First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

LadySosa-That is a crazy dream..I wonder what it's all about. It sounds like a balloon/bubble. And it is a little disconcerting. I have been having bizarro dreams lately too. I was thinking about starting a journal (on here) just so I can write about them. I rarely dream so it's interesting having dreams that I remember. I thought I was a good sleeper before, but now there is NO waking me up because my dreams are so intriguing. I also have a case of the Mondays...two more hours. *sigh*

ERose-Thanks for the tip on the L-Lysine. We'll see how things progress. This cold sore is definitely more manageable but I have been putting on Abreva like a champ. I hope I don't get any more. I saw Weezy on the 40+ thread, and she had a negative. Not sure if she's trying again. The others I don't know about, but I would say to remove them and then have LadySosa, Mrs W and Krissy. The others will come back if they feel like it, but it has been a while. If I don't talk to you before Thursday have a great trip!! I'm going to look at burts bees babies. That sounds like a nice site.
I'm still here following everyone's news but being a bit quiet. I'm due to cycle again in June/July xx
ERose - Still plugging away with the meds. Symptoms haven't been too bad, just a bit emotional and a bit achey. But as of yesterday the follies were still all fairly small (~14 mm) so I still have a little ways to go. ER should still be sometime this week though, just maybe not until the weekend.
Krissy-Are you still going in every other day, or are you on a daily schedule now? The average rate is about 1mm/day, so you'll be at 18mm in no time and then you'll trigger, right? Did they give you directions on how big they want them to be before trigger? Glad you're not feeling too bad. I just felt bloated, mostly. I wasn't really emotional.
Terri - With my endo I'm bloated a good part of the time lol. I suppose that it has picked up again, but I hardly even notice anymore. As for the monitoring, I have been every other day, but my guess is that I'll start the daily appointments when I go in tomorrow. They said they were looking for the 18-20 mm range (probably trying to hold off to get as many to 18 as possible, since there aren't that many in there).
Hello ladies,

Hope you all had a good weekend!

Jen: We're rooting for you and your little lady. It is almost Tuesday.

LadySosa: That is a disturbing dream. Isn't it funny how weird/bad dreams can put you in such a funk when you wake up? I've been having crazy vivid dreams with people I have not thought about or seen in years.

Terri: Are you still feeling well? Sorry about the cold sore they suck!

Erin: I really like the Burt's Bees stuff. Have an awesome trip.

Thanks for asking about my friends' visit. We had a great time. I'm close friends with the guy from college. He and DH get along well. I've hit it off with his fiancé, so a college friend turned into a couple friend. It was weird not running the race but fun to go out and spectate without having to run the thing.

She was traveling for work so Mike went out to get us a baby gift on his own. The thought of him wandering through Babies 'R Us was endlessly amusing. He ended up doing good getting a big thing of Huggies wipes, Burt's Bee's Diaper cream, vitamins and a Nosefrida.

Krissy: Good luck this week. The end is in sight! Glad you're still feeling semi-normal.

AFM: I went to the dentist today and, lucky me, I've got pregnancy gingivitis. I have a Sonicare toothbrush and floss all the time. Now they want me to floss after every meal and use Listerine a few times a day. It is apparently quite common but it can get very bad. My hygienist told me she's had patients whose gums bleed when they talk! Sooo, I'll be flossing a lot to avoid that.

If you dog loving ladies could send my puppers some prayers I'd appreciate it. In the last few days he has started having some tremors in his back. We are going to the vet tomorrow night and I am really nervous something serious is wrong. He's still acting like his normal happy self but I can't help but fear something bad.

Hi to Booger, Amy, BabyW, KFS and JKB. Hope you ladies are doing well!
Awe I'm so sorry about your pup, Sars. :( poor little guy! He's in my prayers. Hopefully it is nothing too serious. How old is he?
Thanks Lady! We aren't sure he is a rescue. We adopted him in September 2012 and they estimated he was 3-4. So maybe 6-7?
Oh and Terri I meant to say I hope you're staying safe and no one you know has been affected by all that's going on in your lovely city.
Sars-I hope your puppy is ok. I said a little prayer for him last night too. The city is a mess. The people in the bad areas are looting their own neighborhoods and it's so dumb. What does that have to do with a man being killed under police custody? It's ruining everything. First the March for the Animals was cancelled and now the Orioles games this week are either going to be relocated or postponed, and they are just causing an inconvenience for people who live and work in the city. Luckily, my hubs nor I work in the city, but still...We love it here, and this just puts a really bad light on our city. The crazy thing is that if they were looting and carrying on in the nice neighborhoods would the police try to stop the rioters? I have no idea, and I hate to think about that. I only know one person who lives sort of near the looted area, but I haven't been able to catch up with them. Hopefully they went to stay with other family members.

