First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

:( Not having a good day today. And I apologize in advance for the mopey post.
I know I started off with a lot fewer follicles than many of you ladies - only about ~11. And I knew the number would go down...
I'm down to 6 or 7, and they're not growing as quickly (though they are all growing) as expected even though I'm on some heavy doses of the meds (300 UI follistim). I'm terribly worried we're not going to have any left after the losses during retrieval (if we even get there), fertilization, morphology... Starting to feel pretty hopeless about the whole process.
I really really hope this is the beginning of the hormones affecting my mood... because this is the most defeated I've felt during this whole TTC process, and that's saying something.

No need to apologize, we have all been there. All you need is one girl, and I know having back up feels more comforting. I too was on 300 and even higher of Gonal F. Have faith, think positively and try and visualize having success. Be kind to yourself during this process. It is very emotional and the hormones exacerbate that. Crossing fingers for you.
I forgot to also tell you guys that my hygienist is 17w pregnant! I was so happy to see her bump. We were just hugging and so excited for each other. Yesterday was another great day.

Krissy-I know at my place they often didn't count them all until it got closer to time, so even though you might have seen 6 or 7 there may be more. Also, you're still at the beginning of stimming and many more will show up and even then, they retrieve some eggs that they can't see, so don't get worried just yet. This is the easy part! I know how you feel though, and it seems like we have to do SO much for a baby, but it'll all be worth it. :flower:
Krissy - try not to dwell. SOme of our girls here seemed to respond slowly or with a low count...then at retrieval they got a handful more than expected. Just try to hold on to the faith. And yes the drugs will also get to you. Maybe indulge in some things for anything that makes you feel better. You need to be in a good frame of mind through all this...I know it's tough...we all know it's tough.
So I keep forgetting to tell you guys some of the weird stuff going on with me. I was wondering if this first one happened to anyone else.

When I wake up in the morning or the middle of the night, my nose is totally congested where I can barely breathe. I did buy a humidifier & not sure if it is helping. I just moved my tissues so I don't have to get up. This has been happening for weeks.

The new thing happening is I need to pack my cup with ice to drink almost anything...especially water. If my water is not ice cold, I gag. My mom made fun of me because she is an ice nut. She turns my fridge from cubed to crushed & literally packs down her glass. I don't even know how she gets anything to actually drink. But now at work I have to keep my ice cubes filled up so I am in stock.
So I keep forgetting to tell you guys some of the weird stuff going on with me. I was wondering if this first one happened to anyone else.

When I wake up in the morning or the middle of the night, my nose is totally congested where I can barely breathe. I did buy a humidifier & not sure if it is helping. I just moved my tissues so I don't have to get up. This has been happening for weeks.

The new thing happening is I need to pack my cup with ice to drink almost anything...especially water. If my water is not ice cold, I gag. My mom made fun of me because she is an ice nut. She turns my fridge from cubed to crushed & literally packs down her glass. I don't even know how she gets anything to actually drink. But now at work I have to keep my ice cubes filled up so I am in stock.

Welcome to pregnancy rhinitis. I had it bad my 1st tri, Claritin helps a lot. A neti pot might help, but everything is swelling even mucous membranes. Hopefully you won't have it your entire pregnancy.

So I think I found the nursery set I want and the woman selling it had it in her Summer home so it's barely used. It's a changing table/dresser, armoire and crib in distressed white. I have to rent a van to get it, but it all is less $$ than Jack's crib alone. I hope we can do this soon b/c we planned a last minute trip to the Florida Keys for 5 nights over Mother's Day weekend....takes the "who's Mom do we see that day" argument out of the equation which is nice. We are bringing Jack which will be his first flight ever, so working out the details of strolelr, car seat, pack and play...we are going to be those people going through security like pack mules. We got a great deal and it's a beach front cottage on the Gulf with 2bdrms, kitchen, living room, washer/dryer, balcony with adirondack chairs which is right up dh's alley. We still have to drive from Miami but hopefully Jack will sleep in the car or we can make stops. It looks like a quiet place so not too touristy or crowded. I cannot wait!!! Jack is going to have so much fun.

If we get this furniture and it all works out, all that will be left is bedding, paint, rug and a lamp. This would save us so much time and $$.
So I keep forgetting to tell you guys some of the weird stuff going on with me. I was wondering if this first one happened to anyone else.

