First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

WAHOOOOOO Terri!!!!!!!!! You so, so deserve this. I am so freaking excited for you!!! I've had a good feeling for you this time. I learned yesterday a friend who has been trying for three years had a successful FET. True signs that faith and patience pay off!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Thanks sars!! Yesterday was an awesome and overwhelming day. Congrats to your friend as well. I'm still waiting for my friend that's doing IUIs to get pregnant, but I'm sure her blessing is right around the corner. I'm so eager for Tuesday to get here. I went for another run today. Now that it's warm and I have a little, itty, bitty poppyseed to look out for, I don't need any other incentive to wear my running shoes out! I might get a new pair as I've been ttc for almost two years and not really training for anything that I haven't justified getting new shoes.

The one sad thing is that it's so warm today and I totally would've been out riding my motorcycle. I'm going to miss the entire riding season. Hopefully this week I can get a few miles in just to say I did and then I'll put my bike away. Sniff. One year without riding won't be so bad, I suppose, but I will really miss it.
Are you not allowed to ride when pregnant? I didn't know that. Terri this is so awesome! I can't even say it enough. And Lady will be right around the corner with her PGS tested embryos!

So my boss went to the Yankee Red Sox game this weekend. It was spur of the moment...even though it is like a 15 hr drive... He texted me a pic of them there & I saw it later in the evening. When I went I got him a shirt for him & his kid...he had asked ahead of time. But he never asked me if I wanted anything. So today he gave me a magnet with the Yankee schedule. I said you should have told me you were going. He said last minute. Again you can't text me on the way up? I said well it would have been nice to know because they have an infants size Yankee hat in the gift shop. I can't find it anywhere else. What a douche. I can't expect him to think of me first, but seriously? And you were in the gift didn't even see the infant stuff?
beagle-It's dangerous. Duh...HA!!HA!!

Sorry your boss wasn't thinking of you and your love for the Yankees. There was some tool at Opening Day with a Yankees jersey on. He looked straight out of NY. My thing is that ''re at Camden Yards, and we are playing the Toronto Blue Jays. What does any of that have to do with your love for the Yankees? Get out of here!' People were teasing him, in good fun, and he said he had talked to a Red Sox guy and heard a lot of mean stuff. I also don't understand why a Red sox guy would be there. :wacko:
beagle-It's dangerous. Duh...HA!!HA!!

Sorry your boss wasn't thinking of you and your love for the Yankees. There was some tool at Opening Day with a Yankees jersey on. He looked straight out of NY. My thing is that ''re at Camden Yards, and we are playing the Toronto Blue Jays. What does any of that have to do with your love for the Yankees? Get out of here!' People were teasing him, in good fun, and he said he had talked to a Red Sox guy and heard a lot of mean stuff. I also don't understand why a Red sox guy would be there. :wacko:

I was thinking maybe just dangerous...but didn't know if there was something else. I have seen some women do dangerous stuff prego.

I guess just to wear the jersey. I am not sure I would bother to go to a pro game if not a Yankee game. But maybe I would feel different if I lived in a pro town. I have gone to a minor league game but didn't feel the need to wear my Yankee stuff. But getting teased is just part of the sports world anyways.

Yeh I know I may sound like a baby, but our shared love of the Yankees is just a thing we have. So I figured he would think about it. But I guess I was wrong. It is just hard when it seems you are always considering others. He was like well you will just have to make your way up there again...yeh right...being pregnant trying to save up my time off & a husband not able to take any time because of the promotion. Oh well.

I know you are probably going to take it slow, but how psyched are you to buy some Oriole & Ravens gear!!! My friend says she is buying mine some Ravens husband loves Cowboys. So this should be fun. I think your household is the same.

In as little as 2 weeks you should find out how many are cooking! This is just so exciting!
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Terri - I couldn't stop thinking about you this weekend and how excited you must be. It was just the best thing to log on here and see your BFP. I forgot to say it before but it was cute that your husband asked if it was a dream. :cloud9:

Beagle - I think you're just super annoyed with your boss right now on all fronts. Cut him a little slack on this one. So are you officially in the second trimester now??

Amy - I'm glad the nausea sounds tolerable. I'm pretty much in the same boat although this weekend was rough. I'm really hoping it doesn't last too much longer.