I started a journal (see my signature). I am feeling fine so far. I think I may start rinsing with my mouthwash a little more too. I do not want anything to go wrong with my teeth. My dentist told me that my new blood pressure medicine may cause my gums to be puffy, so a little extra mouthwash can't hurt. I floss all the time (I have a few small gaps), but a rinse isn't a bad idea.
kfs1-Yoohoo?? I haven't seen or heard anything from you so I hope you're doing ok. <3

beagle-How was your vacation? I hope you made it up to PA/MD and back without problems.
Everything was fine. My sister is not near any of that stuff that is going on so that's good.

So short phone is screwy at they are sending me parts...god forbid someone actually come out to look at it or order a new phone...they are freakin OLD. Anyways...instead of switching out my phone while I wait for parts, I switched to a desk no one uses...right in front of my desk. So my boss is giving me a hard time...telling me how easy it is to switch phones. What is the big deal? I am still here...still nearby...calm down. I don't want to go through all the efort to switch my phone & then it still doesn't work. My only regret is this screen is smaller so I may have a headache later.

So tomorrow is my excited to spend the day with my husband...but it is supposed to be high 60s & rainy...yuck.

Terri - I hope all your friends in MD are safe. I hate to see such violence happening.
Terri - I'm here, I'm here! Sometimes I pop on and then forget to post but I guess it HAS been a while, huh? I can't believe the craziness that's going on in your city. I'm glad to hear that you're not working right in the middle of it. Ooh - and I can't wait to check out your journal. How are you feeling?

JCM - The big appt is today, right? I hope that you're off of bed-rest so you can get moving and get that baby out! :)

LadySosa - That sounds like an awful dream. I've had some scary dreams involving babies like that, too. I guess it's just our anxiety coming through our dreams, right?

Sars - Prayers are coming for your poor pup. It's so awful when our pets are sick, right? Thinking happy thoughts only. Sorry about the gingivitis, too. Ugh - what a pain.

Beagle - Happy almost Birthday!

Hi everyone else! Nothing much to report here. I'm going to register for my shower this weekend. Shopping's not really my thing so hopefully we'll be in and out. :) It's supposed to be beautiful out this weekend so I'd love to do something outdoors.
Hey Terri - Glad to hear you're not near harms way. It's just awful the light this is casting on Baltimore, and really on the police reform movement in general - when it's just a bunch of punks who don't represent either. Hopefully it'll wind down now.

AFM - I'm up to every day monitoring! I'll most likely trigger tomorrow or Thursday. I've got EIGHT follicles (I picked up another one) ranging from 19-11 mm (most around 16), so we'll see how the next few days go! FXed :dust:
kfs1-Yes, it has been a while, silly! That's awesome that you're registering this weekend. Where are you going? We used to have a babies r us nearby and whenever I had to go in there it was so overwhelming, and I had a list of things to buy. I can't imagine going through the store picking stuff out for others to buy. You'll do great though, I'm sure.

Krissy-See..we told you not to worry so much about your follicles. And you may have even more once you trigger. What meds are you taking again?

Jen-Hope your appointment today goes exactly as planned. What if you end up having the baby tonight!? I meant tomorrow on Beagle's bday. That would be awesome. hee hee.

beagle-Glad you had a nice visit and hopefully your boss will ease up on you for the rest of the afternoon. What a jerk he is sometimes. And happy birthday. Hope you guys have fun things planned even if it is rainy. When does your pool open?
Jen you just brought back labor memories. It started out like period cramps then they got more intense, then it felt like someone was twisting my mid section or wringing it like a washcloth. The creshendo of pain is intense, but keep this in mind...there is an end to it. A glorious, wonderful, blissful, euphoric end and it is beyond worth it. Despite my nightmare of a delivery, I was ready to do it all over again 2 days later. The pain will never go on forever, it will come and go and if your water breaks and your Dr is like mine, they never go past 24hrs from when it broke. Just remember that if you are getting an epidural it will take a while. They need to get at least a half a bag of saliene in you before the anesthesiologist will do the epidural. Then it takes at least 10 min to start to kick in. So if your pain is a 7, it can get to a 10+ very fast, take that into account when they ask if you want one. And just b/c you're ready, doesn't mean they can get to you might be waiting for they to administer it to other women.