When I wake up in the morning or the middle of the night, my nose is totally congested where I can barely breathe. I did buy a humidifier & not sure if it is helping. I just moved my tissues so I don't have to get up. This has been happening for weeks.

The new thing happening is I need to pack my cup with ice to drink almost anything...especially water. If my water is not ice cold, I gag. My mom made fun of me because she is an ice nut. She turns my fridge from cubed to crushed & literally packs down her glass. I don't even know how she gets anything to actually drink. But now at work I have to keep my ice cubes filled up so I am in stock.

Welcome to pregnancy rhinitis. I had it bad my 1st tri, Claritin helps a lot. A neti pot might help, but everything is swelling even mucous membranes. Hopefully you won't have it your entire pregnancy.

So I think I found the nursery set I want and the woman selling it had it in her Summer home so it's barely used. It's a changing table/dresser, armoire and crib in distressed white. I have to rent a van to get it, but it all is less $$ than Jack's crib alone. I hope we can do this soon b/c we planned a last minute trip to the Florida Keys for 5 nights over Mother's Day weekend....takes the "who's Mom do we see that day" argument out of the equation which is nice. We are bringing Jack which will be his first flight ever, so working out the details of strolelr, car seat, pack and play...we are going to be those people going through security like pack mules. We got a great deal and it's a beach front cottage on the Gulf with 2bdrms, kitchen, living room, washer/dryer, balcony with adirondack chairs which is right up dh's alley. We still have to drive from Miami but hopefully Jack will sleep in the car or we can make stops. It looks like a quiet place so not too touristy or crowded. I cannot wait!!! Jack is going to have so much fun.

If we get this furniture and it all works out, all that will be left is bedding, paint, rug and a lamp. This would save us so much time and $$.

We did a road trip a few years ago...drove down the west coast of FL to Key West then back up the east coast. We really like road trips. Anyways...this is a stop we made. May not be your kind of thing, but it's cheap & we had a lot of fun. Thought Jack might like it. I didn't watch this video...just saw it & copied it. I have some pics of my own maybe I can share.
So I keep forgetting to tell you guys some of the weird stuff going on with me. I was wondering if this first one happened to anyone else.

When I wake up in the morning or the middle of the night, my nose is totally congested where I can barely breathe. I did buy a humidifier & not sure if it is helping. I just moved my tissues so I don't have to get up. This has been happening for weeks.

The new thing happening is I need to pack my cup with ice to drink almost anything...especially water. If my water is not ice cold, I gag. My mom made fun of me because she is an ice nut. She turns my fridge from cubed to crushed & literally packs down her glass. I don't even know how she gets anything to actually drink. But now at work I have to keep my ice cubes filled up so I am in stock.

Welcome to pregnancy rhinitis. I had it bad my 1st tri, Claritin helps a lot. A neti pot might help, but everything is swelling even mucous membranes. Hopefully you won't have it your entire pregnancy.

So I think I found the nursery set I want and the woman selling it had it in her Summer home so it's barely used. It's a changing table/dresser, armoire and crib in distressed white. I have to rent a van to get it, but it all is less $$ than Jack's crib alone. I hope we can do this soon b/c we planned a last minute trip to the Florida Keys for 5 nights over Mother's Day weekend....takes the "who's Mom do we see that day" argument out of the equation which is nice. We are bringing Jack which will be his first flight ever, so working out the details of strolelr, car seat, pack and play...we are going to be those people going through security like pack mules. We got a great deal and it's a beach front cottage on the Gulf with 2bdrms, kitchen, living room, washer/dryer, balcony with adirondack chairs which is right up dh's alley. We still have to drive from Miami but hopefully Jack will sleep in the car or we can make stops. It looks like a quiet place so not too touristy or crowded. I cannot wait!!! Jack is going to have so much fun.

If we get this furniture and it all works out, all that will be left is bedding, paint, rug and a lamp. This would save us so much time and $$.

We did a road trip a few years ago...drove down the west coast of FL to Key West then back up the east coast. We really like road trips. Anyways...this is a stop we made. May not be your kind of thing, but it's cheap & we had a lot of fun. Thought Jack might like it. I didn't watch this video...just saw it & copied it. I have some pics of my own maybe I can share.

OMG he would love this. They have a turtle sanctuary next to our resort and Jack loves was one of his first words!! Thank you for sharing.
So I keep forgetting to tell you guys some of the weird stuff going on with me. I was wondering if this first one happened to anyone else.

