First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

I'll just bounce on the exercise ball to keep her down. I can feel her feet in my ribs. Symptom spotting for labor is just like symptom spotting for pregnancy. So annoying!

Terri, I had to wait til after 7 weeks because sometimes a heartbeat is hard to detect. Praying everything is just fine in there for you!!!

Sars, I want to go to Italy someday! I hope it's awesome!
The lady that did my ultrasound is a PA, I think. I've seen her before, but I'm sure she sees 7+2 and it probably isn't as small as mine, but I know that people measure behind sometimes, so I'll just hope the babe has some growing to do. And, I don't really have to wait a week. Only 5 days , so hopefully time will do the trick.

SARS- your trip sounds fab. A little jealous over here. I've never been to Italy, but I have gone to Europe with my family many years ago.
Terri - :hugs: FXed for you. I definitely think there's variability in growth early on. Heck, even by the end different babies want to come at different times (early/late). FXed your little bean is just taking his/her time growing.

Sars - DH and I honeymooned in Italy. We L-O-V-E-D it. We went to Venice, Florence, Siena, Rome, Pompeii, and Positano. There's a LOT to take in in Florence and a lot of walking around. I might have liked Siena a little better because you got more of a feeling of the culture (less tourist sites to hit) and it was more relaxed. If you're a big Italian art/architecture buff though, Florence is hard to beat.
So we decided over the weekend to try again. We have the money to do it, it's just that we are eating away at our savings and as a self-employed family it has always been really important to my DH to have that for our retirement. However he didn't need convincing at all (I thought he might be a little reluctant). We were out to dinner and I just asked him if he'd thought about it at all and if he wanted to try again. He didn't even pause and said yes, he did. So decision made.

I've talked to a genetic counselor at the lab that did the testing. What I've found out is Turners Syndrome is just a chance thing. At my age 1 in 250 pregnancies will have Turners syndrome. Just like 1 in 400 will have Down Syndrome. So it is a very common reason for miscarriage and is just one of the risks of trying to conceive. It is not genetic and is considered "a random event during the formation of reproductive cells". This of course will no longer be an issue with the PGS testing but since it happened twice, my fear now is not getting any normal embryos at all. I guess that's the chance we have to take.

I have to wait two cycles this time before starting my BC again. If AF arrives 30 days after my D&C like it did last time then I am half way through my first cycle. I guess I'm looking at a transfer in July or August sometime. I forgot to ask if my clinic if they can do the PGS with a fresh transfer or if I have to have them frozen and wait longer. Ugh. All the waiting is always the worst.

Thank you everyone for all the supportive posts. I really appreciate it. I did however notice some of you saying that I will be a mommy someday. I thought I told you guys when I first introduced myself (but I can't remember now if I did or not) but I have a son. He's 17, so he's almost grown and WAY passed the baby stage. It's been so long now, I barely remember anything about my pregnancy with him lol. I had him with my HS/College sweetheart when I was 22. Although we had been together for a LONG time by the time my son was born, we separated right before my son turned 2. He lives with me and my DH (although he does see his dad frequently). My DH also has 2 children with his ex-wife. They are 16 & 20. So they are older as well. They live with his ex-wife, but we see them often and DH talks to them almost daily because like most teenagers they constantly want money lol. So we both can have children, or at least we were able too when we were in our 20's. We just can't seem to have them together *sigh*.

Terri - I'm SO SO sorry you are going through this. I completely understand how you feel and being in this limbo is the worst. I wish I had some really good advise to give you, especially after going through a similar situation but I know there is nothing I can say that will ease your worries. I pray everything is just fine and I will be thinking of you. :hugs:

Hi everyone else. :hi:I am going to start checking in regularly again so I can comment more on everyone's posts.
Amy-I'm so glad you guys are going to try again! That's great news. I also looked up Turner's syndrome and they only talked about girls having it, so I thought that was interesting. Did you read up on it? I can't remember you saying that you had a son, but this thread was started so long ago, who knows.

