First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Krissy I say skip pgs and put them both in. Not worth the money for 2. And I'm a pgs advocate.

Terri you should find me on fb. You'd be surprised what we find interesting. My day today was full of "lame" stuff. That town sound cool. May have to look in to it.
I just re read what I had posted! I meant would NOT. Not sure if I just left it off or was auto corrected. Sorry for any confusion. I edited it;)
I was just asking Krissy. Cheap me wouldn't do pgs either. Hee hee. I had three and put them back without PGS so it's totally up to you. I would save my money and hope for twins! I see what you're saying about knowing by Friday.

So now that you have to wait a month, are you on any meds now or just waiting for AF to get here?

Beagle-ha ha about seeing lame stuff today. Well, it's better than nothing and it's always an adventure. Waaahh!! I want to go riding so badly. :cry:
How was everyone's weekend?

ERose-How are your girlfriends doing?

Booger-Yoohoo? Havent heard from you in a while.

JCM-Did you have your baby over the weekend?

BabyW-Hope you are enjoying your vacation.

LadySosa-How are things?

Saturday, I went to my husband's goddaughter's bday party this weekend for cake/ice cream. It was fine, and we were able to watch the Kentucky Derby. Short and sweet. We also stopped in Babies R Us after lunch on Saturday just to look around. We mostly looked at the travel systems. Meh. hee hee. Everything is so expensive, but they have nice colors and they look great. Yesterday I went to the SPCA to get Fun's nails clipped and they cut one too short, so he was bleeding all over the place when we got home. He's better now. I was going to adopt him but there were too many people there since it was a nice day. I'll go back on Tuesday and finish up his paperwork. He needs to stay with us. hee hee. I think all three of us are excited about this new turn of events. :dog:
Hey everyone. I had a pretty good weekend. Went exploring on Saturday & hit the outlets. I went to Jockeys to buy underwear. I was out one day & mine were just awful so I bought a pair at Ross to change in to. They happen to be Jockey & I loved them. So I hit the outlet to buy more. They looked huge...but I put a pair on today & they are perfect. Granny panties! But they feel so good. I also hit Carters & begged my husband to let me buy some clearance PJs. They are 12 months 2 piece. They are black with cute! And only like $8.

My nursery is put together. I swear I will get some pics up but I want to decorate first...get the bedding on & things like that. Hope to work on it this week. We spent the rest of yesterday separating & washing all the clothes, blankets, & stuffed animals we had bought. I am so excited. I sit in there now & think I could just sit there all day.

My day has started pretty rough today. I woke up at 4 am & could not get back to I had that awful back & forth sleep around 5:30...& of course when it is time to wake up I could have slept really good. I felt fine when I got up...showered, dressed, hair dried. Got to the kitchen to make my lunch & a faint spell swooped over me. So I tried sitting down, drinking water. Then I felt sick so I headed for the bathroom. That passed so I laid on the couch until it was all over. Luckily no fainting or throwing up. Then I get to work & painters moved my copy room all around. Not too big a deal except I can't move any of it back...large recycle bin, boxes of paper...all too heavy for me right now.

But anyways...feeling okay now...typical Monday.

Terri - I am so excited about your adoption. Every kid needs a dog! And better to get him used to the pup as a baby. You always know when a foster is meant to be permanent.
Amy- sending hugs to you. I'm sorry this has been such a hard journey for you so far. I'm glad you have an answer but understand that doesn't help the pain from your loss. Allow yourself time to process everything and you will know ultimately which path you will be at peace taking. We are here for you. Love and prayers<3

Lady - sorry things are tense at work, I agree with your hubby. You deserve to be valued and don't let people disrespect you. Hope you have a good day despite the boss.

Kfs- glad the pains didn't come back last night. It's crazy how things can vary from day to day. You're getting close! Sorry no baby dancing for you but it will be worth it soon.

Baby w- your trip sounds awesome. Hope y'all have a blast! Does the ob put any restrictions on traveling when we are closer to delivery? Seems like there were some with my son but he's turning 11 next week and I don't remember so far back.

I told my ob at Fri's appt and he said no worries, 28 weeks and going to Fla is fine. I don't think I would travel much later than that though.

Amy, my heart breaks for you girl. I also agree with everyone else that pgs testing will help you increase your chances by not putting back embryos with that chromosomal issue. It may feel scary to go down this road again, but now you know what the major obstacle was. You can get pregnant, that's a major hurdle. Don't give up when you are so close!