Jen - Ugh. I'm sorry you're having all the contractions. I hope baby decides to stay in there a bit longer!!! I don't know how you've been managing bed rest - I was pretty much in bed all weekend and I thought I was going to go crazy.

Moni - Just wanted to say "Congrats" again and I hope Baby Oliver is growing stronger everyday!

Howdy to everyone else! I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

My weekend was pretty much a waste of time. I felt like absolute crap starting on Friday. I came home from work, laid down in bed, and barely got up the rest of the weekend. Super nauseated - to the point where it's miserable to be vertical. And nothing sounds good to eat right now but bland food. I had mashed potatoes for lunch and choked down a salad for dinner. I normally love salads but they just aren't very good right now, however, I know I need to eat the veggies.

It's driving me crazy to be so lazy right now. I HATE doing nothing all day. There's only so much TV one can watch and stay sane. I don't know how couch potatoes do it all the time. I love to read but even that makes me nauseated right now. Ugh.

Okay - enough of that. Sorry for super, whiny post. I won't do it again. I'm very grateful to be pregnant and I still haven't vomited but it is no fun feeling like you could at any moment all the time either.
Yeah, I physically COULD ride my motorcycle, and it saddens me that I can't, but I paid too much money to do something stupid and get into an accident and/or injure me or my poppyseed. hee hee. So...I'll just hang tight until I can safely get back on again. It's not going to kill me to wait.

The jersey thing is just a pet peeve of mine. Yes, I realize 'the person' loves baseball/football and has pride in their team, and true, they may not be able to go to Oakland to see an As game, but why wear it to the Os stadium? Are you cheering for the Os, or the other random team we're playing for?

Yes, my husband is a Cowboys fan. I bought him a Cowboys shirt a few years back and I think he's worn it once. I guess he doesn't want me to get mad at him for wearing it to a Ravens game (which I would). HA!!HA!! I figured he can wear it at home and when he is out walking around on football Sundays.

I honestly hadn't thought about buying baby stuff. You know I'm not a shopper, so buying stuff isn't the first thing on my mind. In fact, I don't even have a to do list (except to keep running) until at least Tuesday. Well, still not drinking :coffee: is on my not to do list. That's as far as I've gotten.
Oh yeah - Terri, I forgot to say that I really hope you can keep running. It's driving me bonkers that I don't feel well enough to go right now. It seems like I can get out about 2 days a week but I haven't been able to muster up more than that. I hope to go today if I feel up to it.
My boss is always doing stuff like this though...he just doesn't think of anyone else...a man taken care of by his wife. He has no clue about anything. But again. whatever...just need to get over it.

I can't remember when the trimester are I am saying yes to 2nd tri. I need to start eating better...first step...cutting down on the fast food. Don't feel bad about what you eat Booger...this time in the cycle you just need to be eating something. And I do not consider it whining. You just don't feel good. Pregnancy is great but it also kinda sucks. And I think it should be okay to say that & not be thought of as ungrateful. I don't feel like I am in the 2nd yet...I still feel crappy sometimes.

I think I am the ultimate couch potato...sometimes when people mention bed rest I am like oh yes please. I know that is awful! But I do love to veg out.

My husband is a t shirt guy...and I do love it. But years ago I had to get him out of the navy & grey funk he was in. With teams like Duke, Cowboys, & Yankees it is basically blue grey & navy. So I got him to start wearing real colors & now he isn't afraid of them. But he does wear out his team shirts for sure. I wear his shirts to bed a lot but I have claimed one Yankee shirt to be MINE. It stays in his closet but I get very upset when he wears it. So now it is just known I am the only one.

Terri - you may need to find some house divided onsies. :) I know I did a lot of pre-buying. But really this time for you is just taking in the sureal is still unbelieveable...and when the nausea starts kicking in you are a little happy because you know the little one is still hanging around.
Wahoo Terri! :happydance:

I am so, so, so excited for you!! I know I'm a little late to the party, but just logging on now and so happy to see your BFP. What wonderful news. I bet you had an awesome weekend. You're preggo!!

Hearing that and SARS, your friend who just had a successful FET, is really inspirational. I am feeling hopeful (I guess I better change my little emoti thingy).