While I was having a small pity party, my nurse called. That was NOT the phone number I wanted to see. She didn't call me last time, so now I'm really fearing the worst. Yes, it's still early, but I just don't feel very confident. I just have to make it until Friday and then I'll know for sure. *sigh* I guess not having a lot of symptoms is really a double edged sword.
Amy - great news about trying again. Maybe you should consider using this time for egg quality supplements? Not sure if your husband has a good count... But taking supplements on his end may be a good plan as well. Just do all you can to help your odds. Even though it is not necessary... I think fet is better. I just felt better that cycle even though it did cost me more money. Do you get any insurance help? Some ladies for pgs covered as a medical necessity.
Terri - Did your nurse leave a message or are you going to call her back? I'm so curious what she has to say since you're already going back on Friday.

Yes I did see that Turners Syndrome only occurs in females (the genetic counselor told me that also). He explained why but it was a long, drawn out explanation lol. Long story short: Normal boy is XY, normal girl is XX, and a turners syndrome girl is X, so she is missing the other X.
Beaglemom - I get no insurance help, not even with meds. They will only step in with coverage after I get pregnant. They did cover my D&C's (after my $500.00 deductible) and they also covered the fetus tissue testing but only because it was a reoccurring miscarriage. I have thought about supplements for me but I haven't decided yet. I looked into it last time months before I starting stimming and did take a few things. I didn't take any of the fertility supplements with multiple ingredients because there was always one or two in there that was questionable to me and I didn't want to hurt myself more than I was helping myself. I don't even bother with my DH. He is the type who doesn't like to take pills. I have a hard time getting him to take OTC cold medicine when he has a cold. He rarely has a drink and doesn't smoke so that's about as good as it's gonna get lol. I really don't mind a fresh cycle. I felt just fine during my last fresh cycle and I got pregnant that cycle also so it didn't hurt implantation in anyway. So I'll be fine either way. I'm just more worried about having to wait longer lol.
Terri- I have every hope for you and dot:) my little sweetie has consistently measured off by 2 days the whole time. Which blows my mind due to all of us knowing our exact transfer date and time but it happens! Don't lose hope!! Actually now that I'm thinking about it, it would technically be 3 days off because I was an early morning transfer. Hang in there chica.

Amy - so happy to hear y'all will be trying again !! I hope during the wait you and hubby get a natural bfp;) I agree waiting is the worst part. Hope the time flies for you.

SARS- your trip sounds amazing!!!! Glad fen is better! We need a bump pic from you!!

Baby w- enjoy Florida!! Congrats on getting the furniture.

Jen- lightning crotch!! Cracked me up!! Too funny! You're almost there!

Booger- glad you are feeling better!! And happy to hear the 12 week appt went well<3 I'm still doing great. I'm feeling less movement than I was but I have been using the Doppler and heart rate is hanging in the 140- 150s , I honestly think she flipped around and is facing my spine her kicks just feel like they are not as superficial as before and much less frequent. I told hubby she's pouting because I call her bunny because her feet look huge in her ultrasound pic;)
The nurse said something like 'I heard that your results were a little behind today, so keep taking your meds and we'll check again on Friday. Call me if there's anything I can do.' She's nice, but what can she do? I should've asked to get bloodwork done to see how my levels are doing. Oh well. I'm over it. I just have to be patient until Friday. What's a few more days. :wacko:
Terri - Ugh. I'm sorry that you now have to wait another 5 days before your next appointment. Listen to the other girls though. Growth rates are all so different in the beginning. Do you absolutely have to wait the 5 days or could they get you in sooner?

LadySosa - I'm sorry about the fight with your boss. I HATE getting upset at work but sometimes I know it can't be avoided. Anyway, I hope it's in the past now and that things are OK.

Krissy - Congratulations on the retrieval. I know it's not the numbers that you were hoping for but remember, it only takes 1! I hope Friday comes fast for you.