Lady, I am so sorry for the work stress and difficult boss. I work on a trading desk so I am 18inches from the next person...hard to hide emotions. It's great that dh is supportive, life is too short to spend most of your time in a toxic environment. I will be looking at my options as well while on leave. Change can be scary, but I am worth more than what I am being compensated for and where I am doing it. Don't feel sutck working for someone like your's not worth it.

Beagle you'd be proud of me. We got the box truck, drove to NJ and picked up the furniture and it's in the nursery. After vacay I will pick out paint and bedding so all that will be left is a rug! It was mayhem this weekend. Since we are making dh's office the nursery, we are moving his office into our large guest room, which was a holding station for all the stuff dh's coworker gave us for Jack. I went and got a hanging rod that hangs from the top bar in the closet so it's now a double decker hanging closet. I put away all the clothes and even had 4 bags leftover for my brother and my bff. Then I went food shopping, cleaned bathrooms, vacuumed, mopped, even did a few windows. Dh painted some exterior trim, and we managed to go out for my friends bday on Fri night and had Jack outside a lot playing with hsi water table. There was more we did but I'll spare you. We basically never sat down until dinner. When we get back we will have to set up dh's office in the guest room and finish the nursery but we are in good shape. I also need to pull out storage of Jack's baby clothes and take out what is unisex and see what I need to fil in. A good friend who is due 3 weeks before me is having a sprinkle which is fine, but I don't feel comfortable asking friends/family to get us anything again. They went overboard for Jack so it wouldn't feel right. I still have to pack for our trip but I have a ton of stuff for him since dh's coworker gave us everything she had from her 2 boys. When we get back I also plan to purge our closets and put up a gate to separate dh's man cave from the play area in the basement. Why can't I be this organized when I'm not prego!?!?!?!?!

On a sad news front, I came to work today and my coworker who was due the month after me with twin girls naturally, and saw she was out again and the girl who sits behind her sent me a msg that she went into early labor and they couldn't save them. She was 10 days from earliest delivery. She is taking some time off and I don't know if she comes back. We had friends in common and I am just gutted for her. I can't imagine how she is feeling or how you can get through something like that. I started to cry just imagining how devastated she must be. I had offered her the glider we picked up saturday but their apt was too small for it. She was so close to reaching the time where they had a great chance of survival. My heart breaks for her and hope she comes back, but I'm sure it will be hard to face everyone here. It's such a tragedy. It makes me rethink all that I have been doing as far as lifting things, cleaning like a lunatic, and pushing myself to get things done. I might be overdoing it. I wouldn't want to risk anything and I have been listening to my body. I rest when I need to and ask for help when I think I shouldn't be doing something. I pray for her and hope she gets through this awful time of grief and loss.
Hello, ladies!!! :flower:

It has been forever since I posted - 2 weeks. I can't believe it. Things have been CRAZY for me at work and it's been so nice outside that the last thing I want to do when I get home is look at the computer screen. So, I apologize for my absence - I've been at least trying to keep up with what is going on around here and I think about you guys all the time.

Beagle - I'm sorry you had a dizzy spell this morning but I'm glad it passed and you didn't actually pass out and hurt yourself of anything. How exciting that you have your nursery all set up and ready to finalize. Can't wait to see the picture. Oh, and Happy belated, birthday!!! :cake:

Terri - It's been so long since I posted that I never got to say congrats that your first scan went well. You have another one this week, correct?? I can't wait for you to hear that heartbeat. And hooray for adopting Fun!!! What a lucky dog. He sounds wonderful and all you sound so happy. What more can you ask for? How are you feeling otherwise??

Krissy - I'm sorry to read that your cycle didn't go as you had hoped. :hugs: I don't think I'd do the PGS either at this point. I am sending all the good vibes I can muster up to your little embryos so that they continue to grow, grow, grow!

jkb - How are you doing?? I hope things are still going well!

LadySosa - Sorry about your run-in with your boss. :hugs: I hope you were able to have a nice weekend and things go better this week. It's nice that your DH was supportive. :flower: So, any sign of AF so you can get your cycle moving along???

kfs - Glad those scary pains passed! How was the restaurant? Did you get to get out and enjoy the nice weather??

JCM - Any news on your end?? Is that bouncy ball working any magic?