Oh and I agree about people wearing random jerseys at games. Occasionally we would see someone wearing Mariners gear to a Seahawks game. We'd be like, "wrong sport, dude."

Booger - I am so sorry about your crummy weekend. That is the worst when you feel bad ALL weekend, it feels like you wasted your precious days off from work. Are you back to work today? I am hoping that this passes soon! Is DH taking good care of you? Oh, and don't worry about being "whiny". You have every right.

Amy - I hope your nausea is bearable and that the food aversion passes soon!

Jen - sorry about the painful contractions. Those sound terrible. Yes, bed rest can certainly get boring. Have you seen "what to expect when you're expecting"? That's a fun movie. It's been a while since I've seen it, but I remember laughing a lot. Elizabeth Banks is in it, she's funny.

Beagle - Sorry, but I'm going to agree with Booger on this one, I would choose your battles with your boss and let this one slide. :flower:

Afm, we had a good weekend in Cannon Beach. We looked at three places - two condos and one single-family home. The SF home needed A LOT of work, but it was a great location. Initially I was leaning towards that place, but we just started thinking about how much $$ will need to go into it to make it liveable, and it would be overwhelming! One of the bedrooms was a garage conversion, and it would need an overhaul - insulation, drywall, etc. etc (it wasn't a proper conversion). The kitchen needed work, the exterior needed a facelift, the bathrooms needed to be updated, it needed new windows. We were thinking, if I'm preggo, this would be waay too much to take on. We really liked one of the condos. It was small, like 740 sqft, but it was all updated, we wouldn't have to update anything. AND, it was literally a stones throw to the beach. You can hear the waves from the front porch. It was also cheaper. So, we are talking with our lender today, to see what steps we need to take to make it a reality! I am really excited! I am also a little nervous though. I'm just nervous about taking on another mortgage...but as DH says, if we don't do it now, we may not EVER do it - especially once we start having kiddos.
Terri - Congratulations again, girl! You made my weekend, too! I screamed out loud to my husband. And I showed him a picture of your lines. :)

Booger - Ugh. I'm so sorry about the nausea. How far along are you again? I'm hoping this will pass for you soon. That's so great that you told your mom and that you both got teary. So much to celebrate. Awwww!

LadySosa - That's so exciting about the condo! I am soooooooo jealous. I would absolutely love to be near the ocean. And like your DH said, if you think you can swing it, do it now! :)

Amy - I hope the nausea passes for you, too! Maybe try to eat something bland when it happens - like crackers or something.

Beagle - I love to veg out, too. BUT I do think I'd go nuts being on bed rest, though. I just like things to be equal in my house and it would drive me nuts to not be able to help out.

JKB - That's so scary about the contractions. I hope you're feeling better, even though I know you must be so bored! :(

The weather this weekend was amazing! I'm so happy that it's finally warming up. So, my husband has been so amazing lately. He spent his entire spring break cleaning and organizing so that we could get the nursery ready and went maternity pants shopping with me this weekend. He's just really been stepping it up. So, I bought him this sound bar that he's been wanting as a surprise using the tax money that we got. (We didn't get much back.) I feel guilty spending money but I really wanted to do something nice for him. That'll have to be the last splurge for us though. :) In other news, we ordered the furniture for the nursery this weekend - a crib, dresser, and a little bookcase - my mom's gift to us. My cousin is going to give us a glider chair so we're all set. It's a huge relief to me. I really wanted to have the big items in place.

Also, operation "trick my sister" is under way. We're collecting addresses so that we can surprise her at my shower with a DUAL shower. :)
Not planning to pick any fights...just annoyed...but like I said...this is typical for him.

kfs - that is awesome on the furniture. My step dad gave us some money & it pretty much covered our furniture. So we were very grateful for that. My husband is in the process of staining it now. We are just doing a clear coat...I like the knotty natural wood look it has.
This is my 3rd attempt to get this to post!

Terri, I am absolutely ecstatic and hope you're feeling good. Your symptoms were spot on. I am thrilled for you!

Booger, I was moved by your update. What a special moment to share with your Mom. I am sure your Dad is watching over everything and is so happy for you.

Amy, I am so happy everything is as it should be, I'm sure you are more relaxed now. It gets easier from here!

