First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

The MLB and other sports are on such specific time schedules, that to the normal person, you'd think 'Ok, we'll just make a doubleheader on such and such day and be done with it' but apparently, changing schedules/locations/dates is a really big deal. I don't understand it. I'm glad they still had the game because of all the scheduling, but I think they could've moved the game to DC (the Nationals are out of town until next Monday, apparently), but whatever. Supposedly, the TB Rays are going to play up here at some point and it will be their home game like this weekend's game are in their stadium but we are the home team.

The announcers were whispering sometimes because they were like 'they can probably hear us!' I also heard that the players in one dugout could hear the players in the other dugout. It had to be so strange.
Yeh that's not good when trying to make plays if the other team can hear you. I think the thing with baseball is they play SO MANY would be hard to reschedule...and the traveling schedule is probably just as tight.
Jen you are getting so close! I started bouncing on an exercise ball to encourage baby to come down and go head down around 36 weeks. I think that and acupuncture helped get things moving. Your story made me laugh...I was getting Jack undressed for his bath and he peed on me, the changing table, floor...I was caught off guard so I screamed. Jack got scared and started crying. I felt so bad and picked him up, put him into the bath and then showered myself. Yes this is motherhood and you will become desensitized to all kinds of things. The worst so far was chaging Jack's dirty diaper when he was a few months old and he started going #2 again and I had to catch it with wipes. Thankfully nursing diapers don't really smell. It won't be long until you get to hold your little one.

How are you doing Krissy? It shouldn't be too much longer for feeling uncomfortable. I got relief after I triggered. Don't worry about quantity, it's the quality that matters.

Terri how are you doing?

Beagle my Grandmother is in MB, I hope you had a nice time and celebrated your bday right.

How is everyone else, Sars, Booger, Lady, Erin, Mrs L, Jkb, Kfs...

I am experiencing baby brain this week. I forgot my wallet at work, I walked out of the drug store without paying for bubbles for Jack, so I am making lists on my phone. I am almost prepared for our trip next Thurs. I coordinated with a company in the Keys to rent a crib, high chair, and beach toys for Jack. The car service will pick us up with a car seat, and Hertz will also provide us one in Miami. We will only have to travel with an unbrella stroller that we can gate check. I am borrowing a dvd player and dvd's from a friend and bringing my Mac Book for the flight. I hope b/t dh and I we can carry-on bags with enough stuff to keep Jack entertained. I am so ready to get away from work and this toxic individual. I really am done with the bs and hope I can make a move after my leave. It's pure dysfunction and life is too short to stay in it.

On the baby girl front, I have my glucose test tomorrow and a vax appt for Jack. I scheduled his 18mo appt well visit for June...where did the time go!!! We rented a 10ft box truck for Sat and will be picking up the nursery furniture. The seller threw in a glider so I can keep ours in our den and 1 in the nursery. So all in, for a dresser/changing table, armoire, crib, and glider, $1000 all Bellini furniture in white. I am looking for a soft sage/mint green for the walls with all the white furniture and simple bedding and accents in pink. So it looks like the nursery will be almost done before I've had a chance to truly purge my closets and basement which is fine. Having the nursery furniture all set will take the pressure off. And just in time a friuend gave us several bags of toddler 2 clothes for Jack. We really haven't had to buy much for him which has been awesome b/c I hate to shop. I hope I can find someone with girls to do the same! Anytime I can save myself a trip to a store I am all for it. I even bought Jack's rash guard from amazon instead of a store that was 2 miles away!

Thursday cannot come fast enough!!!!
I just watched the saddest video on now for the past 2 hours I have been dying to get home to kiss my pups & play with my tripawd & his favorite toy. I apologize in advance for the may cry if you decide to watch it.
I'll try anything so if anyone needs me I'll be on an exercise ball. I may give my acupuncture guy a call too! Good idea!
Hi everyone...

I just wanted to check in and say hi to everyone. I'm sorry I've been MIA, I just needed to take a break.

Terri - I've been thinking about you with all that is going on in Baltimore. Such a sad situation all around.

So I got my results back from the fetus tissue testing. So the baby was a girl (which makes me want to cry just knowing that) and she had Turners Syndrome. So my body obviously knew there was a problem and stopped the pregnancy. It is caused by a missing chromosome and they were even able to tell that the chromosome was missing on the paternal side (and we're always blaming the egg lol). This is also something they would have picked up with a PGS screening (which I've already told you guys I've regretted not doing). So now I just have to decide whether I want to go through this all over again and include the PGS testing this time. All the embryos I had were transferred and they either didn't implant and the ones that did implant obviously weren't normal, so I just fear we'll do this whole thing again and won't have any embryos come back normal. Also it's weird because I really didn't think about the fact that the sperm might be the cause for an abnormal embryo. But it surely can so no wonder only 50% or less embryos come back normal (especially in us older gals). This realization only increases my worry. *sigh*
Oh Amy!! I've been wondering how you were doing. I'm still, so, so sorry. :hugs:

Now, reading your post made me feel more positive because you can do it again, have PGS done and they will know specifically what to look for. You have a reason why this happened twice! It's not unexplained. I think that if you can afford to do it again, you have to go for it! The odds are in your favor at this point. I also think you should do research on Turner's and find out the probability as to whether it will always show up in your hubs sperm or not. The way they make the women sound like the problem all the time absolutely kills me. I hate that it's always our fault. Anyway, I'm glad you got some sort of closure and can now decide what's best for your future. I'll back you with whatever you decide but I am really, really confident that you'll be a mom in the near future. I believe it with all my heart. Love ya!
Hi Amy! We've missed you!!!
That is exactly what happened to my girlfriend. Baby girl with turners syndrome. She had the 10 week blood test and got her results back as she was losing her baby. Heartbreaking. Guess what? She got pregnant 2 months later naturally with a totally healthy pregnancy. I'm agreeing with Terri. You'll be a mom for sure and PGS is a great idea. Of course whatever you decide I support. Glad to hear from you!
Amy glad you have some answers. Is there a way to know if the sperm will always be abnormal? I think it was a fluke thing. If you can make it happen do it again. I so wish pgs was more common. I think those of us who did it were glad we did.
Amy - So good to hear from you. I'm so sorry that you had to find out that the baby was a girl but I'm glad to hear that they had an explanation for you. I absolutely 100% agree with everything that Terri said. I think having an explanation for what has happened is a blessing in a way. You know what to research and you can make a much stronger plan if you should decide to try again. If you have the resources and emotional strength, I would ABSOLUTELY move forward. Love you girl.

JCM - That's so great that you're off of bed rest. You're so close! I hope the on and off cramping isn't too bad. And that's great about your step-kids. It'll be easier for you to have some alone time with your little one. :)

Sars - Any more news about your pup? Hope all is OK.

Krissy - I had the same situation when I was stimming, where some follies were growing at a much faster rate. I'm sure you'll have some strong ones at your retrieval tomorrow. What time's the retrieval? Good luck!!

LadySosa - I agree with Terri. Keep yourself distracted and enjoy things like wine and caffeine. :)

Terri - It was funny listening to all of the O's players describing how crazy that game was - how they could hear the press box and so many other things that they normally can't. :) Hey - when's your next appt anyway????

Babyw - Good luck at your glucose test tomorrow. Mine's in a few weeks. That's great about the furniture! Post some pics after you get everything set up. Oh - and so jealous of your trip. Sounds great.

Beagle - Hope you get something cute for mom's day. :)

So, I woke up with strong pains in my lower abdomen 2 nights in a row. I went to the doc two days ago just to be sure and they said it's probably just round ligament pain and that it's right in the area where the baby's head is. It was so painful though and it was only happening in the middle of the night. Thankfully, last night nothing happened so hopefully it was just the stretching. I DID find out that my placenta moved BACK again so I still have placenta previa even though they cleared me at my previous appt. They're not worried but I'm back to no BDing for another month until my next appt. Grrrrr.

So, what's everyone doing this weekend? I'm checking out a restaurant tonight as a potential place to have my mom's 70th birthday party. We booked a place that we weren't that thrilled about but now we're really having second thoughts. Also, I was supposed to register with my sister tomorrow but her son's sports schedule was shifted around so not sure what we're doing yet. I really just want to relax and enjoy the weather. Supposed to be beautiful.
kfs - I cannot believe how far along you are now. Just seems so recent you were only 12 weeks & having all that bleeding.

My husband wants to take pics in Wilson NC. There was a man named Vollis Simpson who made Whirligigs. They made a park for is really cool. So on the way we are stopping at several spots to look at sights. I think I told you guys we love using to see unusual stuff on our road trips. Then we will stop at a place there for bbq I found on On the way back we pass an outlet so I want to go there for a little bit.

All my furniture is put together & painted except my crib. The crib does not need paint though. He has a few pieces of quarter round to put down to finish the flooring & we will be done. Then it is basically just setting up. I also need to buy some things for a cool shelving idea I have. I am so excited to start all this. And especially to get all the baby stuff in his room finally.
kfs1-Your round ligament pain sounds scary. Or maybe the baby was turning around. Hopefully that's the last of that nonsense. Sorry about the placenta previa again. Ugh!! That has to be so frustrating.

beagle-Your weekend trip sounds like a lot of fun. I didn't watch the sad video. And awesome news about everything baby being just about complete. Woohoo! Are you anywhere near Love Valley, NC? Just curious.