Amy - Good to hear from you, sweetheart. I still think about you all the time. I'm so, so sorry that your dealing with this. I can't tell you what to do, I think you'll make the best choice for you and DH based on financial and emotional costs of all of this. Of course we'll all be here for you whatever you decide to do. :hugs:

Erin - Hope you're enjoying your vacation. :flower:

Babywhisper - Hooray for getting your nursery furniture. It sounds lovely. How did your glucose test go last week??

sars - That's awesome that your friend flew in to surprise you! I love trips like that. I'm sorry you had the scare with your pup. I hope it was just a one time thing.

MrsL4 - Any news on your end? How far into the TWW are you now?

I'm sure I missed someone but I can't go back any further now, sorry!!! I'll try to do better keeping up this week.

As for me, nothing too exciting to report. I had my 12-week appointment last week and that went great. Everything looks just as it should. He did an ultrasound (I wasn't sure if he would or not) - he switched to 3D mode so it was pretty cool to see that. I'm really starting to feel better. I don't know if it's just because of getting close to the end of the first trimester or if it's because I've been taking the Vitamin B3/Unisom combo at night. I don't care what's doing it, it's just nice to feel kind of human again. I've been able to get out and run so that's been the nicest thing.

We did a ton of yard work this weekend and things are finally starting to shape up in the backyard after winter. We put in another raised bed this and I planted some flowers. Still have a bunch more to get but I figure I'll go next Sunday on Mother's Day as all the local nurseries usually give a free plant to Mom's and Mom's to be. I went last year and remember being kind of sad. What a difference a year makes! We'll likely try to get the garden planted sometime soon as well. I love spring and summer!!!

We go home to visit my family in 2 weeks and I cannot wait. I so need the break from work and I haven't seen my sister or nieces in almost 2 years to it's way overdue. :happydance:
Hello, ladies!!! :flower:

It has been forever since I posted - 2 weeks. I can't believe it. Things have been CRAZY for me at work and it's been so nice outside that the last thing I want to do when I get home is look at the computer screen. So, I apologize for my absence - I've been at least trying to keep up with what is going on around here and I think about you guys all the time.

Beagle - I'm sorry you had a dizzy spell this morning but I'm glad it passed and you didn't actually pass out and hurt yourself of anything. How exciting that you have your nursery all set up and ready to finalize. Can't wait to see the picture. Oh, and Happy belated, birthday!!! :cake:

Terri - It's been so long since I posted that I never got to say congrats that your first scan went well. You have another one this week, correct?? I can't wait for you to hear that heartbeat. And hooray for adopting Fun!!! What a lucky dog. He sounds wonderful and all you sound so happy. What more can you ask for? How are you feeling otherwise??

Krissy - I'm sorry to read that your cycle didn't go as you had hoped. :hugs: I don't think I'd do the PGS either at this point. I am sending all the good vibes I can muster up to your little embryos so that they continue to grow, grow, grow!

jkb - How are you doing?? I hope things are still going well!

LadySosa - Sorry about your run-in with your boss. :hugs: I hope you were able to have a nice weekend and things go better this week. It's nice that your DH was supportive. :flower: So, any sign of AF so you can get your cycle moving along???

kfs - Glad those scary pains passed! How was the restaurant? Did you get to get out and enjoy the nice weather??

JCM - Any news on your end?? Is that bouncy ball working any magic?

Amy - Good to hear from you, sweetheart. I still think about you all the time. I'm so, so sorry that your dealing with this. I can't tell you what to do, I think you'll make the best choice for you and DH based on financial and emotional costs of all of this. Of course we'll all be here for you whatever you decide to do. :hugs:

Erin - Hope you're enjoying your vacation. :flower:

Babywhisper - Hooray for getting your nursery furniture. It sounds lovely. How did your glucose test go last week??

sars - That's awesome that your friend flew in to surprise you! I love trips like that. I'm sorry you had the scare with your pup. I hope it was just a one time thing.

MrsL4 - Any news on your end? How far into the TWW are you now?

I'm sure I missed someone but I can't go back any further now, sorry!!! I'll try to do better keeping up this week.