Lady, yeah for all 3 being normal!!!!

Jkb, I am sure you are struggling with what to do...maybe time will nudge you in the direction you are supposed to go in. In the meantime, be happy the bleeding stopped. That must have been so nerve wracking. Crossing my fingers the ovary pain subsides.

Beagle, the "girls" will plateau at some point, then grow again when your milk comes in. I like the Destination maternity bras as they have 4 hooks to grow and you do.

Afm nothing to report, tomorrow I have ob and endocrinologist appt. Hope to know more then.
So that's a bump pic of me laying down and Jack leaning on me watching The Master's back nine yesterday. He likes to hang out on my bump. I will try and take a better one.
Thanks BabyW...It is so weird for me right now...nothing in my body feels like me. I think I just thought I had a little more time. But I started to show early & breats bigger very quickly...and now right before 13 weeks they grow again! That's a cute pic. Is he old enough to understand there is a baby in there?
Yuck booger you sound as sick as I always was? Try diclegis. Takes the nausea away at least! Then you can be vertical at least some of the day. All I ate the first trimester was life cereal, cheez it's, pretzels and crackers. I took folic acid and fish oil along with my vitamin D. My RE basically broke up the prenatal and had me taking a bigger dose of everything. I just stuck with my pills and ate what I could. It was ok with all of the drs. Sometimes I'd freak out because I'd throw up my pills but all worked out I suppose!
Yay for furniture Kfs! It's a good feeling to know you are covered. My nursery is almost completely done and hospital bags are packed for me and baby. I feel so organized. (I've obviously been bored haha)

Lady I will have to watch that! I love Elizabeth banks. Hilarious. I want to get a little place on the ocean someday. DH is really starting to pick up a lot of patients and legal cases at work so maybe we can! It's nice you are doing this while you wait. Lots of excitement!

Beagle your boss was probably excited for the game and wasn't thinking of buying baby stuff. He's a dude after all. I on the other hand would go to a game just to shop and eat snacks. Lol I don't care about sports really.

Amy hope you feel better soon! The only thing that helped was nausea meds for me. I had it bad! Lost 11 pounds the first trimester! Sometimes sucking on a lollipop helped after I brushed my teeth. There was always so much saliva in my mouth and it made me crazy!

Terri I can't wait for your update tomorrow! So exciting!

Hi Erin and Moni and Sars!

AFM juuuuust truckin along taking it easy. My hospital bags are packed and I got familiar with my fancy breast pump. Goodness that thing scares me! Every single baby thing is put together. Pack n plays, swings, vibrating chairs...all I need now is a baby. Just not for another couple of weeks at least. I see my OB tomorrow to weigh and measure her and I'm sure she will just start checking my cervix. Which is not pleasant by the way. At least in the hospital it hurt because it was still so high. I'm not too worried about her coming early although if I can make it to 36 weeks I'd be grateful to not have to live in the NICU. Oh well, she will do what she wants I guess. She is still moving lots but takes little 30 minute naps now which is nice. All of that poking and jabbing is starting to hurt! Strong baby! My dreams are all about labor at this point. I've given birth to couple of animals and even grown children. I wouldn't say I'm too scared but interested to see how I handle it. The contractions don't bother me much now except the super low ones that are sharp. I guess I should thank my uterus for easing me in slowly...
Beagle he is not old enough yet, but I keep telling him a baby is in there and then show him a baby. He pulls up his shirt and puts his finger in his belly button and I just want to eat him up. What he does understand now is a dirty diaper. He points to his diaper when it's dirty and says poo poo, and even does that right before he goes. My nanny told me to order a portable potty and she would start to train him as it's the first sign they are ready. I got a phone call from my dad on Friday, my Mom wasn't there yet. He said "Uh Sue, Jack is pointing to his diaper and saying poo." I started cracking up saying that it's pretty obvious what he's telling you. My Dad asked me to call my Mom to hurry her along. I call her and it rings and rings and rings. When she finally picks up she's all annoyed, I tell her Dad's dilemma and she started to laugh and said she'd be there soon, she was blowing out her hair. My poor Dad.

