your results either!!

Thanks everyone for sharing the pictures!! I love that :)

Well I had another check up today and I am exactly 9 weeks and everything looked great. I measured exactly 9 weeks and the heart rate was 180 bpm. I can't tell you how relieved I am. I go back in one week and then I will be released to my regular OB-GYN. I also get to stop all my meds next week and I can't tell you how excited I am about that lol.

Hi Everyone!! I will try to start checking in daily again so I can keep up. If you let even a few days go by, you get so behind.
Wow I have missed so much!! We did a last minute trip to the beach but, I'm caught up on all my reading now:)

Moni! Can't wait to see little mans pic! Thoughts and prayers all is going well!! Enjoy your sweet baby and we will be here when you get get a chance.

Terri- I'm excited for you to test! Almost time!

Lady- congrats on all embies surviving the thaw and refreeze. I can't wait to hear your results! Are you thinking of putting more than one back in?

Erin- glad you had people around to care for you, hope you don't have any more episodes like that. Hydration and making sure your B/P isn't too low is key. I have to stand slower than normal now because my pressure has been on the low side.but I unfortunately started taking meds for hypertension during fertility treatment and I'm trying not to alter it too much because I'm sure as I near my third trimester I'm afraid it will go back up... And I would rather be consistent

SARS- LOVE your announcement and new baby pic! Congrats on the good check up!

Amy - congrats as well on the good check up!

Booger- congrats to you also for the good check up!!

I love everyone's bump pics! I will try to do one soonish. My hubby was making fun of my today saying I had nothing and now the past few days I suddenly have baby belly. It doesn't look cute now though, it just makes me looked really bloated:/
Bleeding is still stopped!!!! Which I'm so thankful for! Monday and Tuesday I was hurting pretty bad with the left ovary again but not as bad as when I was in hospital. I really don't want to have to have surgery and risk complicating things with the baby. But they keep stressing it would need to be done before 20 weeks. I'm torn because it does keep twisting back on its own but if I get to 20 weeks and it does it and doesn't self correct then it can cause infection and then surgery is a must... I have an appt Friday and plan on discussing with dr then
jkb - glad the bleeding is still gone. I am sorry you have this tough decision to make...I hope your dr can help guide you in the right direction.

I went to a place called Clothes Mentor yesterday. They sell used clothing...mostly professional clothes...but they are in great condition & great prices. They had a small maternity section...good stuff but I could only find some pants & a shirt that would fit. The shirt was $6 & the pants $12. And it is stuff I can wear to work. I put on the shirt this morning & it is truly maternity...very baggy in the front. It may have gotten stretched by the previous owner. So I will have to wait a while before I can wear it. I put on another shirt in my closet & it is too tight! I think my breats have grown again...& I hate it! I just feel so uncomfortable in my own body right now.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Yay for Moni!!! Can't wait to hear some news.

Ladysosa - Awww. Your pup is so cute! Thanks for sharing. Congrats on those 3 embies! Hey - it's probably better than you didn't know that there may have been an issue, right? Less stress on you. :)

eRose - That's so scary that you almost fainted. That's the worst feeling. Sounds like those ladies were all ready to help you out though. Like JCM said, I would check your iron, too. My SIL had an issue with that during her pregnancy. It's pretty common.

Sars - Congrats on the great scan. Loving the new pic and your announcement! I haven't gotten a new bra yet but I noticed that the strap around has been bothering me, more-so that the cup size. Maybe I'll have to try the bra extender...?

Booger - Congrats to you, too, on your latest appointment. It's always a relief to be able to hear and little your little bean, right? Any new pics? I can't believe you haven't told your mom! That must be so hard. I'm sure she's going to be so excited.

Amy - And again, another congrats for a great appointment. Great news all around. :)

JKB - That's great that the bleeding has stopped. That really stinks about the ovary pain though. I would definitely discuss things with your doctor on Friday. Ugh - so stressful.

Babyw - Happy to hear that you're DH is on board now. I'm sure that helps a lot.

Terri - OMG I can't believe your AC is going to cost you $6600! That's absolutely insane. I hope you can figure something out. I mean, that's just ridiculous.

Beagle - I hear you about being uncomfortable in your own body. Clothes are definitely a pain in the butt. Just try to buy things that you can grow into so you're not shopping every other week. And this is nothing yet, right? We're only going to keep growing!

