First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Oh & jen...whether your baby is born on my bday or a week or so later...good luck on a Taurus baby!!! Especially considering the hard time she has already given you :)
Hi girls!

Jen - I'm so excited to see your little sweetie! Any day now:)

SARS- thoughts and prayers for your pup. Glad he seems to be feeling better today!

Terri- I'm loving dots pic:) still so happy for you. Hope things calm down for your city:(

Krissy- yay for 8 follies! Almost trigger time. I've got everything crossed for you.

Kfs- good luck registering! It can be overwhelming for sure.

Beagle- glad you and babyw- had nice, safe trips!

Had my anatomy scan today and everything checked out great. Praise God!! The tech switched over to 4d for a moment. I will try to change my avatar pic to one of them. She kept turning on us so no good face shots and the tech said my placenta is anterior so it made it hard to get a good shot as well but I'm so happy she is doing well now! They lowered my b/p meds because my pressures have been consistently low. But otherwise just another checkup in one month.
Awesome news jkb!! The picture looks really cool.

Jen-Yeah for a Taurus baby!! Loyal as the day as long, but also stubborn too. hee hee. We like to get what we want. hee hee.

Krissy-Gotcha. That's basically the same protocol that I did. Woop woop.
JKB: What an awesome photo! Glad everything is looking perfect. You deserve some calm.

BabyW: Yay for nephew cuddles. That's great you got to spend some quality time with him after such a drive.
JKB: What an awesome photo! Glad everything is looking perfect. You deserve some calm.

BabyW: Yay for nephew cuddles. That's great you got to spend some quality time with him after such a drive.

I hope your pup is ok. It's so hard to see animals suffer and not know what it is.

Jkb, yeah for all being ok!! I love the pic!!! Looking good Mama, looking good!

Terri, my heart breaks for you and the people of Baltimore. It's awful how a few can ruin a city for so many hard working people. Ray Lewis video is great and I hope more influential figures come forward and speak directly to the youth. This is no solution and will only ruin their lives and deepen the anger when they get caught. I hope the violence ends and the healing can begin.
Krissy - out of curiosity, would you mind sharing how often your appointments were?
I am in the TWW for my third IUI....scheduled for IVF next cycle if this is a no go.
My clinic does cycle IVF so they estimated starting the medicines around May 29, and egg retrieval is around June 8.

I work a rather time consuming job (with some nights and some weekends) I am trying to figure out how I can load my June schedule.

Once you start the medicine, when do they do the first ultrasound? And now you mentioned daily ultrasounds?

I know you aren't doing a fresh transfer....but it seems like once the egg retrieval is done, there isn't much (maybe labs) until egg transfer, either 3 or 5 depending.
Mrs L my clinic opens pretty early so I was able to get in and out and to work by 9. That's with an hour commute. The appts are really short.
MrsL-once you have retrieval, you just take oral meds (most likely) and they may call you with reports on fertilization daily or every other day or what have you. Then they'll call and tell you when you should go in for transfer.

Once I started stimming I had appointments a few days after the first meds, and then they were every other day, and once my follicles got a certain size, I started going in daily. I start my workday at 7, so on the days I had an appointment, I would get to work at 7:30-7:45. I always made the earliest appointments though.
Awwww sars, sorry about Fen. My dog had parvo (and survived) but I was a mess for those 9 days. Hope he gets better!

So funny Terri, I was just in the kitchen taking all of my pills and I hear DH say "so for the first time ever in mlb, they're playing a game and the city isn't invited" I said oh no that's Terris team!!!! Then I remembered to check in here. I literally know nothing about baseball teams except you like the Os and beagle likes Derek jeter. That's all I've got. Haha! I'm glad you're not in the middle of it but you're right, so dumb that they're ruining their own neighborhoods. What a joke. There's a funny video of a mom catching her son rioting so she screams at him telling him to get his ass home. Geez!

Kfs, good luck with registering. It took me a couple trips because I was overwhelmed.

Happy birthday Eve, Beagle!

BabyW, I'm definitely getting an epidural as soon as I can get it.