As for me, nothing too exciting to report. I had my 12-week appointment last week and that went great. Everything looks just as it should. He did an ultrasound (I wasn't sure if he would or not) - he switched to 3D mode so it was pretty cool to see that. I'm really starting to feel better. I don't know if it's just because of getting close to the end of the first trimester or if it's because I've been taking the Vitamin B3/Unisom combo at night. I don't care what's doing it, it's just nice to feel kind of human again. I've been able to get out and run so that's been the nicest thing.

We did a ton of yard work this weekend and things are finally starting to shape up in the backyard after winter. We put in another raised bed this and I planted some flowers. Still have a bunch more to get but I figure I'll go next Sunday on Mother's Day as all the local nurseries usually give a free plant to Mom's and Mom's to be. I went last year and remember being kind of sad. What a difference a year makes! We'll likely try to get the garden planted sometime soon as well. I love spring and summer!!!

We go home to visit my family in 2 weeks and I cannot wait. I so need the break from work and I haven't seen my sister or nieces in almost 2 years to it's way overdue. :happydance:

I love that local nurseries by you do that!! How nice. Happy to hnear you're feeling better, hopefully the worst is behind you. Isn't it great to emerge from Winter and get things planted and blooming again! Glad you checked in, keep us updated...any pic of the ultrasound to share?

Beagle, as far as your feeling faint this morning, are you hydrating enough? I know when I don't drink enough my face gets red and hot and I feel faint. Could also just be hormones...good thing you sat down until it passed. Hope it was just a 1-off.
I have had this happen a couple of times but usually right after my shower which so I assume the heat. I did not stay hydrated like I should yesterday. But I did fine Sat with all the traveling around. I think it is just one of those things. I am not too worried. My husband was...asked if it was because of lack of sleep. Which I thought was a dumb response...but he is just trying to see what is up. I feel fine now, so I am not concerned.

Booger - you may be on vacation the same time as me...we are going to the mountains with the dogs & so excited. And this year it just happens some of our rescue friends are at the same place the same will be beagle mania!

Baby W- glad you are getting things settled. It feels so good to me. I had over 10 bags of random stuff & now it is pretty much organized. I feel so much better. And my guest room is again a guest room.

I am headed to lunch...going to do some returns & shop for a few things for the nursery. I am hoping after this weekend to be done with everything nursery wise.
Still pregnant! Have any of you ever heard of lightening crotch!? It's seriously so awful and mean. Apparently it's the babys head against your cervix. What it feels like is someone gave her a knife and she's stabbing you in the vagina. Seriously when I walk I stop and let out a little cry and it's whenever she feels like doing it. I had better be dialated down there by now. I think I'm gonna tell DH to check tonight. Ouch!
Did anyone watch the Cleveland abduction movie over the weekend? Cried my eyes out. What a horrible thing!!
Still pregnant! Have any of you ever heard of lightening crotch!? It's seriously so awful and mean. Apparently it's the babys head against your cervix. What it feels like is someone gave her a knife and she's stabbing you in the vagina. Seriously when I walk I stop and let out a little cry and it's whenever she feels like doing it. I had better be dialated down there by now. I think I'm gonna tell DH to check tonight. Ouch!
Did anyone watch the Cleveland abduction movie over the weekend? Cried my eyes out. What a horrible thing!!

Does it feel like sharp pains or electrical shocks in your pelvis? I got are getting close's all part of the process. I would have to get up slowly and when I would walk it would make me yelp outloud...I freaked out the cashier at BBB once, she thought I was going into labor...that was a Sat, my water broke on Mon.
Yes! That's exactly it! Oh gosh all weekend I had to walk so carefully because every time it happens I literally clench up down there like something might fall out! Lol I had dreams all last night about me walking around with a hand hanging out of my vagina with a little knife in it. Haha I need an ambien for sure. I'm on practically no sleep. DH was laughing at me this weekend because after it happens I sort of glide instead of walk. He's like what are you doing?? And I yell I have to be careful!!!
Jen-I feel bad for your stabbing pains but imagining you screaming at your husband is just cracking me up! Hopefully you only have a few more days and the lightening crotch will all be a thing of the past. <3
The name lightening crotch cracks me up! I really can't help but laugh after it happens because I probably look so stupid. I yelp like a puppy and then I walk with my legs squeezed so tight like I'm on a tight rope. It honestly is so funny. I wonder if my water will break?
The name lightening crotch cracks me up! I really can't help but laugh after it happens because I probably look so stupid. I yelp like a puppy and then I walk with my legs squeezed so tight like I'm on a tight rope. It honestly is so funny. I wonder if my water will break?