No big weekend plans for me. My husband's goddaughter's bday party is tomorrow,but we are only obligated to go for cake and ice cream. I'm fine with that. hee hee. Tonight, no plans -probably just sleeping/watching tv/reading and then on Sunday, no plans. I'm telling you, my life sure is boring without motorcycle riding. :cry: My next appointment is on Monday, so I'm looking forward to that and hearing a heartbeat.
Good morning ladies,
Sheesh I am falling behind!

Amy - so good to hear from you. I'm sorry you found out that it was a girl, I can imagine that was heartbreaking. :( I agree with the others, at least you have some answers, and you know it will be something that PGS will catch. You can do it lady! Your ultimate goal is to be a mommy, keep your eyes on the prize. :) We'll all be here for you for the journey again.

AFM, I had a little "run-in" with boss yesterday. It got ugly and I cried. She can be really cruel. But I'm glad I stood up for myself. So anyways I left yesterday afternoon all tears, then I went to p/u my hubby. He was so sweet. In the past he takes on this stance of "suck it up" or he gets worried that I'm going to get myself fired, so I am always afraid to talk to him about work troubles. But I couldn't believe how supportive he was! I told him the entire story and he completely sided with me and just said, 'start looking for a new job. You can do this. You are better than this.' It meant SO much to me to have those words of encouragement. So anyways, needless to day it will be a little tense around my workplace today. Having all glass walls in the office means EVERYONE can see you crying as they walk by. ugh.
Amy- sending hugs to you. I'm sorry this has been such a hard journey for you so far. I'm glad you have an answer but understand that doesn't help the pain from your loss. Allow yourself time to process everything and you will know ultimately which path you will be at peace taking. We are here for you. Love and prayers<3

Lady - sorry things are tense at work, I agree with your hubby. You deserve to be valued and don't let people disrespect you. Hope you have a good day despite the boss.

Kfs- glad the pains didn't come back last night. It's crazy how things can vary from day to day. You're getting close! Sorry no baby dancing for you but it will be worth it soon.

Baby w- your trip sounds awesome. Hope y'all have a blast! Does the ob put any restrictions on traveling when we are closer to delivery? Seems like there were some with my son but he's turning 11 next week and I don't remember so far back.
terri - I am in is more central but close to the coast. What's in Love Valley? We will be driving near there when we go to the mountains on vacation. I forgot to mention...2 weeks ntil vacation with my pups! So excited!

Unfortunately the ligament pain is just a thing that happens. Terri - you will be experiencing it soon. It can be scary when you aren't sure what's happening.

Lady - sorry about your rough day but glad you stood up to her. And glad your husband was supportive. My husband hates when my boss stresses me out.
Pretty busy at work so I'm not all caught up but Amy it is so good to hear from you!!! I'm so sorry about your baby girl. It is amazing how your body figures these things out. I'm glad you've gotten answers. My RE had me undergo really thorough genetic testing to find out if I was a carrier of anything. It was just a blood draw. I don't know much about Turner's and if it can be tested. But just a thought. Sending you lots of good thoughts and vibes
Hi to everyone else. I'll catch up later this afternoon.
6 eggs retrieved... only 2 fertilized. Trying desperately to not give up all hope. I guess at this point we at least don't have to worry about paying for PGS. It is what it is now. Friday I find out how they grew.
Krissy-you are not going to do testing on 2? You can't give up yet! Moni only had one and now she has a healthy baby boy so everything is not lost just yet. Why do you have to wait until Friday? If they are waiting to see if they make it to blastocyst stage, that would happen on Wednesday (5 days after retrieval). I'll keep you and your embies in my prayers today.

Beagle-Love Valley is the smallest town in NC. I did a moto. contest where I had to go to the smallest town in so many states in order to get a trophy and Love Valley was your state's small town. It used to be a hippie commune in the 70s but now it's kind of like a small western town. After a certain point, you can't bring your car onto the property and you have to travel by foot or horse. The day I was there, I sat and talked to the mayor and had an iced tea. It was just a cool, little place, but I couldn't go very far on an iron horse! Hee hee. You would probably not be impressed, I just wondered if you had been there.

I ran some errands today and now I'm tired. That's where you'll find me these days; just snoozing on the couch.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
Terri - Yeah, I think they told me I'd know BY Friday, because they check either on day 5 or 6 depending on how they're doing (so Wednesday or Thursday). What do you ladies think about testing two (or less). I mean there's nothing specific we're screening for, it's just to make sure they're worth implanting, and pricewise, if we only have 2 blasts, it's certainly not cost-effective.
Krissy- sorry you only had two fertilize but, as mentioned quality over quantity!!! I'm staying positive for you. Prayers for those two embies to grow nice and strong! I personally would not do Pgs for two with no reasoning such as multiple losses.... I say put them both back and hope for twins:) baby dust to you<3

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