My appt today was good. I'm thinning out or slightly effaced apparently and just barely dialated. I'm off of bed rest and I can have privileges to walk for 15 minute walks for my exercise. Yay! Unfortunately, I may contract on and off like this with cramping and back pain til she comes. But my dr was very clear on what I'm waiting for, a water breaking or horrible horrible contracting pain consistently every 4-5 minutes. She said the kind where I can barely talk to DH to tell him what's wrong with me. Lol seems clear to me! She's expecting to see me more dialated in 2 weeks. So I'll guess I'll have a baby at 37 or 38 weeks at the end of May. Which works perfectly with my schedule for my stepkids and summer. Their mom is going to take them for extended time while I get to spend time getting to know my little babe. I'm feeling more calm about everything now that I know what to expect. My body is definitely cleaning itself out for preparation though. Let me tell you, everything is leaking! Lol! My boobs started leaking, discharge is more watery and frequent and BMs twice a day. I keep thinking I hope I'm all cleaned out by the time I have to push. Haha I've always told DH that's he's giving me an enema before we go to the hospital so I can relieve myself beforehand. I'm such a control freak!!
Oh funny story...
So my two small dogs go out to pee and I'm watching to make sure they go and Mac starts to pee on a bush so I tell him good boy. Carl apparently (yes, I named him Carl) didn't want to wait to use that exact same bush so he runs under Mac and pees on it too. During this Mac is peeing on top of Carl. I'm like oh come on!!! Carl runs over to me jumping on me with his wet pee body. Gross. I just had to give them baths and I'm so out of breath. Is this motherhood? Lol! I need a bottle of wine!
hahah Jen. Dogs love to get one up on each other. You're getting so close!

Our visit to the vet went OK today. Of course Fen had stopped twitching when we got there but I luckily took a video of it. Our vet was completely perplexed by it because he has no fever, is acting normal and there's nothing showing up wrong in the physical exam. She wants to do some research tonight and call us tomorrow. She told us we have a physically healthy dog with an odd tremor. I really trust her. She went to UPenn for veterinary school, which is supposed to be one of the best in the country.

So, I hope we get some answers.

I'm so excited one of my best friends, who moved to Chicago, is flying out tomorrow to surprise me. My husband and her had to ruin the surprise because I got scheduled to work tomorrow night. I haven't seen her since July. She's arranged it to coincide with our running club, which she started.

Happy almost birthday Beagle!
MrsL - I went in on day 2, day 5 and then every other day until day 11, then I had to go in three days in a row. So I went in on days 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13... and retrieval will be day 15. I think I responded a bit on the slow side though so you could easily have less every other days. And yes, this was all for the stim/retrieval. Then I'll have a cycle completely off to recover, and I'm not sure what the transfer cycle looks like but I think it's similar to an IUI or monitored intercourse cycle.

AFM - This is all such a roller coaster! So I still have the 8 follies, and they're all growing, but the big ones are growing much faster. I have 4 that are ~20 mm (and the others are ~13mm and up), so we're doing the Lupron trigger tonight and retrieval on Friday. My RE said he'll be happy if we have 4 mature eggs... which doesn't sound like a lot (or enough) to me, but I'm trying not to panic until we're through it and we know what we have. Now DH and I just have to sit down and figure out how many embryos we think it's worth doing PGS on or not.
Oh... and NOW I'm getting uncomfortable. Really uncomfortable. And I prefer not (and more or less am unable) to wear pants lol. Thank goodness for elastic waist skirts.
Hi ladies,
I've been a little MIA lately, missin y'all! I'll check in in the morning with a longer post. Tried to check in earlier but the board was "closed for maintenance!" Sars- so glad Fen is okay. Amy- how u doing lady? Thinking of you. Terri- stay safe in Baltimore! Jen- you're so close! And lol about your pup peeing on the other. Dogs are so goofy. Beagle- happy bday! Krissy- GL on trigger! You'll have relief soon enough. :)

Work has been really busy lately so I haven't had much time to check in! Also lately it seems TTC has not been top of mind. I wish it were, but still waaaiitting....have a great night all!
Finally, I can get back on this site from my computer!
Happy belated birthday, Beagle!

LadySosa-Good to keep yourself distracted. Time flies by much faster that way.

Jen-Dogs are hilarious. When I was watching my friend's small yorkie/bichon mix he would lift his leg as HIGH as it could go to be the highest pee-er. hee hee. (peer?). Little did he know that Fun pees like a girl dog. It's because his right leg was broken and I guess he couldn't/can't really lift it up to pee, and he couldn't lift up the other one because his right leg was unstable. Other dogs may make fun of him, but he doesn't care. So two more weeks to go, huh? Hopefully it'll go by quickly. Keep sister did laps at the mall to bring on labor so it can't hurt.