The baby is hitting nerves as they lower further down into your pelvis...this is good. It means you won't have to wait much longer. I think I had it for 2 weeks but at the end it was bad enough to work from home Mondays & Fridays just in case. The baby will go up and down out of the pelvis so don't be surprised if you get a reprieve.
I just got home from the ultrasound. The baby is measuring about a week behind. The lady didn't know whether the pulsating was a heartbeat or a blood vessel so I have to go back on Friday to see if there is progression. There was a yolk sac this time so that was more than the dot we saw last time. I'm trying to remain positive but it's going to be a long week. I'll probably take off work on Friday just because.
Hi ladies! Happy Monday.

Jen, That sounds awful but lightening crotch makes me crack up. You're getting so close. So exciting.

Friday got away from me and I never got to check back in. We officially made our transition to our new company on Friday and we've been bogged down in meetings, orientations and paperwork. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers for Fen. He seems to be doing just fine. The vet said she was OK monitoring it to see if it went away. Her theory was a pulled muscle reacting weird. And it seems to be lessening. If it isn't gone by the end of the week we're going to do bloodwork.

Krissy: I'm sorry you didn't get the outcome you were hoping for but the other ladies are right it only takes one! I'd skip the PGS with two and just put them both in.

LadySosa: I'm sorry your boss sucks. Good luck on the job hunt. I spent two years with a toxic boss and it really is so emotionally draining.

Terri: I'm so excited Fun has his forever home with you. He must be pretty thrilled himself.

Beagle: I've got low blood pressure normally and the pregnancy has put me into the 90s. I have to be careful getting up or like flipping my head over when I put my hair in a shower after a shower. Perhaps it was related to that. Hopefully it was just a one time thing. I'm excited to see the nursery all finished. You're so on top of things!

BabyW: When do you leave for your trip? It must've felt so good to get so much done ahead of time. That is so, so sad about your coworker. That poor woman. I just can't even imagine. My coworker's wife went into labor when she was 7.5 months and they lost the baby. He was very private about it, like didn't want a card or anyone to acknowledge it, but it just broke my heart.

Booger: So good to hear from you! I can't believe you're 12 weeks already =) Awesome that you're feeling better and enjoying the beautiful weather. We're finally getting some sunshine on the east coast but it is 85 today. So much for spring. Have you been running at all?

Hi to everyone else! Hope you had lovely weekends.

My weekend just flew by in the blink of an eye. I think I'm finally starting to pop a bit. My stomach is out and I can't get it back in. It's so hard it actually is a tad weird. It is definitely lower than I thought. I've still got a long ways to go before anyone notices but I finally feel like I've got a tiny bump.

I'm really excited because we booked our tickets to Italy this weekend. I got them for free with credit card points. I had been hoping for business/first class at least one way. But it's just too late to be booking for that availability on points. Maybe they'll be an empty seat and they'll take pity on the pregnant lady.

We actually are going to spend 2.5 days in Switzerland and then take the train to Florence or Siena in Italy. We haven't decided if we'll rent a car or train it all the way to Siena.

I went to Switzerland in high school as part of People to People but DH has never been. Then we will spend a week at Spannocchia with my parents, brother, his gf, my aunt and two of my parent's friends. We'll head to Milan with my parents and aunt the following Saturday. They'll fly home Sunday morning while we will stay until Tuesday in Milan. We plan to take a day trip up to Lake Como. We're staying at the ultra luxurious Park Hyatt Milan, again on points. We decided to splurge since I doubt we'll be traveling like this for awhile.

It should be a nice mix of relaxation and sightseeing places we've never seen. It is a tad longer than we planned to go but that is how the flights worked out. Our flight to Zurich leaves at night, so I'll probably work a half day Wednesday, and miss 9 days of work.

I finally got my PTO situation sorted out and it turns out the company change is benefiting me. They cashed out our PTO May 1, so I got paid for 25 days. I will then get an additional 16.8 days this year, so in all I will have almost 42 PTO days. It means my entire maternity leave will be paid. I have two comp days from working weekends to put towards our trip. All those months of bad information worked out.
I just got home from the ultrasound. The baby is measuring about a week behind. The lady didn't know whether the pulsating was a heartbeat or a blood vessel so I have to go back on Friday to see if there is progression. There was a yolk sac this time so that was more than the dot we saw last time. I'm trying to remain positive but it's going to be a long week. I'll probably take off work on Friday just because.