When I wake up in the morning or the middle of the night, my nose is totally congested where I can barely breathe. I did buy a humidifier & not sure if it is helping. I just moved my tissues so I don't have to get up. This has been happening for weeks.

The new thing happening is I need to pack my cup with ice to drink almost anything...especially water. If my water is not ice cold, I gag. My mom made fun of me because she is an ice nut. She turns my fridge from cubed to crushed & literally packs down her glass. I don't even know how she gets anything to actually drink. But now at work I have to keep my ice cubes filled up so I am in stock.

Welcome to pregnancy rhinitis. I had it bad my 1st tri, Claritin helps a lot. A neti pot might help, but everything is swelling even mucous membranes. Hopefully you won't have it your entire pregnancy.

So I think I found the nursery set I want and the woman selling it had it in her Summer home so it's barely used. It's a changing table/dresser, armoire and crib in distressed white. I have to rent a van to get it, but it all is less $$ than Jack's crib alone. I hope we can do this soon b/c we planned a last minute trip to the Florida Keys for 5 nights over Mother's Day weekend....takes the "who's Mom do we see that day" argument out of the equation which is nice. We are bringing Jack which will be his first flight ever, so working out the details of strolelr, car seat, pack and play...we are going to be those people going through security like pack mules. We got a great deal and it's a beach front cottage on the Gulf with 2bdrms, kitchen, living room, washer/dryer, balcony with adirondack chairs which is right up dh's alley. We still have to drive from Miami but hopefully Jack will sleep in the car or we can make stops. It looks like a quiet place so not too touristy or crowded. I cannot wait!!! Jack is going to have so much fun.

If we get this furniture and it all works out, all that will be left is bedding, paint, rug and a lamp. This would save us so much time and $$.

We did a road trip a few years ago...drove down the west coast of FL to Key West then back up the east coast. We really like road trips. Anyways...this is a stop we made. May not be your kind of thing, but it's cheap & we had a lot of fun. Thought Jack might like it. I didn't watch this video...just saw it & copied it. I have some pics of my own maybe I can share.

OMG he would love this. They have a turtle sanctuary next to our resort and Jack loves was one of his first words!! Thank you for sharing.

If I can remember I will try to share my pics. There are also pelicans nearby who want fish. And one guy would hold the fish & treat his arm like bait...yuck...I couldn't do that. I think my husband did, though. And the fish are HUGE! We were there this same time a couple years ago...not super crowded...kind of small. And like I said, really cheap & just easy fun.
Terri, WOOHOO on the great u/s!!! I checked in yesterday just to see if you had posted about it yet, and I was SO thrilled to hear the news. :thumbup: That's such a great appointment, isn't it? My first u/s was probably one of the best days of my life. :) Picture, picture!! If you get a chance.

beagle, YES.... I have actually been getting the pregnancy rhinitis this entire time. It started early for me... sometime in the 5th week. And it hasn't stopped since. Mine starts almost right after I lie down though, and I hate breathing through my mouth, so it makes it very difficult for me to fall asleep and stay asleep. As the night progresses, it gets worse. Unfortunately, blowing my nose doesn't usually help because not much even comes out until I get up in the a.m. It's been super frustrating. I can say it has gotten a bit better in my 2nd tri, but it is def still there, and I've read that it sometimes sticks around until after giving birth. Oh well, I'm over halfway there, so I've mostly just accepted it!

BabyW, that trip to the Keys sounds great! I LOVE the Keys. Which one are you going to? People often ask why DH and I don't go more often since we live in FL, but its still quite a drive. From where we live north of Orlando, it can take us 6-7 hours if going all the way to Key West. Well worth it though! And that's great about the nursery furniture! I had been hoping to find a used set like that at a really great deal that was hardly used, but didn't have any luck.

Krissy, I'm sorry you're feeling a bit defeated... like everyone is saying though, try not to worry... try and stay as positive as you can. Things can easily improve, and your RE will increase your dose of meds if they feel they need to. I think we've had several on this thread who had minimal eggs retrieved, and still ended up with 2-3 embies in the end, got prego, AND still had 1-2 to freeze. Chin up, lady!

kfs, my OB office actually has a couple of signs throughout the office that mentions the 3d u/s (one in the lobby, and one in the u/s room where I've had my 2 regular u/s w/them). But even though the signs are there, they hadn't mentioned it to me yet. I just went ahead and asked the u/s tech about it. Maybe just mention it to your OB. Not all OB offices do it, but they can refer you to an imaging place that does. I dont think insurance usually pays for it either, unless there's a medical reason for it, but we're ok paying for it. And a friend of mine did say yesterday that if I end up going to a high-risk specialist soon, they will do them and insurance will pay.

sars, thanks for the links to nursery stuff! Super cute stuff! :) There are also some people on Etsy that will customize for you. And I found a great website too that will customize. I'd rather find something already complete though... quicker, easier, and probably less expensive.