Beagle - Congrats on the nursery almost being done. Post pics when you can. Hope you're feeling better after your morning yesterday.

Babyw - I'm heading to FL at 30 weeks and my OB said it was fine. I am a little anxious about it but I guess I shouldn't be, right? Your weekend sounds exhausting but I bet it felt good to get so much done. Oh - and I'm so sorry about your co-worker. I can't imagine how she's feeling right now. And you should listen to your body like you said. Don't overdo it.

Booger - Hooray for a great 12-week appointment. Any new pics of the babe? I'm so happy that you're starting to feel better. I'm sure the second trimester will be a breeze. That's great that you get to go see your family. 2 years is a long time!

JCM - OMG lightening crotch sounds awful. You poor thing! And yes, the name is ridiculous. I only hope that this means you're that much close to having this baby. Fx!!

Sars - So happy to hear that Fen is doing better. I'm sure you're so relieved. How did the transition go at work? And great news about your maternity leave. That's amazing. I am sooooooooooooooo jealous of your trip. It sounds absolutely amazing. Can't wait to see some pics.

Amy - I am SO happy that you and your DH are on the same page and are going to try again. You'll have such a strong plan going into the next one. I am sorry that you have to wait - I know that's sometimes the worst part. I had no idea that you and your DH had other kids but I think that's absolutely great. You'll be pros when your little one comes along. :)

JKB - Glad to hear that you're doing well. Don't worry about less movement. I had the same thing for a week or so and I'm convinced that the baby was turned or something because it's been right back to a lot of movement. :)

I ordered some maternity clothes from zulily and of course a few days later, both my SIL and a good friend dropped off a bunch of clothes and my co-worker bought my 3 T-shirts. So, now I'm absolutely set with shirts. Just need a few pairs of shorts and I'll be all set I think. My SIL also dropped off 3 huge bags of baby clothes that I'm going to split with my sister. So nice of everyone - I feel loved. :)

Registering went well this weekend. I think I have most of the bigger items picked up - just have to go back in and add a few smaller things and I'll be done. I did a lot at home and then some in the store so that helped.
The nurse said something like 'I heard that your results were a little behind today, so keep taking your meds and we'll check again on Friday. Call me if there's anything I can do.' She's nice, but what can she do? I should've asked to get bloodwork done to see how my levels are doing. Oh well. I'm over it. I just have to be patient until Friday. What's a few more days. :wacko:

Terri don't get too nervous. I knowe waiting in limbo sucks big time. If I had a dollar for evey time someone measured behind and turned into healthy babies, I'd be retired. The beginning stage makes measuring so hard and can vary so much from person to person. I measured behind, on target and ahead by 3-4 days with different people measuring. Hang in there, I'll say a prayer that all is fine. :hugs:

Amy I am so happy you and dh have decided to press ahead. I think with pgs you should be able to cherry pick the best of the best to increase your chances. :thumbup:

Sars, I'm glad the company change worked out for your benefit with regards to PTO. Your trip sounds wonderful! Enjoy traveling as just a twosome while you can!!

I leave for my trip Thurs comes 4:45am :dohh: I am keeping Jack in his pj's until we get to the gate. He's going to be all thrown off. I woke up early today, Jack woke up crying very early...probably his teeth or bad dream. I have to admit, I love every chance to see him before I go to work...poor dh had to get up and care for him as I got ready...dh is NOT a morning person. Jack can say Emma and he sounds so cute doing it, I just melt. He keeps looking at the nursery wondering what's going on, it's no longer Dada's office. I started laying out his clothes and food, so I hope to have him mostly squared away tonight. I have made a list of everything I need for him and's daunting. I haven't heard about my glucose test, but my ob called to tell me my thyroid is low again and they faxed my resuklts to my endocrinologist. They want to increase my meds, will see what the Endo says...leaves me a little concerned b/c they haven't been monitoring my thyroid very closely, think last test was Dec/Jan.
Amy - I would stay away from pills made for fertility boosting...mainly I just mean supplements like vit D, omega, things like that to help egg quality. Good luck!
Sadly I started my period today after my third IUI. Bummed because I was actually having some hope that it may be "our" month this time.....I made it to 16 dpIUI and I normally start my period 12-14 dpo.