Erin, other family friendly vacations are El Conquistador/Las Casitas in Puerto Rico, Atlantis in the Bahamas and check out the family section on Tripadvisor. I took into consideration dh's desire to be right on a swimmable beach, our need for more than 1 room....what would we do when Jack goes to sleep and we can't even watch TV? Washer/dryer in the unit means I can pack less for us, and a kitchen means we don't have to spend money on every meal at a restaurant. We can make some meals and store stuff for Jack to eat. It took a lot of searching to realize that while we wanted a nice property, accomodations, amenities...we didn't need to have a BLT Steak on the would be lost on a 16mo old. We are the types that come back from avacation talking about the views, the beach, and how relaxing it was. If it was just the 2 of us, we would splurge more on the high end extras...and to be honest at 28 weeks prego I am not looking to get too dressy every night or sit at a bar until the wee hours.

On a happy baby front, Jack is talking more and giving kisses!!! He is repeating more words and asking for things he wants like apples, bottle...he was running all over the place at the restaurant for the baptism yesterday. We got to the church 5min late (thanks Mom for the wrong address), Jack slept the whole ride there and we spent 2.5hrs at the restaurant. I spent half that time holding my nephew so my brother and SIL could mingle and eat. It was a brutal ride back but dh did a great job keeping Jack entertained. All in, 5 hrs in the car for 3hrs at the baptism. We are all exhausted today. It was so good to see my nephew, he's gotten so big!! Jack kept wanting to touch his face and was very interested in who Mama was holding.

How was everyone's weekend?
Terri, glad to hear you're out of the thick of things and don't have to drive in. I imagine it is making getting around difficult. Most of my friends moved to Baltimore after college so I have many a fond memory of visits and races. I had no idea how hilly it was until I ran the Under Armour half.

I was watching the news last night and it just made me sad. The mayor was talking about how long they had to fight to ever get that CVS. Just a shame because it hurts those who live there.

I'm looking forward to following along in your journal.

KFS:Good luck registering! We actually got started a week ago at Buy Buy Baby. After about an hour my brain was mush. Every decision seems so fraught. Like you're going to ruin your baby's life't.get.the.right.towel. I'm terribly indecisive if you can't tell. Where are you going? I went with Amazon and Buy Buy Baby.

Terri, I don't know if you have a Buy Buy Baby near you but I found it less overwhelming than Babies 'R Us.

Beagle: I hope your day improves and you have a fabulous birthday tomorrow. Birthdays are the best.

Krissy: yay for more follicles and a trigger. I remember these last few days were when I started getting super uncomfortable.

Jen: Good luck today!

Thanks for the good thoughts about Fen. We go in at 5:45 tonight. I have a meeting for work after. I hope I'm not a crying mess. He is acting normal so I'm hoping it is like a pulled muscle.
Terri - I'm on Follistim, Menopur, and Ganirelix (antagonist protocol), and I'll be doing a Lupron trigger when the time comes.
Krissy - great news on the follies.

Sars - I you dog is in good spirits, that is a GREAT thing. Especially i he is eating & drinking. I am sure he is ine & just needs some meds.

kfs - I found registering online easier. And a lot of sites like Target & Amazon give you a list to go by which I ound very helpful.

My pool is blue now but cloudy. I am hoping to be swimming next week i the weather keeps warming up. My liner is a darker blue so it warms up a little faster.

The boss is not being too awful...I just want him to leave me alone. Me switching desks does not affect him. Bleh! And he is also complaining because the table in our file room was switched out. I didn't see him volunteering to talk to the workers to make decisions. And besides he NEVER cracks a file...very rare. Anyways...not worrying about it...just ready or my day off tomorrow.

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