In case anyone is interested though, here's one of the websites I found that will customize... The reason I love this website, is because not only do you get to pick your style/cut of items, and the color/print/material.... but you can also put the color of your crib in the picture while you're adding your other preferences, so you can see what it will look like together. And you can change the wall color and floor color! So cool. They actually have Benjamin Moore paint colors that you enter in to change the wall color, and there are a few choices for carpet and hardwood to change also. :) Even if I don't buy from this site, it gave me a really good idea of what the colors/prints will look like w/ my color crib, floor, and walls. So if nothing else, it's at least fun. ;)
Erin when we lived in FL we rarely did anything touristy. I regret it. After we left we have gone back several times doing things we could have done while there. When I think about FL, I often want to move back. But it is far from my family. I lived in Gainesville & we hated it. But we loved Tamps & Orlando. I don't think living in that heat is too fun when you aren't near water. My pool is finally looking foward to that! Our weather is still confused...staying high 60 or low 70s when it is normally around mid to high 70s by now. My husband's aunt already messaged me to pack warmer clothes because it was colder up there.
Oh I forgot about the picture. Here is my dot in all her glory. hee hee.


  • dot.jpg
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Terri, WOOHOO on the great u/s!!! I checked in yesterday just to see if you had posted about it yet, and I was SO thrilled to hear the news. :thumbup: That's such a great appointment, isn't it? My first u/s was probably one of the best days of my life. :) Picture, picture!! If you get a chance.

beagle, YES.... I have actually been getting the pregnancy rhinitis this entire time. It started early for me... sometime in the 5th week. And it hasn't stopped since. Mine starts almost right after I lie down though, and I hate breathing through my mouth, so it makes it very difficult for me to fall asleep and stay asleep. As the night progresses, it gets worse. Unfortunately, blowing my nose doesn't usually help because not much even comes out until I get up in the a.m. It's been super frustrating. I can say it has gotten a bit better in my 2nd tri, but it is def still there, and I've read that it sometimes sticks around until after giving birth. Oh well, I'm over halfway there, so I've mostly just accepted it!

BabyW, that trip to the Keys sounds great! I LOVE the Keys. Which one are you going to? People often ask why DH and I don't go more often since we live in FL, but its still quite a drive. From where we live north of Orlando, it can take us 6-7 hours if going all the way to Key West. Well worth it though! And that's great about the nursery furniture! I had been hoping to find a used set like that at a really great deal that was hardly used, but didn't have any luck.

Krissy, I'm sorry you're feeling a bit defeated... like everyone is saying though, try not to worry... try and stay as positive as you can. Things can easily improve, and your RE will increase your dose of meds if they feel they need to. I think we've had several on this thread who had minimal eggs retrieved, and still ended up with 2-3 embies in the end, got prego, AND still had 1-2 to freeze. Chin up, lady!

kfs, my OB office actually has a couple of signs throughout the office that mentions the 3d u/s (one in the lobby, and one in the u/s room where I've had my 2 regular u/s w/them). But even though the signs are there, they hadn't mentioned it to me yet. I just went ahead and asked the u/s tech about it. Maybe just mention it to your OB. Not all OB offices do it, but they can refer you to an imaging place that does. I dont think insurance usually pays for it either, unless there's a medical reason for it, but we're ok paying for it. And a friend of mine did say yesterday that if I end up going to a high-risk specialist soon, they will do them and insurance will pay.

sars, thanks for the links to nursery stuff! Super cute stuff! :) There are also some people on Etsy that will customize for you. And I found a great website too that will customize. I'd rather find something already complete though... quicker, easier, and probably less expensive.