Called the doctors office this morning so I can get on the IVF train. My office does cycle she said I should be able to get into May/June cycle. They start stimming around May 29 and estimated egg retrieval around June 8.

I guess I will start BCP soon until stim? We didn't really talk about that part.

I know I will be meeting with the IVF nurse to go over meds and schedule at some point....hopefully get that scheduled when they call me back today.

terri- will be thinking about you this week....hopefully everything will measure out fine on friday and you can get some peace of mind

amy - sorry to hear about your miscarriage. hopefully pgs will help you next cycle
Terri, you and your bean are in my thoughts. I wish you all the best for your Friday appointment!
Good morning ladies,

Amy - so great to hear you and DH are on the same page and ready to go! We're all rooting for you. Oh, and I had no idea you have a son. So I guess you are already familiar with being a mommy. :)

Mrs. L4 - sorry about starting your period. I am sure that was disappointing. Good for you for feeling ready to move forward with IVF, it sounds like you've got a great attitude! You will probably start on BCP if your cycles are not already regular, but your nurse will give you the exact protocol.

Terri - sorry about having to wait all week. Ugh. The suspense is killing me, I am sure it is torture for you. Don't worry too much though, as the others have said it sounds like this is normal. Hang in there and keep yourself busy this week!

Booger - congrats on getting to the second semester!

Krissy - sorry about the embryo attrition. That is frustrating. But like the others have said all it takes is one magic bean. :)

Sars - I am SO glad Fen is feeling better. Having a sick/injured doggie is the worst - they can't tell you what hurts. :( I bet you are getting excited for your trip!

BabyW- wow, your trip is almost here! I am so jelly! I am sure Jack will have a blast.

Jen - lightning crotch is a hilarious name. It sounds fake. LOL. You are almost there!! Can't wait to 'meet' your little gal.

Beagle - sorry you're not feeling so great.

Afm, my period finally started today. FINALLY. Ugh - I woke up so crampy but glad that af is here so I can get started with everything. Honestly there is so much happening that I am being more patient than I ever thought I'd be able to be. The beach condo will be closing next month, and between that and work (ugh) and Spanish class - and I'm getting back to barre class, I've barely had time to even comprehend that we're getting started again! Also with all the nice weather we've been spending a lot of time outside gardening/home projects. Last weekend we went over to my parents' cabin to get away, then this weekend we are going to my cousin's graduation in eastern Washington. Whew!

Anyways, hope everyone's doing well!
Terri - Ugh. I'm sorry that you now have to wait another 5 days before your next appointment. Listen to the other girls though. Growth rates are all so different in the beginning. Do you absolutely have to wait the 5 days or could they get you in sooner?

LadySosa - I'm sorry about the fight with your boss. I HATE getting upset at work but sometimes I know it can't be avoided. Anyway, I hope it's in the past now and that things are OK.

Krissy - Congratulations on the retrieval. I know it's not the numbers that you were hoping for but remember, it only takes 1! I hope Friday comes fast for you.

Beagle - Congrats on the nursery almost being done. Post pics when you can. Hope you're feeling better after your morning yesterday.

Babyw - I'm heading to FL at 30 weeks and my OB said it was fine. I am a little anxious about it but I guess I shouldn't be, right? Your weekend sounds exhausting but I bet it felt good to get so much done. Oh - and I'm so sorry about your co-worker. I can't imagine how she's feeling right now. And you should listen to your body like you said. Don't overdo it.

Booger - Hooray for a great 12-week appointment. Any new pics of the babe? I'm so happy that you're starting to feel better. I'm sure the second trimester will be a breeze. That's great that you get to go see your family. 2 years is a long time!