Nothing to report. Just trying to make it through this work week which is draaaaaagging. We're going to finish up painting the nursery this weekend which I'll be happy about. Just want to get things done!
So speaking of fainting...last night after the Os game (I fell asleep on the couch), I got up to take the dog out, and I got so weak. I got hot and weak. I started taking my clothes off immediately and sat in the kitchen at the table with my head down. My hubs was taking out the trash and the dog was crying and when he came back in, I was like "I need some water. I'm weak. Then get the dog's leash and take him outside." My hubs is such a slowpoke. He walked to the sink, washed his hands, got me a glass, tested the water temperature..I just yelled 'HURRY!! I'm HOT!!!' I seriously had sweat pouring down my face. It was unreal. He took the dog out and I made it to the bedroom and laid down until I cooled off. Then I got chills. Oh..and my Endo applicator had some red on it last night (even though I was delirious, I noticed) and this morning a little pink. I'm so done with this wait.

Today I feel better, but I don't know what happened last night. Maybe I jumped off the couch too quickly or ran up the stairs too quickly. I can't really remember. I just know when I got to the kitchen I was weak.

Moni-Hope all is going well.

Amy-Yeah for a good checkup and checking in and for no more meds. We've missed you.

Booger-You didn't tell your mom after the Kentucky loss?! That would've been perfect because the loss was a sad one (for UK fans). Are you nervous/afraid to tell her? She is going to be so happy. Make the woman happy already!

kfs1-I'm over my car issues. hee hee. I have an appointment at the dealership tomorrow morning, and we'll take it from there. It's not that hot outside, so I don't need AC just yet, so I'm just going to see what they say and go from there. :shrug: There's nothing i can really do anyway..get it fixed, sell my car, or not.
Terri - maybe the weak feeling is a good sign...and maybe implantation spotting??? Let's hope so!
Good morning ladies,

Booger - I can't believe you haven't told your mom yet! I'm with Terri, make her happy already! Hehe. I admire you for being able to keep your secret for so long. I am terrible at keeping secrets. And sorry about the stress at work. During my time in HR, one thing I've learned is that no matter how great something is that you rollout/announce, there will ALWAYS be naysayers and negative nancies. It is impossible to please everyone. I would always get so excited to announce a new program that I thought employees would be happy about, then be so disappointed when I heard complaints. But, I've gotten used to it now. Sometimes you have to be the bad guy.

Amy - GREAT news on the scan! What a relief. So happy that all is well and that you are able to discontinue the meds.

Terri - That is really weird. Have you ever felt like that before? Did the bleeding stop? Maybe it's worth "gettin on the horn" (heehee I love that saying) with your nurse. Might be implantation symptoms...??

Jkb - yay for a weekend at the beach! Did you go to the outer banks? And I am so glad that the bleeding has stopped, but sorry that you have to make the tough decision on the surgery.

Afm, nothing too exciting to report. Last night Spanish 6 started up for Spring quarter. Our teacher was talking about a different spanish class being offered at the college, and she said, "Oh, but this is an intermediate class. So a bit advanced for you guys." I was like, "Wait a minute. We are still considered BEGINNERS in Spanish 6??!" Haha. Man, I still have a loo-oong way to go.

Poor chuck (dog) had another one of his spells yesterday. Every couple months he starts acting really weird and pacing, and he can't stay still. He sits on you and rolls on his back showing his tummy. Then he starts whining, and just acts like he is uncomfortable. DH is always so scared and insists we take him to the vet. He's always afraid that he ate something poisonous or sharp (he does eat whatever he can find in the backyard). But every time, no matter what the vet says (they always say something different: first it was heartburn, then constipation, then he had clogged anal glands, and last night they said he must've tweaked his back), I just think he is constipated. But it sucks to see him in so much pain. So anyways, we gave him some miralax in his food and that seemed to help because he squeezed out a little turd this morning (it was rock hard). I am SURE this is what it is going to be like with our child. I tried to talk some sense into DH last night, like, "hey look, he is probably just constipated. We don't need to be 'those people' who take their dog to the vet every time our dog is constipated!" But he wasn't having it. I can tell he is going to be the worrier of us two when we're parents!
Lady- The little turd made me laugh. I have seen a lot of those lately! I hope Chuck feels better today. This would be another reason for dogs to talk. So they can tell you what's going on besides pacing and wriggling around. Poor guy with a dewdrop nose. :dog: wasn't bleeding. It was just a little blood on the applicator. I'm not going to get on the horn because the interwebz tells me that a lot of people have irritation from that applicator, and while some people still got BFNs after having that, some got BFPs. my nurse would just say in the sweetest voice ever, 'I'm not sure. Talk to you on Tuesday!' hee hee. I take my next dose at 2, so I'll be on the lookout. There is nothing on my liner.

jkb-I totally forgot to mention you above. I hope that issue your having really does resolve itself. I would hate to have to decide which way to go. they're both risky either way, but you have a good head on your shoulder and have a few more weeks to decide. Whatever you choose will be the right decision.

beagle-I thought you were done shopping! You can't stop..and it makes me laugh. :friends: I'm sure your big shirt will work out in a few months time.

babyw-I'm still looking for your picture!

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