In case anyone is interested though, here's one of the websites I found that will customize... The reason I love this website, is because not only do you get to pick your style/cut of items, and the color/print/material.... but you can also put the color of your crib in the picture while you're adding your other preferences, so you can see what it will look like together. And you can change the wall color and floor color! So cool. They actually have Benjamin Moore paint colors that you enter in to change the wall color, and there are a few choices for carpet and hardwood to change also. :) Even if I don't buy from this site, it gave me a really good idea of what the colors/prints will look like w/ my color crib, floor, and walls. So if nothing else, it's at least fun. ;)

Erin we are going to Marathon Key. We looked at KL, Islamorada and a few other places, but this seemed like the best of all worlds. I have done the drive to KW when I was in my early 20s. My bf at the time got his parents condo in Pompano for a few days and his brother lived in KW, he owned a jet-ski and catamaran business. The drive was awesome, so beautiful. It will surely feel like a vacay for us. We have not done anything tropical since our honeymoon in Bora Bora and that was 2011! We had gone to Round Hill in Jamaica right before we got engaged that same year. That place is awesome...they have a kids camp, the water is calm b/c of the reef, and the villas are amazing. I definitely recommend. The villas can be 1 or more bdrms so perfect for families.

Thanks for sharing this site, it's great!
Beagle: I've had the same issues. I'm either stuffed or my nose is running. I have tissues in every room of the house and they are overflowing by trash night. I had no idea it had an actual name so thanks for that Erin and BabyW.

Krissy, I'd second everything BabyW said. Sometimes I wish this board had a like button like on Facebook. My RE really didn't focus much on the numbers during the U/S, she said she didn't want to focus on them early on because the meds can chance so much. I know the feeling of really wanting extras so you don't have to do this again. But it does only take on. Chin up and do something nice for yourself this weekend. Stimming can be an emotional roller coaster.

BabyW: I'm glad you enjoy your job enough to put up with all that you do. Your trip sounds awesome! I'm super jealous. DH and I typically travel a few times a year, so it has been really weird not having taken a vacation of any sort since October. Good luck on the flight. Long before I was pregnant I was always avidly reading articles about flying with kids because we are such big travelers. I hope the nursery set works out. I'm still on the hunt for a dresser. It is killing me I can't find what I want. I love a Dwell studio dresser but mama ain't got $1,000 to spend on a nursery dresser. I was tempted to ask my MIL when she offered to buy us whatever but a stroller is way more practical and responsible.

Erin: Thanks for sharing that's a cool site. I find a lot of the nursery sets have things I'd never use, like a diaper stacker. I've heard they are useless. I got two sheet sets at the Pottery Barn Outlet and registered for another and a crib skirt. Since it isn't safe to put blankets or bumpers in there, I think that'll do the trick.

Terri: great U/S. Dad's are funny.

I am very happy it is Friday. We have friends coming to stay with us for our local half marathon this weekend. It is the first time I haven't ran it since 2009 so I'm a little sad. If my RE hadn't wanted me to take the 10 week running break, I would've run it. But it put me too far behind in training. Should be fun to spectate for a change. Anyone have fun plans?
So I don't know if you other ladies have hit this, but at my clinic, when I see other RE's that aren't my regular one during monitoring, they're very dismissive of me. So I saw a different doc this morning for monitoring and he said "Yeah, let's say there's 6". I had another appointment for a water sonogram with my regular doc today, he looked and said that all 7 he had seen on Wednesday were still there. And all of them had grown. Which is a very different story (although I know technically only the difference of one). Anyway, feeling a bit better about things now. Plus my sonogram was clear and my hormone levels are going up, so all in all, still plenty of good news. But thank you all for the understanding and support :flower:

Terri - Love the little bean pic! Can't wait to see more as things move along :D

Erin - That site is awesome! Although I was a little sad not to be able to pick a yellow that's as vibrant as the yellow I painted my DDs nursery :) We went for a bold primary color look to the room.
Nice dot, Terri! Hahaha "her" I'm going with girl..

I thought I was going into labor this weekend! False alarm. On call dr says I'll probably be one of the lucky people that feel this for weeks. Yay.... It honestly felt like I was gonna start one of the most horrific periods of my life. The kind where you want to take a bottle of Advil. Then it let up, then came back. Back and forth back and forth. If it really escalates they won't stop labor which I am thrilled about. Tuesdays appt can't come soon enough! Hurry uppppp! Hope everyone had a nice weekend and sorry for praying for speedy time! ; )
Ooh Jen, exciting! C'mon Tuesday!!