JCM - OMG lightening crotch sounds awful. You poor thing! And yes, the name is ridiculous. I only hope that this means you're that much close to having this baby. Fx!!

Sars - So happy to hear that Fen is doing better. I'm sure you're so relieved. How did the transition go at work? And great news about your maternity leave. That's amazing. I am sooooooooooooooo jealous of your trip. It sounds absolutely amazing. Can't wait to see some pics.

Amy - I am SO happy that you and your DH are on the same page and are going to try again. You'll have such a strong plan going into the next one. I am sorry that you have to wait - I know that's sometimes the worst part. I had no idea that you and your DH had other kids but I think that's absolutely great. You'll be pros when your little one comes along. :)

JKB - Glad to hear that you're doing well. Don't worry about less movement. I had the same thing for a week or so and I'm convinced that the baby was turned or something because it's been right back to a lot of movement. :)

I ordered some maternity clothes from zulily and of course a few days later, both my SIL and a good friend dropped off a bunch of clothes and my co-worker bought my 3 T-shirts. So, now I'm absolutely set with shirts. Just need a few pairs of shorts and I'll be all set I think. My SIL also dropped off 3 huge bags of baby clothes that I'm going to split with my sister. So nice of everyone - I feel loved. :)

Registering went well this weekend. I think I have most of the bigger items picked up - just have to go back in and add a few smaller things and I'll be done. I did a lot at home and then some in the store so that helped.

Must Have's: Swaddle Me's, sheet savers (if you have a crib that has slats on both longer sides, and don't waste time on bottle warmer, wipes warmer, and other stuff like that. Baby Einstein activity mat, exersaucer was used more than anything, sound machine with white noise, a good humidifier, and keep gripe water handy. If you are using any formula it is heavy on iron which is binding, gripe water helps release gas and moves things along. For nursing, a boppy is great, lanolin cream, and when I think of more I'll add...enjoy the registry process!
MrsL-Ugh..sorry to hear that the third IUI didn't work out for you,but having a plan in place and having perfect timing makes it a little (like, teensy bit) more bearable. thankfully you can get in on this next cycle and yes, you'll probably start BCP pretty soon. Of course, I wish you the best.

LadySosa-FINALLY!! hee hee. That stupid witch took forever, and now you're busy with your life and can't be bothered with her. What a jerk. means you can get started too, so that's a good thing. Which beach house did you end up going with? The smaller one that's already ready or the bigger one that needed some work? You do have a busy few weeks coming up, so that's great.

BabyW-For some reason I already thought you were gone, but I guess you were just on a posting hiatus. I hope you have a wonderful trip and Jack loves his vacation. Good idea about keeping him in his jammies. hee hee.

My dad is coming tomorrow or Thursday and I'm feeling very anxious about his visit. I don't want to be sad/depressed/crying in front of him, and I think he's staying at least a week. He has lots of plans/business to do around here, which is fine but I just feel overwhelmed when he's here because I have to make sure I have food for him/snacks/dinner, etc..It's just a lot. Luckily he doesn't care about a clean house. HA! Maybe he'll call today and say he's coming next week. That would be much better.

Allright back to the grind for me today. My day should be over very soon.
Oh...funny story from my PA visit. I often refer to my husband as my baby daddy on FB. So my husband's cousin & aunt are very offended by this. They said everyone will think I am unwed & my child is fathered by a non-childsupport paying loser. I do realize the urban dictionary definition. But it is also just a funny term. My husband is not offended...and as I said...he is the baby's daddy. Besides, my FB peeps know me & my situation...& if I say it loudly in public & someon over hears, I really don't care. But anyways...just tagged my husband on instagram as the baby daddy & that story popped up...I think it's hilarious.
Why do people have to share with the person that offended them that they are offended? It is obviously not offensive to you. I would tell them that there is a sense of humor right around the corner. Go catch it. HA!

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