Dh took it upon himself to clean out the garage and re-organize it. Then he cleaned out the 3 season room, mopped, did windows, and cleaned out the fireplace for the season!! Made me feel a lot better about cleaning, food shopping, and doing other things this weekend. He played golf yesterday and while Jack napped I cleaned the house since we had people over Sat for a play date and bbq. Our friends allowed their 22mo old daughter to walk around with food, like bruschetta. I had tomatoes, onions, bread, cheese, all over the house. She started climbing onto the pack-n-play by putting her foot into the pocket of the tray that holds diapers and wipes. I had to ask at least a dozen times for them to keep her off of it for fear it would break...I do have a need for it in 3 mos!!! Then they let her sit on our kitchen island and they walked away leaving her more than 3ft high! I was like, please keep her attended or take her down, what if she falls!! The fact that she does it all the time at their house doesn't make me feel any better about it. Then she was off roaming and they let her wander off, thankfully dh caught her in time before pulling down a Tiffany glass bowl from my dining room table. She climbed up from the chair. I guess I am an uptight Mom. But if my child was dropping food all over someone's house I would be cleaning it up and not letting him wander off. The wife sat there drinking and the husband did all the work, changing diapers, getting the food, drinks, making bottles...I looked at dh and went up to him and said I hoped he was taking notes. The more people we talk to, the more dh realizes I do more than any of our friend's wives. So when I need help now I ask him to pitch in. Yesterday was a long day of getting up w/ jack, cleaning, running around after him, getting us both ready to go down to the club, food shopping, cooking dinner....I fell asleep during the last 20min of Game of Thrones. Surround sound blasting next to my head, I was dead to the world. The good thing, Jack is ok now with coming in the shower with me. He used to not like the water on his head constantly, and I either block the water more now that I am very prego, or it's the fact that I bring in a couple of's the best way to bathe him and myself if I am home alone and need to be somewhere in a short period of time. Dh asked how I was able to clean the house and get us both ready and I replied "multi-taking". When Jack naps I get stuff done...what we need to figure out is that when we have a 2nd baby, she may not sleep at the same time so I will not be free to do as much. It's going to be a juggling act and I am going to need his help more often. I wonder if it gets too hard for him, if he will reconsider a live-in. We adore our nanny, but it may be too much with our schedules. I have decided that I want us to see a marriage counselor. I want to be able to discuss my concerns and have a 3rd party help convey them without dh shutting me down or getting defensive. His family never communicates, everything gets swept under the rug and it isn't healthy. I figure it can't hurt, and may provide each of us with a deeper understanding of the others needs, fears, desires...with the 2nd baby it's going to be harder, we will have less time for each other, we will be exhausted, and I don't wan't cracks to become craters. We both need to recognize how our upbringings make us approach things in a different way, and expect different things. My MIL wouldn't cancel a tennis game if one of her sons got hurt and needed stitches...she'd say, well he was stupid enough to do something to get hurt (obvi talking about adults here not young kids). My parents would drop everything and be at the hospital with me no matter what age I am. My parents are a team, and put their family first. Dh's family puts themselves ahead of the rest of the family. It's a strange dynamic and thankfully dh is not as bad as the rest of them but at no point in our 2 house moves, having a baby, and expecting #2 has any of them asked if we needed help. My MIL watched Jack 1 day a week for a few months but then started showing up an hr after dh had to be at work, asked to leave early for facials, and dh said he couldn't rely on her anymore. He relies on my family more and they do a ton for us. It could be as simple as he is 1 of 4 boys, and it's just me and my brother. It's easier for my family b/c we don't have as many siblings. It's interesting to see how a family dynamic plays out as you get older and start your own. The more I confide in friends who had kids before me, the more I am finding out that so many people went to therapists as a couple at some point, and they were stronger for it. I hope dh is open minded. Now, to find the time to do this! hahahahaha

Btw, I hope everyone saw the recall on Sabra hummus for listeria. Scary stuff.
BabyW - I think therapy is a good thing for anyone. I hope you can find the time & work through things. My mom is the same as yours...I think because she was a single mom. But she has always been the Shirley Maclane in Terms of Endearment. She supports us & her grand kids unconditionally. Your son sounds adorable. And that other child & their parents sound awful. No you are not over protective. You are SMART! And they were rude. Plain & simple. I want to type more but work is calling...crazy day today. Glad you could get a lot off your chest today. Lots of things happening for you & many changes to come. I am sure you guys will handle it just fine :)
Moni, this is a very belated congrats to you for the birth of Oliver Max! I hope he's doing well and gets out of the NICU soon. I was eagerly following along for updates but didn't get to post.