Krissy-Oh, they are making you take a cycle off to do a frozen transfer? Interesting..I guess if you have to take a break, when your second AF gets here, you'll start taking meds (I took a shot of delestrogen every three days, and PIO shots every day) to build your insides back up to be ready for transfer. You'll probably do something similar. So excited for your retrieval!

:wave: to everyone else! :flower:
Hey guys...thanks for the birthday wishes. We had fun...went to Myrtle Beach in the rain to shop & see how much free b-day food we could eat. Needless to say, I slept the 2 hrs back home.

My boy dogs usually peed like girls...not sure if it has anything to do with being fixed. Sometimes my boy tries to lift his leg but he pees forever so I think he gets tired. So my 3 legged pees like a boy...usually on the side he is missing a his little nub lifts a little. When we first got him he would sometimes use the other side so he would literally be on 2 legs! So funny. But over time he has gained wait...mostly muscle...takes a lot to walk on 3 legs. So now he usually uses the side missing the leg.

Oh & my husband got me an interesting gift. Sometimes it upsets me because he thinks too hard or gets me things he likes. We have a big 55 gallon tank for tropical fish. I always wanted oscars but they are sort of vicious. So I got a 29 gallon tank but learned it is too small for them. So I did goldfish instead. I could never get them to stay alive. Goldfish are very dirty & create a lot of waste. So husband transferred it in to a reptile house. Here is his pool filter always has frogs in it...mostly dead. Well we had a cool bright green one with darker green spots. My stupid cat scratched him. He looked so cool. But then I found him in the filter :( So my husband knows when I see a frog I want to catch it & hold it. So he did this for me. Very sweet but also very surprising. So now I am all concerned if we are allowed to catch frogs & domesticate them. But if we can't I can always buy at the pet store. So is it exciting. He did all the research on them & everything.

I also mentioned mother's day to him. I didn't mention to you guys...I didn't want to sound like one of those girls. But I really want a mom day gift. I wish fathers day was first to set the example. I was so nervous he wouldn't think about it so i just decided to ask him what he was getting me. I didn't want to sound like one of those women who just need gifts because I'm not. We really do b-day & Christmas & never anything big. He asked about mom necklaces but said kids should do that. So I am nervous still. I want something MOM...not just a gift on mom day. But we shall see I guess.

I think for fathers day I will get him a new Yankee hat (he needs one). I will get it embroidered with Dad & a smaller one embroidered with son. he got you the two toned green frog? Or he changed the 29 gallon tank to a reptile tank? I'm confused. hee hee. I hope he gets you something cool with MOM on it, whatever it is. Wouldn't it be funny if he got you a Yankees hat that says Mom? That would be adorable for your whole family to wear.

Jen-Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, thanks for thinking of me regarding the baseball game. It was definitely a sight to see with no fans in the stadium. The game was 2hours long and went by so fast. I'm also glad we won too. Can you imagine losing in your own stadium with no fans?

sars-Glad your dog seems to be ok even though he still has those tremors. Luckily it's nothing serious (for now). And that is so nice that your bestie is coming to visit. Fun times!!!

And I thought you girls would like this. There is a retirement party at work, so I'm making spinach/artichoke dip in the crock pot AT WORK. The whole area is about to start smelling very soon. HA!!HA!! I had to stir it a few minutes ago, and I gave it a quick taste. Yum yum.
Terri - yeah, they have one down cycle to let your ovaries and hormone levels balance back out. Still not sure what it'll look like med-wise, but I think I get more details tomorrow after the retrieval.
Terri - he switched my fish tank to a reptile tank. No frog yet. We are going to try to catch one...hopefully with all the rain we had.

I am saying this PURELY a baseball fan...not making light of the political stuff going on in Baltimore. But it was a sad sight seeing that empty ball field. We couldn't watch it but we did see some pics. I think there was a home run ball just sitting in the stands the whole game. That must have been so weird for the players & announcers. Bruce was listening to the Yankee game on our way home...kind of wish we were listening to Baltimore. Of course A-Rod screwed us up in the 13th inning. Double play...ugh. He has never been one to play well under pressure.

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