Terri - I am sorry to hear this. I hope it will sort itself out next week. I am sorry you are going to have to wait it out...a week can feel like eternity. Sometimes those scans are not accurate because it is so small it is hard to measure. Good luck. I will be thinking about you.
Hi ladies! Happy Monday.

Jen, That sounds awful but lightening crotch makes me crack up. You're getting so close. So exciting.

Friday got away from me and I never got to check back in. We officially made our transition to our new company on Friday and we've been bogged down in meetings, orientations and paperwork. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers for Fen. He seems to be doing just fine. The vet said she was OK monitoring it to see if it went away. Her theory was a pulled muscle reacting weird. And it seems to be lessening. If it isn't gone by the end of the week we're going to do bloodwork.

Krissy: I'm sorry you didn't get the outcome you were hoping for but the other ladies are right it only takes one! I'd skip the PGS with two and just put them both in.

LadySosa: I'm sorry your boss sucks. Good luck on the job hunt. I spent two years with a toxic boss and it really is so emotionally draining.

Terri: I'm so excited Fun has his forever home with you. He must be pretty thrilled himself.

Beagle: I've got low blood pressure normally and the pregnancy has put me into the 90s. I have to be careful getting up or like flipping my head over when I put my hair in a shower after a shower. Perhaps it was related to that. Hopefully it was just a one time thing. I'm excited to see the nursery all finished. You're so on top of things!

BabyW: When do you leave for your trip? It must've felt so good to get so much done ahead of time. That is so, so sad about your coworker. That poor woman. I just can't even imagine. My coworker's wife went into labor when she was 7.5 months and they lost the baby. He was very private about it, like didn't want a card or anyone to acknowledge it, but it just broke my heart.

Booger: So good to hear from you! I can't believe you're 12 weeks already =) Awesome that you're feeling better and enjoying the beautiful weather. We're finally getting some sunshine on the east coast but it is 85 today. So much for spring. Have you been running at all?

Hi to everyone else! Hope you had lovely weekends.

My weekend just flew by in the blink of an eye. I think I'm finally starting to pop a bit. My stomach is out and I can't get it back in. It's so hard it actually is a tad weird. It is definitely lower than I thought. I've still got a long ways to go before anyone notices but I finally feel like I've got a tiny bump.

I'm really excited because we booked our tickets to Italy this weekend. I got them for free with credit card points. I had been hoping for business/first class at least one way. But it's just too late to be booking for that availability on points. Maybe they'll be an empty seat and they'll take pity on the pregnant lady.

We actually are going to spend 2.5 days in Switzerland and then take the train to Florence or Siena in Italy. We haven't decided if we'll rent a car or train it all the way to Siena.

I went to Switzerland in high school as part of People to People but DH has never been. Then we will spend a week at Spannocchia with my parents, brother, his gf, my aunt and two of my parent's friends. We'll head to Milan with my parents and aunt the following Saturday. They'll fly home Sunday morning while we will stay until Tuesday in Milan. We plan to take a day trip up to Lake Como. We're staying at the ultra luxurious Park Hyatt Milan, again on points. We decided to splurge since I doubt we'll be traveling like this for awhile.

It should be a nice mix of relaxation and sightseeing places we've never seen. It is a tad longer than we planned to go but that is how the flights worked out. Our flight to Zurich leaves at night, so I'll probably work a half day Wednesday, and miss 9 days of work.

I finally got my PTO situation sorted out and it turns out the company change is benefiting me. They cashed out our PTO May 1, so I got paid for 25 days. I will then get an additional 16.8 days this year, so in all I will have almost 42 PTO days. It means my entire maternity leave will be paid. I have two comp days from working weekends to put towards our trip. All those months of bad information worked out.

I actually started showing early. I think having some extra weight constributed. But now I feel like I have a bump & not just fat. But my stomache starts right below my not really a tiny cute bump...more like an all over bump. But I find myself rubbing it more lately. Just waiting for little man to start moving around. I need a new bump pic. Maybe I can remember to do that tonight.
Oh Terri we must have been posting at the same time. Keep your head up. The yolk sac shows things are going as they should. Isn't it the tech's job to know the difference? I wish they'd brought a doctor in for you so you don't have to go through waiting hell in the next few days.

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