Booger: I got a bit misty eyed reading about you telling your mom. I'm so glad you did! I'm sure your Dad has been rooting you on. I'm sorry you feel so awful. I think you're at the point it's time to call in some medical reinforcements to help. It stinks you aren't up to running but I did have to take the first 8 weeks off and I've been able to get back into it. I'm running a 10K on Saturday and I've run at least 5 miles every weekend for the past three weeks. We won't talk about my speed :wacko:

BabyW: My husband and I also come from very different family backgrounds and dynamics. We went through extensive premarital counseling prior to getting married. It was requirement of our reverend. who married us. We met with her once a month for an hour or two and used a marriage book. It was so essential in helping us learn to communicate and navigate those familial differences. I'd highly recommend it. Glad to hear your DH is helping out more and it sounds like you've got a good plan of attack. The photo of Jack and your belly is adorable =) Jack's soooo cute.

Terri: I'm still thrilled for you! :happydance::happydance: Hope you're enjoying the great running weather. I'm sure it's great motorcycle weather too but safety first. :thumbup:

LadySosa: I hope you are keeping up hope! It really stinks your first FET didn't work. But you have to keep the faith there is a plan in all of this. My friend blogged about her experiences and she had some of the most devastating setbacks, like a natural chemical pregnancy the month of her FET cycle that required an injection because the baby wasn't miscarrying. She then had to wait three months to even be able to do her transfer. She kept her faith through setbacks and is now 14 weeks.
I sincerely hope you don't deal with any of that and your next transfer gives you that BFP!!
Super exciting news on the beach house front! I love, love the beach. Your options sound lovely.

Jen: Lady, your great attitude despite all this pregnancy has thrown at you is remarkable. I hope your little gal stays put for a few more weeks for you.

KFS: Three cheers for a great weekend. I'd love to see what furniture you picked out. That's awesome you're surprising your sister.

Sorry to anyone I missed. That's as far back as advanced let me go!

I enjoyed my three day weekend. Friday I got a facial from my oldest friend, which included some quality time with her. And I went to get some new bras. They bumped me up a band size, she said I was in between the 32 and 34 now, and I got some more full coverage bras that are keeping the girls much more in check.

I logged 12 miles of running of the three days, ate some yummy food and spent quality time with my mom and brother. So, a pretty big success. I do feel like my belly's popped out a bit over the weekend. Pants that buttoned last week are not buttoning so well anymore. I'm still in an awkward stage clothes wise.

I have been a bit frustrated with my mom. She's a huge worrier and she's been incredibly reserved about the pregnancy. She's been desperate for a grandchild for years and I expected a lot more excitement.

When I showed her the latest sonogram pictures, she said, "It's pretty weird huh?" And mentioned it looked like a baby now, not the piece of liver an earlier one did. Like WTF. And then starts gushing about her coworker that just had a baby.

She did show the photos to some of her friends Friday that stopped over Friday night and looked at some baby gear online. But she was also kind of rolling her eyes at how excited my mother-in-law is. My MIL already was calling trying to set a shower date and my mom said she wasn't comfortable doing that until I was 12 weeks. While my MIL is over the moon and a little nuts, it's felt a lot better than this lukewarm response.

I'm hoping as things progress she'll relax a bit.
Kfs - yay for surprising your sis! That's really sweet of you to share your shower with her. What fun.

BabyW - I am glad you guys are going to counseling. I agree wholeheartedly that you don't want cracks to turn into craters. It is nice to hear a neutral third party's opinion. That is cute about Jack! Haha, he thinks HE'S preggo too! :)

Sars - sorry your mom is not giving you the enthusiasm you'd hoped for. That is really frustrating. I would be annoyed if I were you. I guess on the bright side, you have your MIL to give you that unbridled excitement! If I were you I would make a little teasing comment like, "gosh mom, seeing as you were so desperate for a grandchild, I thought you'd be a little bit more excited for me!" Passive aggressive? Absolutely! But at least she'd get the hint. :)

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