I went to the dentist last week and now I'm starting to get a cold sore. Usually I take medicine and it goes away pretty quickly, but now I can only take Abreva. *sigh* hopefully it won't stick around too long. I've had three cold sores in my life. One was really disgusting and the other one was more manageable (because of the meds). Hopefully this one will be manageable. Yuck. Looks like I won't be socializing at work this week. Hee hee.

I'm learning how to score a baseball game with a scorecard. It's pretty fun. The Os are winning so far 10-0 against the Red Sox so I'm happy. Go Os.
JCM - If it helps ease your anxiety a little, I don't remember my contractions feeling anything like AF pains really. It was more like... someone throwing my uterus in a vice. A sharp constricting feeling, not so much a cramp (if that makes sense). To me, cramps are kind of achy and dull. Contractions were definitely uncomfortable but not achy - a little more like having the wind knocked out of you. Maybe everyone has a different experience though.
Good morning ladies,
I've got a case of the Mondays! Ha. Ugh. I wish I could've stayed home. Oh well.

I had a horrible dream last night. I had a dream that I had a tiny baby. I kept her in a sling and I kept forgetting she was there! I actually decided to go on a jog with her in it, then remembered I had to change her diaper. I pulled her out and she wasn't responding. Her head actually started getting bigger and bigger like a bubble, it popped and she was dead. Horrible. But it wasn't like a head though, it was literally a bubble, with colorful things in it and it just popped. So weird. But in my dream I was sooo upset and despondent. Ugh - made me wake up feeling kinda sad. Anyways, on that note! Sorry to share that awful dream...

Terri - cold sores are the worst. Loving your little blob though!

BabyW- sounds like an awesome vacay! I'm jealous!

Krissy - your ER is coming fast! Woohoo!

Oh man Jen, Tuesday is almost here! Yayy!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Ours was uneventful but relaxing.
Lady, what a crazy dream! I've had super weird dreams like that before, and I never know quite what to make of them. Sorry to hear you have a case of the Mondays. I do too. I'm leaving Thurs morning to Kentucky, so of course all I can think about are the things I need to get done before then.

Krissy, how are you doing with your meds? Retrieval coming up soon!!

terri, I totally feel ya on the cold sore. With any luck, this will be the last one you get (hopefully just triggered by irritation from the dentist or something). They've been vicious for me this entire pregnancy. I've always been prone to them, but not more than 1-2 a year. Ever since being prego, I've been fighting them off every other week! I use the topical Abreva and I take the amino acid L-Lysine. Works great to shorten healing time. I'm actually taking the Lysine daily now as a suppression dose, since they seem to just keep coming back. I read online many midwives who suggested that too, so I feel comfortable that it's safe. And it seems to be keeping them away.

Jen, how exciting that you're getting so close!! I can't wait! I know you are SOO ready to just have her out and in this world with you!

sars, how was your friends' visit this weekend? Sorry you couldn't run the marathon with them!

beagle, how's your trip going??

BabyW, thanks for the suggestion in Jamaica. Sounds like that one would even be good for kids with the Kids Camp. DH and I do a little bit of looking now and then for family friendly vacation spots outside of the US. We have a good grasp on what's here in the US, but we plan on traveling out of the country with our kiddo too, so we're just trying to get a jump on places to plan. :)

Well, not much new to report from me. For the last week or so I've been getting these moments of discomfort that feel similar to what Jen described... almost like I'm about to get a bad period. It doesn't worry me or anything, because I know there's a lot of stretching and expanding going on in there. But boy, is it uncomfortable for about 20-30 minutes! All else is well. My crib arrives today, yay! I think I'm buying my bedding from Burt's Bees Baby. They have cute stuff, plenty of gray, and reasonable prices. Hope everyone is doing great!

Has anyone heard from brighteyez, Libby, Weezy, or Praying? I originally had them down for April transfers, but when I hadn't seen them post for a while, I moved them to May (except brighteyez, because I thought hers was def April). I'm wondering if they'll be checking in again... I was considering removing them from the list since we haven't heard from them in a couple months, and since I honestly don't know if May is even right or not. I could just add them back if they check in to let us know their status.
Trip was exhausting. I actually called in this morning & said I was coming in a couple of hours late. Even my dogs were worn out...they wake up at 5 to they were still passed out at 7:30...they even slept through my 6:30 alarm.

Not much going on with me...takin goff Wed for my birthday. We plan to go all over & use my freebie coupons on food. And probably some shopping. I think we are headed to Myrtle Beach. I also have to renew my driver's license that morning...ugh...that's what I get for putting it off.

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